Third-Level Spells

Goto: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Air Column (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 60 feet high, 30-foot radius cylinder
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Brian J. Toleno <>

With the utterance of a word, the priest can create a column of air that can perform two functions. Firstly, it can be used as a cushion if the priest is falling. If the priest casts this spell while falling, a column of air supports him (and anyone in a 30-foot radius). This column slows his decent as if he had fallen 60 feet less. If the distance fallen is 60 feet or less the creatures caught in the area of effect are set down on the ground (on their feet, paws, etc.) at the end of the duration.

The second use lifts people who are on the ground and buffets them with in the column. Creatures caught within the column are unable to cast spells or use missile weapons but they can use melee weapons at -4 and creatures outside the column are at -2 to-hit those trapped inside, due to the random motion of those inside. Also people outside the area of effect are not able to fire missile weapons through or into the column. If they use melee weapons on creatures within the column they must make a Strength check at +2 to hold onto their weapon.

Air Lance (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Line or cone (see below)
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Brian J. Toleno <>

This spell creates a force of air directed by two of the priest's arms. The line version of this spell creates a 90-foot "lance of air" which strikes the target if the priest succeeds to hit AC 10 minus Dexterity adjustments for target. The force of the blow causes 3d6 points of damage and causes the target to make a Dexterity check with modifiers as below. This version opens doors as a 20 Strength.

The cone version has a width of 5 feet at the base and 60 feet at the end of the cone, and a length of 60 feet. All in the area of the cone take 1d6 points of damage (save versus petrification to avoid) and are knocked over unless they make a Dexterity check with a +1 modifier, also applying the modifiers below.
Target Modifier
is smaller than man sized -1
is larger than man sized +2
has Strength under 12 -1
has Strength of 18 +1
has Strength of 19 +2
has Strength of 20 +3
has Strength over 20 +4
has 4 or more legs +3
is under 100 pounds -2
is over 1000 pounds +2
Other modifiers may be applied at the DM's discretion, such as a target on a ledge, off balance, embraced, etc. This spell was originally created by a thri-kreen who would use his bottom two arms to scoop up air and use his top two arms to aim the lance. Similar somatic gestures should be used for two-armed creatures. The material component of this spell is a small fan which is consumed in the casting.

Animal Healing III (Alteration) Reversible
Sphere: Animal, Healing
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One animal
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell simulates the casting of a cure critical wounds for a true animal only. This spell does not work for a shapechanger of any kind, even if its natural shape is an animal and its other shape is something else. This spell cures 3d8+3 hit points of the animal. It even cures critical wounds such as laming or a broken leg. The reverse, animal harm III, requires a touch in combat and deals 3d8+3 HP of damage. Note: the reverse will almost never be used by a priest with access to the animal sphere - if it is used, there have to exist some very good reasons - and if it is used without such reasons, the priest should be prepared to suffer the consequences.

The spell requires an ointment made from healing plants and the holy symbol of the priest. The reverse requires an ointment made from poison ivy and the holy symbol of the priest.

Arrow of Love (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Charm
Range: 100 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1d3 hours
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One male
Saving Throw: None
Author: Lord Skigg <camplte@wkuvx1.bitnet>

Once hit by the arrow, the male target will fall madly in love with the caster and will protect her to the death. He will follow her around and might become jealous of other characters. The person doesn't get a saving throw, but the spell will only last up to 1d3 hours.

Aura of Nature (Abjuration, Alteration)
Sphere: Plant
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1d12 HD of undead per level
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Paul D. Walker <>

When this spell is cast, it surrounds the druid with an overwhelming aura of life. This aura is comforting to woodland creatures (+25% on reaction rolls) for it is the sensation of life which puts the animals at ease with the druid.

This, however, is not the principal purpose for the spell. Its primary use is to turn undead. Undead creatures find this sensation emanating from the druid's aura very distasteful. When undead encounter this sensation, they are usually repulsed. This occurs if the druid succeeds in turning undead as a priest does. If the die roll to "turn undead" does not succeed, the undead are not repulsed.

The druid's level is the level used to determine the effect of the turning. This is only the case if the druid is in natural surroundings (such as forest, underground caverns and caves, or plains etc.). If the druid is in his own consecrated grove, then he gets a +4 modifier to the die roll to turn undead and in addition is allowed to turn twice the normal number of undead.

If the druid is in an unnatural surrounding (such as buildings or the astral and ethereal planes of existence) then he turns undead as a priest two levels lower than his current level. This is because the influence of nature is reduced in these surroundings (note: in some man-made surroundings there may not be a reduction because of the circumstances - a man-made garden for example). The material component of this spell is a freshly cut twig of mistletoe.

Beauty Illusion (Enchantment/Charm, Illusion)
Sphere: Charm
Range: 50 foot
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d6 hours
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Author: Lord Skigg <camplte@wkuvx1.bitnet>

This spell will give the illusion of 1d3 + 1 per level beautiful people. Each illusion can talk and will feel real until the targets leave the area of effect. The spell components are some articles of clothing, a drop of blood, and a thorn rose.

Berserker (Alteration, Invocation)
Sphere: War
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One believer touched per level
Saving Throw: None
Author: Paul D. Walker <>

When this spell is cast, it invokes the priest's deity to instill battle madness upon his followers. This causes them to turn into berserkers. When in this state, they only attack enemies and not each other or their allies. In game terms, the effects of this state are that the warriors gain a large morale bonus (+60), a to-hit (+1) and damage (+2) bonus, and additional attacks per round (+1/2).

The major restriction for this spell is that the recipients of this spell must be true followers of the priest's god. Also, they will tend to fight until the spell finishes or there is a severe morale failure. The material component of this spell is a specimen of the priest's god's preferred weapon. This spell is used exclusively by warrior priests.

Bone Shape (Alteration, Necromancy)
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 11 rounds
Area of Effect: Object touched in a 3-foot + 1-foot per level long cube
Saving Throw: None
Author: Bill Hincks <>

With the aid of this spell, the caster may take bone and mould it into whatever shape is desired. The spell takes 1 round to cast and an additional 10 rounds to shape the desired object. Bones can be melded together to produce one final object, but no more than one object may be produced per casting. The object can not exceed the area of effect of the spell (though two objects created by the spell may be joined together with another casting. The new object will be seamless and quite strong. The material component for this spell is fresh bone dust (no more than 1 hour old) spread over the bone, the bone may then be sculpted like clay. Strengthened bone may not be joined to normal bone, though it may be joined to another piece of strengthened bone (in this case the bone dust may be no more then ten minutes old when it is spread on the bone and must be made into a paste with the blood of the creature the dust comes from, the blood must also be fresh).

Continual Heat (Alteration) Reversible
Sphere: Sun, Weather
Range: 6 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Until dispelled
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 20-yard radius sphere
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Rob McNeur <>

This spell causes the affected area to become warm, maintaining a constant temperature of 40 degrees C (96 degrees F). This is intended primarily as a heat source, not an attack, although if used against cold-based creatures, they will take 1d4 damage per round they remain in the area of the spell. The spell is reversible (continual chill), causing the area to lower in temperature to 0 degrees C (32 degrees F). Used against heat-based creatures, they will take 1d4 damage per round during the time they remain in the area of effect. Continual heat is very handy cast on blankets, etc., for those travelling in cold climates or in deserts. Materials required: sulphur for continual heat, clear crystal for continual chill.

Continuous Breathable Air (Alteration) Reversible
Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Range: 6 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Until dispelled
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 20-yard radius sphere
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Rob McNeur <>

This spell causes the affected area to have breathable air until the spell is negated, as long as the surrounding pressure will allow it (eg., in shallow water the pressure will not remove the spell, in deep water the water pressure will reduce the area of effect considerably). This is handy for emergency breathing supplies within a poison gas area, stinking cloud, etc. It is also in great demand by owners of mines to ensure that the mine continues to be workable. It is also handy cast on the inside of helmets to provide a flow of fresh air out of the helmet, thus giving a positive air pressure, allowing the user to continue to breathe underwater (at fairly deep water pressures) and also helps to counter many of the effects of poison gas or stinking clouds (save at +4).

The reverse, continuous unbreathable air, will cause the air to become totally unbreathable, causing choking (1d6 per round while within the area of effect) and making it difficult to cast spells (save versus spell to be able to do so). It also allows for some nasty traps in the bottom of pits, etc.

The material components are a vial of oxygen for breathable air, and a vial of poison gas or stinking cloud for unbreathable air.

Cure Medium Wounds (Necromancy) Reversible
Sphere: Healing
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Paul D. Walker <>

This spell is a more potent version of cure moderate wounds. The spell cures (or causes) 3d8+3 HP per application. Otherwise, this spell is the same in all respects as a cure light wounds.

Dhalkuir's Diametric Abjuration (Abjuration)
Sphere: Combat
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Weapon touched
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Dhalkuir

By means of this spell, the priest causes a single weapon to have a to-hit (+1) and damage (+3) bonus when used against creatures whose alignment is opposed to that of the priest. Thus, if a lawful good priest cast the spell, neutral evil, chaotic evil, and chaotic neutral creatures
would be affected. In the case of a neutral good priest, opposing alignments are lawful, neutral, and chaotic evil, and so on for other priests. If the concerned creature attempts to touch the weapon, it takes damage equal to one hit point per level of the priest (half if a saving throw is made). In the case of outer-planar creatures, the to-hit bonus is +3, the damage bonus +5. The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

Etherealness (Alteration) Reversible
Sphere: Astral
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Two people touched per 3 levels maximum
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Charles Anthony Leone <>

The priest can take himself and others into the border ethereal. From there the travellers are on their own (DMs, you may want to read the Dungeon Master's Guide or the Manual of the Planes). The reverse, solidify creature, can force a creature out of the border ethereal into your plane. Naturally, this spell fails if the ethereal plane is not reachable. Anyone touched by the priest, as long as he is within the area of effect (see above), is also drawn into the border ethereal. Unwilling victims are allowed a saving throw.

Eyes of the Sun (Alteration)
Sphere: Paraelemental (Sun), Sun
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: The caster's eyes
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: John M. Martz <>

With this spell, the caster causes his eyes to burn as bright as the sun. Anybody within 10 feet of the caster who meets his gaze must save versus breath weapon or become blind. As detailed in the Dungoen Master's Guide, creatures surprised by the caster automatically meet his gaze. Those attempting to avoid the gaze by looking in the caster's general direction without looking into his eyes risk a 20% chance each round of accidentally meeting the caster's gaze but suffer no combat penalties. Those completely averting their gaze or closing their eyes suffer the normal penalties for fighting blind (-4 to attack; +4 to Armour Class; +2 to initiative). Unlike most gaze attacks, looking into the caster's gaze in a reflecting surface (such as a mirror) has the same damaging effects as looking directly into his eyes; should the caster be tricked into meeting his own gaze, he too must roll to save against blindness. Undead, and other creatures sensitive to sunlight, suffer automatic damage as if exposed to sunlight as long as the caster gazes at them, and they are within 10 feet of the caster.

While the caster's eyes shine brightly, they produce no heat and cannot be used to light fires (unless using a magnifying glass); they can be used to light a passage in the dark up to 10 feet before the caster. The spell does not interfere with the caster's vision. Since this spell burns the victim's retina, a cure blindness will not restore his sight; rather, stronger magic must be used, such as a restoration or wish.

Fearful Screech (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Animal
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 60-foot cube, centred on the priestess
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: The drow priestess Tas'Vinct Sharessaban

The priestess initiates the spell by lifting her head, putting her hands in the air and screeching. This screeching causes all those in a 60-foot cube to be affected. Those affected must make a saving throw versus spell or flee in terror for the duration of the spell (those who have seen or heard this before may save at +2). This spell will also draw any bats to the priestess in a 1-mile radius. The bats will be friendly to the priestess but communication is not guaranteed. Those who are deaf are immune to this spell.

Form of the Beast (Alteration)
Sphere: Animal
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Thomas Huijer <>

The caster and all his possessions shapechange into a giant beast when this spell is cast. The caster can't cast any spells when in beastform, but can end the spell at will. The spell will also end after 24 hours have passed. Each deity has its own beastform, with its own characteristics - according to the deity's symbol, portfolio, and history. As an example, an indication of how the giant beast form of Set could look like is given.

The material component for this spell is a body part of a natural enemy of the normal version of the giant beast the caster wishes to shapechange into.

Healing Rays (Necromancy)
Sphere: Healing, Sun
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Author: Francáois Menneteau <>

This spell is a more potent version of lesser healing rays, healing 3d6 points of damage.

Heat [2] (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Fire)
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 5-yard radius globe
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown

This spell causes excitation of air molecules so as to make them emit heat. The heat thus created is equal to that of a small fire in intensity, but its radius is limited to 1 yard in diameter. It lasts for the duration indicated, or until the priest utters a word to extinguish the heat. The heat will melt 1/12 cubic foot of ice per round. The spell can take effect wherever the priest directs as long as he has a line of sight or unobstructed path for the spell.

If this spell is cast on a creature, the applicable magic resistance and saving throw rolls must be made. Success indicates that the spell takes effect in the area immediately behind the creature, rather than on the creature itself. Failure indicates that the target creature will take 2 points of damage per melee round from the heat unless some means of protection from heat is available. The material components for the spell are a tinder box and some wood shavings. Fire resistance (through a potion, a ring, or the protection from fire spell) totally negates the effects of a heat spell, as will immersion in water or snow, or exposure to a cone of cold or ice storm.

Higley's Growing Arrow (Enchantment)
Sphere: Plant
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One arrow per level
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Al Singleton (Samuel Higley) <eaay@catcc.bitnet>

By means of this blessing the priest causes one arrow to be enchanted as follows. When the arrow hits, it starts growing inside the victim for 3 round causing 1d4+1 points of damage, 2d4+2 points of damage, and finally 3d4+3 points of damage. Save versus death magic to remove the arrow, suffering 1d4-1 damage (may be zero). The priest must touch the arrow immediately before being shot and the arrow is destroyed after begin shot, whether or not it hits. This spell will not affect magic arrows or crossbow bolts but will work with a magic bow. The priest needs his holy symbol for the blessing.

Improved Charm Person (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Charm
Range: 80 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One humanoid
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>

This spell will cause any humanoid to regard the priest as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. Although this does not grant the priest the ability to command the affected humanoid as a robot, it does assure that anything the priest says to the affected creature will be taken in the most favourable way. If the initial saving throw is made, the creature will not realize that a spell had been cast on him. Otherwise, the affected creature must recheck his saving throw versus death magic once per (20 - Intelligence) days until the spell is broken (creatures with a twenty or greater Intelligence are not affected). It is, however, possible to double or triple charm creatures, so even if they break the first charm, they must still contend with others (for the purpose of saving throws, each charm is handled separately from the others). It has been known, however, for members of the opposite sex to on occasion become amorously attracted to the priest, thus continuing the charm indefinitely. The priest may negate the charm at any time, unless such attraction has occurred. A single dispelling will break all the charms on a creature, and if the priest attempts to harm the charmed creature, this will also break the magic. To further confuse matters, a creature may become charmed to more than one priest.

Kll'Rkh's Defending Hands (Invocation)
Sphere: Cosmos
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Dimitris Xanthakis <>

With this spell the caster creates a number of insubstantial hands that can be used for defense or other purposes.

The number of hands equals one per three levels of the caster. They are AC -1 and can be hit by magical weapons or effects; they have a number of hit points equal to the level of the caster each.

The hands can wield weapons, not larger than a short sword. They cannot attack but they can use the weapons to parry any melee attacks towards the caster. To parry the attack, the hand must make an attack roll against the attacker's Armour Class; if successful, the attack has been parried and the damage is suffered by the hand. Each hand can parry only one melee attack per round.

When not wielding weapons, the hands can be used for other purposes. A hand has a Strength of 18 for purposes of lifting, carrying or smashing. The hands can never move more than 10 feet away from the caster. The caster can dictate their actions mentally, at all times, as if they were his own.

This spell was designed for the Dark Sun campaign world. The spell was created by the thri-kreen earth druid Kll'Rkh.

Lava Monster (Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere: Elemental (Earth, Fire), Summoning
Range: 40 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Tim Rightnour <>

This spell will conjure up one 6 foot high lava monster. The monster will have 3+2 HD, MV 60 feet per round. It hits twice for 1d3 (blow) + 1d8 (fire) points of damage. A successful hit can cause paper or cloth to burn, and boil liquids (make saving throws). The lava monster can in a last ditch effort summon up all its power and throw a 10-foot diameter ball of magma up to 50 feet causing 3d8 points of damage. Anything immune to fire will take 1d3 points of damage from the light force of the blow. Any native to the plane of magma, earth, or fire can dispel the monster with a touch, including another lava monster. The monster will instantly harden if it moves more than 40 yards away from the priest. It can be hit by normal weapons. The material component for this spell is a rock and an open fire, the latter of which is not extinguished.

Lay On Hands (Necromancy) Reversible
Sphere: Healing
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Joe Colleran <>

This spell heals damage much like the paladin ability of the same name. When the priest casts lay on hands and touches the recipient, 2 points of damage per experience level of the priest are healed. See the 1st-level cure light wounds for any restrictions on what creatures can be healed.

The reverse of the spell, harmful hands, does 2 points of damage per level of the priest to opponents if a successful attack roll is made.

Lesser Elemental Wall (Alteration, Evocation)
Sphere: Elemental (All)
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: John M. Martz <>

This spell allows the caster to create a stationary wall composed of material from his elemental plane of worship (templars may cast this spell in any form). It covers a 20-foot square area per level (the thickness varies depending on the element); this area may be arranged in any manner to form a rectangular wall, as long as neither dimension falls below 5 feet. As with minor elemental wall, lesser elemental wall covers a 20-foot square area per level (the thickness varies depending on the element); this area may be arranged in any manner to form a rectangular wall, as long as neither dimension falls below 5 feet. While this set of spells share common characteristics, such as duration and area of effect, the wall's specific properties differ based on its composition.
Element Properties
Air Creates a deafening wall of violently disturbed air that is two feet thick. Treat as per wall of sound (see the Complete Bard's Handbook, page 78). Namely, one side chosen by the caster produces such a roar that all communication (including verbal spell components) is disrupted within 30 feet. Those within 10 feet are deafened for 1d4 turns if they fail to save versus spell. The sound is heard on the other side, but is not disruptive. Anyone passing through the wall suffers 1d8 points of damage and is permanently deafened unless he rolls a successful saving throw versus spell. Deafened creatures suffer -1 penalty to surprise rolls, a +1 penalty to initiative rolls, and they are 20% likely to miscast spells with a verbal component. A silence, 15-foot radius spell cast by a higher level caster specifically for this purpose will dispel the wall; the wall otherwise destroys all silence spells that come into contact with it.
Water Creates a wall of "solid fog" that is up to 10 feet thick per level of the caster. Treat as a solid fog (page 163, Player's Handbook).
Fire Creates a billowing wall of black smoke that is 10 feet thick. Due to its noxious gasses, treat it as a stinking cloud (page 145, Player's Handbook), except those exposed to the cloud save with a -3 penalty. All vision within and through the wall is impossible.
Earth Creates a wall of swirling dust that is 10 feet thick. This wall has two effects. Treat as a blur for all attacks made within or through the wall (eg., ranged attacks; page 140, Player's Handbook). Anybody coming into physical contact with the wall will suffer as per the "itching" version of irritation (page 142, Player's Handbook) - saving throws are at a -3 penalty regardless of the number of creatures entering the area of effect.
The material component is a bit of the element (air, water, fire, earth) of which the wall is composed.

Light Step (Alteration)
Sphere: Travellers
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>

The recipient of this spell gains the ability to cross silently over flat surfaces at a normal pace (or still fluids at half-normal pace) without activating pressure-based traps or leaving any tangible trace. The material component is some dust to be sprinkled on the surface to be crossed.

Lust (Enchantment/Charm) Reversible
Sphere: Charm
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1d3 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Lord Skigg <camplte@wkuvx1.bitnet>

This spell will cause a male to kiss and hug the nearest person and not let go. The target will follow his victim until the duration of the spell. The seductress must be careful not to cast this spell near herself. The reverse of this spell, hate, will cause the target to attack the closest person (this may even be the caster) in the area for no reason. If he kills this target, he will attack more victims until the spell has expired.

Mass Bane (Necromancy)
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Up to 6 creatures
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Robert A. Howard <>

This spell duplicates on a grand scale the effects of bleeding touch - 1d6 points of damage for every two levels of the caster. It affects 1d6 victims that the caster can choose. The victims must make a saving throw versus death magic, and if they fail their saving throw, they suffer bleeding wounds which appear randomly on their bodies. The material component of this spell is a handful of metal shards. Priests who use valuable metals (100 gp or more) will cause one extra point of damage per die.

Mass Spoilage Prevention (Abjuration, Alteration)
Sphere: Plant, Protection, Wards
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 years per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 3 cubic yards per level
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell has the same effect as prevent spoilage, but in a much larger area of effect with an increased duration. In addition to that it also prevents food from being spoiled even if it is dropped into a sewer - if it is washed or rubbed off even slightly, the filth will be removed and the food will be as good as it had been at the day of the spell casting. Obviously, if it is cast on already rotten food, it will not change its quality into good, but it will prevent further decomposition. Both prevent spoilage spells may be applied to easily decaying plant (or even mineral) poisons - if they are treated with this spell they will be untarnished by time. Once this spell runs out, the previously protected material will start to decay at its normal pace again.

The material components are the holy symbol of the priest and a piece of a grain storage sack which has somehow survived over one hundred years without magical prevention of its decomposition.

Metamorphose Element (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air, Earth, Water)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Dimitris Xanthakis <>

The caster can transform some material of one element into a different but related material of the same element. The transformation is permanent for air or water and lasts for one turn per level for earth.

The air priest can metamorphose gases and vapours in containers or the air around him into other gases (one 5 foot-cube per level).

Earth priests can transform stone, gems, etc., into other earthly materials. He can, for example, transform granite into obsidian. He cannot affect metal at all. He can also turn stone into dust and vice versa (1 pound per level). To make the change permanent, the earth priest must prepare a special gem, costing at least 50 gp, using the spells bless and stone shape on it.

The water priest is able to turn a liquid of one type into another. Water can be made poisonous, for example, or the reverse could be done (up to one gallon per level). Note that the priest must know both substances before casting the spell. A water priest, for example, cannot turn an unknown liquid into pure water; he must know what the liquid is in order to use this spell.

The material component is a small amount of the target material. If water must be turned to poison, some of the desired poison must be at hand. If a gas is to be turned into steam, a container with steam must exist. To use this spell, one must have at least minor access to the related sphere (i.e. a templar can change all elements). This spell was designed for the Dark Sun campaign world.

Nilrem's Incredible Uncontrollable Itch (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Charm
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 hours per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: The Avangion of Delphi <>

The Magic of Nilrem is a series of humorous spells made in AD&D 2nd-edition format. They aren't intended for game use, but if a DM has a real sense of humour, pertinent game information is included and they can be used as both priest and wizard spells.

By means of this spell, the caster can alter a certain amount of a powdered substance (1 ounce per 2 levels of any powdery substance, usually talcum or a similar powder) to cause an incredible itching sensation and irritation when coming in contact with a creature's skin. The creature cannot fight the desire to itch and the sensation continues (and actually gets worse as the creature scratches) for the duration of spell, after which the magical powder reverts to its original form. The magic powder can be stored for any length of time until use and can be removed by magical means or a dispel magic. Otherwise, the powder fuses itself into the creature's skin and cannot be removed by conventional means. The saving throw the creature gets is determined by the circumstances under which the caster (or whomever) applies it. It is normally applied covertly, but can be dropped on, thrown at, applied on, etc. the creature with or without its knowledge. The material component of this spell is the powder to be used.

Oath (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Charm
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: The priest plus one creature
Saving Throw: None
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>

By means of this spell, the priest sets down a magical contract between himself and some other individual, which cannot be broken by either party except where conditions of punishment are specifically agreed upon. All that is necessary is that the two parties somehow be in communication, have full understanding of the agreement, and that both willingly accept it. Because of the nature of the magic, oaths which are not clear and well defined tend to end in disaster for both parties. The oath may only be "unbound" if a condition was set for its unbinding within the magical contract.

Ooze Puddle (Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere: Elemental (Earth, Water), Summoning
Range: 40 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Tim Rightnour <>

This spell summons a puddle of ooze about 10 feet in diameter. The ooze hits three times for corrosion damage. This does 1d2 to normal flesh. It also corrodes any metal in 4 rounds. Magical items are immune to this creature. Wood and cloth are destroyed instantly however. The ooze has 3 HD, and moves 20 feet per round. Any elemental from the planes of earth, water or ooze can dispel it with a touch, including another ooze puddle. The material component for this spell is some custard.

Poison Ivy Touch (Alteration)
Sphere: Plant
Range: 0 or 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3 or 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell is actually a two-in-one spell. With this spell the priest can simulate the effect of poison ivy in a very short time. The two versions are very different in application.

Version 1. This version is cast at a thicket of plants and gives the plants the abilities of real poison ivy with no change of their appearance. The area that can be affected is a 20-foot square per level. Anyone in this area at the time of casting has to save versus poison or be affected at the fullest effect of the poison ivy. Anyone who succeeds won't notice anything for an on-set time of 2d4 rounds. After that a strong rash will break out, which is very uncomfortable and causes a -1 to-hit and damage, any thief will have all his manual abilities reduced by 15%, and any spell caster will have a 15% chance for loosing their concentration per round after an initiative roll for the rash, for the duration of the rash, which lasts for 2d4 days or until a cure disease is cast on the character. If the characters fail to save, the rash breaks out after one round, and the characters won't be able to fight effectively (parrying is possible) or cast any spells with a longer casting time than a 1 initiative modifier (even for these there is a 15% chance of failing), nor are thieves able to successfully use their abilities for the duration of the rash. This rash lasts as long as the rash above. The plants that are affected by this spell keep their poisonous effect for 1 round per level of the caster. This effect can also affect the caster if he passes through the area of effect.

Version 2. This version is cast on the caster. With this spell he gains a very high powered but short lived poison ivy touch. They have to apply this power with a to-hit roll in combat. If they hit, their opponents gain a saving throw versus poison. If they succeed, they feel a light rash develop which is irritating but not damaging (the effects are same as above for a succeeded saving throw) for the duration of one round per level of the caster. If the opponent fails the saving throw, they immediately collapse with an urgent desire to scratch that horrible itch. They cannot fight effectively nor can they cast spells or use thief abilities until the rash is gone (either naturally or by cure disease). During this devastating poison ivy effect, the character loses one hit point per round due to scratched open skin and bleeding open rashes. The rash lasts for 5 rounds per level. Once the caster has affected one opponent with this spell, the spell is gone whether the saving throw succeeded or not. The caster himself is immune to the effect of his own spell in this version, even if he fumbles and hits himself.

The material components are a highly concentrated extract of poison ivy and the holy symbol of the priest.

Protection from Constriction (Abjuration)
Sphere: Protection
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown

When cast, a protection from constriction spell will mitigate crushing damage taken each round from a single attack form. Up to one hit point per level of the priest is deducted from crushing damage. Note that this does not mitigate damage from crushing weapons or falling; it will protect against constriction, bear hugs, Bigby's crushing hand, or any similar gradual compression. Example: a 6th-level priest under the effect of this spell is hugged by an owlbear on three consecutive rounds for 3, 10, and 7 points of damage. Damage accrued over each round would be 0, 4, and 1 HP, respectively. The material component is a hard-boiled egg anywhere on the spell recipient.

Protection from Frost (Abjuration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air), Paraelemental (Ice), Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

This spell is in all respects similar to protection from fire, except that it protects the creature touched against cold attacks.

Protection from Lycanthropes, 10-foot Radius (Abjuration)
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius sphere around creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Charles Anthony Leone <>

This spell is equal to the 4th-level priest spell protection from evil, 10-foot radius, except as noted above, and that it protects only from lycanthropes. The material component of this spell is a small silver dagger.

Protection from Petrification (Abjuration)
Sphere: Elemental (Earth), Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature touched per level
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown

This spell gives a +4 bonus on all saving throws versus any petrification attack for each creature touched. The material component is a jellyfish tentacle.

Protection from Undead, 10-foot Radius (Abjuration)
Sphere: Necromantic, Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius sphere around creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Charles Anthony Leone <>

This spell is equal to the 4th-level priest spell protection from evil, 10-foot radius, except as noted above, and that it protects only from undead.

Remove Scar (Necromancy) Reversible
Sphere: Healing
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Scott Neilly

The purpose of this spell is to remove scars caused by battle or other mishaps. Any Comeliness that was lost due to scarring is now restored from application of this spell. Larger scars may require several applications to remove all the effects of the disfigurement. The material component of this spell is a small dressing.

The reverse of this spell, scar, causes hideous scars to form on the targets face and body causing a loss of 1d3 Comeliness points. Multiple applications of this spell cannot drop Comeliness lower than 0. A saving throw versus spell will negate the effect. The material component of
the reverse is a small knife.

Resist Acid (Abjuration)
Sphere: Protection
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 turns per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell is similar to the 3rd-level resist water (q.v.). It is completely alike, save that it offers protection from phenomena that are connected to acid, instead of water. Acid is obviously enough a serious problem. Why no priest ever before developed a spell against it is a mystery to

Resist Air (Abjuration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air), Protection
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 turns per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell is similar to the 3rd-level resist water (q.v.). It is completely alike, save that it offers protection from phenomena that are connected to air, instead of water. Linked to air are all those lovely gusts of wind, wind breath, control wind, air blast, and elemental blast spells plus the lovely effects of being hurled about by air elementals.

Resist Dust (Abjuration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air, Earth), Protection
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 turns per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell is similar to the 3rd-level resist water (q.v.). It is completely alike, save that it offers protection from phenomena that are connected to dust, instead of water. The definition of dust is very easy: think of a lovely big sandy desert and then think of wind and presto: you got it (come to think of it, it is normally used only in deserts and on the plane of dust).

Resist Electricity [1] (Abjuration)
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Joe Colleran <>

This spell is similar to the priest spells resist fire and resist cold. The spell adds +3 to all saving throws against electricity or electrical attacks, and further reduces all damage by 50%. Thus, a successful saving throw indicates that quarter damage is taken and failure indicates that half damage is taken.

The material component for this spell is a small piece of rubber.

Resist Electricity [2] (Abjuration)
Sphere: Protection
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 turns per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell is similar to the 3rd-level resist water (q.v.). It is completely alike, save that it offers protection from phenomena that are connected to electricity, instead of water.

Resist Ice (Abjuration)
Sphere: Elemental (Water), Paraelemental (Ice), Protection
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 turns per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell is similar to the 3rd-level resist water (q.v.). It is completely alike, save that it offers protection from phenomena that are connected to ice, instead of water. Ice includes such nasty things such as ice storm, walking on harsh and refrozen snow, sliding down very sharp
icicles, etc.

Resist Vacuum (Abjuration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air), Protection
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 turns per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell is similar to the 3rd-level resist water (q.v.). It is completely alike, save that it offers protection from phenomena that are connected to vacuum, instead of water. This spell is for those space travellers that somehow seem to find themselves floating around in wildspace a little too often or those that seem to land in those ugly vacuum rooms which have absolutely air-tight doors and then increase their size magically to very big (still having the same amount of air in a room which is now 1000 feet per side which was previously 10 feet per side causes quite a decompression) and for those guys that find themselves rushing up from 3000 feet depth in the ocean to the surface of the ocean - normally any creature which does this goes pop.

Resist Water (Abjuration)
Sphere: Elemental (Water), Protection
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 turns per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>

This spell is similar to the resist fire and resist cold spells of first and second level. Similar to these, it reduces the damage the protected creature takes by the appropriate effects by half before saving throws are rolled. In addition, it offers a bonus of +2 to the saving throw against water. The material component is the holy symbol of the priest. Resist water is for those that don't fancy to be pounded by huge waves on the ocean, those that don't like to get wet in the rain (or in the sea), those that don't like to be flooded by a transmute dust to water, which is normally quite a killer spell (one cubic yard of water normally weighs nearly one ton), etc.

Revisitation (Invocation)
Sphere: Law, Vengeance
Range: 120 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Dan Alexander Thompson <>

This spell is a magical implementation of the divine edict "an eye for an eye". A single revisitation can reproduce all or part of the damage that the priest has ever suffered at the hands of the target (priest's option), but any single injury may be revisited only once. The priest must name aloud all injuries he wants revisited on the target. Only those injuries suffered by the priest which went unredressed are eligible for revisitation.

If, for example, a bandit's surprise sword attack has blinded the priest, then the effect of revisitation will be to blind the bandit. If a dragon swoops down from the sky, breaths fire on a priest for 20 points of damage, and turns to fly away, then the spell would produce 20 points of damage on the dragon. However, if the same dragon was on the ground and breathed fire on the priest, and if the priest responded with a spiritual hammer attack, doing the dragon 4 HP of damage, then the breath weapon attack would be ineligible for revisitation purposes.

If this spell is used to revisit an injury which would be fatal to the target, then the target is allowed a saving throw versus death magic. Creatures making this saving throw take half damage and fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds.

This spell can be used as a cooperative magic spell. When two or more priests are available, the spell can be used to redress injuries received by third parties. One priest casts a zone of truth or true speak, and the other casts revisitation. At the crucial moment, the injured third party, under the effect of a truth spell, names the grievances to be redressed. The priest casting revisitation then repeats the list of injuries and the spell is completed. The material component is the priest's holy symbol, and a balance or a part of a broken weapon.

Root (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Plant
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Three creatures touched maximum
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Mark A. Robinson <>

By means of this spell, the druid causes a willing recipient's feet, paws or hooves to be firmly rooted to the ground, becoming immovable. The creature gains an extra saving throw versus paralysation at +4 to avoid being thrown back, picked up, knocked down or blown around. Success means the creature remains standing; failure indicates the situation is to be handled normally, with another saving throw if allowed. The recipient may "root" and "unroot" at will, as long as it occurs within the duration of the spell. Rooting or unrooting takes one tenth of a round, giving a -1 penalty to initiative. The recipient may not perform any action requiring legwork (walking, running, etc.) while rooted. At he end of the spell's duration, the recipient is automatically unrooted.

Optionally, the spell may be cast upon an unwilling subject (who must be touched by the druid and fail a saving throw versus spell at -2 to be affected). Unlike the druid, the victim has no control over the spell once touched and is anchored until released by the druid, the root duration expires or it is dispelled. The material components for this spell are mistletoe and a small piece of root from a large tree, preferably oak.

Root is one of the special prayers granted by Saint Timorel, patron of druidical groves and retreats.

Sap Strength (Necromancy, Summoning)
Sphere: Necromantic, Summoning
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Robert A. Howard <>

This spell duplicates a shadow's Strength drain. The priest must roll to hit, and if he fails to hit, he himself must save versus death magic or be drained of a point of Strength. This spell does not trigger a negative plane protection, and it will affect creatures normally immune to undead energy drains. When used against undead with energy drain abilities, the priest must save versus death magic or lose twice as many energy levels as normal. When used against normal living victims, if the victim fails a saving throw versus death magic, they lose a point of Strength. People drained to a 0 Strength die and come back one day later as a free-willed shadow. The material component of this spell is a piece of ice.

See in the Dark (Alteration)
Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 turns + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Johan Hartzenberg <>

This spell allows the recipient to see in darkness as if it were normal daylight. This does not grant vision in magical darkness. If a creature under the effect of this spell encounters a non-dark area where he can see normally, the spell will end, and he will not be able to see in darkness any more. The material component of this spell is a piece of glass, covered with ash.

See through Darkness (Alteration)
Sphere: Sun
Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: John Boelter <>

This spell allows the recipient to partially see through the various darkness spells. Clear sight is not gained, but outlines and shades of light versus dark are noted. Combat is possible at 2 less on the penalties for normal darkness (-2 for normal creatures, no penalty for those with blind fighting, and ranged attacks are allowed). This spell does not counter the effects of natural darkness (i.e.: nighttime) but can be used against magical darkness effects other than those of spell origin (eg., some creatures can magically generate darkness). The material component is a piece of phosphorus.

Selective Entangle (Alteration, Invocation)
Sphere: Plant
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One creature per 2 levels
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Paul D. Walker <>

This spell is very similar to the 1st-level priest spell entangle except that it affects only the creatures targeted by the spell and no-one else, unlike entangle.

When the creatures that are affected by this spell try to walk by any form of plant life, the plants will reach out and grab the creatures much in the same manner as with entangle. Thus, while they are trapped by the spell, others can then walk up to the entangled creatures. In this respect, the spell is similar to hold person in its effects. If the creatures fail their saving throw versus spell, they are held fast by the plants. If the saving throw is made, the targeted creatures have their movement reduced to half normal.

If the creatures struggle to free themselves from the plants then a new saving throw versus spell can be made every turn (note: this is very tiring). The to-hit bonus can be used as a positive modifier for these additional saving throws. If the creatures make one of these additional saving throws, they are freed, but their movement is still reduced by half. If after another turn the creatures are still in an area with plant life then a saving throw versus spell is required with the effects outlined above occurring. In short, a saving throw must be made every turn when in areas of vegetation to determine the effects of the spell if the spell target is actively fighting the effects of the spell.

The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

Shattershout (Alteration)
Sphere: War
Range: 20 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 30 cubic feet + 5 cubic feet per level
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Tim Rightnour <>

This spell will cause the casters next word to be so loud that it will destroy any large building, or area of a wall the priest is able to affect. It will also destroy boulders, towers, roofs, etc. The spell has no direct effect on living, though the destruction of a building may have adverse effects on its occupants, but it will do 5d20 damage against undead. The building is allowed to save on this chart:
Building Material Saving Throw
Strong wall, brick, rock, steel 8
Soft wall, earth 12
Thick wood 15
Thin wooden wall 20
This saving throw is modified by -1 for every 3 levels of the priest. The material component for this spell is a small horn.

Sleep (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Charm
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds per level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Lord Skigg <camplte@wkuvx1.bitnet>

Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the wizard spell sleep. Also, it affects only males.

Smoke Cloud (Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere: Elemental (Air, Fire), Summoning
Range: 40 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Tim Rightnour <>

This spell summons a weak 3 HD smoke elemental. It hits twice for 1d4+1 points of damage and has a movement of 190 feet per round. The smoke will choke anyone within 10 feet for 1d3 rounds. Any creature from the para-elemental plane of smoke, fire, or air can dissipate it with a touch. If the cloud moves more than 40 feet away from the caster at any time, it will instantly dissipate. The material component is, not surprisingly, a wisp of smoke.

Snake Arrow (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Animal
Range: 2 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 3 creatures
Saving Throw: None
Author: K. Yavuz Ozbay <>

Upon casting this spell, the priest paralyses 1 to 3 snakes causing them to elongate or be reduced to the size of a flight arrow. Any size of snakes can be used but the snake must be non-magical. Then, these snakes can be fired as arrows as they harden like wood while under the spell's effects. They have the same range as flight arrows, unless the snake used is of size L or G. Then, the range is halved, but a +1 damage bonus is applied, due to the mass that is conserved, despite the change in size.

If a poisonous snake is used, the victim must make a saving throw versus poison or suffer the ill effects of the poison the snake possesses within (the DM decides). After the impact, the spell wears off, and the snake turns back to its original form without getting injured, even if it had hit a plate armour or a tree or any other kind of barrier, as it is under the protection of the spell. The arrow itself does 1d6 HP of damage, and if the snake was L or G, an additional 1d8 damage is taken as the creature grows in the body.

After the spell expires, the snake's attitude is determined by a 1d4 roll: a 1 means the snake continues to attack its victim, a 4 indicates that it starts looking for the priest to take some kind of revenge. Note that this won't take much time if the caster is still in the melee area. Other results mean that it leaves the area silently. The material component of this spell is the caster's holy symbol.

Snow Man (Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere: Elemental (Air, Water), Summoning
Range: 40 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Tim Rightnour <>

This spell conjures up a 5 foot snow man. The snowman has 3 HD, MV 90 feet per round, and one attack for 2d6. It can be hit by normal weapons, and can freeze potions with a touch. It can put out normal fires and torches. It can also cause a small snowstorm in its range (40 yard radius from priest) that lasts for 1d4 rounds, making all creatures in the storm blind. Any being from the planes of ice, air, or water can destroy the snowman with a touch, including another snowman. If the snowman moves more than 40 yards away from the caster it will instantly melt. The material component for this spell is a bit of snow.

Spiritual Staff (Invocation)
Sphere: Combat
Range: 40 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Joe Colleran <>

This spell is a more powerful version of the 2nd-level priest spell spiritual hammer. The spell creates a shimmering field of force shaped vaguely like a staff. The staff strikes for 1d6 points of damage against all opponents, and further has a magical bonus of +1 for every 3 levels of the priest. This bonus applies for purposes of hitting creatures only hit by magical weapons, attack rolls, and damage rolls. Unlike spiritual hammer, spiritual staff strikes as a fighter of equal level to the priest who cast the spell. Spiritual staff also gains multiple attacks as a proficient fighter of equal level to the priest who cast the spell (i.e., priests level 1-6: 1/1, level 7-12: 3/2, level 13+: 2/1). The material component is a normal staff anointed with either a dose of a potion of heroism, or the blood of a 5th- or higher level fighter, which disappears when the spell is cast. For further restrictions, see the 2nd-level priest spell spiritual hammer.

Spontaneous Combustion (Alteration, Conjuration)
Sphere: Elemental (Fire)
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One square foot per level
Saving Throw: None
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>

This spell causes one square foot of flammable material per level of priest to burst into flames. Heavy burning clothing such as thick robes will cause 1d12 points of damage per round while light burning clothing will cause only 1d6 points of damage per round. Rolling on a floor to smother the flames will stop a victim from taking any more damage and put out the flame in two rounds.

Status (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Charm
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 week
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>

This spell causes an amount of damage equal to ten percent of a subject creature's current hit points (rounded down), to creatures of a level lower than the priest's level on a failed saving throw versus death magic when the creature failed to either address the priest or refer to the priest as he requests. The material component for this spell is a miniature paper crown.

Stone Seeds (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Earth), Plant
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 month
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: 50-yard long square per level
Saving Throw: None
Author: Paul D. Walker <>

When stone seeds is cast, it causes plant seeds to become magically enchanted so as to enable them to grow in to solid stone. The seeds will grow at quadruple normal rate for 4 weeks. During this time the roots will grow down into the stone a distance of 1 inch per level of the priest in hard stone or 2 inches per level in soft stone. After this month (28 days) is over, the plants will grow normally. Thus they will require food, light, and sunlight if they are to continue growing after this point.

The effect of the plants growing into a stone structure are rather nasty, for it could remove around 10-90% of the structure's structural points, depending upon the thickness of the stone. To cast this spell, the priest must mix a handful of seeds from whatever hardy plants are available (such as crabgrass, ivy, cactus, dandelion, etc.) with the seeds to be planted. This must be then mixed in a leather pouch with sapphire dust of not less than 50 gp value per 5 inch square area to be covered. The priest then "sows" the seeds as he casts the spell, with the seeds magically implanting themselves in the stone. The spell takes 1 turn per 5 inch square area to be covered to cast.

Sunblade (Conjuration)
Sphere: Combat, Sun
Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Francáois Menneteau <>

A brilliant sword of fiery sunlight appears in the caster's hands when this spell is cast. The sword can be used without penalty for non-proficiency, is equivalent to a +3 weapon, inflicts 1d8+3 points of damage, and grants a +3 bonus to attack rolls. Blinding rays emanate from the flaming blade, subtracting -1 from an enemy's attacks, as long as the opponent remains in melee. The sword does double damage to any creatures with a weaknesses for sunlight. The material component is a light source, which is extinguished in the casting.

Thunder Clap (Invocation/Evocation)
Sphere: Elemental (Water), Weather
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: John M. Martz <>

This spell is similar to the wizard spell thunder staff, with the exception that the priest needs no material components. Upon completion of the spell, the priest claps his hands together and produces a thundering cone of force 5 feet wide at the apex, 20 feet wide at the base, and 40 feet long. All creatures and objects wholly or partially in the cone incur the effects of thunder staff as printed in the Tome of Magic (pages 32-33).

While the priest must have both hands free to cast the spell most effectively, he can cast it with only one hand. This case might occur if the other hand is bound, missing, or holding a shield, for example. If the caster only has one hand free, he may clap it against bare skin on any part of his body (thigh, cheek, etc.). The resulting cone of force is 2.5 foot wide at the apex, 10 feet wide at the base, and 20 feet long. All creatures wholly or partially in the cone must roll a successful saving throw versus spell. Those who fail are stunned for 1 round and deafened for 1d3-1 rounds (they cannot be deafened for less then 1 round, however). Those creatures who fail are also hurled 2d4+2 feet by the wave of force, suffering 1 point of damage per two feet thrown (damage will always be 2d4+2, even if the creature encounters an intervening surface). If the saving throw is successful, the victim is not stunned, but is deafened for 1d3-1 rounds and is hurled only half the distance. Giant-sized creatures or larger who succeed at their saving throws are deafened but are not thrown, suffer no damage, and are not stunned. If the saving throw is failed, they are hurled 1d4+1 feet, suffer 1 point of damage per two feet thrown, and are deafened and stunned. Regardless of whether one or two hands are used in the casting, the cone has a Strength of 19 for the purposes of opening doors. It can move objects weighing up to 640 pounds 4d4+4 or 2d4+2 feet, depending on the method of casting. Fragile items must make a saving throw versus crushing blow or be destroyed.

Thunderclap (Invocation)
Sphere: Weather
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Tim Rightnour <>

This spell allows the priest to call upon a clap of thunder that will deafen all creatures outside a 20 foot safety sphere. Anyone within the effect of the spell will be deaf for 3d10 rounds, and stunned for 2d4 rounds.

Trace Timeline (Divination)
Sphere: Divination, Time
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One timeline
Saving Throw: None
Author: Steve Miller <>

This spell reveals crucial events in one sentient being's life to the caster. The caster must be intimately familiar with the subject's history as it is commonly known, or at least casually acquainted with the subject personally. However, "crucial" need not even be part of recorded history or even presented accurately in said history. The event is replayed instantly in the mind's eye of the caster. A timeline can be traced back 1d10 years per skill level of the caster. The use of this spell has a 5% chance of attracting the attention of time guardians. This spell was written for the "time spirit" class. Contact the author for more information on this class.

True Speak (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Law, Vengeance
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Dan Alexander Thompson <>

This spell is similar to the 2nd-level zone of truth, but true speak is much more powerful. True speak is used to force creatures to answer questions truthfully. To complete the spell, the priest presents his holy symbol in a forceful manner and demands the answers to various questions. The priest then touches the creature he wishes to question with his holy symbol. Ensorcelled creatures are then compelled to answer the questions truthfully and to the best of their ability. Although information need not be volunteered, nothing relevant may be omitted in answering a direct question.

Characters of greater Hit Dice or levels than the priest are allowed a saving throw versus spell. Creatures making the saving throw are not forced to answer questions, however, everything they do say must be the truth. In this instance, true speak functions exactly like the zone of truth spell, and affected creatures are allowed to evade questions, answer indirectly, and refuse to answer so long as everything they do say is completely true.

In many areas, admissions made under the effects of true speak are admissible in courts of law. The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a true emerald, ruby, or diamond.

Vylja's Aurora Borealis (Charm, Invocation)
Sphere: Charm, Weather
Range: 20 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One 30x30-foot area per level
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

Casting this spell will only work under the open sky at night. It invokes extremely colourful and beautiful northern lights that slowly swirl through the entire sky. The aurora is visible to all creatures in the area of effect, even to those that are looking outside through a window. All affected creatures have to roll a saving throw versus spell in order to avoid the charming effects of the spell. The following modifiers apply:

The normal Wisdom modifiers against charming spells also apply. Those creatures that fail their saving throws are fascinated by the spectacle in the sky and will continue looking at it for the full duration of the spell - possibly resulting in strained necks. A physical attack on a charmed creature cancels the charm immediately for that creature. If a lot of noise is made (by alarm-bells or shouting, for example) a new saving throw is granted at +4 for all the creatures affected by the spell. Those creatures that successfully save versus spell are free to look at the northern lights if they want to, but are in no way charmed. The priest casting aurora borealis is always immune to his own northern lights. He needs his holy symbol to cast the spell.

Vylja's Cloud Message (Alteration, Conjuration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air), Weather
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 cloud
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

This spell enables the priest to write a message into a cloud so that it becomes visible to all creatures who can see the cloud. The caster summons a small (1 HD) air elemental from the elemental plane of air, points at the cloud he wants to use and then writes the message into the air. The elemental then flies to the cloud and changes its shape until it is an exact copy of the original message magnified many times. The handwriting of the caster will even be recognised by all that are familiar with it.

The message will be visible during the day and the night as long as there is at least one major celestial body in the sky that can shine through the holes made in the cloud. The cloud is magically protected for the duration for the spell and it will not lose any vapour during this time, even if the surrounding clouds disappear into rain (the elemental is taking care of this). What's more, the priest can influence the direction the cloud is moving: he can cause it to stay immobile, or he can choose a direction the cloud has to travel to (at about 2 miles per hour). But once this choice has been made it cannot be changed and will remain the same for the full duration of the spell - 1 day per level of the caster. At the end of the duration, the elemental returns to its native plane.

Vylja's Flight Cancellation (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

Because it simulates one of her innate abilities, this spell is normally only granted by Aerdrie Faenya, the elven goddess of weather and flying creatures. By casting Vylja's flight cancellation a priest can make it impossible for any one creature to lift itself into the air by physical or magical means. A saving throw versus paralysation is always allowed if the target wants to avoid the spell's effects.

If the saving throw is failed, the creature will not be able to get off the ground itself: all its attempts to jump, rise or fly will simply fail for as long as the spell lasts. Neither wings, nor spells, nor innate abilities, nor magical items will work for the target creature. If a flying or levitating creature is affected by this spell, it will instantly plummet to the ground, taking normal falling damage (except for winged creatures, which can glide to the ground for half damage). As soon as the spell expires, the creature can again leave the surface if it is able to do so. Note that spells like fly or levitate are not dispelled by Vylja's flight cancellation - they simply do not work while the flight cancellation is active (although their duration is calculated as normal). A creature affected by this spell can still be lifted off the ground by other creatures. Spells like teleport, feather fall, and dimension door function normally (but jump is negated). The priest needs his holy symbol to cast this spell.

Vylja's Hailstorm (Alteration)
Sphere: Weather
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 15-foot cube
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

In the round following the casting of this spell, a hailstorm breaks loose in the area of effect, if and only if the spell is not cast in a desert or near the crater of an active volcano or the like. As long as there is a minimal amount of moisture in the air, it will be compacted to form hailstones that inflict 2d4 points of damage + 1 point per level of the priest casting the spell. All creatures are allowed saving throws versus spell for half damage. Those wearing plate mail, field plate or full plate suffer no damage at all, although their armour will be dented. If it is snowing or raining at the time of casting the amount of damage inflicted is 3d4 points of damage + 1 per level of the priest; and if it is actually hailing in the area of effect, damage is doubled to 4d4 points + 2 per level of the priest.

The priest needs his holy symbol to cast this spell, and either a small spherical piece of ice or a diamond worth at least 100 gp. The material component (not the holy symbol) is to be thrown into the air at the end of the casting time where it disappears.

Vylja's Hands of Healing (Necromancy)
Sphere: Healing
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Creatures touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

When this spell is cast, the priest's hands start to give off a soft white glow. The glow indicates the presence of healing magic, which the caster can use to cure the wounds of other creatures than himself (for creatures that are unaffected by this spell, see cure light wounds). The healing charge rises with the caster's level: each hand can cure 1 point of damage for each experience level of the priest. A hand's healing charge must be used up all at once on a single creature. Moreover, a single creature will not benefit from the charges of both hands (consider the second charge lost in such a case). The benefits of Vylja's hands of healing are cumulative with those of the various cure ... wounds spells.

A priest can spend the two healing charges in a single round, provided he can touch the creatures he wants to heal. He can also keep the charges in his hands for up to 1 hour for each experience level he has. In the latter case, he is not allowed to attack other creatures physically or magically if he desires to retain the healing charges. If he does attack, the remaining charges disappear instantly. The material component is the caster's holy symbol.

Vylja's Thunderclap (Evocation)
Sphere: Weather
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius sphere
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

After the casting of this spell a strong thunderclap occurs in the area of effect. It automatically deafens all creatures in the target area for two rounds. Moreover, all creatures subject to the thunderclap have to roll a successful saving throw versus spell in order to remain standing. Creatures that fail their saving throw are knocked over by the force of the movement of air and may be stunned for up to one round if the surface they hit is hard (stone or metal, for example).

Deafened creatures suffer a -1 penalty on surprise, a +1 penalty on initiative, and any spells they cast requiring a verbal component has a 20% chance of going awry. If the creature is stunned, it cannot even defend itself, let alone cast spells.

Large creatures get a +3 on their saving throw, small creatures suffer a penalty of -3, and tiny creatures have to save at -6. Huge or gargantuan creatures are immune to the spell's effects. Note that the caster is not in any way protected against the spell's effects. The spell can be used to scare or confuse a group of creatures and to disperse swarms of flying insects. Used defensively, Thunderclap can deafen the party on purpose so as to avoid the adverse effects of Harpy songs and the like.

The priest needs a small inflated balloon which he has to destroy at the end of the casting by clapping his hands.

Vylja's Vortex (Alteration)
Sphere: Elemental (Air), Weather
Range: 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 10-foot circle
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

Upon the completion of this spell a magical platform of dense air is formed at ground level in the area of effect. The platform can be pushed up by a strong but harmless rising current of air: creatures can struggle through it without too much difficulty, but spellcasting is impossible underneath the platform. The caster can cause the platform to move up or down at a maximum rate of 10 yards per round. All creatures standing on the platform will be moved accordingly, unless they either jump off or find some other way of transportation (flying, for example). The caster need not stand on the platform to control its height, but if he wants to raise or lower it he has to concentrate on that task during each round he wants to do so. If he does not concentrate on it, the platform remains stationary. If the caster's concentration is interrupted the platform stops with a jerk (all creatures on it have to make a successful Dexterity check to avoid falling off). The priest's holy symbol is needed as the material component for this spell.

Vylja's Webs to Dust (Alteration)
Sphere: Sun
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One 10-foot cube per level
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

When this spell is cast, the area of effect is bathed in a golden glow that lasts for about ten seconds and then slowly dims away. This golden light is harmless for living creatures (a living web, for example), although Underdark creatures like drow and duergar will be affected for one round as if they were standing within the area of effect of a Light spell. The golden glow will, however, cause all natural spider webs within the area of effect to be turned into grey and harmless dust. This applies to the webs of large or huge spiders and the like as well. All creatures and objects that were supported by the web will fall towards the surface and suffer normal damage for doing so.

When used solely to counter a web spell, the web will be destroyed if it fails a saving throw versus magical fire (18 or more saves). If the web is targeted along with normal spider webs, the web will never be disintegrated. However, whether solely targeted or not, a web bathed in the golden glow will lose all its adhesive properties for the full duration of the glow (10 seconds), enabling creatures that were stuck in it to free themselves if they make a successful Dexterity check. The material components are the caster's holy symbol and an item with a light spell cast on it. The item disappears during casting.

Vylja's Wings (Alteration)
Sphere: Creation, Elemental (Air)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>

By casting this spell, a priest of Aerdrie Faenya (the elven goddess of weather, skies and flying creatures) makes large white wings grow from his shoulders. Those wings are made of strong feathers and are as large as the priest is tall. They enable him to fly at a speed of 15 in manoeuvrability class B. While flying, the priest can use weapons but he suffers a -1 penalty on his attack dice rolls. He can also cast spells that do not require a somatic component. Because the wings grow from his shoulders, the priest must wear clothing that makes it possible for the wings to come into existence. This implies that the caster cannot be wearing any type of armour when he utters the spell - the wings will fail to reach their normal size and disappear immediately. Normal clothing can be adapted for use with wings by cutting holes (some 6 inches across) in it at shoulder height. The wings can be combined with the protection provided by spells or by items like a bracers of defence or a ring of protection (but not a magical cloak, unless it was especially made for the purpose). The wings themselves are AC 8 (unless magically protected), and due to their size and weight the priest also suffers an Armour Class penalty of 1 when flying and a penalty of 2 when walking or standing on the surface. If the wings disappear, either at the end of the duration or through a successful dispel magic, a flying priest will plummet towards the ground and suffer normal falling damage. In order to cast this spell the priest needs his holy symbol and two feathers of a flying creature that is at least size M.

Wind Burn (Evocation)
Sphere: Elemental (Air, Water)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 75-foot long cone
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: John M. Martz <>

Despite the name of this spell, wind burn has nothing to do with fire. Upon casting, the priest causes an exceptionally dry cone of air to originate from his hand. The cone is 5 inches in diameter at its base, 25 feet in diameter at its end, and 75 feet long. All targets of the spell must save versus spell. Those who fail suffer 1d6 points of dehydration damage per level of the caster as well as a temporary loss of 1 point of Constitution (creatures without Constitution scores suffer a -1 penalty to Armour Class). A successful saving throw means half damage and no loss of Constitution. Creatures exceptionally susceptible to dehydration damage (for example, those from the elemental plane of water, plant creatures, or even aquatic creatures) suffer a -4 penalty to their saving throw. Constitution point loss is cumulative; that is to say, if a target of two of these spells fails to save against both it will suffer a -2 to its Constitution (if it survives the damage, of course). A character is dead if his Constitution reaches zero (for creatures without Constitution, use Hit Dice; thus, even if a 3 HD monster had enough hit points to survive failing to save 3 times, it would still die since 3-3=0).

Constitution points may only be restored by consumption of a full day's water requirement (use the Dark Sun rehydration rules; or simply 1 gallon per day for a human sized creature). This spell is cannot be cast under water.

Wings of God (Alteration)
Sphere: Animal, Elemental (Air), Travellers
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d6 turns + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
Author: Aadne Brunborg <>

This spell causes large wings to grow on the back of the priest, allowing him to fly as per the wizard spell fly. The spell is not affected by armour of any sort (the wings will grow through the armour, and the armour will not be destroyed). If the deity is good aligned, the wings are white, angel-like; if he is evil, they will be black, devil-like. Druids grow eagle-like wings, and other neutral deities grant grey feather-wings. Normally, this spell may only be cast on the followers of the same god as the priest. However, in dire need it may be cast on any person. If cast on another person under circumstances that are not "dire", the priest loses access to the spell for two days. The material components are the priest's holy symbol, plus an eagle's feather for druids, a white feather for good, any feather for neutral and a bat wing for evil priests. The components may be reused. Note that God in the title of this spell should be changed to the name of the priest's god.

Winston's Create Party Food and Drink (Conjuration)
Sphere: Creation, Elemental (Water)
Range: 5 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One cubic foot per level
Saving Throw: None
Author: Winston

When this spell is cast, the priest causes party food and party drink to appear. To determine the food conjured, roll 1d6 and check on the table below:
D6 Type of Party Food Summoned
1 Kid's birthday party Very sweet cordial, birthday cake, potato chips, chex mix, hotdish
2 Barbecue Dark beer, brauts hamburgers, buns, egg salad, potato chips
3 Frat party Very low quality beer, popcorn, peanuts
4 Pizza party Soda, assorted flavours, pizza
5 Society gathering Fine wine, shrimp, little sandwiches, brie, crackers, assorted appetizers
6 Ice-cream sundae party Root beer, soda water, assorted flavours of ice cream, lots of toppings
The DM should feel free to substitute any other party foods and drinks. Each cubic foot of the material sustains four human sized creatures or one horse sized creature for a full day. The food decays and becomes inedible within 12 hours, although it can be restored for another 6 hours by casting purify food and drink on it. The liquid produced by this spell is the same as that created by the 1st-level priest spell Winston's create party drink (q.v.). For each experience level the priest has obtained, one half cubic foot of food and drink will be created by the spell. A 2nd-level priest could create one cubic foot of food and one cubic foot of drink.