Adaptation, 10-foot Radius (Abjuration)
All those in the area of effect of this spell are affected as per the 4th-level spell adaptation (q.v.), up to a maximum of 2 persons per level of the priest (excluding the priest, and rounding upwards).
Alter Reality (Alteration)
This spell creates a time divergence ranging a number of rounds equal to 1/3 of the caster's level into the past. If this spell is used for a trivial purpose (such as letting a gambling time spirit bet on the winning horse instead of the one that lost), there is a 65% chance Tidligsent will notice and strip the priest of spells. Additionally, there is an 80% chance that use of this spell will attract the attention of time guardians. DMs should make a separate check for each eventuality. This spell was written for the "time spirit" class. Contact the author for more information on this class.
Ambulatory Trees (Alteration)
This spell is similar to the effect of a treant causing trees to walk and do his bidding. With this spell the priest can affect up to one tree per 3 levels that is in range. Affected trees change into a treant with total Hit Dice no more than three times the caster's level. Their power is equal to a treant of the same Hit Dice with the exception of those trees with more Hit Dice than the largest treant. In that case take the damage done by the largest treant and multiply it with the percentage the tree is larger than the largest treant. The trees stay in the changed state for a maximum of 1 round per level of the caster. If they are "killed" before the duration runs out they topple (beware the falling wood) over and stay that way even after the duration runs out. Otherwise they return to their rooting spot and turn into normal trees again.
The material components are the holy symbol of the priest and a tiny bit of bark from a treant.
Bass's Elemental Domination (Conjuration)
This spell enables the caster to assume the control of an elemental creature conjured by another spellcaster or magic device. Magic devices are considered spellcasters of twelfth level. The domination is successful on a roll of 11 on a d20 (50%: you must roll an 11 or better), modified as follows:
In the Dark Sun setting this spell will work differently with respect to how powerful the elemental to be dominated is: if you try to dominate a lesser elemental, the duration of the spell is increased by 3 turns (duration: 3 turns + 1 turn per level). If you try to dominate a normal elemental, the spell works as described above. If you try to dominate a greater elemental, the spell works only on an elemental of your school, without any same-school bonus, and the duration of the spell is a quarter of usual (duration: 1 turn per 4 levels).
NB: this spell can be cast only on elementals that are conjured, and works only for elementals that are already controlled by another spellcaster.
Break Curse (Abjuration) Reversible
This spell is a higher powered version of remove curse. Instead of removing the curse (which means to some priests that the curse is just relocated to another area, item or object), this spell breaks and destroys it. It takes a lot more time to break a curse than to remove one. Thus, the casting time is 1 hour or more. For each hour, the caster and the curse (i.e. the creator of the curse) get a saving throw versus spell at their base saving throws (no bonuses except race). These saving throws are modified due to special circumstances. If, for example, the priest is in the holiest of his temple wielding one of the greatest artifacts of his religion against a simple cursed sword, -1, the saving throws would be modified very positively in the direction of the priest and very negatively to the side of the sword (DM's judgement). Each failed saving throw causes the next saving throw to be made as if the creature or item were one level lower. If both fail their saving throws, both lower their respective levels. This level loss is only in respect to their saving throws against each other - they do not actually lose levels. Once the curse side loses all levels, the curse is broken. This means that the item is now changed into a normal magic item of the kind it tried to depict in the beginning. If the priest loses all levels, he has to save versus death magic once per lost level (this time again against base saving throw). Per failed saving throw versus death magic the priest actually loses one level permanently. They may be restored with restoration. If both reach zero levels at once, then the priest is sucked into the item or area which now seems to be cursed with another curse instead of its original curse. The effects of this are up to the DM.
The material components are the holy symbol of the priest plus one item which carries a significant symbolic opponent to the curse per level of the curse creator. As the opposing level is not known, one should have lots of stuff to ensure that enough items are there. For each item that is lacking during the casting, the caster of this spell has to save versus death magic (at normal saving throws); any failed saving throws indicate that the curse sucked in the priest; any levels the priest had are now added to the level of curses in the item or area. The significant items are destroyed one by one per failed saving throw of the curse creator. These items can be supplied during the casting by helpers. The reverse, instill curse, creates a very strong curse which can be placed in an item or on an area. If it is placed within an item, the item gains the power to force the wielder to commit suicidal acts, to become a homicidal maniac, or something the like (all subject to a saving throw versus spell each time the item is touched or thrice per round if continuous touch). Such items can resist the effect of break curse as if they used the normal saving throws of the curse caster at the time the caster cast this spell.
The reversed spell requires the priest's holy symbol, a significant amount of solidified hatred (about a teaspoon full), a huge amount of disgust (a wineskin full), and a large sack of desire to harm.
Conjure Air Elemental [1] (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible
This spell is in all aspects the same as the spell conjure fire elemental in the Player's Handbook (q.v.), except that it opens a gate to the plane of air, and that either an air elemental or 2d4 invisible stalkers are summoned. 87% of the time, an air elemental will appear. The stalkers will appear when the roll would indicate salamanders or an efreeti.
Conjure Air Elemental [2] (Conjuration/Summoning)
With this spell (akin to conjure fire elemental and earth elemental) a priest can conjure an air elemental or a related creature from the elemental plane of air. The elemental has no aggressive feelings toward the priest as the priest is normally in good standing with the elemental planes. The priest just has to give a general set of instructions and the elemental creature will try to fulfill them. Instead of a normal 16 HD air elemental there are chances for other air elemental creatures: 75% for a 16 HD air elemental, 15% for an aerial servant, 8% for a djinn, 2% for a 21-24 HD air elemental (fire elemental duke). The material components are an open stretch of air no less than 100 feet square plus the holy symbol of the priest.
Deathwalk (Enchantment/Charm)
A very potent and deadly spell, deathwalk should be used only when a long-term damaging effect is desired. The creature affected is, quite simply, no longer able to fall into a normal unconscious sleep. If sleep is cast upon the affected creature or the creature is otherwise affected in such a way that unconsciousness would result, the creature falls into a restless unconscious gaining no benefits from it. For every 3 consecutive days the creature is unable to sleep, all abilities temporarily drop by 1 point and 1d4 HP are temporarily lost, however no abilities can drop below 2 and hit points cannot be reduced to 0. The incoherentness and sluggishness eventually gets to the point where the creature is must keep bed, and can barely move. In this way, deathwalk releases its true powers because if the creature cannot eat or perform other necessary bodily functions especially that of proper health care, death ensues. After eight consecutive days without sleep, the creature must make a successful saving throw versus paralysation each day or fall into a restless coma. The material components for this spell are a black shroud, which burns while the spell is in effect, and a small crystal sphere that essentially traps the spirit and essence of the affected creature within it.
Dedi's Invisible Poison Swamp (Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm)
This prayer causes the area of effect to turn into a poisonous swamp. Even worse, the swamp is not visible. However, true seeing or similar magic will detect the swamp. Since it is not just a large trap, thieves cannot detect it (supposing they have no true seeing ability or the like).
The priest first chooses the area of effect. Then, he drops some poison and water to the ground. Meanwhile, he utters the prayer. The ground now turns to swamp (anyone can detect it as being a swamp at this time) and starts looking as it was before one round later (no-one can recognize it as a swamp from now on).
To successfully chant this prayer, the ground must be at least 10 feet thick (so you can't build a swamp in a castle's third floor if the great hall of the knights is below one foot of stone). Only stone, earth, rock, mud or other similar material can be used to create a swamp on. A swamp cannot be build in a marsh or on another swampy area. The priest can choose a swamp size from a minimum of 10x10 feet up to his maximum (eg., a priest of fifteenth level could create a 10x150-foot or a 100x15-foot swamp, always being 10 feet deep, but he also could create a 13x67-foot swamp).
A victim who didn't see the swamp and steps into it, falls into it (no saving throw allowed). If the victim succeeds a swimming check (at a -4 modifier, since it's a swamp and not water) it only suffers 2 points of damage from the poison. The poison enters the body of the victim through the skin. If the victim fails, it suffers additional 1d8 points of damage and gets a cumulative -1 penalty to its next swimming check (in the next round). Victims without the swimming proficiency automatically suffer 1d8+2 points of damage each round. If a victim spends 5 rounds in the swamp it loses Strength (reduced to 3) and sinks to the swamp's ground. There, it suffers double damage (2d8+4) each round. After another 5 rounds down there it will finally die.
Victims can be pulled out of the swamp by others very simply: by using a rope, a branch, a long weapon (lance or the like) and a successful Strength check (both the one who pulls and the one who is being pulled must succeed). It is not possible to cast spells with somatic or material components while held in the swamp.
If the swamp is turned back to its former condition, turned to stone or rock by magic, or a similar action takes place, then all who are in it are thrown out and suffer 4d8 points of damage.
The material components for this spell are a drop of poison from a giant scorpion and some water.
Endurance (Abjuration)
This spell confers extraordinary endurance to one creature, lasting one day per level of the caster beyond the ninth. During this time, the recipient is treated as having the "endurance" proficiency. In addition, it can fail a saving throw only on a natural 1.
The material component is a piece of any turtle shell and a precious stone, worth at least 10 gp, which vanishes at the end of the spell duration. The recipient must keep the stone on himself to get the benefits.
This spell was designed for the Dark Sun campaign world. Any monetary units are for the Dark Sun, increase where appropriate.
Enhance Druidic Shapechanging Power (Alteration)
This spell enhances the druid's shapechanging power. This enhancement has the following effects:
Entomb (Evocation)
This spell is an improved version of encase. When cast, entomb completely surrounds the target in granite. The tomb hinders breathing, blocks vision, and prevents all movement, including somatic and verbal spell components, for the duration of the spell.
If the target saves versus spell, he completely avoids the effects of entomb, as a hollow stone statue roughly his shape appears next to him, collapses in on itself, and disappears. If the target fails his saving throw, he is immediately entombed. The victim will begin to suffocate after his Constitution score in rounds (round up). Thereafter, a successful Constitution check each round with a cumulative -2 penalty will postpone damage for an additional round. After the first failed check, the victim suffers 1d6 damage each round until dead.
A victim may attempt to break free of his tomb. Breaking free requires the entire round and a successful bend bars/lift gates roll with a -1% penalty per level of the caster. In addition, suffocation weakens the victim such that he loses 1 point of Strength each round he suffers suffocation damage (his Strength cannot fall below 1, however), which will lower his bend bars/lift lates percentage.
The granite tomb will crumble after suffering 25 points of damage plus 2 points per level of the caster. For damage purposes, treat the tomb as having an Armour Class of 0. Any attack that damages the casing has a 25% probability of wounding the victim within; divide the damage equally between the tomb and the victim. In addition, the victim automatically incurs all damage above the amount required to destroy the tomb.
A successful dispel magic will immediately remove the tomb. The material component for this spell is a fist-size piece of granite.
Hammer of Retribution (Invocation)
This powerful spell is invoked primarily against invading armies or in siege warfare. The spell's primary effect is to destroy troops or fortifications of creatures who have done unredressed damage to a priest or his companions. The spell begins with the priest describing the atrocities an army or band of marauders is guilty of. The priest must have first-hand knowledge of these crimes, or must have heard testimony from a witness under the effect of a zone of truth or true speak spell.
The spell strikes as a great column of force that descends from the sky. The area of effect is a circle whose radius is 5 feet per level of priest. All creatures within the area of effect take 1d6 HP per level of priest in damage. Creatures making a saving throw versus spell take half damage. Small objects must save versus crushing blow or be destroyed. Structures suffer damage as if hit by a heavy catapult (2d12). Any creature unfortunate enough to be flying over the area of effect takes 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet above the ground the creature was flying to a maximum of 10d6 plus the normal damage due to the crushing blow of the spell.
When cast over water, the spell raises a wave 10 feet high per level of the priest, travelling 30 feet per minute in a circle that grows outward from the area of effect. On land, the force of this spell often crushes trees and rends the earth producing a great cloud of dirt and dust, obscuring the area for 1d4+1 rounds.
The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol and a war hammer which the priest throws into the air as the spell is cast. The hammer is destroyed in the casting.
Hold (Enchantment/Charm)
This spell immobilizes its victims, causing creatures affected to stop all activity and freeze in position. The creatures affected may be allowed to talk (this often includes spellcasting) as desired by the priest, but no other actions than non-magical thinking may proceed during the duration of the spell. Hold may be cast on one creature per every two levels of priest, but for every additional creature above one, all creatures to be affected save at +1. The material component for this spell is a miniature silver cage, which is not consumed in the casting.
Improved Animate Dead (Necromancy)
This spell causes the bones or lifeless bodies of animals, humanoids, or monsters to become animated as skeletons or zombies, capturing the spirits of the slain and enslaving them into an existence which lies in a nether sphere between life and death. These "undead" can be controlled by the priest through short, simple commands. Note that once the spell is cast, the priest no longer needs to concentrate to maintain control over the undead.
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: All creatures within 10-foot radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown
Sphere: Time
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3 turns
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Steve Miller <>
Sphere: Plant
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 per tree
Area of Effect: One tree per 3 levels
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Sphere: Elemental (All)
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One conjured elemental
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Riccardo Facchetti <>
If the spell fails, the elemental attacks the spellcaster who cast the domination for at least 4 rounds of fury without control, then the conjurer can restart to control the elemental (i.e., he can choose to let the elemental finish the work or command it to a different target). The duration of the spell is 1 turn per level but it can never be higher than the remaining time of the original conjuration spell (see the Player's Handbook, pages 227 and 232). The material component is the caster's holy symbol.
Sphere: Protection
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: One item, object, or area
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 6 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Charles Anthony Leone <>
Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Sphere: Charm
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: The Avangion of Delphi <>
Sphere: Chaos, Creation, Elemental (Earth, Water)
Range: 40 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: 1 day + 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: 10x10 feet area per level, 10 feet deep
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Martin Dudle <>
Sphere: Cosmos
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Dimitris Xanthakis <>
Sphere: Animal
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 hours per remaining level
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One druid
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
This spell is powered by the recipient's levels. It drains one level from the recipient's druidic level for the duration of the spell. If this would leave the druid below the level to shapechange, he would lose that ability. When the duration runs out, the druid regains the lost level. The material component is the holy symbol of the priest.
Sphere: Elemental (Earth)
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature of size Large or smaller
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: John M. Martz <>
Sphere: Vengeance, War
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 5-foot radius per level
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Dan Alexander Thompson <>
Sphere: Charm
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 60-foot long, 60 degrees wide arc
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>
Level | Type and number | Material components |
11 | 1 skeletal animal | skeletons or corpses of or non-combative servant animals or humanoids |
12 | 1d8 + 1 per level freshly slain warriors | traditional skeletons |
13 | 1d8 + 1 per level zombies | unblessed corpses |
14+ | 1 HD per level freshly slain monsters | zombie monsters |
Note that there is no upper limit on the number of undead which may be controlled by a single priest once animated.
Intelligence Gift (Enchantment/Charm)
By means of this spell, the caster may increase the Intelligence of any non-fantastic animal with animal Intelligence to half the normal Intelligence of the caster (fractions rounded down). This affects the ability of the animal to understand concepts, situations, and commands, and allows for the animal to use individual initiative in unforseen circumstances.
This spell does not grant the animal the power of speech (since few animals' vocal chords are designed so that they can create human sounds), but when the spell is completed, an Intelligence check should be made for the animal to see if it is able to fully understand the language of the caster. This check is made at double Intelligence (so an animal with an Intelligence of 5 must roll a 10 or lower on a 1d20 to be able to comprehend the language). If the check fails, then the animal can understand a wide variety of commands, but lacks the ability to understand conversations and dialogues.
DM discretion is allowed here: if the animal is one that would seem to have the ability to use human speech (eg., a myna bird), then the DM can rule that the animal is also capable of conversation.
The casting time of this spell is two months: it includes constant companionship and training, and only one animal at a time can be affected by the druid or priest. A character with the animal training non-weapon proficiency can reduce the casting time of this spell in half (to just one month). The material component is the food the animal is fed.
Note: The animal must be prepossessed toward the spell caster before the spell begins. The spell does not affect loyalty, friendship, or anything of that nature. One may assume, however, that depending upon the treatment of the animal, there would develop a strong bond over the time it takes to cast this spell.
Love (Enchantment/Charm)
The spell will cause the target to fall in love with the caster and can only be broken by the seductress betraying or attacking the target (of course the spell can be broken by a dispel charm or limited wish). The target will stay with the seductress as long as he lives. The target will protect, honour, and love the seductress.
Mass Cure (Necromancy) Reversible
When this spell is cast, every creature in the area of effect (including the priest) up to one creature per level of the priest is cured for 1d8 plus half the level of the priest points of damage. This is as per the cure light wounds spell (q.v.). The limitations on which creatures can be thus affected is as per that spell. If more creatures than can be affected are within the spell radius, preference is given to those closest to the priest. Also, if a nearby creature cannot be affected by the spell, it still counts towards the total number of possible creatures cured.
The reverse of the spell, mass hurt, does the same amount of hit points of damage to all within the spell radius. The material component for this spell is a vial of holy or unholy water that must be sprinkled into the air above the priest's head while the spell is cast.
Monster Merge (Enchantment/Charm)
This spell functions the same as the 5th-level priest spell animal merge (q.v.), but functions for all creatures and all casters, instead of only animals and druids, respectively.
Pass via Water (Alteration)
The first effect of this spell is to allow the priest to walk on water, as per the 3rd-level spell water walk. The spell's major effect, however, is to allow the priest to transport himself via any moving body of water with a velocity of up to - mile per level; the priest walks on the water, takes a step upstream or downstream, and is instantly transported the desired distance; those along the way can see a fleeting image of the priest if they happen to be looking at the body of water at the time. The priest may only transport himself once during the spell duration, though he may walk on the water surface until it ends. If the current starts or ends before the specified distance, the priest's travel ends there. The material component for this spell is a miniature bucket, which is consumed in the casting.
Polymorph into Tree (Alteration, Enchantment)
This spell is similar to polymorph other except that target creatures can only be turned into trees (usually oak). All creatures get a saving throw to avoid the effects of this spell. Those who fail turn into trees with their minds trapped within. Clothing, possessions, etc., are not transformed as part of the spell. Those who save feel their limbs turn wooden and stiff, the effects being as if a slow spell were cast upon them, with duration 2 rounds per level of the priest.
To cast this spell, the priest needs a sprig of holly and tree sap from the tree type to which the targets are being polymorphed into. Only a wish or a higher level priest can reverse the effects of this spell.
Protection from Undead (Abjuration) Reversible
This spell duplicates an effect of a helm of brilliance, causing the priest's holy symbol to glow a bright blue when undead are within 30 yards. All undead within this area and exposed to the light will take 1d6 points of damage per round, no saving throw. Any creature under the effects of this pain cannot cast offensive spells. In addition, the priest receives a +1 bonus on a 1d20 roll to turn undead in the area of effect.
The reverse of the spell, protect undead, is cast on a single undead creature (or paladin; see rules for evil priests) and will either nullify the effects of a protection from undead, or move the spell recipient into one higher category for purposes of turning. For example: a lich in spell combat with a 13th-level priest casts protect undead on himself. He is immune to the effects of any protection from undead spell the priest casts, and the priest must roll a 19 on a d20 to turn him.
The material component for this spell is a miniature helmet, fashioned from a clove of garlic. For the reverse, it is a miniature shield, carved from bone. Both are consumed in the casting.
Rally (Alteration)
This spell allows the priest to call aid to herself. When the spell is cast upon a willing creature a condition is set (usually a command word) that will instantly transport the creature to the priest (also known as word of recall). The priest may choose the creature's arrival point as long as it is within the priest's line of sight. Note: Creatures not willing to be transported may save versus death magic to resist the calling. The material component for this spell is a cymbal.
Rednog's Elemental Transfer (Alteration)
This spell is similar to the two spells plant transfer and animal transfer. It gives the recipients one ability of an elemental of the priest's choice. This can be the movement type (and speed), the attack type (and damage), the immunity (and vulnerabilities) of a single elemental, etc. Thus, it could enable the characters to walk through the earth like an earth elemental (but does not give them the ability so see, hear or breathe like an earth elemental), or it could allow the characters to walk through a fire if they had gained the invulnerability of a fire elemental (but note that they would take double damage from water or ice magic for the time), etc. Thus, this spell is a rather mixed blessing. The spell cannot be ended prematurely except with the use of a dispel magic spell.
Like the other spells of this kind it is not possible to gain more than one ability with the use of this spell - even if the spell is repeated. The material components are the holy symbol of the priest and a little part of the element that the characters want to get an ability from (a flame, a drop of water, a breath of air, or a stone). If the abilities of quasi- or para-elementals are wanted, double the casting time and have a small piece of the respective quasi- or para-element at hand.
Sacrifice (Necromancy)
This spell allows the priest to give up some of hit points to another character in order that he is be better capable to complete a quest. This is not current, but maximum hit points. The condition is reversed when the character returns from the quest successfully. If the character fails, the hit points return to the priest at the rate of 1 per week.
Here's an example: suppose a high level priest (with 78 HP) wants Sir Belvedere (80 HP) to retrieve a magical mace that was stolen. Sir Belvedere agrees, but only if the priest sacrifices 70 of his hit points, to ensure good faith and to help complete the mission. The priest agrees, and Sir Belvedere goes out in search of the mace. At this point Sir Belvedere effectively has 150 HP, and, for all intents and purposes his maximum hit points is now 150. Likewise, the priest's maximum hit point total is now 8.
Now suppose Sir Belvedere is successful in his mission. When he delivers the mace to the priest, they both immediately return to their normal maximum hit point value, although perhaps not their current hit point value, if Sir Belvedere is wounded. Current damage to the spell recipient is split evenly among the two when hit points are returned. Now suppose Sir Belvedere was killed before the mission was complete. That means that the priest will have to wait 70 weeks until he returns to his normal maximum hit point total.
Selene's Reattachment (Necromancy) Reversible
This spell is a less potent version of the 7th-level priest spell regenerate. The spell will allow the priest to reattach a severed limb to an individual provided the limb is present and the spell is cast not more than 1 turn per 3 levels of the priest after the limb was severed. The process of reattachment takes but 1 round, but the limb is not usable for any purpose until after the victim has rested for 1 day. No system shock or resurrection roll is needed for limb reattachment. If cast upon a creature that has had its head severed, the spell allows the head to be reattached, but does not in itself bring a dead victim back to life. The reattachment of the head does, however allow the victim to be raised, instead of resurrected. There is no time limit for reattaching heads to dead bodies, other than that imposed by a raise dead or resurrection spell.
The reverse of this spell, Selene's detachment, requires a successful attack roll, and further allows a saving throw versus death magic to avoid its effects. Failure indicates that a random limb (but not the head) is detached with the appropriate penalties to hit points, movement, Armour Class, attacks, etc. (cf. sword of sharpness). Unlike the 7th-level priest spell wither (the reverse of regenerate), the limb does not turn to dust but falls off. Creatures making their saving throws still take damage equal to a cause critical wounds, i.e. 3d8+3. Selene's detachment has no effect on nonliving creatures (undead, constructs, etc.) or on creatures from other planes (cf. cure light wounds).
Slave Charm (Enchantment/Charm)
This spell will cause the targets to obey the seductress' complex command and can cause them to turn on their friends if commanded so by the seductress. The spell will last for 1d10 hours and the seductress will know how long it will last. Slave attire is the spell component.
Sphere: Animal
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2 months
Area of Effect: Animal touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Andrew Lohman <>
Sphere: Charm
Range: 100 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Lord Skigg <camplte@wkuvx1.bitnet>
Sphere: Healing
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 10-yard per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Author: Teh S. Cheng <>
Sphere: Animal, Charm
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Area of Effect: One monster
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Unknown
Sphere: Elemental (Water), Travellers
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ken Arromdee <>
Sphere: Plant
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: One creature per 2 levels
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Teh S. Cheng <>
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 30-yard radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown
Sphere: Summoning
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: The drow priestess Tas'Vinct Sharessaban
Sphere: Elemental (All)
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds per level
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Area of Effect: One person per five levels
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3 hours
Area of Effect: The priest plus one other creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Unknown
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Joe Colleran <>
Sphere: Charm
Range: 100 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d10 hours
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1d10 creatures
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Lord Skigg <camplte@wkuvx1.bitnet>
Creature | Saving Throw | Creature | Saving Throw |
Ghouls | 20 | Mummies | 10 |
Shadows | 19 | Spectres | 8 |
Wights | 16 | Vampires | 6 |
Ghasts | 14 | Ghosts | 4 |
Wraiths | 12 | Liches | 2 |
Element | Properties |
Air | Creates a wall of poisonous gas that is 20 foot thick. Treat as a cloudkill (page 166, Player's Handbook), except that the vapours from a superior air wall are so toxic as to slay creatures with less than 5+1 Hit Dice, cause creatures with 5+1 to 6+1 Hit Dice to roll saving throws versus poison with -4 penalties or be slain, and creatures up to 7 Hit Dice (inclusive) to roll unmodified saving throws versus poison or be slain. Those saving versus poison and those above 7 Hit Dice must leave the cloud immediately or suffer 2d6 points of poison damage each round while in the area of effect (no saving throw allowed). |
Water | Creates a wall of steam that is six inches thick. Any creature passing though a superior water wall suffers 6d8 points of damage plus 2 points per level of the caster. In addition, a saving throw versus spell is required; failure indicates that the creature is blinded for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving the wall. Attacks made through the wall are made with a -2 penalty. |
Fire | Creates a wall of flames that is only inches thick. Treat as a wall of fire (page 225, Player's Handbook), except creatures within 10 feet of the side that radiates heat suffer 4d4 points of damage, and those within 20 feet suffer 2d4 points of damage. A superior fire wall inflicts 8d4 points of damage plus 2 points per level of the caster to any creature passing through it. |
Earth | Creates a wall of stone that is 1 inch thick per level of the caster. Unlike the other versions of this spell, a superior earth wall is permanent unless destroyed. Treat as a wall of stone (page 173, Player's Handbook). |
Tomewipe (Alteration) Reversible
Tomewipe can be a very powerful spell and is similar to spells that erase a wizard's memory, but it instead erases all magical language from a scroll or tome. 1d8+1 pages per level can be erased in this manner. This spell has no effect if any magical wards are in place to protect the tome and gives no indication of any such wards: the spell simply fizzles out in the normal fashion of failed magic. If tome, scroll, or whatever the magic is written on fails a saving throw versus spell, the normal effect takes place. The reverse of this spell, tomerestore, is the only way the magic can be returned to the tome. This suggests that even though dispel magic would have no effect on a book or blank piece of paper that magic has already acted upon, the magic is still there or has been made invisible somehow. What actually happens to the words in the tome is probably something like this: the words are transformed into magical energy and stored on another plane, dimension, or similarly other world.
The material components of this spell are a flaming staff of at least 2 feet length and 50 gp value, that must be waved over the tome or scroll during casting, and an ornate sphere of any light coloured material of at least 150 gp in value and able to withstand shock considerably well. The material component of the reverse is either the original sphere (which may be where the magic is stored, but no way to transfer it has yet been found) which must be shattered or cracked in half or a handful of rare herbs that must be burned as incense in the same airspace as the original tome. This action also releases the magic from its holding area if the sphere was lost or destroyed. This second method is quite unreliable and has only a 60% chance of success, plus 5% per caster level over the spell level.
Transmute Water to Wine (Alteration) Reversible
This spell allows a priest to show his dedication to his deity. When successfully cast, this spell turns any palatable water into wine of the highest quality of the priest's choice. Salt water or contamined water gets a saving throw. Detect magic spells may (50% chance) show it to have a very dim glow.
Only a truly dedicated priest is allowed to cast this spell, and frivolous castings may incur the wrath of superior beings. Proper conditions to be met are:
Vylja's Skywalker (Alteration)
By casting this spell, a priest is granted the power to freely move through the skies in whatever way he sees fit: he can levitate, fly, run, walk, etc. (running checks for a skywalking creature are somewhat easier, due to decreased resistance: all Strength and Constitution checks have a +2 bonus). A priest can instantly change his mode of movement for as long as the spell lasts.
When levitating, a priest can lift up to 100 pounds per level of experience into the air. Once the weight is off the ground, he can move it around by flying or walking to another location. A flying priest has manoeuvrability class A, and he can fly around at MV 18. As a consequence, running characters can go a lot faster than those that fly. When flying, a priest can easily transport his own weight plus 10 pounds for every experience level he has attained. For every 50 pounds above that amount, his movement rate for that round is decreased by 1 (down to a minimum movement rate of 1, not lower). Note further that a skywalking priest can never lose his balance in the way a levitating creature can. Strong winds, however, can cause a skywalking priest to move with difficulty.
The priest needs his holy symbol to cast this spell.
Vylja's Cloud Shape (Alteration)
This spell transforms the caster's body into one that has the height (24 feet) and Strength (23) of a cloud giant. The caster's face will also change somewhat, so that only creatures well known to the priest will recognize him in his new shape. Other creatures will likely consider him a true giant, although real giants and Titans are never fooled by the spell. Note however that the priest's skin colour will not change in the least: a dark elf in cloud shape still appears as black as the night. The advantages of the spell are solely on the physical level: his skin turns as hard as that of a real cloud giant, granting him an Armour Class of 0 (Dexterity, defensive spells, and armour of cloud giant size can improve this Armour Class further); his Strength becomes 23, granting him a +5 bonus on his to-hit rolls and 11 points of additional damage on each physical attack (open doors checks will succeed on rolls of 18 or less (16 for magical doors); bend bars and lift gates checks have a 90% chance of success). Also, the priest gains 1d6 HP for as long as the spell lasts. Finally, the priest can also understand and speak the tongue of cloud giants.
Vylja's cloud shape also has some major disadvantages: as long as the priest assumes this shape, he can only cast spells of first and second level. Exceptions to this rule are granted powers (including spells), innate abilities (like the spells drow can cast), and of course spells that are stored in items. The second disadvantage is that only the caster's non-magic items will partake in the transformation, effectively rendering most of his magic items absolutely useless for the duration of the spell. Magic rings, cloaks, gauntlets, boots, necklaces, bracers, armour (and other pieces of clothing) have to be removed prior to the casting of this spell or they will be utterly destroyed.
The spell normally lasts for 2 rounds per level of the caster. However, the caster can at any time decide to change back to his natural shape (note that this change is definitive - no shape swapping is possible). The caster regains 1d10 points of damage when he does so. If a successful dispel magic forces the caster to transform back to his normal shape, he does not gain these hit points. Should the priest die while in cloud shape, he is instantly transformed to his normal form. The priest needs his holy symbol to cast this spell.
Vylja's Cloud Walk (Alteration)
After casting this spell the priest can enable 1 creature for every 3 levels he has attained to walk on clouds, thick fog, dense smoke and the like (if it is visible, it can be walked upon) for 1 hour per level he has. The creatures can jump on the cloud, dig into it, and even cut pieces from it.
Cloud walk however does not grant the creatures the capacity to get on the cloud: if it is high in the air, they will have to use other magic (fly, air walk, etc.) to reach it; if it is rolling along the surface of the earth, they can try to climb it. The cloud will always continue moving in the direction it was already going unless other magic (control winds, for example) is used. Should the cloud begin to dissipate, the affected creatures will hear creaking noises from underneath, so that they can start thinking about getting off the cloud.
The spell can be used to carry creatures into safety, as a cheap means of transport (just hop onto a fast-moving cloud that is going in the right direction), or as a way to approach an enemy base without being noticed.
The priest needs his holy symbol to cast this spell and a handful of water.
Vylja's Eye of the Cyclone (Alteration)
This defensive spell creates a whirling mass of air around a central point (the caster) which remains undisturbed: the eye of the cyclone. The eye is 10 feet in diameter, whereas the barrier which surrounds it is 15 feet thick at all sides. The wind speed in the barrier is about 6 miles for each level the caster has attained. Any creature trying to pass through the barrier will suffer 1d4 points of damage per caster level due to wind blasts and flying debris. No normal movement of air (or something as weak as a gust of wind) can penetrate the cyclone, nor can creatures in gaseous form or flying creatures that are medium sized or smaller. All these creatures will suffer normal damage but have no chance of actually making it to the centre - they are expelled at the outside of the cyclone. Large flying creature will also suffer damage but have the usual chance of reaching the eye: they, as do walking creatures, have to roll a successful Constitution check. Creatures that fail this check are driven to the outside again, after they have suffered damage.
Those creatures that are standing in the eye can see nothing of their surroundings, but are free to cast spells or move about in the eye. If they step into the cyclone they suffer normal damage. However, they do not have to make a Constitution check to get outside the barrier (but they do if they want to return to the eye).
The caster can make the cyclone end early, but it will still take two rounds to disappear altogether: during the first round damage drops to 1d3 per level of the caster, and in the second round all creatures trying to cross the barrier suffer 1 point of damage per caster level. A dispel magic will cause the cyclone to dissipate in the same way as if the caster had wished to end the spell early. Control wind can influence the wind speed in the cyclone and the damage it inflicts.
This spell can be cast both outdoors (the cyclone will attain a height of 60 feet) and indoors (the cyclone will grow to the ceiling, unless that is higher than 60 feet).
Vylja's Greater Protection (Abjuration)
This spell protects the priest who casts it from all sorts of natural and magical attacks based on fire, cold, acid, gas, and electricity. The spell lasts for five rounds per level of the caster or until its protective energy has been exhausted, whatever occurs first. As long as the spell lasts the priest is fully immune to all natural attacks based on those five sources. Magical attacks will be absorbed until they have dealt 5 points of damage per level of the priest casting the spell (see the various protection from ... spells to see what is considered "natural" and what "magical"). The priest needs his holy symbol in order to cast this spell.
An example: a 15th-level priest casts greater protection on himself when he enters the hide-out of an evil wizard. The wizard surprises him and casts a lightning bolt: the priest fails his saving throw but does not suffer the slightest effect from the lightning bolt: the 32 points of damage are absorbed by greater protection. The following round the wizard casts a cone of cold: its 36 points of damage are absorbed as well. At that moment the priest still has 7 points of protection left.
Vylja's Lightning Strike (Alteration)
By casting this spell, a priest can focus the natural electrical energy present in his surroundings into a bolt of lightning. The spell has three different applications.
1. It can function as a faster way of casting call lightning. Except for the shorter duration, it is identical to that spell (it can only be cast outdoors when a storm is near, for example).
2. The second application of Vylja's lightning strike can still only be cast outdoors, but it needs no real storm to power it. However, it can be cast in any given site with a 1 mile diameter only once every hour (this is the time it takes for the natural charges to build up again). This application delivers 1d4 points of electricity damage to its target or targets for each level the priest has attained. The area of effect is up to the caster: it can be a circle with a diameter of 20 feet, or the priest can choose to let the lightning strike up to three different creatures within range. In the latter case, the electrical charge must be divided by the priest over the different targets (for example, a 16th-level priest could hit a giant for 10d4 points of damage, and its two gnoll servants for 3d4 points each). A saving throw versus spell is allowed for half damage.
3. The third application closely resembles the second one, but it can also be cast indoors or under the ground. The damage is however decreased to 1d3 points of damage per caster level. The saving throw for half damage is of course still applicable.
Vylja's Spiders to Ashes (Alteration)
Vylja's spiders to ashes is an improved version of the 3rd-level spell Vylja's webs to dust. The casting of the spell creates a golden glow that fills the area of effect for about 10 seconds. This light automatically destroys all natural and magical webs within its confines: they are turned into harmless dust. Spiders and objects that were supported by the webs fall to the surface and suffer normal falling damage. Moreover, Vylja's spiders to ashes also causes damage to creatures that are wholly or partly arachnoid (driders and steeders, for example) and to living webs. All such creatures suffer 1d4 points of damage per experience level of the caster. They are however allowed a saving throw versus death magic for half damage.
This spell can also help against a creeping doom, because such a swarm normally consists at least partly of arachnids. Vylja's spiders to ashes will destroy between 100 and 500 of the critters (1d5x100). The material components needed for this spell are the caster's holy symbol and a precious stone worth at least 50 gp. The stone must have been enchanted with continual light prior to the casting of this spell. It disappears during casting.
Vylja's Versatile Healing (Necromancy)
Upon casting this spell the caster gains the power to heal 1d6 points of damage for each level he has attained. He is free to divide these dice over more than one creature as he deems fit (for example, a 10th-level priest could roll 4d6 to cure his own wounds, 5d6 to cure the wounds of the part's fighter, and 1d6 to heal some of the damage the party's illusionist has suffered). A priest can cure up to three creatures in a single round, as long as he is able to touch them with his two hands. The caster retains his healing capacity (or what is left of it) as long as he does not engage into combat (melee or missile weapons) and as long as he does not cast spells other than those belonging to the healing sphere (wizard spells are not allowed either for multi-classed characters). In any case, the spell will end after one day per level of the caster.
Vylja's Whirlwind (Conjuration)
This powerful spell enables the priest to channel energy from the elemental plane of air into the prime material plane in order to create a large whirlwind. The whirlwind is 30 feet high, 10 feet wide at its base and 30 feet wide at its top. It comes into existence at the end of the casting time at some 15-foot square location determined by the caster. In the next round it moves away in a straight line from its point of origin for 30 feet before dissipating into ordinary air again. The priest can choose in which direction the whirlwind moves if he concentrates on that task during the round following the casting of the spell. If he has other concerns, the whirlwind will move in a random direction - roll 1d8 to see which one.
All creatures in the total area of effect, which is 15 feet wide and 45 feet long, are battered by powerful wind blasts and suffer 3d8 points of damage. Trees and buildings suffer structural damage as if hit 3 times by a battering ram.
If the whirlwind cannot attain its full height (when cast underground, for example), its force is diminished somewhat: it only deals 3d4 points of damage to creatures and inanimate objects only suffer structural damage once.
Wax to Flesh (Alteration) Reversible
The wax to flesh spell turns any wax into flesh. If the wax was originally living, this spell restores life and possessions provided a successful system shock roll. Thus, any creature transformed into wax can be restored to flesh regardless of size. When cast upon ordinary wax, the caster can affect a volume of 10 cubic feet per level. In this case, the flesh is inert and lifeless.
The reverse, flesh to wax, turns flesh of any sort into wax. All possessions are converted to wax also. The victim is allowed a saving throw versus polymorph to resist the effects of this spell. Failure means that the victim is immediately turned into a statue of wax. As with flesh to stone, any statue created by this spell is subject to breakage or weathering; however since wax is much more fragile than stone, the resulting statue is more susceptible to these threats. Wax statues are especially susceptible to fire and heat damage. Any wax figure left exposed to fire (or acid) or heat (eg., the desert sun) in excess of 100 degrees F suffers damage per the following table, and the victim, once restored to flesh, appears as if mutilated by acid. Remember, that the surface temperature in the desert is hotter than the air temperature - when it is 100 degrees F seven feet off the ground, it can be 170 degrees F on the surface.
The DM rolls 1d4 and modifies the roll depending upon the type of damage. For normal fires (eg., a campfire), the DM modifies the roll by adding 1 for every round of exposure. For magical fires (eg., fireballs), the DM modifies the roll by the amount of damage inflicted. For heat damage, the DM modifies the roll by 1 and adds 1 for every 10 degrees F above 100 degrees F multiplied by the number of hours exposed. For example, a wax stature is exposed to a the desert sun all day, during which the temperature exceeds 100 degrees F for 2 hours (+2), 110 degrees F for 2 hours (+4), and 120 degrees F for 1 hour (+3). The DM rolls 3 on 1d4, modifies the roll by +9, and consults the following table for the effects under 9. The victim, if returned to flesh, permanently loses 5 points of Charisma and 9 HP. As can be seen, the effects are cumulative.
Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Tome touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: The Avangion of Delphi <>
Sphere: Elemental (Water)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One cubic yard per level
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Christopher A. Snyder Jr. <>
Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>
Sphere: Combat, Weather
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>
Sphere: Elemental (Air), Weather
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature touched per 3 levels
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>
Sphere: Protection, Weather
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 40-foot circle
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>
Sphere: Weather
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>
Sphere: Sun
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One 10-foot cube per level
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>
Sphere: Healing
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>
Sphere: Elemental (Air), Weather
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 15x45-foot rectangle
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ezra van Everbroeck <>
Sphere: Cosmos
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Author: John M. Martz <>
Modified D4 | Effects |
1-4 | Restored individual is horribly scarred, Charisma reduced by 5 points (cannot be reduced below 1). This damage can only be healed by regenerate, wish, or similar magic. |
5-9 | Restored individual permanently loses hit points equal to the modified roll (cannot be reduced below 1 HP). This damage can only be healed by regenerate, wish, or similar magic. |
10-14 | One of the victim's limbs is unusable; the DM randomly determines which, using 1d4 (1: left arm; 2: right arm; 3: left leg; 4: right leg). This damage can only be healed by regenerate, wish, or similar magic. |
15+ | Restored individual is dead. He can be brought back to life with resurrection, wish, or similar magic. Note: raise dead will not work since the body will not be whole. |
Word of Passage (Alteration)
By use of this spell, the priest causes a passage five feet in diameter to be bored into any single non-living substance. The passage will extend ten feet per level of the priest, and may be closed behind the priest or allowed to exist for the duration of the spell. Note that stone, metal, water, gas, or even fire are affected, though magical substances, sanctified areas and magically locked objects cannot be penetrated. The material component for this spell is an awl, which is consumed in the casting.
Yemelat's Orgiastic Frenzy (Enchantment)
Yemelat, whose archbishopric is among the most coveted of all the dioceses of Lord Priapus, is most famous for his orgiastic frenzy spell, first put to shockingly great effect at a special High Council of the priests of Helm, Torm, and Tyr. This spell compels those within its range to engage in sexual activities with wild abandon with anyone else within the zone. Those within the area of effect may save versus petrification at -5 to stave off the effects, but must save again if they touch anyone or anything in the zone, until they escape the zone or until everyone falls unconscious within the zone. The material component is a peeled grape.
Sphere: Travellers
Range: 3 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10-foot per level long, 5-foot diameter cone
Saving Throw: None
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>
Sphere: Charm
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6 turn
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius circle
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Mario R. Borelli <>
Casting Time (hrs) | Age decrease |
5 | 2 |
10 | 4 |
15 | 6 |
20 | 8 |
25 | 10 |
Zone of Tolerance (Abjuration) Reversible
This spell is used by a priest to create an area in which alcohol has a diminished effect on creatures. Any being entering the area must make a saving throw versus spell to overcome the compulsion not to drink. Creatures entering the area already intoxicated will have their level of intoxication reduced by one level (note that this sobers up those who are slightly intoxicated). Constitution checks made in the area are unmodified, no matter what is being imbibed, thus making it more difficult to become drunk (see the Net Alcohol Guide for more information). The reverse, zone of intoxication, creates an area in which alcohol is more effective than normal. Any being entering the area must save versus spell or be compelled to drink. Creatures entering the area will become one level more intoxicated than they were (not more than greatly intoxicated, and sober creatures are unaffected by this). Constitution checks are made at a -3 penalty, cumulative with other penalties, making it easier to become drunk.
This spell is popular amongst priests who assist temperance organizations. The reverse is popular amongst business owners who enjoy the large consumption of alcohol. Of course, they must find priests willing to help the business. Most priests will cast the spell for a small contribution to the church.
The material component of the spell is a sea sponge with a serving of alcohol sucked into it.
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 24 hours
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One 120-yard radius area
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Keith Taylor <>