Animate Dead III (Necromancy)
This more powerful version of animate dead II allows the wizard to
create undead up to 1/3 of his level in Hit Dice. Otherwise it is
identical to animate dead II.
Animate Golem (Alteration, Invocation)
With this spell, a wizard can create one golem. The construction of a
golem is a long process and additional spells are required to fully
animate the golem, but this spell can replace the wish spell in the
process. The component is the golem to be animated and some gorgon
Anti-Gravity (Alteration, Enchantment)
This spell reduces the effect of gravity to absolute zero in the area of
effect thus causing anything to effectively float with no weight (note
the mass still exists (while a vault door weighs nothing it still can
crush someone who has the unfortunate luck of being between it and its
door frame)). It can be lain on an area without a focusing object but in
that case it is limited to the area of effect noted above. If a focusing
object is used the casting time changes to 1 hour per 10 feet per level
per side cube. The focusing object is not destroyed in the casting but
if it is ever moved from its place or even touched by the caster after
the enchantment is placed the spell fails immediately.
Once the spell is in effect anything within the area of effect of one
10-foot cube per level can be moved almost without effort (unless it is
very large). If the spell is focused on an object then the object is
within the centre of the cube. This cube then measures 10 feet per level
per side (an 18th-level wizard creates a 180-foot cube).
The material component (even without the focusing object) is a hollow
diamond which has a perfectly round hollow inside without having any
hinges. This diamond must have cost a least 10,000 gp before being
hollowed out. The focusing object (if it is used) has to be a completely
priceless object which is absolutely unique such as the largest gem ever
found on the planet, the complete and untarnished set of platinum teeth
of the poorest man ever to have lived on the planet or something
likewise illogical or (almost) impossible (as the DM desires for that
special case).
Balefire (Alteration)
Balefire is a very nasty spell. The caster must roll to hit the subject,
using only Dexterity-related bonuses to Armour Class - armour does not
affect the chances of being hit. A being or object hit ceases to exist.
Moreover, the being or object hit, after being hit, didn't even exist
before he or it was hit. Thus, actions taken by a person hit by Balefire
are reversed - people slain are brought back to life, etc. The area of
effect vaguely resembles a sword or broom, and can be swept along to
cause even more damage.
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: Inanimate golem touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kris <>
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9 hours per 10-foot cube
Area of Effect: 10-foot cube per level or special
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Up to 2 feet wide and 20 feet long cone
Saving Throw: None
Author: Robert A. Howard <>
Place | Modifier | Effects |
head | -8 | major skull fracture: save versus spell or die; else
suffer 4d8 points of damage |
arm* | -4 | major broken arm: arm is totally useless; it cannot be
used to attack or defend with |
leg* | -4 | major broken leg: leg is totally useless; movement is half
normal |
ribs | -4 | broken rib: loss of 1d6 Constitution points and 2d8 points
of damage |
spine** | -8 | severed vertebrae: save versus spell or die; else
paralysed until healed or cured |
pelvis | -4 | major hip fracture: -6 to Dexterity when using legs;
movement rate is at one quarter of normal; suffer 3d8 points of damage |
Cure critical wounds is required to heal one of these effects (except for paralysis, which must be cured by normal means) as long as the victim is still alive, and a heal spell will fully restore a living victim to full health.
The material components for this spell are an intact bone of at least a foot in length, and a large metal hammer which are consumed when the spell is cast.
Celestarion's Barrier of Blackwhite (Abjuration, Necromancy)
This spell was created by Celestarion to be his ultimate form of
protection. Whether it is or is not is left up to the individual wizard,
but nonetheless it is a powerful spell.
When cast, a sphere of swirling black and white light appears to
surround the wizard and all those close to him. The barrier has all of
the following effects:
Celestarion's Total Blast (Evocation, Necromancy)
This spell was designed as a last line of defense by Celestarion for use
when all else failed. It is nothing less than a 9th-level blast of
totally destructive energy. Upon casting, the following things happen,
in the sequence given.
The material component of this spell is an ioun stone, which is lost in
the casting.
Chaos Environment (Alteration, Wild Magic)
This spell is similar to the 4th-level chaos vision. However, rather
than producing an illusion as chaos vision does, this spell produces a
very real effect. The ground constantly rolls and twists, and objects
from the wizard's mind appear and disappear.
All creatures and objects in the chaos environment are constantly
polymorphing, once each round. Note that creatures polymorphed will need
to save versus spell each round to keep their former identity and not
take on a new one. All creatures and objects will polymorph back to
their original form upon leaving the area of effect.
A person entering this environment had best carried nothing with him or
risks losing it as he turns into some form which might not be able to
carry it. People have to make system shock rolls every turn, for the
stresses will tear even the mightiest hero apart, given time.
All damage from being crushed, attacked, and otherwise affected by the
spell is real, caused by real creatures and environmental changes in the
area. A general rule of thumb for damage caused by the constant changes
in the environment is 1d6 hit points per round. However, DMs are
encouraged to devise specific environmental changes, and apply damage as
The material component of this spell is a wild magic region, which is
consumed by the spell. The area of effect fills the area previously
formed by the wild magic area. The duration of the chaos environment is
the duration remaining on the wildzone which created the wild magic
region used.
Cloud of Great Intoxication (Alteration, Evocation)
This spell is similar to the 5th-level cloudkill. It will create a large
blue and pink billowing and churning cloud. The cloud will move away
from the caster at a rate of 10 feet per round. The cloud will move
along the ground at the caster's direction. A light wind will not affect
the movement of the cloud as long as the wizard is concentrating on the
spell. A medium strength wind will slow or change the direction of the
cloud no more than one foot per round in any direction as long as the
wizard concentrates on the spell. A strong wind will disperse the cloud
after 5 rounds, unless the caster makes a successful Intelligence check
to keep the cloud together and under control. A very strong wind will
disperse the cloud after 2 rounds, but if a saving throw is made, the
cloud remains, but the caster cannot control the spell for that round.
The caster must be spending all his concentration on keeping the spell
active. Heavy vegetation will slow the cloud to one half speed but will
not cause it to disperse.
All creatures enveloped by the cloud are affected. All such creatures
are put into an alcoholic coma unless they make a saving throw versus
poison (see the Net Alcohol Guide for more information). A successful
saving throw means the creatures become greatly intoxicated. Any
creature over 10+1 HD or higher may save versus poison at +2.
For each round spent in the cloud, a creature must save versus poison or
become comatose. For each round beyond two spent in the cloud any
creature or character must save at a cumulative -1 per round, and after
four rounds magic resistance is reduced by 5% per round spent enveloped
by the cloud. The power of this spell is such that even creatures or
persons immune to the effects of alcohol, magical or otherwise, are
affected by this spell after five rounds. There are no racial or weight
modifiers to this spell (see the Net Alcohol Guide; it is recommended
that DMs use the optional drunk disposition rule for cases of great
The effects of this spell are such that it extends the time needed to
recover from a state of intoxication. For someone who became comatose,
add 10 hours to the recovery time. Once the state of great intoxication
has been reached, it takes an additional 6 hours to recover. Once
someone has moved to moderate intoxication, it takes an additional 5
hours to reach a state of slight intoxication. It takes an extra 2 hours
to return to normal. Using stimulants to speed recovery is possible, but
if the Constitution check is failed, add another thirty minutes to the
recover time of to this stage of intoxication. Magical stimulants can be
used with no ill effect. The spell also extends the time needed to
recover from a hangover by 2d6 hours and makes the effect of the
hangover twice as severe. Obviously, this is a potent spell which in the
right hands could waylay a small army. The DM must be wary of how this
potent magic is used.
The material components for this spell are some dried grape skins or a
sprinkling of the best hops, which must both come from a
once-in-a-century harvest. The third and most important component of
this spell is the blue breath of a content alcohol dragon, without which
this spell will not work.
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius sphere
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Celestarion
Range: 240 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature per object
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Celestarion
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown
Range: 100 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 turns per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One 60-foot cube
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ronald Jones (Greymoon) <jonesrd@sjsuvm1.bitnet>
Round | Damage | Radius | Saving Throw Bonus |
1 | 8d8 | 20 foot | 0 |
2 | 4d8 | 15 foot | +1 |
3 | 2d8 | 10 foot | +2 |
4 | 1d8 | 5 foot | +3 |
Damage suffered is cumulative from one round to the next, but the saving throw bonus is not. Anyone who makes a successful saving throw takes only half damage that round, and automatically saves on any subsequent rounds; those who fail their saving throws suffer full damage, and must have all their possessions save versus magical fire to avoid destruction. If anyone leaves the area of effect and returns later, a new saving throw must be made, even if the previous one was successful.
The conflagration may, or may not conform to a confined space, at the wizard's discretion. Apart from the changes mentioned above, the conflagration otherwise acts like a fireball.
The material components for this spell are the heart of a red dragon, and a powdered diamond worth at least 600 gp.
Create Battlement (Conjuration/Summoning)
This spell is somewhat of an anomaly in the series of create room spells
as it also creates the exterior of the room. It creates a complete tower
including battlements if desired. This tower is created from a cube with
a side length of 10 feet per 3 levels of the caster: an 18th-level
wizard could create a tower from a 60-foot cube. Thus, this wizard
could, theoretically, create a 180-foot high tower with a base of almost
35 feet square. This would obviously a very unstable tower, thus the
normal rule is: the base has to be at least a square of 1/3 the height
of the tower.
Thus, in our case the wizard could create a tower of approximately 40
feet square up to 120 feet high. The walls of this tower are made from
adamantine and require 2 points of structural damage per level to get a
breach in a 10x10 feet section and an additional 3 points per level to
collapse a 10x10 feet section completely. The walls are up to 1 inch per
level thick. The tower can be made to collapse if one levels loses more
than 1/3 of its structural points or if more than 3 levels lose more
than one tenth of their structural points. Anything in the tower at that
time will most certainly be crushed (unless absolutely immune to
magical, +5, metal). The tower can have up to one door per 10 full
levels of the caster. The number of floors will be determined by the
height of the tower with up to a maximum of one floor per 10 (partial)
feet height. This is also one of the room spells which are obviously
used for combat purposes so they don't vanish if used for combat. The
tower still cannot be sold - in that case the whole tower vanishes in a
puff of smoke. It contains one full battlement with merlons, one small
ballista per 5 full levels, one shot for each ballista per level, one
light catapult per 10 full levels, one shot per catapult per 2 levels,
one large siege pot of oil or lead including fire for heating and the
lifting mechanism, 10 arrow slits per level, up to 1000 square feet of
interior walls per level (not including the floor and ceiling area), and
up to one iron bound wooden door per level in the interior, whereas the
external doors are full adamantine doors with over 20 structural points
each. The doors are magically sealed with wizard looks which open either
to a special command word or by the caster's desires. In addition, they
can be locked normally with the internal locks of masterful quality (-
75% to lockpicking chances).
The tower is in itself non-magical. Thus, it cannot be collapsed with
the normal use of an anti-magic shell (unless the shell is laid directly
on the targeting point of the spell). Mordenkainen's disjunction has
either its chance against an artifact to destroy it or its chance to
dispel it, whichever is lower. Dispel magic will only work if the caster
himself casts it on the targeting point of the spell.
The material components are one large solid cube of pure adamantine of
3 inches per level per side length. Into this cube have to be merged
(with no space between them) one diamond per floor level desired inside
(of no less than 10,000 gp each). The metal should cost no less than
1000 gp per inch side length (an 18th-level caster has a cube with 54
inches per side length (4'6", which is more than a cubic yard of metal
weighing a lot more than 20 tons), which makes 54,000 gp for the cube
and at least 10,000 gp for at least one floor. This component can be
used during preparation, but the spell has to be cast during the
following 1 month per level time. If not cast during this time, the
material component is used up completely. As this spell is memorised, it
can be dropped for another spell, but the material component used in
preparation is still lost. If the material component is used during the
preparation, the casting time is only 2 rounds, otherwise it is 3 turns.
The block of adamantine is the targeting point of the spell. It will
always be found at the base in the centre of the created tower. It will
be teleported there even if the caster does not know the teleport spell.
It will not teleport across planes unless a direct link to the caster
exists at the time.
Curse of Undeath (Necromancy)
This spell causes a creature which fails a saving throw versus death
magic to be under a horrible curse. The creature will live a normal life
until it dies (whether of natural causes or unnaturally does not
matter). Then, the creature is transformed into an undead creature of
the caster's specifications (within special limits). This does not
happen until the night after the creature's death. The creature can be
a creature having up to the maximum of half the caster's Hit Dice and it
may be any kind of undead up to and including a ghost (note: it is not
possible to create a lich or special undead via this spell). The
creature is completely under the caster's control if it fails a saving
throw versus spell against each and every one of his controlling
attempts. Once the creature has succeeded at one saving throw per caster
level, it is completely free from the caster's control and it knows who
tried to control it and it bears an everlasting hatred against the
caster. The caster can make use of its senses even if he is on another
plane (note: this is not possible if the caster is feebleminded,
disminded or otherwise not in control of his body or mind). The creature
can be cured with a remove curse, an atonement, and a heal before it
dies, all cast with the explicit purpose to remove this spell. Once the
spell is in effect, and the creature dies, only the immediate blessing
of the slain body can prevent the transformation to undeath. Note: a
resurrection is possible, but if it is not done before the next
nightfall, the creature will transform into an undead being. Once the
creature is transformed, it cannot be saved, unless a god reverses the
situation directly (not by sending an avatar but by being there
personally and laying on hands).
The material components are a pinch of bone or a drop of the essence of
each type of undead that exists on that planet (or in that sphere if
used off-planet). The caster has to have an additional full pound of
bone or essence of the type of undead creature he wants to create. Thus,
it will take lots of ghost ichor to create the fleeting substance known
as ghost's essence in the required amounts. How to get the stuff is the
wizard's problem, not mine...
Dalen's Mental Resistance (Abjuration)
This spell is used to stop all mental and psionic powers from affecting
a specific being. This is accomplished by creating a field around the
being affected that stops all mental energy from passing through it.
This field however stops the mental energy from both entering or
leaving. Thus, this could be used to stop a psionicist from using any
powers on anyone but himself. It also grants immunity to any psionic
attacks, including the dreaded mind flayer mental blast. It provides
protection from any spell that deals with the mind of the person
protected as well as any psionic power. This spell is quite similar to
mind blank, except that it provides full protection against psionics and
a few other mental powers. The list of spells that are protected against
is too long to list, but if a spell affects the mind of a being, it will
not work. The material component of this spell is a diamond shield,
worth at least 10,000 gp.
Dalen was a Red Wizard of Thay, but was overthrown by another wizard who
had a psionicist working for him. Dalen researched a way to stop
psionics from working, and partially succeeded. He was hoping that a
wall or sphere could be created, but found that this was impossible,
because all the research he found pointed to the fact that such a field
would have to be in close proximity to a living being, no more than an
inch away in fact. Dalen later died when he tried to cast this spell on
a psionic lich. Since the spell only affects living beings, which a lich
is obviously not, Dalen was reduced to a mental vegetable and
subsequently killed.
Damian's Mindswap (Enchantment/Charm)
When this powerful enchantment is cast, the wizard attempts to rip the
target creature's soul from its body and temporarily place it in a gem
of not less than 15,000 gp value. At the same time, the wizard's soul is
released from his body and also travels through the gem. When, and if,
both souls are in the gem, they both proceed to the opposed bodies from
which they came. This has two very noticeable effects:
If the saving throw is made, this indicates that this person's body will
never accept the wizard's soul and need never fear this spell from the
same wizard again. After the transferral has been completed, the gem
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: One 10-foot per 3 levels per side cube in any shape
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature per 5 levels
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Ryan Biggs (the Net Psionics Handbook) <>
Range: 70 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Jay <>
Environment | Maximum Speed | Cruising Speed |
Vacuum | 128 | 48 |
Normal flight | 96 | 36 |
Fluid environment | 48 | 24 |
Viscous (ooze, lava) | 36 | 18 |
The forearm blades are also improved, remaining retractable, but having a base cutting damage of 2d12 each. Three attacks per round are possible with the speed of the armour's movement enhancement. Also, the armour acts to amplify the strength of the wearer, giving the wearer 16 + 2d4 Strength for the duration, giving the blades extra damage potential (Strength bonuses apply here only) as well as giving the armour lifting power to help it out of tight spots.
The suit also helps to compensate for the wizard's inability to cast spells, by adding "attack packages". Several options are possible, each being sets of spells with a limited number of charges. These spells can be fired off two per round at the wizard's discretion, and take the place of the suit's blade attacks. They otherwise act as the normal spells in most respects, and are "cast" at the wizard's level. Note that these are simply triggered "charges" implanted in the structure of the armour, and not subject to normal casting restrictions.
Attack packages that are available:
The armour is a sapphire blue glow in colour, and is brighter at the joints, as well as along the blades and at the structures controlling weapon packages. The force jets emit a bright azure radiance.
The material component is a diamond cut to resemble a small person, to which is affixed with golden wire a ruby sword, sapphire wings, and one perfectly cut opal for each five spell charges.
Darklight's Ultimate Invisibility (Illusion)
This spell causes a powerful and foolproof veil of undetectability to
conceal the target and its carried belongings. The spell name implies a
mere visual concealment, but the actual effect of the spell is much more
The recipient cannot be seen, either by normal sight, infravision,
ultravision, detect magic, detect life, detect invisibility, and even
true seeing. Clairvoyance and scrying fail upon the recipient, as do any
divinations used upon him or upon an item he carries.
The recipient also cannot be heard, smelt, tasted, or felt. He leaves no
tracks and makes no sound. His voice cannot be heard by anyone, making
most spellcasting (unfortunately) unlikely.
No known means of penetrating illusions, aside from a wish or limited
wish, can reveal the creature. Dispel magic, anti-magic shell, and
related effects cannot touch this enchantment.
In short, aside from the close scrutiny of a greater god, a wish, or the
death of the creature, no means can locate the being, whether
extraplanar, magical, psionic, or otherwise. Even physical contact is
rationalized away by those touching the creature (although an attack
causes extreme suspicion and the victim of such an attack knows
something is up). Thus, a -8 penalty to-hit against such a creature is
The material component is a bottle, inside which is maintained a near
perfect vacuum.
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Keith Taylor <>
Demon | Duration |
Type 1 | 4 rounds |
Type 2 | 6 rounds |
Type 3 | 8 rounds |
Type 4 | 12 rounds |
Type 5 | 20 rounds |
Type 6 | 50 rounds |
Named | 100 rounds |
The duration can be split between people.
Dheryth's Magnificent Mansion (Alteration, Conjuration)
This spell has two different manifestations that may be chosen by the
wizard when the spell is cast. Both are essentially improvements on the
7th-level Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion.
Version 1: The area of effect is 300 square feet per level of experience
of the caster, and the interior can be fully customised. The only
changes are as follows:
The material components of this spell are the same as those of
Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion (see the Player's Handbook for more
Ding Shu's Draconian Holocaust (Invocation/Evocation)
This spell causes to what appears to be a huge celestial dragon to
appear in the air and swoop down spewing forth its fiery breath.
The spell affects an area of 2 feet wide by 10 feet long per level of
the wizard. All creatures in the area of effect take 1d10+2 points of
damage from the fire. It does structural damage to all constructions in
the area of effect. The damage is 3 HP, 2 HP, 1 HP, or 1/2 HP to wood,
earth, soft stone, or hard stone respectively per level of the wizard.
The material component of this spell is a scale from a fire-breathing
dragon and a potion of firewater.
Ding Shu's Marvellous Chopsticks (Conjuration/Summoning)
This spell brings into existence a pair of huge chopsticks, 30 feet
long, which attacks all creatures as if they were AC 10 (modified by
Dexterity). These giant chopsticks attack with the wizard's THAC0.
Victims weighing more than 5 tons are immobilised by the chopsticks,
while those of lesser weight will be picked up, and may be deposited,
within the same round, at any point in the spell's range. Those who
successfully roll to bend bars manage to free themselves, but they may
suffer falling damage as a result.
The wizard may choose to deposit the victims into a gargantuan mouth
which appears above his head. This mouth can hold 2 size L, 4 size M, or
8 size S creatures at one time. Each round, the mouth "chews" its
contents for 10d10 damage each. When a creature trapped inside the mouth
is reduced to below 0 HP, the creature is "swallowed" into the astral
plane, and more room becomes available for creatures to be dropped into
the mouth. Normally, persons reduced to such a hit point score would die
in a matter of minutes, but in the timelessness of the astral plane,
they may remain unconscious but barely alive for thousands of years,
provided they had more than -10 HP when they entered the plane. This, of
course, is only valid in campaigns which use the optional rule
concerning hovering at death's door. If the creature caught by the
chopsticks weighs more than 5 tons, then the mouth will move toward the
trapped creature and start biting it into little pieces until it is all
The spell requires minimal concentration and direction once it has been
cast. This allows the wizard to cast other spells, and maintain
concentration on them instead. If the wizard is killed before the end of
the spell's duration, the mouth and chopsticks will remain, with the
chopsticks capturing creatures that were enemies of the wizard and
depositing them in the mouth when space allows. Naturally, the material
component of this spell is a pair of chopsticks.
Ditan's Nullify (Alteration, Necromancy)
This spell is a more powerful version of the 7th-level Ditan's minor
nullify. This spell stops the wizard or priest from using their
abilities for a week, as well as temporarily disabling any carried magic
items to function. Items get a saving throw versus crushing blow, while
artifacts are not affected at all. The wizard has a 30% chance of being
affected, but if he is affected, he is affected as by minor nullify.
The material components for this spell are a 1000 gp worth ball of
obsidian and a 1000 gp diamond, that are both consumed in the casting.
The victim's saving throw is at -8.
Ditan's Portable Dwelling (Alteration, Conjuration)
This spell is a more powerful version of the 7th-level Ditan's portable
quarters, with the following exceptions.
The spell only enchants one doorknob, and it opens up onto a two story
home, with 5 bedrooms, two bathrooms, 5 miscellaneous rooms, and a
kitchen. The owner may allow up to 16 beings in, as well as himself. In
addition, the character may contact the outside world via a call portal
that allows the characters inside to view the immediate area where they
The additional material component is a ring of spell storing with three
enlarge spells held within, that is consumed in casting the spell.
Ditan's Power Stripping (Alteration, Necromancy)
When this spell is cast the wizard calls into being two spheres of
negative energy, one from the realm of negative magic energy, and one
from the quasi-negative material plane. The spheres are then hurled at
the victim, and the character gets a saving throw at -6, to avoid being
affected. If affected, the character loses all the abilities of his
class or classes. Spells will not work, specialisation is lost, and
skills are forgotten. The only way to dispel this effect is through a
wish or divine intervention. A limited wish will temporarily (1d20
turns) restore abilities.
The material component for this spell is a 1-foot cube of obsidian, the
eye of a black dragon, and a trapped soul of a demon of at least 16 HD.
All spell components are consumed in the casting. There is a 50% chance
of the soul of the demon being released, and trying to take over the
wizard. If taken over, the wizard is drained of all spell abilities for
1d4 years.
Ditan's Resolidification (Alteration)
This spell will resolidify anything effected by crystalbrittle or a
breath weapon. It will not mend items that have been broken since the
crystalbrittle, though (eg.: Galgor's sword was crystalbrittled, then he
dropped it and it shattered, even though he found every piece and placed
it back together, when this spell is cast all he will have is many
pieces of metal). If the item was magical when crystalbrittle took
effect, then there is only a 25% chance that when it is resolidified it
will still be magical. The material component for this spell is 1 pint
of dragon blood.
Dual Casting (Alteration)
This rare and powerful spell allows the wizard to cast two spells at
once. When cast, the spell remains on standby until the wizard is ready
to use it. On the round it is used, the wizard may cast two spells at
the same time. The total spell levels cast may not exceed one third the
wizard's experience level. It is possible to have multiple castings of
this spell active; the wizard is limited to one per nine levels for a
maximum of four.
The material component is an egg with two yolks, and a perfect crystal
sphere composed of spent ioun stones, lesser shiral crystal, and quartz
melted together costing 2000 gold pieces per level of the wizard. The
egg is eaten (fried or hard boiled) and the sphere vanishes during
Eldarr's Major Spell Conversion (Alteration)
This spell is similar to the two other spell conversion spells (q.v.),
except that it may convert any spell of ninth level or less to any known
spell of a lower level.
The material components for this spell are as per those for improved
spell conversion, except that the gem must be worth at least 800 gp.
Energy Ball (Evocation)
This fireball-like spell inflicts all of its damage with positive
matter. Consequently, it heals 1d6 HP per level of the wizard. Negative
matter beings suffer 4d6 HP of damage per level of the wizard.
The reverse, negative ball, of this spell also exists. It drains one
level per 10 levels the wizard possesses. A successful saving throw
halves damage and negates the energy drain.
The material component for the positive matter version is a white pearl
worth at least 1000 gp. The negative version uses a black pearl of
similar value.
Energy Bolt [1] (Evocation)
This spell is identical to Bigby's besieging bolt in every way, except
that it is a bolt of positive energy, and only one bolt is fired. Like
energy ball, negative matter creatures take triple damage. It also has
a reverse, negative bolt, which drains one level per 10 levels of the
The material components for these spells are a flawless diamond, and a
black diamond respectively, each worth at least 1000 gp.
Expanded Awareness (Alteration, Divination)
This spell, when used, gives the wizard a great deal of information
about the immediate area. The wizard receives the effects of the
following spells or spell-like powers: detect charm, detect curse,
detect enemies, detect evil, detect good, detect illusion, detect
invisibility, detect lie, detect magic, detect phase, detect poison,
detect psionics, detect secret doors, detect snares and pits, and detect
The spell remains in effect constantly, and the wizard receives all the
information at once. There is no problem with assimilating the data. The
range of detection for this spell is 5 yards per level of the wizard.
With the appropriate reversed spells, the wizard using this spell could
become blind to some or all of the things that the spell detects for as
long as the spell would normally last. For example, the reverse of know
alignment cast upon the wizard will cause him to be unable to detect
evil or good. In some instances, it will become obvious to the wizard
that some of the detections are lost.
The wizard does not have to concentrate to use this spell, the
information arrives immediately and the wizard knows instantly. The
wizard can cast other spells while this spell is in effect.
The reverse of this spell, reduced awareness, causes one creature to be
unable to detect, by any means, any of the above things for the magic of
the spell will render all attempts ineffective. There is no saving throw
against this effect.
The material component of this spell is a miniature platinum telescope
worth at least 3,000 gp.
F.A.E. (Evocation)
When cast, F.A.E. creates a large (25 feet long, 5 feet in diameter at
base) indestructible missile from the wizard's concoction (described
later) that heads to its target, better known as ground zero. The
missile cannot be stopped or manipulated naturally or magically, it
always gets to its destination (of course DMs may make exceptions to
this rule). Once ground zero is reached, the missile lightly disperses
a very strong, somewhat gaseous, magical alcohol that is then ignited,
causing immense damage and complete loss of oxygen in the area of
The spell's range to ground zero is 1000 feet for every level of the
caster. This allows an 18th-level wizard to centre the spell as much as
three miles away. This would indicate that the wizard is well within
enemy borders in most cases when the spell is cast, although he is still
a distance from his target. The area of effect is a sphere with a
200-foot per level radius. The caster cannot control the area of effect.
Thus, if the wizard is 18th-level, he will always cast an F.A.E. that is
7200 feet in diameter. Given that 5280 feet comprise a mile, this is
quite a distance. The wizard better be good at judging distance, or he
might suddenly find himself inside the area of effect of his own spell.
Damage to the victims come by two means. The first is the combustion and
compression of the explosion which does 10d10 points of damage. Victims
get no saving throw because the area of effect is too large and the
explosion is in the very air around the victim, rendering escape
impossible. The second means of damage stems from the suffocation
resulting from the explosion that uses up all the available oxygen in
the area of effect. Every round beginning the round the spell is cast,
2d8 damage is taken from lack of oxygen. A victim that has a chance to
take a large breath of air and does not perform strenuous exercise while
holding his breath and is not fully encumbered can hold his breath for
a number of rounds equal to 1/3 his Constitution, rounded up
(non-strenuous exercise includes such activities as normal movement,
searching for secret doors, etc.). If a victim is performing strenuous
exercise, the number of rounds is cut in half (strenuous exercise
includes combat, attempting to subdue or move an uncooperative creature,
trying to lift heavy weight, moving at high speed, etc.). If a person
does not have a chance to take a deep breath before the spell takes
effect, the amount of time is halved (rounded up). This halving is
cumulative with that caused by strenuous exercise. Note that anybody can
hold his breath for at least one round.
When his breath runs out, a person does not immediately suffer the 2d8
points of damage caused by lack of oxygen. Each round after his breath
runs out, the person makes a Constitution check. The first check has no
modifiers, but there is a -2 cumulative modifier each round thereafter.
A failed check indicates that the victim tries to inhale oxygen, which
is not there, and suffers the 2d8 points of damage. He will continue to
suffer 2d8 points of damage each round until oxygen diffuses back into
the area of effect, until he leaves the area of effect, or until he
dies. After detonation of the spell which rids the area of effect of
oxygen, the oxygen will diffuse in at a rate of 50 feet per round.
The material components of this spell are usually rare, typically
expensive, and quite bulky. During casting, the following ingredients
are mixed together:
The material components are perhaps the biggest problem with this spell,
for without them the spell cannot be cast. DMs should make the material
components hard to come by and adventures should be made just for that.
Only very rich people, like kings and other nobles, could afford to
purchase some of the more exotic material components. Thus a useful
partnership takes place: the ruler needs the wizard for the intense
spell, the wizard needs the ruler's resources to collect the components.
This spell is a closely guarded secret by those that are fortunate to
possess it. Using F.A.E. offensively is great, but being on the receiving
end of the spell is not to fun.
Is this spell too powerful?
18 is the minimum level the wizard must be to cast this 9th spell.
Hopefully, few 18th-level wizards are roaming around. If a DM allows a
character to reach eighteenth level, one of two points can be assumed.
Either the DM has been very careful to create game balance, in which
case the DM will make this spell very dangerous to cast (via collecting
and keeping material components, getting safely to the target area which
is no doubt deep in secured enemy territory, etc.), or the DM is an
out-of-control Monty-Haulic, in which case it doesn't matter if the
spell is to powerful; the argument would be "Is ninth level to high?".
Falstaffe's Ethereal Firestorm (Conjuration/Summoning)
By casting this spell, the wizard conjures forth a huge ghostly
firestorm encompassing an area equal to half a foot radius per level of
the caster with the wizard at the centre of the storm. Thus an 18th
wizard would be standing at the centre of a firestorm 18 feet in
diameter. The storm will do no damage to the wizard or to any other
beings caught up in the area of effect. As the spell builds power, the
wizard and any others in the firestorm take on fiery, ethereal forms.
When the full turn is up, all that remains is the ghostly firestorm,
with slightly visible images of the wizard and his companions within. At
this time, the wizard can begin moving the firestorm at any rate up to
24 yards per turn. Corners and turns may be navigated, streams or
crevasses crossed, there is almost no terrain that will hinder the
firestorm (DM's choice if a special terrain). Those inside the firestorm
may see all that goes on around them while they travel and cannot be
harmed. Those objects or creatures in the path of the firestorm will
fell simply a strong, hot wind (although the firestorm is scary looking,
it does no damage in passing). The wizard may cease the spell in anytime
during the spell. Those within the sphere will re-materialise exactly in
the position they were when the spell was cast (i.e.: same marching
order, same items drawn, same positions). Although they might go from
travelling 24 yards per turn to standing still, those within the sphere
will feel no forward momentum on re-entry. The wizard has 2 ways to stop
this spell:
Fellstar's Flame Sheet (Evocation)
This is an improved version of Fellstar's flame arc; it is identical to
that spell, with the following exceptions:
The flames fall to the ground from the height at which they were cast,
so in effect, anyone at the initial height or below is affected by the
flames. In addition, if these flames are blocked by an obstacle, they
will flow around the barrier and will rejoin at a distance equal to the
width the obstacle; therefore, if the flames are blocked by a 2 foot
wide boulder, they will rejoin 2 feet behind the rock. This applies in
both the horizontal and vertical dimensions.
The flames from this spell will continue to burn for one round after the
spell is cast; anyone hit by the flames on the first round suffers 10d10
points of damage, and those hit on the second round suffer 5d10 points
of damage. On either round, a successful saving throw versus spell
reduces the damage by half (saving throws for the second round are at
+2); if this saving throw fails, all possessions must save versus
magical fire or be destroyed. Note that damage is cumulative if caught
in the flames on both rounds the spell is in effect.
The material components for this spell are as per those for the flame
arc spell, with the addition of one or more gems worth at least 500 gp.
The gems and the volcanic rock are consumed when the spell is cast.
Fenzill's Phantasmal Fingers (Necromancy)
This spell is an enhanced version of the 2nd-level spectral hand; it
differs from that spell in the following ways: it can be used to deliver
a touch spell of any level and it gives a +3 to the attack roll. It has
an Armour Class of -4, but it cannot be destroyed by any attack (it may
only be dispelled). Instead, any hit on the hand inflicts full damage on
the wizard (although a successful saving throw versus spell reduces this
damage by half). The wizard may end the spell with a single word. The
material component for this spell is a glove.
Genocide (Evocation, Necromancy)
This spell allows the wizard to kill one or more creatures of the same
species: the wizard chooses a creature as the initial target for the
spell, and after the incantations are complete, a black bolt shoots
forth from the wizard's finger towards the chosen target. If this
creature makes its saving throw versus spell at -2 (or if it has 15 or
more Hit Dice) there is no effect and the spell terminates.
If the saving throw of the initial target fails, the creature dies, and
the spell continues as follows: if there are no more creatures of the
same species within the area of effect, the spell ends at this point.
Otherwise, the bolt will continue jumping to other targets. The bolt
jumps randomly from one target to the next; range is not a consideration
- as long as the target is in the area of effect, and it is of the
appropriate race, it may be hit by the bolt. Each creature that is hit
with the bolt must make a successful saving throw versus spell (with no
modifiers) or die.
This spell will affect a number of Hit Dice equal to: 10 HD + 1 HD per
level of the wizard (the number of creatures is not a factor). The spell
will terminate when one or more of the following occurs: the Hit Dice
limit is exceeded, there are no more potential targets in the area of
effect, or the bolt strikes a target with more than 15 HD (such a
creature is unaffected by this spell). Each target hit with the bolt
counts towards the Hit Dice limit, whether its saving throw was
successful or not.
The bolt will never jump to a creature of a different species, or to one
that has already been hit (whether living or dead). Any creature with
more Hit Dice than the original target will not be affected by the bolt,
but its number of Hit Dice is still counted towards the Hit Dice limit
of the spell. If a target's Hit Dice would exceed the limit of the
spell, it is not affected (and the spell terminates).
The bolt will never jump back to the wizard; in addition, the wizard may
choose individuals to be unaffected by the spell simply by naming them
as part of the incantations (usually used to avoid killing friends or
Note that some races are closely related, but are not considered
identical species for purposes of this spell (i.e. goblinkind).
"Half-breeds" will be affected by this spell if either of their
parent-race is targeted, as well as when the cross-breed is specifically
targeted. However, if a parent-race is named as the target, a half-breed
of that race earns a +2 to its saving throw. For example, a half-elf is
affected normally if half-elves are named as the target of this spell.
They would also be affected if either humans or elves were targeted,
although they would gain a +2 to their saving throws in the latter two
After this spell is cast, the wizard must make a successful system shock
roll or fall unconscious for 1d10 rounds. Note that the DM may wish to
inflict other penalties on the wizard due to loss of blood (see material
components below), especially if the spell is cast more than once is a
short period of time.
The material components of this spell are a pint of the wizard's blood
and a figurine or statuette of the race to be targeted. The blood is
consumed at the time of the casting, and the figurine is also destroyed,
unless the wizard makes a successful saving throw versus spell.
Greater Disintegration (Abjuration, Alteration)
This powerful spell is a long range, heavy version of disintegrate. When
cast, a sizzling blue beam springs from the wizard's hand destroying
1000 cubic feet of matter (10-foot long cube) per level of the wizard.
The material component is a pinch of residue from a lodestone that was
used to cast a normal disintegrate spell. The saving throw is made at a
Greater Extradimensional Space (Alteration, Enchantment)
This powerful spell creates a large extradimensional space lasting one
week, plus one day per level. The space is one 10-foot cube per 6
levels. The material components are a door and 3000 gp worth of
transplanar quartz per 6 levels of the wizard.
Greater Invisibility (Alteration, Illusion)
This powerful cloaking spell offers complete undetectability to the
user. Even true seeing is ineffective, as this spell was specifically
designed to foil this type of magic. A limited wish will partially foil
the spell, allowing the opposing wizard to see a blurry outline (-4
to-hit). A wish, however, will bring the spell down. This spell is
ineffective against detect individual, because of the narrow scope of
that divination. The material component is invisible stalker ichor.
Heartbreaker (Conjuration/Summoning)
This spell induces a sudden heart attack in its recipient. A saving
throw versus death magic is allowed. If the saving throw is failed, the
creature must make a Constitution check. If the check fails, the
creature dies. If the creature survives, he will be totally
incapacitated for 1d6+6 game weeks. He will also permanently lose one
point of Strength and one point of Constitution, and will have a 5%
chance of a future heart attack every time he is ever again required to
make a Constitution check. Note that this spell does require its victim
to have a heart, so not all creatures can be affected (golems, undead,
slimes, etc.).
Hellfire [1] (Necromancy) and Eric Wayne
Swett <>
The victim of a hellfire spell bursts into flame. Damage from the spell
is 2d4 per round until the victim falls to 0 HP. At that point, the
damage becomes even more severe, being 1 energy level per round. If all
energy levels are drained, then the victim becomes a half-Strength
wraith under the control of the caster. There are several ways to stop
or extinguish a hellfire: wish, limited wish, and remove curse; limited
wish and bless; or remove curse, bless, and any cold- or ice-related
spell or attack capable of inflicting 6d6 or more HP of cold damage.
Note: Resistance or immunity to fire reduces hellfire damage to 1d4 per
round but does not slow the energy drain once it begins. Victims take no
cold damage while under the effect of a hellfire spell.
Hellfire [2] (Necromancy)
This is the ultimate revenge spell. The caster prepares for this spell
in a quiet and safe place and spends the next week casting the spell.
After this week the spell takes effect and the caster slips into a heavy
sleep for one month. The effects are well worth the lost time though.
The victim of hellfire immediately bursts into flames. The flames not
only consume the body of the victim, they also consume the soul. After
24 hours all that is left of the victim is a crusty, burnt out corpse.
This person can never be brought back to life by any means. The victim's
soul is being eternally burned, never to be healed. The only way to save
the victim is as follows: before the 24 hours is up the victim must have
cast upon him limited wish, cure disease, remove curse, and bless all at
the same time. If this is done, the victim permanently loses half of his
hit points (recoverable by a wish only) and 4 Constitution points. The
caster loses a quarter of his hit points and 1 Constitution point. Note:
if during the one week of casting the caster is interrupted he suffers
the effects of the hellfire in a backlash type effect. Components: a
Hindsight (Divination)
This powerful spell enables the caster to view past events in time as if
he were actually present. The maximum time in the past that may view
safely is 100 years per level of the caster. The wizard can try to view
even further in the past, but for every 50 years, or fraction thereof,
additional, there is a 3% chance that caster will permanently lose 1d4
points of constitution. Thus, if an 18th-level wizard tried to view an
event two-thousand years in the past, there would be a 12% chance that
his Constitution would be reduced by 1d4 points. In any event, at the
termination of the spell, the caster's Constitution is temporarily
dropped to 3 for a number of days equal to twice the number of centuries
viewed backward in time, rounded up.
The region being viewed is the same location as where the wizard casts
the spell, albeit in the past. While "in the past", the caster may move
around and visually inspect anything in sight, but any attempt to touch
an item or person nets a negative result (i.e., the caster's hand passes
harmlessly through the person or item).
Also, the caster has the option of changing which time period he is
viewing, subject to the same limitations mentioned above. This allows
the caster to "fine-tune" the date he is viewing without having to
re-cast the entire spell. During the spell's duration, the caster's mind
has effectively left the body, thus making the wizard's body a prime
target for possession. Normally suitable protections are in place before
attempting to use hindsight.
During the casting of the spell, the caster is required to burn numerous
rare spices and rare woods (worth at least 20,000 gp) in an unused
brazier specially constructed for this purpose.
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Jim Gitzlaff <>
Version 2: The duration stays at 1 hour per level of experience, and the
food retains its properties from the 7th-level version (whatever those
might be). However, the interior is quite different:
With either version, there are indications that under environmental
conditions manifesting extremely chaotic magic (eg. any of the outer
planes that are on the strictly "chaotic" side of the spectrum) the
interior layout of the mansion will be exceedingly unpredictable.
Range: 200 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 2 feet by 10 feet per level rectangle
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Geoffrey Edward Fagan <>
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 120-yard radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Author: Geoffrey Edward Fagan <>
Range: 30 feet + 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 week
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature with his magic items
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Ditan
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per 10 levels
Casting Time: 8 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ditan
Range: 100 feet + 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent, until dispelled
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Ditan
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Item touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Ditan
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Until used
Casting Time: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: Self
Saving Throw: None
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 3 turns
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Eldarr
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Author: Paul D. Walker <>
Range: 1000 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2 turns
Area of Effect: One 200-foot per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Author: The Net Alcohol Guide Creator <c/o>
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1/2-foot per level radius
Saving Throw: None
Author: Falstaffe Starre, Genius Mage <jrobbie@vtvm1.bitnet>
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Fellstar
Range: 40 yards + 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One target
Saving Throw: None
Author: Fenzill
Range: 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius sphere
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Allan J. Mikkola <>
Range: 100 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 10-foot long cube per level
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 week + 1 day per level
Casting Time: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: One 10-foot cube touched per 6 levels
Saving Throw: None
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Until the caster attacks
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 6 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: John Daniel <>
Range: 100 leagues
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
Author: Nathan Amed <>
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 week
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Eric Wayne Swett <>
belonging of the victim, a 500 gp ruby and a magic weapon of +3
enchantment or greater.
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 2 hours
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: David E. Brooks Jr. and Elizabeth H. Brooks <>
Number of Times Cast | Creature's Saving Throw Modifier |
3 | +1 |
4 | +2 |
5 | +4 |
6 | +5 |
7 | +7 |
8 | +8 |
9 | +9 |
10 | +10 |
The spell can be cast 10 times before re-memorising it. The wizard can re-memorise the spell to avoid the modifier in the saving throw, but he need twice time to do it. This spell was created by a lawful good wizard, who wanted to avoid fighting non-evil persona.
Immediate Devolution (Alteration, Divination)
This spell is capable of returning a creature down the evolutionary
scale to a form which would be considered a base ancestor of the
creature. It can be cast in combat or a laboratory situation.
In the laboratory, where the wizard is able to have the specimen under
strict observation and control, the spell scans the creature for any and
all aspects which can be described as a product of evolution or
environment in any form, whether normal or magical. This includes
Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, organizational
habits, activity level, diet, alignment, natural Armour Class, movement
speeds and forms, Hit Dice, natural fighting skills (THAC0, number of
and attacks and the damage per attack in game terms), special attacks,
special defences, magic resistance, size, grow patterns (for example, a
frog begins as an egg, becomes a tadpole, polliwog, and finally a frog),
and spellcasting ability. Also, the caster is able to determine what the
lowest base form of the creature would be like if all abilities were
reverted back to the most common ancestor of a varied species. So, all
dragons would eventually become some prehistoric lizard, horses would
become miniature prehistoric ponies, etc.
The laboratory version has a casting time of one round initially plus
one round for every single item listed above which the wizard would like
to discover (though DMs may want to expand on this). During the
laboratory casting no saving throw is allowed to avoid the analysis of
the creature in question and magic resistance is reduced by a factor
equal to twice the level of the casting wizard. The creature must be
held in relative security so that the wizard will not be disturbed by
any distractions during the casting. An initial check against any magic
resistance either avoids the entire spell or allows it to function.
At the end of the analysis the wizard may force the creature to revert
back to a base form of its evolutionary scale. However, the surgical
abilities of this spell allows the wizard to selectively alter the above
listed aspects of the creature to conform to his analogy of what he
would like removed. For example, if a wizard somehow captured an adult
dragon and was able to analyze it, he would reduce its strength to that
of a small lizard, but then he would have the problem of a multi-tonnage
creature who was unable to life its own weight unless he also reduced
its size. The caster is able to alter 1 aspect for every 3 levels of
experience at a rate of 1 per round. Any interruption of the spell
during the alterations leaves the creature at the state it retained in
the previous round. The creature in question receives a saving throw
versus spell at -4 every round a reversion is attempted (although,
saving throws based upon Hit Dice may change during the casting of this
spell). Success versus a change in one round does not prevent the wizard
from attempting the same change the next round.
The combat version of this spell is somewhat more haphazard. It allows
the wizard to point at a creature and state a number of reversions which
he would like to take effect, up to a maximum of 3. The analysis phase
is totally bypassed and the changes take effect in the next round.
Backlash from the bypass automatically stuns the caster for 1d10 rounds
and he must make a successful saving throw versus spell or be knocked
unconscious for 1d10 turns. The creature must make a successful saving
throw versus spell at -4 to avoid the effects of reversion. Magic
resistance is checked with a penalty equal to twice the caster's level
of experience. Whether or not the creature saves, it will be stunned for
the same amount of time as the caster. The DM should make a quick list
of possible changes and insert random changes for requested ones which
would not fit the logical reversion of the creature. Just remember that
taking away breath weapons might just make a creature angry!
Surgical removal can be very selective. Ability scores may only be
lowered and reversions should never change more than a single aspect or
attribute per round. Movement requiring wings may be stripped in one
round, but the wings would take another round to remove. Ability scores
can be reduced by 1 per round. Size can be reduced by a maximum of 10%
per round. Hit points could not be affected, though Hit Dice could,
therefore lowering the hit points of a creature. Claw attacks could be
altered so as to cause a mere 1 point of damage per strike, or removed
altogether (the creature simply forgets the attack form ever existed).
The spell makes no moral alterations and cannot change attitudes
concerning a certain idea. But, alignments can be altered one step per
round towards a neutral aspect. The final product does not register as
being a polymorphed creature (it is a true creature of the form it now
embraces) and as such is unaffected by dispel magic. Devolution can also
tell if a creature has been the target of the 7th-level evolution spell,
9th-level immediate evolution spell, or any other genetic advancing
spells. It may be used to specifically counteract these effects,
essentially returning a creature to its normal state. DMs should be free
to play with the sanity of experiment subjects.
The material component of this spell is a vial of aqua vitae (the
essence of life), which can only be made by a master alchemist. Aqua
vitae may be purchased at the nominal price of 10,000 gp per vial due to
its rarity and usefulness in creating artificial life forms. Laboratory,
for means of this spell, simply means a non-combat situation. The source
of this spell is the Telnorne Mageocrat.
Implant Object (Alteration, Necromancy)
This spell allows the caster to implant one magical device into another
being or himself for full effect. Weapons cannot be implanted, and there
must be space in the body for the item. Gloves can be sunken under the
skin, rings placed around ribs, etc. Only one item per 5 Constitution
points can be implanted.
Improved Circle II (Invocation/Evocation, Metamagic)
This spell is identical to improved circle I, with the additional effect
of passing over one planar level per level of the caster.
Improved Evolution (Alteration, Divination)
This spell is used to advance the target up the evolutionary scale of
development, whether real or imaginary. It can be cast in combat or a
laboratory situation.
In the laboratory, where the wizard is able to have the specimen under
strict observation and control, the spell scans the creature for any and
all aspects which can be described as a product of evolution. This
includes Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity,
organizational habits, activity level, diet, alignment, natural Armour
Class, movement speeds and forms, Hit Dice, natural fighting skills
(THAC0, number of and attacks and the damage per attack in game terms),
special attacks, special defences, magic resistance, size, grow patterns
(for example, a frog begins as an egg, becomes a tadpole, polliwog, and
finally a frog), and spellcasting ability. Also, the caster is able to
determine what intrinsic capabilities could be improved to change the
creature through an advancement of possible evolutionary development.
This means that lizards could become dragons (of a sort), ponies could
become horses, horses could become griffins, hippogriffs or pegasi.
The laboratory version has a casting time of one round plus one round
for every single item listed above which the wizard would like to
discover (though DMs may want to expand on this). During this time no
saving throw is allowed to avoid the analysis of the creature in
question, although, the creature must be held in relative security so
that the wizard will not be disturbed by any distractions during the
casting. An initial check against any magic resistance either avoids the
entire spell or allows it to function.
At the end of the analysis the wizard may force the creature to move
forward upon a possible evolutionary scale which could alter or develop
characteristics not previously owned. The possible changes are
immeasurable. DMs need to assure that changes are built upon a
reasonable framework. While giving a bird the powers of a phoenix may be
nice, unless the wizard has prior specific knowledge of a phoenix's
extraordinary powers (through use of this spell's analysis) he has no
chance of duplicating the abilities. The caster is able to alter 1
aspect for every 3 levels of experience possessed at a rate of 1 per
round. Any interruption of the spell during the alterations leaves the
creature at the state it was in on the previous round. The creature must
make a successful saving throw versus spell at -4 against the change as
it happens: each change requires a saving throw. Success versus a change
does not mean that the wizard cannot try the same change the next round.
Using the bird for an example, let's say that we have a large bird that
normally fishes for its food by diving at the water for fish. Based upon
the imaginary possibilities we could give the bird the ability to breath
water or flight through water to make fishing a little easier. The
wizard would have to effect two separate changes to achieve both
effects. Now, if we had a human subject that lives in a faerie woodland
we could give him the ability to use aspects of other creatures in the
woods. If we knew that the dryads in the woods had the ability to plant
door we could even apply this ability to the human in question. If we
changed a horse into a pegasus, though, simply giving it wings does not
give it the ability to fly. That instinct requires another aspect slot
to be used.
The combat version of this spell is somewhat more haphazard. It allows
the wizard to point at a creature and state a number of alterations
which he would like to take effect, up to a maximum of 3. The analysis
phase is totally bypassed and the changes take effect in the next round.
Backlash from the bypass automatically stuns the caster for 1d10 rounds
and he must make a successful saving throw versus spell or be knocked
unconscious for 1d10 turns. The creature must make a successful saving
throw versus spell at -4 to avoid the effects of alteration. Magic
resistance is checked with a penalty equal to twice the caster's level
of experience. Whether or not the creature saves, it will be stunned for
the same amount of time as the caster. The DM should allow changes to
take effect, but must base their creation on logical steps which would
normally be required in the laboratory version (note the pegasus example
Changing a creature does not necessarily cause it to be charmed or
enthralled by the caster. Even if you turn it into a slobbering idiot or
a genius the creature will not automatically become loyal to the caster.
Although, an inventive wizard could make the creature fixated with a
ritual or concept which would make the wizard the central aspect of the
creature's heritage (such as a totem or deity), thereby assuring the
creature is predisposed rather well to the wizard's commands.
This spell can also tell if a person has been the target of the
7th-level Devolution spell, 9th-level Immediate Devolution spell, or any
other genetic retarding or decreasing spells. It may be used to
specifically alter the effects, essentially returning the creature to a
normal state. Also, no ability score may be raised more than 2 points
above the previous racial maximum and never more than a score of 22.
The material component of this spell is a vial of aqua vitae (the
essence of life), which can only be made by a master alchemist. Aqua
vitae may be purchased at the nominal price of 10,000 gp per vial due to
its rarity and usefulness in creating artificial life forms. Laboratory,
for means of this spell, simply means a non-combat situation. The source
of this spell is the Telnorne Mageocrat.
Improved Permanency (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm, Metamagic)
This spell is similar to the 8th-level permanency but it has the
following additional effects:
It cannot be ensorcelled directly but the surrounding area in which it
stands can be enspelled as desired. The candle does not have to be
carried with the item or person which is made permanent. This link works
throughout all planes, through any barriers, in a mythal (except in a
mythal which specifically prohibits this specific spell), and even into
the phlogiston (as long as the candle burns).
Improved Sense Shifting II (Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm, Metamagic)
This spell is similar to the other two sense shifting spells, but this
spell has a much greater power: it can be given to another creature by
touch and the creature may give it back or to another by touch (only if
desired, but only one creature can have the spell effects active at one
time); the spell affects 1st- to 3rd-level spells in all senses,
including completely quieting sound, or providing understandable speech
(or even song), changing the quality of sense to another (a fireball
might be changed to an iceball) to the senses only - note that their
effect stays the same (and a fireball still cannot affect a fire
elemental even if its sense is shifted into an iceball); 4th- to
6th-level spells can be changed in 3 senses (to be completely silent in
their effect - not their verbal casting), and 7th- to 9th-level spells
can be changed similar to the original 3rd-level spell.
The material component is a freshly picked lotus blossom which is
immersed in a mithril bowl of no less than 3 feet diameter which
contains 5 gallons of aqua regia which has to have a thick
(approximately 1/2 inch) layer of concentrated non-magical rose oil on
top of it. As the aqua regia quickly dissolves the rose oil this has to
be continuously reapplied during the whole casting time. The whole
arrangement is destroyed during the casting. The bowl costs no less than
15,000 gp. Where you get a freshly picked lotus blossom from is your
problem. The worst problems you will get from those gardeners which
won't give up their roses (a 1/2 inch layer of concentrated rose oil
which is 3 feet in diameter is approximately a whole years worth of rose
oil from a whole planet (of normal planet that is). This does not
include the cost for the laboratory equipment to produce 5 gallons of
aqua regia (and it also does not contain the cost for the new lungs you
will have to buy after standing in a room which contains 5 gallons of
opened, highly concentrated, smoking aqua regia with no good ventilation
in the room for a casting time of one hour).
Improved Simulacrum (Illusion/Phantasm)
Improved simulacrum is identical to simulacrum, except that the
simulacrum is created with but one spell; there is no need for
reincarnate and limited wish. The material components are as per
Kiri's Damnable Banishment (Alteration)
This is an offensive variation of dimensional teleport. Its purpose is
to banish (by dimensional teleport) 2 HD per level of the caster of
creatures to a place of the casters choice - known or envisioned (eg.,
to the elemental place of earth into the den of 20 hungry xorn).
The saving throw of this spell is modified by -1 per two levels less of
the target compared to the caster or +1 per two levels greater. Excess
Hit Dice are not effected. Upon arriving, the targets are compelled to
remain on that plane for 1yr per level of the caster.
The material component for this spell is a platinum bird cage full of
cockatrice feathers.
Kiri's Dimensional Teleport (Alteration)
Upon casting this spell, the caster and 1 person per 3 levels of the
caster who are in physical contact with the caster, all of their
equipment and 69kg (150 pounds) per level, are instantly transported
anywhere in the AD&D multiverse that the wizard wants. An unlimited
number of dimensional barriers can be crossed (eg.: prime material plane
to 666th level of the Abyss) in one casting. The time taken is
approximately 5 seconds per barrier crossed. Places that are
specifically warded against dimensional travel due to magic or godly
presences cannot be reached unless the power wills it so. The travellers
in this case will arrive outside of the warded area. So, no, you cannot
teleport your party of Paladins into Demogorgon's palace, but you can
get to his plane more easily.
The caster can choose a general or specific location if one is known,
otherwise the point of entry into the plane is random (the travellers
will always end up in a safe place though).
People touched in the casting receive no saving throw versus this spell.
The material component is a page of dimensional formula (which requires
a 17 or higher Intelligence to create, but since you are casting
9th-level spells, you have at least 18 Intelligence anyway) that is
consumed in the casting.
Kiri's Immunity (Abjuration)
When a wizard enters hand to hand combat, he better have a very powerful
defensive spell working in his favour. This is probably it:
The person whom this spell is cast upon is made totally immune to
non-magical weapons and attacks. Furthermore, he takes minimum damage
from magical weapons of any sort. As far as spells and psionics are
concerned, the immunity provides the equivalent protection of a mobile,
one-way anti-magic shell or total mind block. The wizard is also immune
to normal fire, lightning, cold and so on. Breath weapons and like
attacks also automatically do minimum damage. All saving throws are made
at +4 for the duration of the spell.
The material component of the spell is an iron bracelet with the spells
Kiri's mystical coat of armour, Kiri's mystical screen, stone skin and
armour permanently cast on it.
Kiri's Improved Spell Engine (Invocation/Evocation)
When cast, this spell brings into being a large, invisible,
insubstantial wheel of force centred on the caster. After the spell is
completed, it comes into effect whenever the caster of the spell or
anyone named in the casting is attacked by any hostile spell (hostile
being defined as any spell that will hit or affect any target who is
unaware of the spell or any spell that the target actively resists
regardless of whether he normally gets a saving throw), while within the
area of effect.
Whenever a "hostile" spell crosses the boundary of the wheel, it is
absorbed and the full spell comes into effect: A brilliant, shimmering,
multi-hued wheel of energy materializes and begins to rotate. All
"hostile" spells cast onto or across the area of effect are absorbed
into the wheel which causes it to become brighter and spin faster.
Note: dispel magic is absorbed by the spell engine and magic resistance
does not negate this effect. A wish will destroy one spell engine per
Creatures of less than 4 HD or levels looking at the engine must save
versus spell once per round or be blinded for 1d6 turns. The engine
persists for one turn per spell level absorbed. Resting, meditation and
spell memorisation occur twice as fast within the area of effect while
an active engine persists.
When the wheel's energy is exhausted, it will lay dormant until
activated again.
The material component for this spell is a hollow glass wheel full of
mercury and gold, silver, or platinum dust worth 300 gp.
Kiri's Possession (Enchantment/Charm)
This spell allows a wizard to totally dominate and possess another. When
the wizard possesses his target, he in effect becomes it. Therefore, he
knows what abilities the possessed being has. The possessing wizard can
force the possessed being to use any of its powers, spells or combat
abilities at no penalty, or the wizard can choose to cast his own spells
through the creature. Provided he is not casting a spell of his own
through the possessed creature, the wizard can give the creature orders
and can still act fully on his own.
After the spell has worn off, the possessed creature will not remember
anything that has happened. A saving throw versus spell is allowed to
resist this spell.
The material component is a marionette attached to strings that must be
shaken as the spell is cast.
Kiri's Soul Transfer (Necromancy)
This morally questionable spell causes two beings or the caster and
another being to completely switch bodies. All skills, class abilities,
hit points, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma stay the same as they were
in the original body. The physical statistics (Strength, Dexterity,
Constitution) are now those of the new body (note that the hit points
may have to be adjusted according to the new Constitution). The same
occurs to the second person involved in the spell.
Unwilling participants are allowed a saving throw versus spell. If trap
the soul is cast at the same time, Kiri's soul transfer is saved against
at -4.
The material components of the spell amount to 7000 gp worth of
preparations taking 2 days.
This is a great spell to base adventures around - some old evil wizard
looking for a new, young body. The PCs must find some way to reverse the
process by finding the spell.
Kiri's Sphere of Annihilation (Invocation/Evocation)
This spell calls into effect a sphere of annihilation as per the Dungeon
Master's Guide's description except for two important differences:
Kiss of Death (Conjuration/Summoning)
When the kiss is bestowed, the creature is slain (maximum of 150 hit
points can be taken away). After 1d10 rounds, the corpse turns to dust.
The creature cannot be resurrected.
Lazatar's Spellstopper (Abjuration)
This very potent abjuration is used to protect a castle, keep, city,
etc. from one or more enemy spells. For each level the wizard has
obtained, he may protect up to a 100 square foot section of wall; more
than one application of this spell may be cast on a single wall at once,
as long as the areas of protection do not overlap (the wizard may shrink
the area of effect to any size less than the maximum, as desired); in
other words, no one brick of the wall may be under protection by more
than one spellstopper at a time. The protection afforded by this spell
extends to individuals on top of an affected wall.
Spellstopper may be used to affect one other spell for each level of the
wizard; thus, a 19th-level wizard may provide protection against 19
other spells directed at the protected area. These affected spells may
be any spells, with the exception of wish and dispel magic; however, the
chosen spells must be ones the wizard already has learned. Once this
spell is cast, any of the chosen spells directed at the protected area
automatically fail; spellstopper has no effect on other spells.
Spellstopper may be removed by wish or it may be dispelled. For every
non-chosen spell cast at the area of effect, the chance for dispelling
spellstopper is increased a percentage equal to the level of the spell.
This bonus is cumulative (up to 25%) and lasts for one turn. In order to
earn this bonus, the wall itself must be targeted; an attack directed at
a defender on top of the wall does not contribute to this bonus.
As an example, let us assume a wall is protected from, among other
spells, passwall, and magic missile, and that fireball and transmute
rock to mud are not affected. On the first round, magic missile is
directed at one of the defenders; since the wall protects its defenders,
the spell is stopped. The next round, passwall is cast on the wall;
since it too is a chosen spell, passwall has no effect. On the third
round, fireball is cast at the defenders, and since it was not named
during the casting of spellstopper, it has full effect; in addition, if
dispel magic was cast within one turn, it would have a 3% bonus, since
fireball is a 3rd-level spell. Nine rounds after fireball was cast,
transmute rock to mud is cast on the wall; it too has full effect; if
dispel magic was cast now, it would have an 8% bonus applied to it (3%
for the fireball and 5% for rock to mud). Two rounds later, another rock
to mud is cast; subsequent dispel attempts now have and 10% bonus (5%
for each rock to mud; the 3% for fireball no longer applies, as it has
been more than 10 rounds since it was cast).
Each casting of spellstopper temporarily reduces the wizard's
Constitution by 1d4 points; an hour of undisturbed rest will restore one
Constitution point lost in this manner. If the wizard's Constitution is
reduced to 0 or less by casting this spell, he must make a successful
system shock roll to prevent actual death.
The material components for this spell are a thin sheet of lead, as well
as the material components for all spells spellstopper will protect
against. The wizard can only protect against spells he can cast himself.
Lazzaro's Murderous Sword (Enchantment)
This spell is a version of Mordenkainen's sword, but with a twist. This
spell causes a shimmering aura to form around any sword. This sword will
then arise and be at the command of the wizard. He may order the sword
to attack, defend, guard, or whatever. The sword can respond to
moderately complex tasks like, "let no one through this door unless they
say the word ixitayal".
In combat, the sword will hit any Armour Class on a 19 or 20, it has the
same hit points as a fighter of the level of the wizard (18/01
Constitution), has the same Armour Class as the wizard, and fights like
a fighter of the same level (i.e. 2 attacks per round, THAC0 whatever).
It attacks as if wielded by someone with an 18/00 Strength (+3,+6). It
also has its own bonuses; it requires a magical sword as material
component. If the sword has any special abilities these will also be
used in the combat.
The sword acts independently of the wizard (obviously) and requires no
concentration to maintain. However the wizard must remain with 50 yards
of the sword or it falls to the ground, inert (with magic drained from
it). Ways to defeat the sword include: rendering the wizard unconscious,
hitting the sword for loss of hit points, encasing it in something, or
successfully dispelling it.
As discussed above, the material component is a magical sword, the magic
of which is consumed after the spell ends (gives high level wizards a
reason to collect all those magic swords and destroy them in the
process). The other material component is a gem with the soul of fighter
trapped in it. This gem becomes embedded in the sword during the spell.
Each time the gem is used, it has a cumulative 5% change of shattering,
freeing the poor soul inside. Obviously, the gem is not consumed after
the spell ends.
Lichdom (Alteration)
When this spell is cast, the wizard saves versus death magic. If he
fails, he becomes a lich, otherwise he dies. Should he be raised or
resurrected, he can try again. This spell makes clear why a wizard has
to be of eighteenth level to be able to become a lich.
Lorth's Translocation (Alteration)
Lorth's translocation is a the most advanced teleport class spell ever
devised. Given a description of any sort, the wizard is able to place
himself at the specific location. The description might be a detailed
mental image, a verbal description, a painting, "thirty feet due east",
"the centre of the room in which stands the sceptre of Ashkamankh", or
anything else sufficiently precise. If there does not exist a location
such as the one described, nothing will happen. If the description is
insufficiently precise (a field of grass, the centre of a forest), the
spell will have no effect. If the location does exist, then the wizard
will be placed there, no matter where it is.
This spell can transport the wizard to any plane, any distance. Note
however that it is very, very difficult to describe a specific place in
planes such as the astral or the ethereal, due to the lack of good
landmarks. Of course, if there should happen to be a solid object in the
place described, the wizard is slain instantly.
Magic Swarm (Alteration)
Magic swarm is both a very potent, and a very unstable spell. With this
spell, the wizard may bind up to three attack-type spells (those that
cause any type of damage) together into one spell. The wizard begins the
incantations of the magic swarm and then "loads" the spells to be bound
into the swarm (this effectively casts the spells - the proper
components are required, and the loaded spells fade from memory; magic
swarm is the "target" for these spells). The wizard then finishes the
binding process by continuing the incantations of the swarm. This entire
process takes two turns plus the casting times of the spells to be
When magic swarm is actually cast, the bound spells are released
simultaneously (this has a casting time of 3). However, due the
unpredictable nature of this spell, there is a chance that some of the
bound spells may not function normally. At the time of casting, the DM
rolls 1d3; the result is the number of spells that work properly - the
remaining spells fizzle and are lost (the spells go off in the order
they were bound, so it is important to keep track of the order).
Due to the extreme exertion required to cast this spell, the following
penalties and stipulations are placed on its use:
The material component for this spell is a bag of holding (which
effectively "holds" the spells in the bound state). When the spell is
cast, the bag is destroyed unless the wizard makes a successful saving
throw versus spell at -2.
Mass Death (Necromancy)
Mass death is a modified version of power word, kill. After one round of
verbal and somatic preparations, the wizard is ready to utter the word
of death. This word can be uttered any time within one turn per level of
the wizard, provided no other spells except shout or ventriloquism, are
cast in the intervening time.
All creatures (besides the wizard) within the range of the spell,
including allies, having one third of the wizard's level or less, must
save versus death magic or be instantly slain. A shout will double the
range, while ventriloquism will allow the wizard to move the centre of
effect. Use of either spell grants the victims a +4 bonus on their
saving throw due to the magical synergy.
It should be noted that the final word must be heard by its victims. The
deaf are therefore totally immune to this spell. Magical silence can
negate the spell's effect, while loud noises and ear plugs will offer
partial protection, i.e. saving throw bonuses, at the DM's digression.
This spell does not affect undead or creatures without functioning
auditory organs.
Master Weaving (Alteration)
With this spell, several wizards can combine their magical abilities and
powers to create greater spells. If several casters want to combine
their efforts, they must first decide who will be the head weaver. This
person is the centre of the spell: without him, the entire spell
structure collapses. Also, if he loses concentration all the efforts are
lost and the spells as well. Next, they must decide which spell they are
going to create. To create this spell, they may use several different or
all the same spells of weaker levels which, combined, give the desired
spell. These spells must in some way be related to the desired spell.
The DM should rule what spells can be combined.
To participate, all members of a "spellcloth" must roll their chance to
learn spells: if they miss it, they lose the spell and their effort
isn't counted into the whole of the spell. If the head weaver misses his
roll, he made a mistake in the weaving of the spells into the new one
and everything is lost.
To calculate how much energy is created, take the number of mages
involved (specialists count as 1.5 if they cast a spell within their
specialty but as 1/2 if not) and divide this number by the total number
of mages involved (specialist now count as one). If the resulting figure
is larger than 1.25, make it equal to that number. Multiply this number
by the total number of spell levels involved (i.e.: add all levels of
the individual spells). Now add 2 to this number and round down. If the
energy created by the cloth is not enough to form the desired spell, the
next spell in line is created instead.
The experience level at which the spell is cast is the head weaver's
level plus half the level of every other wizard involved. If this is
lower than the minimum needed to cast the final spell then the spell is
still cast, but at the casting level of this imaginary lower level
Because spell weaving takes a lot of time, spellweavers always lose
initiative. Also, the weavers cannot be separated by more than 10 feet,
and no barriers may be between any individual and the head caster. The
number of mages involved is also limited: 11 for a master weaving. Minor
weavers only count as 1/3 if included in master weaving, while major
weavers count as 2/3, for the purpose of calculating the maximum number
of mages.
Master weaving can take any 9th-level spell or lower to weave
successfully (the desired spell can be of tenth level).
Melf's Ultimate Megablast (Evocation)
This is the ultimate suicide system. I guess many others may have their
own version of megablast. The idea is that in a desperate situation, the
caster bursts out all his energy in a ball of pure energy causing 1d6 of
magical damage per spell levels remaining in the caster's memory (plus
9d6 for the megablast itself). Magic resistance reduces damage again by
half (shock wave remains). The caster himself has a 50% chance of being
disintegrated (a saving throw applies, if the saving throw is made, he
still receives all damages as above), and a 50% chance of ending naked
on another, random, plane.
The material component is a platinum dagger the wizard uses for suicide
(good idea, ending up naked but with a platinum knife somewhere in the
abyss). The dagger is obviously not consumed in the casting.
Mental Library (Alteration)
This spell is similar to mental ledger in that it enables the wizard to
record information in some unused portion of the wizard's brain, and
then gives the wizard the ability to read the information at a later
date as if they were reading it in their own hands.
This spell actually will allow the wizard to hold as many spells as he
knows and any that the wizard might learn in the future. In fact, any
spells that are stored in the wizard's brain through the use of the
spell will remain there essentially forever available for recall when
necessary. This spell also allows the wizard to record information other
than spells in this "storage area". The wizard can store the entire
contents of any book that he reads and can access the book at any time
in the future just like mental note. To add more information after the
spell is cast requires that the wizard cast the spell again at the time
that they wish to add more information.
The material components for this spell, the first time it is cast, are
a specially prepared lead crystal which has been enchanted to absorb
magical energies. The value of this item can be no less than 50,000 gp.
To add more information in subsequent castings, the wizard would require
a pure lead crystal of 5000 gp (as in mental ledger).
This spell is highly useful for wizards on the go who want all their
spells and library without having to carry it around for themselves.
The casting time depends on what is being stored. It takes one hour per
spell level per spell memorised, and it takes the time it takes the
wizard to read a book to store a book (the wizard is allowed to take
short breaks and sleep if there is a large amount of information being
Merge [2] (Alteration)
This spell allows a wizard to merge two or more functions of items or
creatures together. These functions of items or features of creatures
are chosen by the caster. There are two different rituals: one for items
and one for creatures.
For items the caster has to create an area of the highest magic
potential (an area of spells with no less than 10 permanent spells of
level 5 or higher per function to be merged). This area is completely
drained in a casting whether successful or not. In this ritual the
caster has to prepare the items which are to be merged into one plus the
item into which they are to be merged. This preparation includes a full
enchant an item spell for each item to be merged. The item into which
the others are to be merged has to be worth no less than double the sum
of all the other items. Then this new item is placed in the centre of a
thaumaturgic circle with the other items placed equidistant on the outer
Then the ritual of merging can begin. After a casting time of 8 hours
for each function to be merged the caster begins to draw the magic from
the surrounding items and transferring it to the central item. This
takes another 8 hours per function. Once he begins to transfer the
powers he must not be disturbed; otherwise the spell fails as described
below. Even if the items are moved (even by an earth quake), the spell
fails as described below. After the powers are transferred the caster
needs another 8 hours per function to seal off the powers from each
other and into the new item. During this time he may be disturbed again
but not for longer than 24 hours in a row, otherwise the spell fails
again. For each power the wizard transfers he has to make a saving throw
versus spell. If any of these saving throws fails, the spell fails. If
all saving throws succeed the powers are successfully transferred. Then,
only a single permanency spell has to be cast to permanently seal the
For creatures to be merged, they have to be of the same general class:
living biped with living biped, undead quadruped with undead quadruped,
etc. Then a similar ritual as with items is necessary. In this case they
have to enchanted with one fire charm each and they all have to fail
their saving throws against this spell. The fire charm has to work
through out the ritual, but once they have failed one saving throw they
are not allowed another saving throw until the ritual comes to an end.
At the end of the function (or feature) transfer each creature has to
make a saving throw versus spell. If any of these saving throws succeed
the creature retains its features and the central creature suffers the
effects of a failed spell. The caster also has to make a saving throw
for every function he transfers. If any of these saving throws fails,
the whole spell fails (see below).
If the spell fails for any reason, any items of less than artifact level
are destroyed instantly in an explosion of raw magic (like spellfire).
There is no known protection against this spellfire. The explosion
incinerates anything within 100 feet per item or creature that was to be
merged. This is absolutely deadly: no one can survive this (not with
magic resistance, not with a scarab of protection, not with fire
resistance: nothing helps), except for gods. The only thing that
survives is an unwilling creature that makes its saving throw versus
death magic in the transfer. Thus, this spell is rarely used for
unwilling creatures to be transferred.
The effect of this spell is to drain the creature or item of its own
powers (and deficiencies, if desired) and transferring them completely
to the central item or creature. A creature thereafter does not have its
normal or natural powers. If the life is drained from one creature and
placed within another, that central creature is given the normal life
expectancy of the original creature and the original is rendered
lifeless (dead). Thus, this spell is a cause for an alignment check if
used by good characters on unwilling creatures (and charmed creatures
are not naturally willing).
It is not possible to merge an already merged item or creature with
another item or creature (whether that other item or creature was merged
or unmerged before does not matter). In the ritual the caster chooses
the functions of the items he wishes to transfer into the central item
or creature. The offspring of such merged creatures has a 10% chance to
inherit each function, but there is also a 10% chance per function that
the offspring will die from the effects.
It is not possible to destroy an artifact with this spell, no matter
what is done to it. It will normally be moved to another plane (normally
along with the caster) where the caster will have to contend with the
(angry) creator of the artifact.
The material components for this spell are: a single king's tear (a very
rare gem found in the Forgotten Realms only) for every five functions to
be transferred, plus a full gallon of nitric acid for each item which is
used to dissolve a part of the items or creature to be merged, plus the
rendition of the thaumaturgic circle in a setting of a complete platinum
floor ringed in gems (no less than 10 diamonds, rubies, emeralds,
topazes, and sapphires each of no less than 5000 gp each) which costs no
less than 500,000 gp for the whole circle, plus a freely donated horn of
a unicorn which acts as a funnel for the magic into the central item or
creature. With the exception of the last item every other material
component is completely and utterly destroyed in the casting whether
successful or not. How to get the material components, well... that's
your problem, isn't it?
Note: this spell can be very dangerous for playing balance if the
characters can use it with ease. Thus, the DM should think about some
rioting mob to break into the tower of the wizard during some critical
part of spell casting. And think about those incredibly long casting
times... As a normal wizard can only cast for a continual 10 to 12 hours
a day, the casting time lengthens again quite considerably. Thus, to
transfer the powers of four items with three functions each into one
item would take a casting time of 16x24 = 384 hours. These hours would
have to be split up into some shorter periods for most wizards, thus
forcing the wizard to retreat for a full 32 to 38 days (plus the
preparation time for those items) for those wimpy sixteen functions.
Quite long enough for most opposing wizards to find out about it and
setting up a little "welcome-to-the-netherworld party" for the
Mezzalldam's Choking Fist (Evocation)
This spell creates a disembodied hand similar to those of the Bigby's
hand spells, except it is much smaller (about the size of an ogre's
hand). It will attack as directed by the wizard (no concentration is
required to do so - the wizard simply chooses the target). The hand does
not automatically hit, but will attack using the wizard's THAC0, with a
+2 to-hit bonus.
If a hit is scored, the fist closes tightly around the victim's throat;
it will continue squeezing until the target is dead, or until the hold
is broken. Once per round, the fist's lock may be broken by making a
successful bend bars roll (the victim has a 10% penalty applied to this
roll); only one person may do this each round, due to the small size of
the hand. Other party members who try to free the victim must devote
their entire attention to this for the round (i.e. no other action may
be taken, Dexterity bonuses to Armour Class are lost, etc.).
Each round the victim is choked, a system shock roll must be made; each
round of constriction after the first imposes a cumulative 5% penalty to
this roll. If the roll fails, the victim fall unconscious and if the
hold is not broken the following round, the victim dies. While a victim
is being choked he may perform no other actions (other than breaking the
fist's hold) - all the target's efforts are required to fight the
effects of the constriction. The fist will continue attacking until it
is destroyed or dispelled, or until the spell's duration expires; the
wizard can also end the spell with a single word.
The fist may be destroyed by direct attack; it has an Armour Class of 2
and as many hit points as the wizard at full health. The fist will also
break its hold on a victim every time it loses half its remaining hit
points. Note however, that attacking the fist while it is choking a
victim is dangerous; if an attack on the fist fails to hit, another
normal attack must be immediately rolled against the victim, inflicting
any damage normally. If the fist's hold is released or broken, it may be
attacked without fear of hitting companions. If the fist is not choking
a victim, it may be attacked by anyone who beats the wizard's initiative
roll (or by anyone, if the fist fails to score a hit that round).
The material components for this spell are a bit of bone and skin from
any constricting snake; these components are consumed when the spell is
Mezzalldam's Lightning Swarm (Invocation/Evocation)
When this spell is cast, a 5-foot wide, electrically-charged, blue ray
shoots from the wizard's finger, and strikes as directed up to a
distance of 10 yards per level of the wizard. The ray travels in a
straight line and is blocked by most obstacles; however, it will burn
through thin, flammable material such as cloth and straw.
When the ray reaches its terminal point, as chosen by the wizard (or
when it strikes a blocking obstacle) it will erupt into a lightning
swarm. This swarm appears as a glowing, blue sphere with dozens of small
lightning bolts flashing in all directions. The radius of the swarm is
5 feet per level of the wizard.
Anyone caught inside the swarm suffers 10d6 points of damage; a
successful saving throw versus spell reduces this damage by half
(victims wearing metal armour suffer a -2 penalty to their saving
throw). Those who fail their saving throw must make a saving throw
versus lightning for all their objects; items that fail their saving
throw are destroyed.
If the wizard desires, the swarm may be continued for a second round. If
full concentration is maintained, the wizard may move the swarm 10 feet
per level of the wizard; if the wizard's concentration is broken, the
swarm stays where it is. Anyone that comes into contact with the swarm
during the second round suffers 5d6 points of damage. Those who
successfully saved on the first round automatically save on the second
round as well.
The material component for this spell is the heart of a blue dragon,
which is consumed when the spell is cast. Evil wizards have discovered
that the heart of a bronze dragon will also work as a material component
for this spell.
Milt's Miniature (Alteration)
To be able to cast this spell, the "victim" must be frozen, eg. by a
successful hold person. The caster must then place a piece of mithril in
front of him, one behind of him, and one on both sides. A diamond must
then be drawn between these mithril pieces, without touching the mithril
once they have been placed. The wizard then casts the spell. No to-hit
roll is needed, because the victim is frozen. An Intelligence check must
be made, though. If successful, the victim assumes the form of a small
mithril miniature. The mithril pieces are used up in the spell. If the
miniature is sold, stolen, or possessed by anyone other than the caster,
the spell is broken and the victim enlarges at a very fast rate, and the
mithril pieces reappear - end of story. If the caster dies, the victim
is freed as well. If the victim comes out of the hold person spell
before this spell is completed, the casting failed. If the miniature is
destroyed, broken, or melted, the victim dies.
Morgwar's Undead Spellpower (Alteration, Necromancy)
This spell is an improved version of imbue undead with spell ability. It
gives one undead creature which is not normally able to cast spells or
use spell-like abilities like energy drain the ability to cast up to one
spell. This spell can be used multiple times on these undead until they
have the power to cast one spell per Hit Die they possess, maximum. For
undead which can already use spells or spell-like effects (see above),
it gives them the ability to cast one spell for every level of the
caster plus one per Hit Die, maximum. These spells it regains at the
stroke of midnight, whether cast or not. The spells given and implanted
in the undead are given by the caster of the spell. These spells are
permanently removed from his memory until they relearn this spell as if
they had never heard of it (roll their chance to learn a new spell).
The spells have to be cast during the ritual imbuing the undead with
their spell abilities. For these spells, the undead don't need any kind
of components (neither verbal, nor somatic, nor material components) but
the material components have to be provided during the ritual in
addition to those noted below.
The material component for this spell is one potion of undead control of
the type of undead which is imbued with the spell plus one scroll of
with the spell to be imbued - and only that spell must be written on
that scroll.
Muier's Most Excellent Flame Sculpture (Evocation)
This spell is the most advanced of the flame sculpture class of spells.
The object formed can be highly complex, containing many moving parts,
such as a siege machine or a spelljammer. Parts of an object created
could be as flexible as a rope or the wood of a bow, so a large net,
ballista, rope bridge, or collection of crossbows could be formed. Up to
one cubic yard per level of flame can be created and sculpted.
Otherwise, this spell conforms to the description of the lesser flame
sculptures, except that the sculpture causes 1.5 HP of damage per level
per round of contact with a living creature (rounded down), and
non-magical combustible items get no saving throw at all to resist the
flames. Magical combustibles may saving throw versus magical fire at -2
to avoid being destroyed.
The material component of this spell is a drop of pure alcohol.
Muier's Nefarious Nuke (Evocation)
This incredibly destructive spell should be used only if the caster
wants to utterly annihilate everything close to him. The spell draws
upon the caster's life force and explosively blows it apart, blasting
everything within the area of effect to dust and ash. All living
creatures have a chance to avoid utter destruction by rolling a 20 on
1d20. In this case, the lucky creature is reduced to 1 HP. Otherwise,
creatures slain by the explosion have a mere 20% chance of surviving
resurrection by any spell, even wishes. Unfortunately, the caster
himself is blasted to atoms, destroying any and all hope of
resurrection. Unless he takes some form of precaution before casting the
spell, he will be forever killed. A contingency teleporting the caster
away at the instant the spell is cast will not save him, for the spell's
energies will still blow up his life force as soon as he reaches his
destination. Use this spell only when you're using a character whom you
either don't like or whom you don't use that often anyway.
The material component of this spell is a mushroom.
Munch Magic Item (Alteration)
By means of this spell, the wizard may drain the magical essence from
powerful items, thus acquiring mana or special abilities. Of course, the
spell requires the material component of a magic item, and the effects
vary with the item, however, as a rule of thumb, the number of mana
points acquired equal one hundredth of the experience point value of the
item where given. Magic items are allowed to saving throw against magic
as wizards of a level equal to their mana point value, success
indicating that the wizard was unable to complete the spell and the
magic resulted in spell failure (see spell failure rules).
As an interesting side note, the wizard must save versus spell when
snuffing intelligent items or suffer a schizophrenia where the wizard
must share his mind with the spirit of the item in question. Powerful
artifacts are particularly nasty in this respect, having the ability of
conferring special capacities upon the wizard, however, the risk of
possession or domination also rises with the increased profit to be had.
The material component for this spell is a sap.
Mystyk's Mystical Missile (Invocation/Evocation)
This spell causes a sparking, blue ray to shoot from the wizard's hand;
the ray will strike any creature as chosen by the wizard. When the ray
strikes the target, it will evolve into a vortex of electricity that
surrounds the victim. The target must make a saving throw versus spell
at -4; if this saving throw succeeds, the spell ends with no effect. If
the saving throw fails, the victim suffers damage equal to 1d8 HP + 1 HP
per level of the wizard, and the spell continues. Each round, a new
saving throw must be made, with a cumulative +1 bonus (i.e. -3 on the
second round, -2 on the third, etc.); the spell ends if a saving throw
is successful, otherwise the victim is again subject to a damage roll.
The target must devote his entire effort on escaping the vortex; if any
other action is performed that round, the saving throw automatically
fails and damage is inflicted normally. If the victim is rendered
unconscious by the vortex, saving throws automatically fail (although
the bonus still accumulates) until the target regains consciousness.
If a victim is killed by this spell, the vortex will immediately attack
the nearest enemy of the wizard; if none exist (within spell range of
the wizard), the spell ends. The vortex moves at a rate of 24, and the
new target is attacked normally; the penalty or bonus to the saving
throw resumes at the point it left off when the previous target was
killed. For example, if the initial target was killed during the fifth
round, the new victim's saving throw begins with a +1 bonus. Any number
of targets may be attacked by this spell, as long as the saving throws
are unsuccessful, and a potential target is within range; otherwise, the
spell ends.
The material components for this spell are the heart and scales of a
blue dragon, and any gem worth at least 500 gp. All components are
consumed when the spell is cast.
Naked Fury (Alteration)
In my previous travels across the land as a very powerful wizard, I
found a spell that was buried in the ground underneath the cave of an
ancient gold dragon wyrm (he moved out of that cave centuries ago).
After examining the spell on the scroll, I decided to destroy it. Never
before have I seen such a powerful spell and after finding out that the
scroll was both possessed and indestructible, I buried it deep within
the caverns of the cave.
This spell, when properly incanted, will unleash a chain of raw
corusacatin magic energy which strikes the land with brutal force. There
is no saving throw whatsoever, and the land is tainted with the magic
for 1 year per level of the spell caster. The land is destroyed, and
charred, and nothing will grow there as long as the magical taint
remains. People who enter the area must make a saving throw versus
spell, or fall sick for 3d6 days + 1d6 days per level of wizard.
Noska Trades' Selective Death Spell (Necromancy)
This spell will slay a selected type of creature in the designated area
of effect with the effectiveness of a double-strength death spell (with
respect to numbers of creatures slain). For example, all the first born
of a specific race could be slain in the area of effect.
During the 6 hour casting time, black storm clouds form over the
wizard's location and slowly pillar to the ground. Upon completion of
the casting the cloud touches the ground and vanishes and the selected
group of creatures slowly dies over a one-round period.
The first material component is a blade of grass from the grave of a
creature of the type to be selected. The single blade of grass must be
picked in the direct light of a full moon. The second material component
is 5,000 gp worth of powdered diamond.
Nuke (Evocation)
Creates a thermonuclear explosion of 2 kilotons power per level of
wizard. Range is zero so unless used with one of the carrier spells this
is a suicide weapon. The material component for this spell is a kilo of
pure uranium, which the caster must have carried with him for at least
a year.
Orko's Absorption (Alteration/Evocation)
This spell enables the wizard to absorb and redirect up to 10 levels of
magic energy. Any incoming spell is nullified, and the energy stored as
potential. Only the same spell can be redirected, even if the wizard is
not familiar with it. Any type of spell directed at the wizard may be
absorbed, with the exception of area of effect spells, touch spells, and
effects from magic items. Unused stored energy is lost at the end of the
spell's duration.
If an incoming spell exceeds the spell's remaining capacity, the wizard
may make a saving throw versus spell (with a bonus of +2 per level of
the incoming spell absorbed), to avoid the effects of any remaining
spell energy, even for spells that ordinarily do not allow saving
The material component is an amulet that glows when spell energy is
stored then disintegrates on the ending of the spell.
Range: 10 yards + 2 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Author: William T. South <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: The Warlord of Heaven <fsmtw1@alaska.bitnet>
Range: Unlimited
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 turns per level
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 10 yards + 2 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Author: William T. South <>
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
The material component is a completely non-magically created candle of
six feet length and over one foot diameter. It has to be inlaid with a
finger of the caster and one quart of blood of the recipient creature
(if there is one: otherwise a quart of blood from the caster if it is an
item to be made permanent). The finger and the blood have to be freshly
given as they still need to contain a part of the creature's life force
and experience. This candle is lit during the casting but is not
consumed by it. It does not burn up during time as it is the material
component of this spell. It has to burn like a normal candle. As long as
it burns, the spell which is made permanent by this spell is also
permanent. The candle can be extinguished like any other normal candle.
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9 Special
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 5 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One or more creatures
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: David Kelk <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One person touched per 3 levels
Saving Throw: None
Author: David Kelk <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Person touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: David Kelk <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Up to 1 foot per level radius
Saving Throw: None
Author: David Kelk <>
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: David Kelk <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: The caster and one other person touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: David Kelk <>
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: David Kelk <>
The material component is a specially prepared lodestone (details are
left to the DM).
Range: 0
Components: S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: John Daniel <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2 hours
Area of Effect: 100 square foot section of wall per level
Saving Throw: None
Author: Lazatar
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Lazzaro
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3 hours
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Unknown
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Aaron Sher <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown
Range: 50 feet plus 10 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kris <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 10-yard per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Melf <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Paul D. Walker <>
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 24 hours per function to be linked
Area of Effect: One item per 3 levels
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 3 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Allan J. Mikkola <>
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 5-foot wide, 5-foot per level long ray
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Allan J. Mikkola <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Area of Effect: Person touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: James Bray <>
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 day per spell level imbued
Area of Effect: One undead
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Calvin (Azrael)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius per level
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Calvin (Azrael)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: Magic item touched
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Mystyk
Range: 250-foot + 50-foot per level radius
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 10 turns
Area of Effect: 20-mile radius
Saving Throw: None
Author: Chris Lawson <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 6 hours
Area of Effect: 1/2 mile per level
Saving Throw: None
Author: Noska Trades
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3 hours
Area of Effect: 100-yard per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Orko
D6 Roll | Hit | Effect |
1 | Head | Instant Death |
2 or 3 | Arm | Useless until healed |
4 or 5 | Leg | Useless until healed |
6 | Rear | Useless until healed |
If the victim makes his saving throw he will sustain only half damage and reduce the chance of body part damage to 5%. The only spell component for this spell is a slight unique finger pattern.
It is easier to aim at larger creatures, but a larger creature gets a better saving throw. Therefore, range and saving throw for this spell vary according to the creature attacked by the beam:
Creature is | Range | Saving Throw |
Small | 60 feet | 1/2; made at -6 |
Medium | 120 feet | 1/2; made at -4 |
Large | 240 feet | Negates |
This spell has only somatic components.
Orko's Mnemonic Enhancer (Alteration)
This spell is similar to the 4th-level Rary's mnemonic enhancer, but, by
means of this spell, the wizard is able to memorise and retain the
memory of nine additional spells, in different combinations. The wizard
can elect to memorise the spells immediately or the wizard may elect to
retain the ability to memorise the spells until a later time.
The material components for this spell are a piece of golden thread, an
ivory plaque of at least 1000 gp, an ink compose of squid secretion and
a drop of blue dragon blood. All components disappear when the spell is
cast. No spell may be enhanced more than twice by means of this spell.
Orko's Permanency (Alteration)
This spell is almost identical to the 8th-level wizard spell permanency,
save for the fact that the wizard can make any spell's duration
permanent (at the DM's discretion). There is no monetary cost for the
spell but still there is a cost, namely that the wizard loses two points
of Constitution for each casting of this spell.
Orko's Time Travel (Alteration)
This spell allows the wizard or 1d6 beings to travel the circuits woven
by time. The wizard can travel into the future or into the past and back
with this spell. It is recommended that the past be left alone for the
general safety of the future. The wizard controls the duration by his
will. If beings other than the wizard are sent into the future or the
past, they can return whenever they will it. The material component for
this spell is a small piece of oriental silk.
Phantasmal Force IV (Illusion/Phantasm)
When this spell is cast on a single individual of not greater than twice
the Hit Dice or level of the wizard, the diabolic magic of the spell
sweeps into the darkest corner of the victim's mind constructing from
the idea an illusory form of the subject's greatest fear. This fear
"strikes" with a 15 THAC0, is invulnerable to all attacks, and will kill
the subject on a successful hit. Generally speaking, the only defense
save for distracting the wizard is an attempt to disbelieve (make
Intelligence check on 3d6). The material component for this spell is a
bit of fleece.
Phasing Ship (Abjuration, Alteration)
This spell can give a ship up to the maximum effect of the spell caster
the ability to phase out of view like a phase spider (it stays until it
has attacked and then phases out). This ability can be used at the
command of the captain, who has to be within range of the spell as it is
cast and he has to stay on board of his ship throughout the duration;
otherwise it is cancelled instantly. If the captain is slain, knocked
unconscious, feebleminded, or disabled in his free will in any way, the
spell is cancelled, too. The whole ship including crew, cargo, and
atmosphere phases out at the command of the captain. This phasing out
ability causes the ship to be completely invulnerable for any ships that
cannot also phase out. This phasing ability only works within crystal
shells. Anyone who has initiative before the ship with the phasing
ability has the possibility of attacking before it phases out. The other
possibility to attack is to phase out also, but in that case the only
damage possible would be with either magical weapons (which cause only
their magical bonus of damage if they hit) or by ramming. As phasing out
means entering the ethereal plane, all missiles and other combat changes
are affected by the laws of the ethereal plane. The phasing ability
works automatically while the ships is at interstellar speed. But the
phasing does not prevent the slowing down of ships as they meet in wild
space. Thus, it could be as helpful as dangerous (it could help to phase
through those dangerous explosive flaming lifeboats left over by some
ships, but it could be very dangerous if one phases in right in the
centre of a sun in the company of a sun dragon...). Normally, the
captain and the crew can look from the border of ethereal to the prime,
but there may be some significant factors which prevent that.
The material components are one completely preserved dead body of a
phase spider per 3 tons of ship to phase out. In addition, one dose of
oil of ethereality has to be applied to each crew member during the
casting for the phasing ability to work. Once the spell is cast, any
additional or new crew members don't need this oil applied until the
spell runs out or a new spell of the same kind is cast.
Pilpin's Nightmare (Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy)
This spell allows the wizard to enter a creature's dream and attempt to
control it, but the spell can backfire and destroy the wizard. Creatures
that do not dream are not affected by this spell (i.e., undead,
non-intelligent monsters, etc.). The creature must have been asleep for
at least one hour before the spell will work.
The wizard goes into a deep trance for the duration of the spell and is
totally oblivious to the surrounding environment. If the wizard is
disturbed, the spell ends.
The wizard projects from the trance into the creature's dream. The
wizard will appear in the dream as an observer, unable to influence the
dream or say anything. There is a 5% chance that the dream projected
into is hostile to the wizard (see below for the effects of a dream
hostile to the wizard).
Once in the dream, the wizard attempts to take control of the dream. The
target creature is allowed a saving throw at -4 to resist the wizard's
attempt. If this first saving throw is successful, the wizard does not
take control of the dream and cannot try again for a week. At this
point, the wizard can leave, or remain as an observer. If the wizard
chooses to remain, there is a 5% chance per round that the dream turns
hostile to the wizard. If the creature fails the saving throw, the
wizard takes control of the dream and can make anything happen in that
dream. If the wizard causes the dream to become hostile to the creature
(i.e.: turning it into a nightmare), the target creature must make a
saving throw versus death magic or die in its sleep. If the creature's
saving throw is successful, the wizard loses control of the dream, but
the target creature still takes physical damage equal to 25% of its
maximum hit points. The target creature will not awaken due to the
physical damage caused by the nightmare, but may be awaken by another,
who witnesses the damage suddenly appearing on the creature.
After the first attempt at turning the dream to a nightmare there is a
50% chance that the dream turns hostile to the wizard. The wizard can
again attempt to take control of the dream or leave. If the wizard
regains control of the dream, he can again attempt to kill the target.
If the target saves versus death magic again, the wizard loses control
of the dream and the target takes another 25% of its maximum hit points
in damage. The dream now automatically turns hostile to the wizard.
The wizard can continue to go through this, each time the creature can
either fail its saving throw and die, or successfully save and take 25%
of its hit points in damage. If the target creature saves and takes
damage four times, it dies from physical damage.
If at any time the dream turns hostile to the wizard, the wizard can
attempt to control the dream in the usual manner, or attempt to leave
the dream. If the wizard chooses to leave, a successful saving throw
versus spell is required (leaving a non-hostile dream does not require
a saving throw), if the saving throw fails, the wizard is trapped. If
the wizard unsuccessfully attempts to control the dream (i.e., the
target saves against the attempt), the wizard is trapped.
A wizard trapped in a dream hostile to himself cannot make the dream
hostile to the target again and must make a successful saving throw
versus death magic or die for each round trapped. If the saving throw is
successful, the wizard loses 25% of his hit points due to physical
damage (a wise wizard will have somebody watching in case this starts to
happen). If the wizard is not awoke by another, he must regain control
of the dream before he can attempt escape. If unsuccessful in gaining
control of the dream, the wizard will die in four rounds from physical
damage, if not sooner from a failed saving throw versus death magic.
The material components are a personal possession from the target
creature and a lock of hair from a night hag.
Pilpin's Soul Exchange (Alteration, Necromancy)
This spell causes the life forces of two creatures to exchange. The
wizard must touch both creatures simultaneously at the end of casting
without having to make a to-hit roll. Any two creatures with a soul or
spirit (eg., humans, elves, animals, birds, dragons, fish, etc.) can be
affected. Examples of creatures that do not have souls or spirits (as we
understand them) are: undead, demons, devils, automatons such as golems,
and extra-planar creatures in general.
The saving throw against Pilpin's soul exchange depends on whether both,
one, or neither of the recipients are willing to undergo the exchange.
Treat indifferent as unwilling. If both recipients are willing, no
saving throw is required. If one recipient is willing but the other is
not, then the unwilling target is allowed a saving throw with a -2
penalty. If both are unwilling, then they are both allowed a normal
saving throw. A successful saving throw by any one of the recipients
negates the spell.
This spell is much more powerful when used in combination with the
8th-level trap the soul. Unwilling creatures that are trapped within a
gem prison have an additional -6 penalty on their saving throw. So if
one recipient is willing and the other not, and the unwilling recipient
is first imprisoned by trap the soul, the unwilling creature saves with
a -8 penalty. If both recipients are unwilling and trapped in gem
prisons, they both save with a -6 penalty. The spell does not release
them from the gem prisons, only exchanges their souls.
A creature's soul in a different body has that body's hit points or Hit
Dice, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Comeliness, but the soul's
Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma (modified by the body's new Comeliness),
memories, and Intelligence based skills (languages, nonweapon
proficiencies, spellcasting ability, etc.). The non-physical abilities
can be used only if the body has the required physical attributes. If
the body has extraordinary Strength, it can only be used if a warrior's
soul enters the body. The body will not radiate magic. The alignment
will be that of the soul. True seeing will reveal to a person that
previously knew the recipient of the soul exchange that it is no longer
the same person.
The spell can only be reversed by a carefully worded and executed wish
(creatures must be touching each other), another soul exchange, or the
will of the original wizard. If a creature dies while in another's body,
it can only be brought back with its own body, so if both creatures died
this could be a reckless way to reverse the spell. The material
components are a diamond worth 1000 gp and a bit of fresh brain tissue
from a mind flayer (not necessarily freshly acquired, possibly magically
Planar Gateway (Conjuration/Summoning)
This spell has the power to open a planar gateway to another plane - no
matter where the caster is right now. Thus, it is a highly sought spell.
The casting time can become quite prodigious (as you will see) but it
can be shortened by a very complicated ritual. This gate is under no
one's control and anything can pass through, in both directions. First,
the duration of the spell must be chosen by the wizard. The casting time
must then be calculated from the planar layer to be reached and the
current location of the caster, as follows: a gateway from the prime
material to another prime material plane takes one hour of casting time
per round open (if the duration was stated in rounds), one day of
casting time per hour open (if the duration was stated in hours), or one
month casting time per day open otherwise.
From the prime material plane to an inner plane, for every plane or
planar layer traversed, multiply by two. From the prime material plane
to an outer plane, for every plane or planar layer traversed, multiply
by five. From an inner to an outer plane, for every plane or planar
layer times traversed, multiply by ten. From an outer plane to an outer
plane you need the permission of a god on both planes. Then, the casting
time is multiplied by one hundred. As a character can normally only cast
for some 16 hours per day the actual casting time will be even longer
(unless the character is willing to give up experience levels: see
For example, a gateway from the prime material plane to the second level
of Hades that is supposed to stay open for 3 days has a normal casting
time of 1 month per day open = 3 months, times 5 times 4 (astral,
concordant, Hades' first level, Hades' second level) = 3 months times 20
= 60 months or a full 5 years.
The casting time can be reduced: for every experience level offered in
the casting, the casting time is reduced by a factor of 1/2 (rounding
up) until a value of one is reached. After that, the time can be further
reduced by 1/2 if 5 more levels are offered for each further reduction
until the minimum casting time of 1 round is reached.
Example continued: we eventually calculated a casting time of 60 months.
This can be reduced by one half for every level offered. Thus, if our
character offered 6 levels this would be reduced to 30, 15, 7.5 (rounded
up to 8), 4, 2, and 1 by halving six times. Still quite long, but
manageable. The character still has to be able to cast 9th-level spells
after offering those levels, as the levels are drained at the beginning
of the casting. Note that this might reduce the maximum duration. As the
example above has shown, opening gateways for a long time can take an
even longer time or many hard earned levels. As the character has
offered the levels voluntarily, they cannot be regained with
restoration, but only with a full wish per level lost. Thus, it is not
very often that planar gateways are opened from an outer plane to an
outer plane, but if they are opened they are opened with a lot of power
behind them.
The material components are solidified essence of the target plane,
para- or quasi-elemental planes are considered to be one with their
parent plane (you would need frozen ice to open a gateway to the plane
of water, ice, or sludge), plus a full gallon of blood (or another
appropriate liquid) from inhabitants of the target plane.
Power Drain (Evocation, Necromancy)
This spell can be used to drain someone else's Constitution permanently
and use this energy for certain spells such as permanency. To do this,
the wizard casts the spell and touches the subject, who gets a saving
throw versus spell. If the saving throw fails, 1 point of Constitution
of the subject is drained and stored in the material component: a
1000 gp black opal. This energy must then be used within the spell's
duration or it is lost forever. When the point is used or the spell
ends, the opal disintegrates. Casting this spell is very tiring for the
wizard, causing him to lose 1d6 points of Constitution that can be
regained by having 3 hours of rest for every point lost.
Power Word, Banish (Conjuration/Summoning)
This spell sends an extraplanar creature back to its home plane. If cast
on a creature native to the plane it is currently on, the spell sends
that creature to the outer plane best matching its alignment (yes, it
can be used on PCs). If the creature has more Hit Dice or levels than
the caster, it is not affected, even if it wishes so. If the target is
already in an outer plane that is its home plane, the spell has no
effect. There is no possible backlash to the caster as in the 7th-level
Power Word, Vaporisation (Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning)
When this symbol is cast, it will cause a large volume of inorganic
material to simply vanish and cease to exist as if it had never been.
This effect is instantaneous, and remains permanent. Only a wish can
bring the lost matter back into existence. The volume that is destroyed
can be in any shape the wizard desires, up to the maximum volume
If any of the inorganic material is somehow magical, then assign it a
value of 1 to 6, using the guidelines from the wizard spell detect
magic, where artifacts are assigned a value of 6. This is the basic
saving throw number that must be rolled, or rolled under, using a 1d20
in order for the object to save and not be disintegrated.
If a magic item has powers or bonuses which could protect it from
disintegration then they must be taking into account for the items
saving throw. An intelligent item cannot be affected by the spell, as it
does not count as an inanimate object. A ring of spell turning would not
be able to turn the spell, but the roll is made anyway and if the
turning is successful, then the ring would get the bonus or be saved
completely. A ring of protection would get its saving throw bonus, while
a device of protection from disintegration would always save.
The material component of this spell is a pinch of dust from the coffin
of a mummy.
Prismatic Shard (Conjuration/Summoning, Evocation)
This spell calls into existence a shard of prismatic energy, much like
a chunk off of a prismatic wall. The shard itself is about two feet
long, 4 inches at the base, and a triangular pyramid.
As protection from its brilliance, the spell grants the caster
protection from its aura by giving him - for lack of a better term -
magical arc welding glasses (his eyes turn deep black). All other
creatures must save versus spell or be blinded for 2d4 rounds. Smoked
crystal goggles will prevent this.
The caster however is blind at the end of the spell for 1d4 rounds
(while his goggles fade).
This spell affects the creature struck just as walking through a
prismatic sphere: all seven saving throws are rolled as per any other
prism spell (that's 90 points of damage minimum, if they make every
saving throw). The shard remains to wreak further havoc for its
The verbal component is up to you. The material is a 5,000 gp diamond
and the somatic component is guiding it with your finger. You do have to
maintain concentration to keep it around (just like spiritual hammer).
Ralorn's Bolt of Dragon Slaying (Necromancy)
This spell launches a bolt of killing energy specifically tuned to slay
dragons. Any dragon struck by this spell must save versus death magic or
die. If the saving throw succeeded, it suffers 1d10 HP of damage per
level of the wizard. Against any other creature, the spell inflicts 1d6
per level, save for half damage. The material component is the tooth of
a wyrm or greater dragon slain by the wizard without using this spell.
Rednog's Layering Spell (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm, Metamagic)
This spell allows the caster to apply a "layering" effect to spells
which are normally not cumulative with each other. It does not matter if
these spells are wizard or priest spells. All spells which are to be
layered have to be cast in immediate succession beginning the next round
after finishing this spell. Once this casting has stopped, no additional
spells may be added to the layering effect. Thus, it would be possible
to layer several stoneskins over each other; to create a multiple haste
effect, etc. This spell allows a maximum stacking effect of one
additional spell per 3 caster levels to be in effect on one creature (it
would be possible for a 21st-level caster to allow a stacking effect of
three additional hastes, one stoneskin, protection from fire, protection
from lightning, and a prayer spell on one creature in addition to
already existing versions of these spells on the same creature). It is
not possible to cast this spell on a creature which already has this
spell in effect. Thus, this is the only spell which may not be layered
or stacked with itself. The duration of this spell is the duration for
a single additional 1st-level spell. It is reduced for every additional
level of each additional spell by one day; once one day or less is left,
it is reduced by one hour in the same ratio, until one hour or less is
left. Now decrease by turns until one turn is left, then decrease by
rounds to a minimum of one round. Thus, our 21st-level wizard, who would
stack seven 9th-level spells (one spell of 8 levels higher than first
level plus 6 spells of 9 levels higher than a 1st-level spell would make
62 units) on himself would have a duration of 10.5 days for a single
1st-level spell; it would first be reduced by 10 days (leaving 52 units
and 1/2 day, or 12 hours duration), then by 11 hours (leaving 41 units
and 1 hour duration left over), then by 5 turns (leaving 36 units and 10
rounds), then by 9 rounds to 1 round minimum (actually leaving 27 units)
and only a single round of duration. Thus, it is not very good to layer
too many high level spells as they run out almost immediately. Once the
duration of this spell runs out (or it is dispelled), all layered spells
end immediately. This spell may also be applied to spell-like effects.
Note: the layering effect is only additive: thus, 6 hastes don't give
2x2x2x2x2x2 = 64 times all attacks but only give a multiplication factor
of 12.
This spell has a significant negative side effect: as layering causes
such a concentration of magic, it causes all boundaries of magical items
to be significantly weakened. It is therefore possible that magic items
and permanent spells are permanently destroyed in a most violent
fashion. In case of a permanent spell, the chance that this happens is
a base 100% minus 10% per spell level of the permanent spell. In case of
an item, the chance is 100% minus 10% per spell level of the highest
powered effect of the item, similar to any existing spell or minus 15%
per plus, in case of an item with plusses (whichever is the higher of
the two modifiers). Next, add 1% per spell level layered on the
If a spell or an item is destroyed by this spell, the magic contained
will not pass away quietly. It causes an explosion of spellfire doing
1d10 hit points of damage per contained charge or per spell level which
was destroyed in a 1-foot per charge or spell level destroyed radius
sphere. As this is spellfire, only a wall of force will prevent others
from taking damage (no other resistance helps: not even magic resistance
or immunity to fire); the target creature takes full damage no matter
what resistance it normally has (as it cannot encase itself with a wall
of force).
The material component is a block of mithril which is made up from two
layers of mithril for each spell level to be layered and a single scroll
for each spell which is to be layered. Each scroll has to be completely
encased in a thin coat of mithril. This block then has to be speared
with an adamantine spike which was broken on an anvil and then fixed
again with one mending spell per spell level to be contained in the
block. The whole mithril block without the scrolls costs no less than
3000 gp per spell level it is to contain (thus, our 21st-level wizard
above would have wasted 7 scrolls containing a single 9th-level spell
each and a full 7x9x3000 gp = 189,000 gp).
Regenerative Restoration (Abjuration, Alteration)
This spell allows the caster to give a touched creature the ability to
regenerate lost or drained energy levels or ability points at a very
slow rate. The effect lasts for the whole duration of the spell. If at
any time during the spell's effect the creature is affected by any such
losses, it is allowed to negate the loss by succeeding at a base saving
throw versus death magic minus one per point of damage that is dealt
with the loss (if a vampire dealt a blow causing 9 hit points damage,
the affected creature would have to succeed at its death magic saving
throw (base) minus 9 to prevent two level losses). This ability also
applies to ability points lost due to sudden or continuous draining
effects (undead drains as well as strenuous activity like running at
high speeds). If any losses still occur due to failed saving throws or
because the spell was not in effect at the time of the loss, the
creature gains the ability to gain the losses back at the following
Each time one level or ability point loss is prevented or a point is
regained, the duration is reduced by one week. If the remaining duration
is less than a week, the spell instantly expires with no protection
offered nor any returned point. Thus, a 20th-level wizard would have the
ability to prevent the loss of one point in the 19th week of duration
only. He could also restore only one point.
It is not possible to stack this spell.
The material components are one potion of heroism for each week or one
potion of superheroism for every three weeks duration. These have to
mixed with the remains of a cremated wraith's essence. It is possible to
substitute any ashes of any other higher powered undead with a draining
ability for the wraith's essence.
Return (Necromancy)
This spell will remove 5 HP from the caster's maximum permanently, but
allows the caster to defy death once per casting. Once he dies from
grievous wounds (dying from old age isn't affected), he will arise fully
healed by the return spell. This spell is jealously guarded by those
that know it.
Rip Life (Necromancy)
This spell affects only creatures up to 1.75 the caster's level or Hit
Dice. The victim of the spell must make a saving throw versus death
magic (with a -4 modifier to the saving throw). Failing this saving
throw results in the victims death, utterly, with no hope of
resurrection unless a divine being raises him. The caster can use this
stolen life to do one of 5 things:
Rune IV (Enchantment)
This spell allows the wizard to inscribe a rune containing the energies
of one spell up to eighth level. Instructions of up to 1 word per level
may be given to control the rune. The material component is 100 gp gems
and inks per level of the spell contained in the rune. This is the most
powerful rune spell normally available.
Sarius' Endosmotic Zone of Magic (Alteration)
This powerful spell was researched by the Lord of Telnorne. It is
actually used to create a magical rod (3 feet long and 1 inch in
diameter) that projects a continual zone of increased magical potential
in a spherical area of effect equal to a radius of 1 yard per level,
extended outward from the rod in all directions. This spherical zone
makes magic function at its utmost effectiveness, normally. But, it can
be used to travel to planes with reduced magical factor ratings (MF)
while keeping an MF rating of 0 within the area of effect. On planes
with an increased MF the spell simply allows all spells of ninth level
or less to work optimally. The zone will permeate any area which is not
totally enclosed in a lead casing or protected by an anti-magic shell
which withstands the dweomer.
All anti-magic shells or effects that come within the zone react as if
a dispel magic is cast upon them each and every round. Every round the
two areas interact the anti-magic zones have a chance of dispelling as
though a wizard of four levels higher than the wizard were trying to
dispel magic against them. On planes with a negative MF rating,
everything within the area of effect operates as though the MF rating
were 0. So, someone with a ring of flying could fly within the zone, but
exiting it would cause them to drop like a rock! On a negative MF rating
plane, anti-magic shells are dispelled at the normal level of mastery or
the wizard and all spells cast by any class of characters, whether
native to the plane or not, operate at a normal MF rating of 0.
The spell's duration (from activation of the rod) is equal to a base 1
day per level in a prime material plane with a MF rating of 0. On
negative MF rating planes, the duration is calculate as the total number
of whole days left for the rod to operate divided by the result of the
MF rating multiplied by -1. For example, a 20th-level wizard activates
the rod and hurriedly enters a gateway to an alternate prime material
plane with a MF rating of -5 (since the spell must be initially cast on
a plane with a MF rating of 0 or better). The duration would be
determined thus: 20/(-5x-1) = 4 days. But, if the wizard had operated
the rod (for more than 1 turn) before entering the gateway it would have
lost a day's duration and be calculated as: 19/(-5x-1) = 3.8 days = 91.2
hours = 547.2 turns = 5,472 rounds. If the wielder had travelled to a
plane with a MF rating greater than 0 the spell's duration would be
calculated as the base duration multiplied by the MF rating of the
Whenever the rod changes alternate prime material planes (even if they
both contain the same MF rating) its duration is recalculated with the
current remaining days of operation left used as the base for
determining the duration of the spell (disregard any remaining duration
that does not equal a day or more in length). If the rod travels from a
positive MF rating plane to a negative MF rating plane the rod is
totally disrupted in the transferral as though the spell had ended, and
vice versa. Dispelling magics will only affect the rod for one single
round unless they are cast by a demi-power, lesser power, or greater
power, in which case a successful dispel magic will cause the device to
become disrupted as described below.
The rod is the only material component of this spell. It is made from
the purest mithril and rune inscribing agents (costing at least
7000 gp). Then, 9 deep blue amethysts (1000 gp each) are inset to the
side of the rod among the various runes of power, and a large sapphire
(1000 gp) is affixed to the top. Once the rod has been fashioned (2
months creation time minus 1 day per level of wizard working on the
inscribing of the runes down to a minimum of 1 month) this spell can be
cast upon it, empowering the rod with enormous magical potential. From
this point, the rod remains dormant until its power is activated by
speaking the proper command word and willing the rod to function. Until
the rod is activated the casting wizard loses a single 9th-level spell
casting slot because of the bond that he has established with the rod's
dormant power. While this spell could be inscribed onto a scroll it
would still require the rod as a material component and the wizard who
inscribed the spell would not regain the spell slot until the potential
of the scroll was released through copying it into a spellbook or
casting it onto the rod and activating the rod (note: an apprentice may
be used to inscribe the runes upon the rod freeing the learned master to
further research).
Although almost any sentient creature may utilise the rod, in the hands
of the original wizard it will convey a personal magic resistance equal
to his level of experience (and cumulative to any other magic resistance
he may be employing). On any prime material plane the rod will also act
as a rod of striking, conveying a magical +3 to-hit bonus and striking
for 3d6+3 points of damage per round. The rod may only strike once in
any melee round no matter if the creature wielding it is capable of
multiple attacks with weapons. During the last turn of the spell's
duration the rod will begin to hum extremely loudly (hearable in a 1/2
mile radius. During the last round of the spell's duration the rod will
glow with extremely powerful magical electricity, causing 1d20 HP of
damage to all that touch it, per tenth of a round of contact. In the
last round is will flash with a bright light (causing all in the zone to
save versus rod, staff or wand, or be blinded for 1d20 rounds) and then
cease to function. This last burst of energy transmutes the mithril rod
into pure lead, causes the runes to dissolve, and transforms the 10 gems
into a useless powder.
Selective Mordenkainen's Disjunction (Abjuration)
This spell has almost the same effect as a Mordenkainen's disjunction,
but it functions only on one lone object (not carried by a person) or
one person (and up to one object per level). The caster can choose
whether to affect the whole person or only one or more objects carried
by the person. If objects are to be affected, the caster has to be able
to recognise them for what they are: a ring of fire resistance, a pair
of bracers of defence, +2, or something likewise. If the object is not
what the caster believes it to be, he just reduces the part that he
believes the item to be - if the item fails two saving throws: the first
saving throw is the normal saving throw as described within the ordinary
disjunction spell; the second is an additional saving throw at double
the level of the item as it was not what was tried to be disjoined. Any
spells are completely disjoined as in the ordinary disjunction. If a
lone object (not carried by a person) is to be disjoined, it only gets
the normal saving throw, even if the caster does not know what its
purpose is. What is actually disjoined and what remains is determined in
the same way as in the normal 9th-level spell.
The material component is the trunk of a disenchanter which is embalmed
with the oils from a hazelnut tree from a magic dead area and lined in
linen made from plants from a different magic dead area.
Shade Transformation (Alteration, Illusion)
This was researched by Darklight in order to recreate the fabled
transformation of a mortal into undying shadow-stuff. It was seen as an
alternative to a potion of longevity (which is difficult to make) or
lichdom (which brings the stigma of undead onto oneself). The experiment
was successful, as this spell attests.
The spell is highly difficult to cast, taking a full month of
preparation (involving rare and dangerous components) before casting,
and an entire week to cast (the caster might have to take precautions
not to fall asleep during the casting). It irrevocably changes the
caster of the spell into the type of creature known to men as a shade
(see the Monster Manual II).
The body of the caster is infused and altered with shadow-stuff from the
plane of shadow. This process permanently incurs a psychological
weakness in the caster, amplifying some trait which formerly existed
into a true downfall. This may not actually cause the shade to be
incapable of happiness or meaningful existence, but it does add an
element of the tragic into their nature.
The wizard may continue to advance in levels after becoming a shade, but
will probably be more comfortable living on the plane of shadow. The
wizard gains all the powers and vulnerabilities of a shade, including
becoming immortal unless slain.
This process costs anywhere from 10,000-60,000 gp, and involves the
heart of a shadow dragon, cloaker blood, and phase spider venom. It is
not an evil process, but the shadowphilic nature of shade-life is not
appealing to a truly good creature. It is best suited for neutral (or
evil) beings. The shadow-mage Darklight has undergone this process, and
has lived for several centuries as a shade, during which time most of
his spell research has taken place.
Sheets of Acid Fumes (Evocation)
This spell is a super acidball which inflicts 1d6 HP per level of the
wizard to all within a 50-foot radius. The material component is a black
dragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
Sheets of Electricity (Evocation)
This spell is a super ball lightning which inflicts 1d6 hit points per
level of the wizard to all within a 50-foot radius. The material
component is a blue dragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
Sheets of Fire (Evocation)
This spell is a super fireball which inflicts 1d6 HP per level of the
wizard to all within a 50-foot radius. The material component is a red
dragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
Sheets of Force (Evocation)
This spell is a super forceball which inflicts 1d6 HP per level of the
wizard to all within a 50-foot radius. The material component is a
stellar dragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
Sheets of Frost (Evocation)
This spell is a super iceball which inflicts 1d6 HP per level of the
wizard to all within a 50-foot radius. The material component is a white
dragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
Shockwave (Invocation/Evocation)
This spell sends a high energy tremor through the ground in a circle
surrounding the wizard. All creatures on the ground at the time of
casting are affected. The shockwave causes 10d6+10 damage (save for
half). In addition, all creatures with fewer than 4 legs are
automatically knocked down. Creatures with 4 or more legs can make a
Dexterity check (or save versus death magic for creatures with no
dexterity) to keep their feet. All creatures are stunned for 1d6 rounds,
and wizards and priests may not cast spells for 1d6 rounds after that.
Creatures who save are stunned for 1 round, and may cast spells 1d4
rounds after. The material components of this spell are earth elemental
remains and a shard of a tree struck by lightning.
Sillvatar's Dragon Breath (Conjuration/Summoning)
This spell conjures a dragon head similar to that created by Sillvatar's
dragon bite; however, instead of bite damage, the wizard may direct the
head to make a single, instantaneous breath attack. The dimensions and
composition of this breath attack are as per the dragon the material
component is from. The damage inflicted by this attack is equal to an
attack from the appropriate dragon, of age category 1d6 (determine age
randomly). For example, if a red dragon is the source of the material
component for this spell, and a 4 is rolled for the age category, the
breath attack takes the shape of a 90x5x30 feet cone of fire, and
inflicts 8d10 points of damage. All victims must save versus the worst
of spell or breath weapon to receive only half damage; possessions are
treated as if they had been hit by the actual corresponding breath
weapon (if the victim's saving throw was successful, possessions are not
The material component for this spell is the heart from any type of
dragon; this component is consumed when the spell is cast.
Sillvatar's Superior Summons (Conjuration/Summoning)
The caster of this spell is able to summon to his aid one or more
pre-chosen individuals; the creatures to be summoned must be chosen at
the time the spell is cast and must be willing to receive the summons.
The total number of levels or Hit Dice of the individuals summoned must
be equal to, or less than the level of the wizard.
When the spell is initially cast, the wizard must follow a set procedure
for each person or creature summoned: first the individual must be
marked with wizard mark; this must then be made permanent through the
casting of a permanency (to prevent the mark from wearing off). Finally,
the superior summons is cast; this entire process takes two turns, plus
the casting times of the other two spells. Each recipient must be marked
by a separate wizard mark, but a single casting of permanency and
superior summons will suffice. These marks are visible only to the
wizard and the recipient (although a true seeing or similar magic will
reveal them) and will remain until dispelled or the spell is triggered.
When the wizard wishes to trigger the spell, the final incantations are
uttered along with the names of each of the recipients (this has a
casting time of 5). The summoned individuals will appear anywhere within
100 feet of the wizard, as desired. The individuals to be summoned must
be on the same plane as the wizard when the spell is cast (triggered) or
they cannot answer the summons.
The reverse of this spell, Sillvatar's superior sending, will send the
marked individuals to a pre-chosen location (a separate location may be
chosen for each recipient). The result is similar to teleport without
error, but with a separate location for each recipient. The same
procedure must be followed as for the superior summons, and since the
wizard mark disappears when the individual is summoned, multiple
castings of this spell, as well as the wizard mark and permanency, are
required to send summoned creatures back to where they came from.
The material component for this spell is a diamond worth at least 500 gp
for each individual to be summoned. These diamonds are powdered and
sprinkled on the wizard mark (this fulfils the component requirements
for the wizard mark as well).
Spellcrystal IX (Conjuration, Invocation)
Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the 1st-level wizard
spell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
Sphere of Annihilation (Evocation)
This ancient and arcane spell was first found in the Libram of Tel'
Aknus the Mad. It is used to create a sphere of annihilation. The wizard
must prepare a special magical device, which costs 15,000 gp to
construct, to house the energies required to bring the sphere into
existence. The construct is made of the rarest of ores, adamantite, and
requires a full year of work by a master smith to fashion. A master
alchemist must then fuse ten vials of essence of platinum, ten vials of
essence of gold, and ten vials of essence of silver, in this order, into
the construct (which looks something like a giant spider when finished).
This will take two weeks per vial and the chance of success is equal to
the alchemist's chance of creating said essences (checked for each vial
fused to the structure) and any failure means that the entire structure
has been transmuted in the metal of the current essence which is being
fused into the construct.
Then the casting procedure can take place. It consists of a highly
ritual ceremony requiring a black pearl of at least 1 foot in diameter
being placed inside a magic circle and then calling forth the various
magics of the planes to instill the pearl with anti-planar power of a
sphere of annihilation. The spell then temporarily doubles the current
hit points of the casting wizard as it starts. Every hour of casting
time instills the pearl with more and more power. At the end of every
hour's casting the wizard must roll a successful saving throw versus
death magic which is unadjusted by any means other than his current
level of mastery. If successful, the casting continues for the next
hour. If unsuccessful, the wizard takes 1d20 points of damage for an
unsuccessful hour of casting and the casting time is extended for anther
hour. The spell will only be successful if 12 hours of continual casting
is completed. Remember that if the spell is successful the wizard must
still attempt to bring the sphere under his control. This spell in no
way gives any special bonuses for control attempts.
If the wizard is reduced to zero hit points the pearl disappears (in a
harmless, but spectacular flash of light) and his Strength and
Constitution are reduced to 1 and he is thrown into a coma, losing
knowledge of all spells currently memorised. These statistics and normal
hit points are regained at a rate of 1 point per day of total rest
unless some form of magic is used to increase healing. Until the wizard
reaches half of his original Constitution score he is extremely
susceptible to diseases and will take 4 times the amount of damage a
disease would normally inflict. When half of his original Strength is
restored, he may save versus spell each day to see if he comes out of
the coma. Failure means that he remains in the coma. Once the wizard
comes out of a coma he will be in a ravenous state and will not be able
to regain spells again till he has eaten and rested for as many days as
he was in the coma. Success or failure notwithstanding, this spell will
always destroy the construct and the pearl used as the material
components. If the spell is successful, the construct and pearl are
sucked into the sphere, and if unsuccessful, the construct crumbles into
a useless crystal substance and the pearl disappears as mentioned above.
If the wizard is physically touched during the casting of this spell by
anything, including the power of another magic, and sustains damage
which subtracts from his hit points or any ability score or level, the
pearl will explode in a force of magic dealing out damage equal to 1d20
per hour of casting time that has passed (rounded down) in a radius
equal to 10 yards per hour of casting time that has successfully passed
(again, rounded down and a unmodified saving throw versus spell will
allow anyone in the area of effect to save for half damage). Also, when
this happens the extra hit points disappear (if they are still present)
and the wizard takes damage from his normal remaining hit points. Death
by this explosion means that the body has been disintegrated, ruling out
raise dead or resurrection for bringing the victim back to life.
Square the Circle II (Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning, Metamagic)
This spell has a similar effect as squaring the circle from the Tome of
Magic. It can be used to affect any spells cast during the duration of
this spell. These spells (if they have an area of effect) can be shaped,
cut in size, folded, cubed, "sphered", or changed in any possible way,
as long as the total area of effect is not increased from its original
size. Thus, it would be possible to change the effect of a fireball into
a long cylinder of hooked together 10-foot cubes (up to a maximum of 33
of such cubes).If desired, the area of effect of (for example) a reverse
gravity could be stretched into a pencil thin but probably hundreds of
yards long boundary for a field so that mice and almost all other
rodents could be kept out or killed (as they would still be catapulted
approximately 10 yards per second into the air to fall to their deaths
once they stepped into this area of effect, whereas a fast moving human
would "fall up" only a few feet before returning to mother earth. Any
spell effect which has an area of effect other than personal or caster
or those specifying a certain amount of creatures can be changed as
desired as long as it is a single continuous area of effect.
The material component is a block of sandstone which has been
stoneshaped into a most bizarre form which always has to be different
from any previous one used by the caster. Each form must somehow have to
do with infinity. Afterwards it has to be changed by a polymorph any
object spell into a diamond in that specific form. As this normally does
not last longer than a few hours, it cannot be used very often (or the
caster must have unlimited access to polymorph any object spells).
Staff of Smiting (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)
This spell creates a magical staff. First, a thaumaturge must find the
finest wood of a hazel tree and fashion it magically into a wizard's
staff. The staff must be then dipped in serpent's venom and touched by
a dragon's breath. Then, it must be enchanted and sprinkled with mithril
dust. The staff thus created will be capable of striking at +3 to-hit
for 1d6+3 HP twice per round. Once per day it may strike as a venomous
weapon, doing double damage for the attack and causing the victim to
save versus poison or suffer the effects. The staff may also attack for
10d6 with the breath of the dragon which imbued this magic, however,
this attack destroys the staff.
Stanza's Kiss of Immortal Despair (Alteration, Necromancy)
This spell inflicts the victim with the sexual disease or sexual
insanity of the caster's choice, until cured by a cure disease performed
by a priest of a good aligned god and of higher level than the wizard
who inflicted the disease. While the victim suffers from the disease,
the spell prevents him from being killed by it, or in fact by anything,
be it a sword, a fire, another disease, or a blow to the head. Should
the victim drop below 0 hit points, he will become immobile but remain
He will be incapable of performing any actions until he is healed above
0 hit points. Dropping below -10 hit points will not kill him. He
regains no hit points from resting if he is below 0, his body is too
battered to heal itself and only magical or herbal healing will help
him. The material component of this spell is a corpse that has rotted
for at least a week.
Summon Cissaldan (Conjuration/Summoning)
As in Harlan Ellison's short story How's the Night Life on Cissalda?.
The casting of this spell will cause an interdimensional connection
between the world of the spell caster and the alternate world of the
Cissaldans. The utterance of this spell attracts one Cissaldan which
will come through the connection and attack whomever the spellcaster
directs the spell against.
The recipient has an immediate desire to "do a disgusting thing with a
disgusting thing" and will fall upon the Cissaldan with much vigour. The
recipient will not be able to do or say anything else since his or her
complete concentration is centred on the Cissaldan. The two will
continue to copulate until the recipient dies of starvation. There is no
known way of separating someone (or something since the Cissaldans do
not discriminate in any way) from a Cissaldan until the recipient dies.
After the death of the spell recipient, the Cissaldan will return to the
world from which it came.
Cissaldans are described as having two penises, two vaginas, and are
physically disgusting to look at. They, however, love to make love so to
speak, and can physically adapt to any sexual physiology.
Surge's Planar Conduit (Alteration, Evocation, Summoning)
Upon casting this spell, the caster opens up a "personal" planar rift,
within his own body. The caster can choose any plane that he is aware of
and has material from or related to (eg., a potion of healing would work
to connect to the positive material plane). This material is considered
to be the material component of the spell, and is consumed in the
He may then emit energies from this plane at 12d6 damage. After a month
of practice with this spell, the caster learns to duplicate planar
phenomena on the prime material plane. This could mean: a wizard
connects to the plane of fire regularly, and after a month of practice
he can cause fields to explode into fiery combustion at will (see the
Manual of the Planes for planar phenomena).
This spell is about as "trademarked" as it could possibly be
non-legally: only Surge, the gold dragon Nexus, and Elminster know of it
in the Forgotten Realms (both are good spell trading buddies). But,
seeing that eight of Surge's spellbooks have taken to the wind, go
ahead, make it about as rare as wish.
Symmetry (Evocation)
This spell is composed of two 9th-level spells which have to be cast
simultaneously. It creates, within a 10-mile radius, a condition in
which the symmetry between the physical interactions which prevailed at
the time of the big bang is restored. Everything within the 10-mile
radius is instantaneously gone regardless of magic resistance, god or
artifact status etc. Everything for a couple of hundred miles around
gets burned, vaporised, melted etc. Note that, like nuke, this spell has
a range of zero, so use of long-range carrier is advised.
Tabra's Dragonshape (Alteration)
This spell allows the caster to assume the form of any dragon the caster
has personally seen. It grants all powers and abilities of that dragon
type. Spells can be cast while in dragon shape and take no material
components. Items are still in effect while in dragon shape (if they are
activated before the change or are continuous) after the change only
items that be activated by altered speech and manipulative with claws
can be used. The change is instantaneous and affects the person as a
heal spell, but the hit points gained remain only while in dragon form.
Changing back returns half of any hit points lost while in dragon form.
After using this spell several times Tabra has gained the reputation of
being a gold dragon in disguise as a human.
Telnorne Force Layer (Evocation)
This spell is a highly improved version of wall of force. It is used to
create a barrier which cannot be penetrated by any known spells or
forces in the multiverse, including major powers, avatars, devils, or
demon princes.
The casting time of 1 hour is standard, but the wizard must also spend
a hour in contemplation, reviewing diagrams or charts of the area or
object to which the force layer is to be attached when memorising the
spell. Force layer may cover an area of up to 10x10 feet, and must be
attached to a localised gravity: either an object, a structure, or an
area. Once cast, only spells of wish-like power may affect the force
Limited wish will affect the force layer as a half-strength dispel
magic; alter reality will affect the force layer as a 3/4 strength
dispel magic, and wish will affect the force layer as a full strength
dispel magic. The force layer may be attached to moving objects, but
only those which are of one piece and move in conjunction to something
else. For example, a chest (with hinges) could be covered, but the chest
would still need to have a break within the spell effect, so only the
top or the bottom of the chest would be affected. Placing the spell on
a wagon would effectively make the wagon indestructible, but the wagon
would never again roll since the wheels are now locked in place. But, if
the wheels alone (and possibly the axle if the wizard was inventive)
were protected the wagon would still roll. Of course, after the wheels
eventually rotted away in a few years the spell area would still be in
effect and invisible wheels would still roll.
When this spell is cast on the prime material plane the area of effect
extends into the astral and ethereal planes, although the force layer
will still be invisible. Nothing will stick to the Telnorne force layer
except for another force layer which is attached to a previously cast
one. Paint, dust, and powders will simply roll off its surface. Only
dust of appearance will stick to the force layer, and then only for 1d10
Time Reaver (Alteration, Enchantment, Evocation)
This spell actually sends characters back or forward in time. They can
actually affect the flow of time as they have been merged with it by the
power of this spell. The characters can travel back or forward up to one
year per hour of casting time devoted in the casting. The casting time
has to be continuous, and may not be interrupted. As the time a normal
character can cast spells continuously isn't very long, this means that
not too many years can be spanned with this spell. If one the other hand
the character does not have to eat, drink or rest quite impressive times
can be spanned.
The material components for this spell are:
DMs: be careful with this spell. It gives your characters very much
power, if they can think of the way to circumvent the last material
component. They could create for themselves quite some fortresses, if
they are smart, and they can defeat almost every opponent by going back
in time to his birth and killing him then - or (much better) by turning
them into an agent for themselves. So be careful who you allow to have
this spell.
Trade Life (Necromancy)
This spell can be used to enchant a weapon. This weapon must be used
within one day after the casting. The caster must kill a victim with not
more than one blow from this blade, where upon the enchantment of the
spell on the blade will suck the life into the blade. The weapon may
then be plunged into the breast of a dead creature to restore life to
that one. A maximum of 5 levels or Hit Dice will be transferred from the
victim to the beneficiary. The victim's dead body then either rots away
(when he still would have had one or more levels left), or explodes. The
material component of this spell is a dagger of at least +3 enchantment.
Transformed Spellcasting (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm, Metamagic)
This spell allows a caster the possibility to cast spells while being in
a transformed state. The spell provides one spell level per two caster
levels with which to cast spells from the transformed state. The spell
lasts until all spell levels are used up. It is possible to stack this
spell up to 2 spell levels per caster level. The requirements to be able
to cast spells are simple: the components of the spells which are to be
cast from the transformed state are still required. That means that the
transformed shape still requires vocal and somatic capabilities, if
these components are in the spells to be cast. The components don't have
to be done in the usual manner; the spell provides the necessary
changes. Thus, a wizard might polymorph into a bluebird (incorporating
his bag of material components into the body), fly across the opponents
camp (moving his wings a lot) and chirping a lovely song (actually
saying the vocal component) and suddenly drop a fireball. A flea might
not be such a good shape as it lacks both the verbal and the somatic
requirements, but if they can be provided for, well... you might get
some really dangerous fleas hopping around in the future.
The material component is a tiny but very life-like statue of the caster
(rendered from a single diamond) which has to have a fully moveable
mouth, fully flexible hands and fingers, and an openable bag on its
belt. Into this bag have to be filled one drop of fresh blood from the
caster. This statue has to cost no less than 5000 gp per maximum
possible spell level.
True Aura (Evocation)
This spell creates a bright aura three inches thick that covers the
caster's entire body. The aura has these effects:
Tyvek's Indestructible Cover (Abjuration)
This spell requires a scrap of elven chain mail. It conjures into being
a body shaped force shell that can resist any one attack. Its weakness
is its short duration. Normally, it's used to avoid an apparent death
blow. It would allow the wizard to take a boulder to the head and live,
or hold up a collapsing ceiling for one round. No spell can penetrate
it, and dispel magic is ineffective. Spellstrike is the only other known
attack that would work, but who memorises spellstrike anyway but other
Uldark's Ultimate Summoning (Conjuration/Summoning)
This spell is Uldark's response to his friend Sillvatar's superior
summons (q.v.); it is not as powerful (in terms of levels) as
Sillvatar's spell, but is more versatile, and requires less preparation
time. This spell allows the wizard to summon any creature of the
wizard's choice; only one such creature may be summoned per casting of
this spell, and the summoned creature's Hit Dice may be no more than two
thirds the wizard's level (drop fractions). A certain species of
creature may be specified in the summoning (or in the case of an
adventurer, class and level), but a specific individual may not be
called; for example, the wizard may summon a 12th-level paladin, but may
not summon a specific paladin by name.
The summoned creature appears anywhere within the spell's range as
directed by the wizard. If a good wizard summons an evil creature (or if
an evil one summons a good creature) both the creature and the wizard
must roll a saving throw versus spell. If the wizard succeeds and the
creature fails, the spell proceeds normally; if the wizard fails and the
creature succeeds, the creature will attack the wizard immediately; if
both fail, the creature ignores the wizard (the wizard may still attempt
to gain control of the summoned creature via some other magic).
Of course, since Sillvatar's spell is reversible
If the creature fails a saving throw versus spell at -4, it is
immediately sent back to where it came from.
The material component for this is a ruby, diamond, or emerald worth at
least 800 gp. The gem is consumed with the casting of the spell.
Whisper's Archomental Summoning (Conjuration/Summoning)
This powerful spell summons an archomental. One of the great rulers of
domains in the elemental planes. These creatures have all powers of the
elemental of their plane, are 36 HD, and have the following additional
powers and improvements: an Armour Class of -6, number of attacks 4,
damage per attack 6d10, special defence: need weapon, +5 or better to
hit, special attacks are at 10 times normal effectiveness (ten times
more damage, greater area of effect, etc.). These creatures are
extremely resentful of being summoned, and though forced to do the
caster's bidding, will remember the caster in times to come. Should the
caster ever visit the elemental plane of an archomental he once
summoned, he should be in for a lot of trouble, and will be under
continuous attacks by vengeful followers of the elemental ruler.
The type of elemental summoned depends on the material component used.
For the fire archomental, burning rare woods of 50,000 gp or more; for
the water archomental, a basin filled with sweetwater potions (at least
20 potions worth are needed); for the earth archomental, gems in excess
of 50,000 gp are needed, and finally; for the air archomental, 50,000 gp
worth of rare perfume or incense is needed. These material components
can form a great obstacle, especially those for the fire archomental
summoning, as sometimes great quantities are needed. To be able to carry
around the material components would require the most special and rare
woods and incense (etc.) indeed, and the finding of these substances
could almost be an adventure in and of itself.
Whisper's Devilish Army (Conjuration)
This powerful summoning spell causes the appearance of a full company of
20 spined devils (see the Monster Manual II), commanded by a barbed
devil. This spell should only be cast by a wizard who is truly evil. If
the caster is lawful evil, the creatures will obey the wizard
unhesitatingly, if the caster is of another form of evil, they will
still obey commands, but unwillingly, and have a 5% cumulative chance of
turning upon the caster per devil that is killed in action while under
the influence of this spell (this is per spell use, i.e. every new spell
this starts at 0% chance).
Should this spell be cast by a neutral or good caster, the devils will
immediately attack their summoner. They will fight until the barbed
devil is slain, upon which the rest gates back to hell. The spell comes
with one small problem. The devils will remain even after the spell
duration is ended, they merely are no longer forced to do the summoners
wishes (only if the leader, that is the barbed devil is still alive).
If the summoner is lawful evil, the devils will be neutrally disposed
toward the caster, and will do whatever the DM wants them to do (leave,
go rampage the countryside, whatever). However, they will be inclined to
bargain with the summoner. Thus, if the caster wishes further services
out of the devils, he will have to offer something (gold or gems are not
accepted, only magical items, knowledge useful to their arch-devil
masters, etc.). If the caster is another form of evil, he may have to
bargain for his life. That is, the devils will attack the summoner
unless appeased with gifts, similar as for lawful evils asking for
further services. The material component is a barb or teeth of a barbed
Whisper's Malicious Elemental Gates (Conjuration/Summoning)
This spell is similar in construction as Whisper's dicey healing gate,
but this spell is tailored towards the various elemental planes. During
the casting, the caster must decide to which elemental plane he wishes
to open the gate. The gate will appear inside the target creature, and
do horrid damage within the being. The spell is of such power, that only
creatures of more Hit Dice or greater Intelligence than the caster get
a saving throw versus the effects. The caster can maintain the gate for
a period of time equal to one round per five levels. During this period,
if the target did not receive or failed its saving throw, the creature
will be assaulted by the element of the gate. The different elements
will have different effects on the affected.
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Orko
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Orko
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: The wizard or an optional 1d6 creatures
Saving Throw: None
Author: Orko
Range: 5 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 week per level
Casting Time: 1 day per 3 tons of ship
Area of Effect: 3 tons of ship per level
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: Plane of casting
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Pilpin
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent until wizard reverses
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Two creatures touched
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Pilpin
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round, hour, or day per level maximum
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: One gateway
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kris <>
Range: 20 yards
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Author: Phill Hatch <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 10-yard per level high cube touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Paul D. Walker <>
Range: 100 feet + 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Author: The Warlord of Heaven <fsmtw1@alaska.bitnet>
Range: 20 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One dragon
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3 hours
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 week per level
Casting Time: 1 day
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Until triggered
Casting Time: 1 day
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: The Warlord of Heaven <fsmtw1@alaska.bitnet>
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: The Warlord of Heaven <fsmtw1@alaska.bitnet>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Until discharged
Casting Time: 1 turn per spell level
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: William T. South <>
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One person or object
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 week
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Keith Taylor <>
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 50-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 50-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 50-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 50-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 50-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Max Becherer <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 100-yard radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Jason Riek (Karaieth) <>
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Allan J. Mikkola (Sillvatar) <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 turns (casting time of 5 to trigger summons)
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Allan J. Mikkola (Sillvatar) <>
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 9 months + 2 months per level
Casting Time: 9 rounds
Area of Effect: One crystal, worth at least 900 gp
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Kris <>
Range: 40 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 12 hours
Area of Effect: 2-foot diameter sphere
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds per level
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 day
Area of Effect: Hazel staff touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: Jim Vassilakos <>
Range: 0
Components: S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: A.C. <>
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Morgan Blackheart of the Chaotic Realm
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: The Warlord of Heaven <fsmtw1@alaska.bitnet>
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3 hours
Area of Effect: 10-mile radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: The caster or one person touched
Saving Throw: None
Author: David Campitelli <r3dac1@akronvm.bitnet>
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One 10-foot long square
Saving Throw: None
Author: William T. South <>
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 hour per year
Area of Effect: One person per 10 levels
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Thus, this spell is not cast very often by the same caster (actually, it
is cast only once by a caster). And most casters are rather reluctant to
cast it.
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One weapon
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: The Warlord of Heaven <fsmtw1@alaska.bitnet>
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn per spell level
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o>
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Francois Menneteau <>
Range: 0
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: The Warlord of Heaven <fsmtw1@alaska.bitnet>
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Allan J. Mikkola <>
, Uldark felt his should
be as well. The reverse of this spell, Uldark's ultimate banishment,
sends the previously summoned creature back to its place of origin. This
will only work on a creature who was previously summoned by this spell.
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Robert Johan Enters <>
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Robert Johan Enters <>
Range: 20 yards + 2 yards per level
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One gate
Saving Throw: Special
Author: Robert Johan Enters <>