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Non Morti


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i non morti subiscono vantaggi e svantaggi derivati dalla vecchiaia?
Al riguardo esiste questa FAQ:

Does a human who becomes an undead apply the ability score adjustments as he ages?

The Sage recommends that aging effects not be applied to a PC who becomes undead. It seems unreasonable that an undead’s physical ability scores should change based on the original race’s lifespan (why should a dwarf vampire stay strong longer than a half-orc vampire?). Similarly, applying adjustments to mental ability scores seems to create more problems than it’s worth. Should a skeleton that’s been dead for 200 years be wiser than one that was just created? If a long-dead ghost gets smarter with age, why doesn’t a long-dead mummy? That said, if a DM wanted to apply aging effects to ability scores for undead PCs, it’s not terribly unbalancing. He should just be prepared to answer a lot of corner-case questions—and most DMs will find it more hassle than it’s worth.

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