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Non capisco il wording di questa magia. Dice che se il bersaglio cerca di liberarsi, la mano usa la difesa di tempra o riflessi dell'avversario.

-Quand'è che l'avversario può cercare di divincolarsi?

-La mano usa la difesa di tempra o riflessi su... quale tiro?

-Chi sceglie quale delle due usare?


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La mano, se colpisce, mette l'avversario nella condizione detta grabbed (trattenuto? Non mi ricordo come si traduce, comunque è intorno a pagina 290 del Manuale del Giocatore).


✦ Target: You can attempt to grab a creature that is

smaller than you, the same size category as you, or

one category larger than you. The creature must be

within your melee reach (don’t count extra reach

from a weapon).

✦ Strength Attack: Make a Strength attack vs. Reflex.

Do not add any weapon modifiers. You must have at

least one hand free to make a grab attempt.

Hit: The enemy is immobilized until it escapes

or you end the grab. Your enemy can attempt to

escape on its turn.

✦ Sustaining a Grab: You sustain a grab as a minor

action. You can end a grab as a free action.

✦ Effects that End a Grab: If you are affected by a

condition that prevents you from taking opportunity

actions (such as dazed, stunned, surprised, or unconscious),

you immediately let go of a grabbed enemy.

If you move away from the creature you’re grabbing,

you let go and the grab ends. If a pull, a push, or a

slide moves you or the creature you’re grabbing out

of your reach, the grab ends.


You attempt to escape from an enemy who has

grabbed you (see “Grab”). Other immobilizing effects

might let you make escape attempts.


✦ Acrobatics or Athletics: Make an Acrobatics check

vs. Reflex or an Athletics check vs. Fortitude against

the creature or effect that immobilized you.

✦ Check: Resolve your check.

Success: You end the grab and can shift as part of

this move action.

Failure: You’re still grabbed.

Quindi è il bersaglio che decide contro quale difesa "attaccare" quando cerca di scappare, e le difese utilizzate sono le tue.

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