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  • Supermoderatore

Con metamorfosi in un oggetto posso diventare un esterno
No, in quanto aggiunge solamente il tipo Oggetto alle limitazioni di Metamorfosi, su cui è basato.

Analogamente, quindi, non puoi diventare Costrutto, Non-Morto o Elementale.

se mi casto invisibilità migliorata (o incantesimi simili) e poi metamorfosi nella nuova forma sono invisibile?
Si, in quanto Invisibilità è un effetto magico ([illusione]) che non altera il fisico della creatura bersaglio.

esistono oggetti (se si in quale manuale) che replicano i vantaggi del talento Escludere Materiali?
Al riguardo esiste questa discussione nelle boards Wizard:
Si, un oggetto del genere esiste già e non è nemmeno un oggetto magico. Si chiama Borsa delle componenti e costa solamente 5 Mo.

Se mi trasformo in una creatura con 10 attacchi [...] posso iniziare una prova di lotta con ognuno di loro o solamente con uno?
L'ordine d'azione e le modalità vengono specificate nell'archivio WotC, 4° capitolo de "Regole del gioco: tutto su lottare":

Grappling with More than One Foe: Sometimes, you'll find it helpful to join a grappling contest that's already in progress, such as when a big monster grabs a key ally.

Joining an Existing Grapple: When your chosen foe is already grappling, you can use a melee attack to grab him and establish a hold just as described in Part One, except that the target doesn't get an attack of opportunity against you, and your grab automatically succeeds.

You still have to make a successful opposed grapple check to become part of the grapple.

If multiple opponents are involved in the grapple, you pick one to make the opposed grapple check against.

In this case, you don't have to randomly determine which foe your grab attack strikes (see Part One).

If that seems overly generous to you, you can require a full-round action to choose your target.

As part of that action, you make the grab and the ensuing opposed grapple check to try and establish a hold.

Ganging Up in a Grapple: Up to four combatants can grapple a single opponent in a given round.

Creatures that are one or more size categories smaller than you count for half, creatures that are one size category larger than you count double, and creatures two or more size categories larger count quadruple.

For example, eight halflings (size Small) can grapple one human (size Medium).

When Your Foes Gang Up on You: When you are grappling with multiple opponents, you usually choose one opponent and make an opposed check against that opponent.

If you attempt to escape from the grapple, however, you must make grapple check against every foe that has hold of you.

You make one check and compare it to your foes' check results.

If you win all the opposed checks, you escape from all your foes.

The rules don't say so, but it's reasonable to assume that if you don't win all the opposed checks, you don't escape from any of them (the holds you don't break keep you in place).

According to the rules, escaping from multiple grapplers is the only time you have to beat all your foes' opposed rolls.

Common sense suggests that moving multiple grapplers (see Part Two) also requires you to beat all their opposed grapple checks.

Monsters and Grappling

The rules don't say much about how monsters conduct grappling combat.

It's easiest, however, to allow a monster one grappling attack per natural weapon it has, provided that the natural weapon can hold on to the target in some fashion.

The monster uses its listed grapple bonus when attacking with a primary natural weapon (or weapons) and its listed grapple bonus -5 for any secondary natural weapons.

If the monster's grapple attack deals damage to a foe, the damage is lethal (unless the monster takes a -4 penalty to deal nonlethal damage) and equal to the damage rating for the natural weapon.

For example, a troll grappling with a claw has a grapple bonus of +14 and deals 1d6+6 point of damage with the attack.

A slightly more complex method for handling grappling monsters is to allow the monster one grapple attack for every 5 points of base attack bonus it has.

If the monster has natural weaponry, it deals lethal damage from one natural attack.

The monster can use each natural weapon only once during its turn.

If the monster's base attack allows it more grapple attacks than it has natural weapons, it must deal normal unarmed damage for any extra attacks.

In general, monsters follow the same rules as PCs when conducting a grapple.

Monsters in a grapple may use their natural weapons, but only by using the “Attack Your Opponent” option (which applies a –4 penalty on the attack roll).

When using the “Damage Your Opponent” option, the creature deals unarmed strike damage appropriate to its size (see Part 2 of this column).

Some options available while grappling (such as “Damage Your Opponent” and “Pin Your Opponent”) state that they may be used in place of an attack.

The monster gets as many “attacks” in a full attack action as it would get if it were attacking with a weapon, based on its base attack bonus: +1 to +5, one attack; +6 to +10, two attacks; +11 to +15, three attacks, and +16 and up, four attacks.

Each one after the first would suffer a cumulative –5 penalty on the roll (just like a character with a high BAB making multiple weapon attacks).

For example, a dire tiger (BAB +12) grappling a PC would be allowed three separate attempts to damage its opponent, escape from the grapple, or pin its opponent; the second would take a –5 penalty on the grapple check, while the third would take a –10 penalty.

Improved Grab: The improved grab special attack allows a monster to make a grab attack as part of a regular melee attack with a particular natural weapon (usually a bite or claw).

If the attack hits, the natural weapon deals damage normally, and the monster immediately makes an opposed check to establish a hold.

The attack doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.

Since the attack already dealt damage when it hit, a successful hold deals no extra damage.

Each successful grapple check the attacker makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold.

(This works just like making a grapple check to deal damage.)

A creature with the improved grab special attack has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the improved grab to hold the opponent.

If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a -20 penalty on grapple checks, but it is not considered grappled itself; the creature does not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an area, and can use its remaining attacks against other opponents.

This is handy for really big monsters, such as giant squids and krakens.

When a creature gets a hold after an improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space (rather than entering the foe's space).

According to page 310 in the Monster Manual, the grabbed creature's involuntary movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

A creature with the improved grab special attack and reach drags a grabbed foe a considerable distance.

A creature with the improved grab special attack can move without making an opposed grapple check, provided it can drag the opponent's weight.

The creature's movement and the involuntary movement by anyone it drags

along provokes attacks of opportunity normally.

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Prima di tutto ti devo ringraziare dal profondo del cuore :-D

Sei sempre celere e preciso nelle risposte con riferimenti a thread ufficiali, in poche parole FAVOLOSO !!!

Mi sono spiegato male però e non ho capito una cosa, per metamorfosi in un oggetto nel thred ufficiale della wizard

Si dice che ci si può trasformare in elementale non morto e costrutto...

Inoltre riguardo ad escludere materiali mi riferivo ad un oggetto magico che una volta che mi sono trasformato mediante metamorfosi in una forma che può parlare ma mettiamo per assurdo senza braccia mi permettesse comunque di lanciare incantesimi con componenti materiali (replicando quindi il talento)

Grazie :-D

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  • Supermoderatore

Prima di tutto [...] FAVOLOSO !!!
Figurati. 021_.gif

per metamorfosi in un oggetto nel thred ufficiale della wizard Si dice che ci si può trasformare in elementale non morto e costrutto
A leggerla direi che quella discussione (del 2006) di ufficiale non ha nulla, è solo scritta sulle Boards Wizard.

Probabilmente era basata su questo passo del 4° articolo de "Regole del Gioco: Metamorfosi":


Polymorph Any Object: A general purpose spell, polymorph any object is similar to both polymorph and baleful polymorph. It works on any creature or object, and it can turn the subject into any other creature or object (but not an incorporeal or gaseous creature or object).

A creature turned into another creature with this spell is affected just as if transmuted with a polymorph spell, except that the subject also gains the Intelligence score of the assumed form.

The change in Intelligence doesn't affect the subject's skill points.

A creature turned into an object has no Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma scores.

It has no senses and cannot perceive its surroundings in any way.

It is considered unconscious, just as a petrified creature is.

If the subject cracks or breaks, but the broken pieces are joined with the body as the subject returns to flesh, the subject is unharmed (also like a petrified creature).

If the subject's body is incomplete when it returns to its normal form, the body is likewise incomplete, with the appropriate disability.

The spell's duration depends on how radical the change between the subject's original form and its assumed form as shown in the spell description. Regardless of the spell's duration, the subject has a strong aura of transmutation magic (see the detect magic spell) while the spell lasts.

The effect can be dispelled according to the normal rules for doing so.

Because this spell can allow the subject to assume unliving forms, you can use this spell to turn the subject into a construct or undead creature.

You can use polymorph any object to duplicate the following transmutation effects: baleful polymorph, polymorph, flesh to stone, stone to flesh, transmute mud to rock, transmute water to dust, or transmute rock to mud.

(Baleful polymorph was added to this list in the Player's Handbook errata file.)

Ma una risposta contenuta nelle FAQ (datate 30.6.2008) si muove in direzione opposta:
What properties of polymorph are inherited for the spell polymorph any object (PH 263)?

The guidelines suggest that it overrides the normal rules for creature type (an object isn’t any type of creature) and Hit Die limits (turning a pebble into a human or a shrew into a manticore, for example), but the spell doesn’t explicitly describe the changes.

You correctly note that polymorph any object isn’t as clear as it could be.

The intent of the spell, however, becomes clear by reading the accompanying charts. Polymorph any object retains all the limitations of polymorph except as follows:

  • It can affect an object, and also adds “object” to the list of new forms allowed.
    It doesn’t add any more eligible creature types for the new form (you can’t use polymorph any object to assume the form of a construct, elemental, outsider, or undead).

  • The assumed form still can’t have more Hit Dice than your caster level (to a maximum of 15 HD at 15th level), but the secondary limit of the subject’s original HD doesn’t apply.

A pebble (with no HD) or a lizard (with 1 HD) can be transformed into any form whose HD don’t exceed 15 or the caster’s level, whichever is lower. (Arguably, polymorph any object should have a higher HD cap than polymorph, but that’s not how the spell is written.) The new form can even have no HD at all (as in the case of a creature polymorphed into any object)

un oggetto magico che una volta che mi sono trasformato mediante metamorfosi in una forma che può parlare ma mettiamo per assurdo senza braccia mi permettesse comunque di lanciare incantesimi con componenti materiali
Non esiste ma non ti serve, se avevi con te le componenti materiali potrai continuare ad usarle anche senza braccia:

Chapter 10 in the PH says a spellcaster must have one hand free to cast a spell with a somatic component, and the caster must have any material components in hand already if he doesn’t have a free hand.

So, how does a creature like a naga cast spells at all? Nagas don’t have hands!

Creatures that have hands need at least one free hand to cast spells with somatic or material components (or both).

Creatures, that don’t have hands don’t need hands to cast spells (see page 315 in the MM).

They use body movements to complete somatic components and use material components either by touching them (but not if they’re in another creature’s possession) or by having them somewhere on their bodies.

A naga might carry material components stuck to its scales or even temporarily swallow them.

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  • 1 mese dopo...

Domanda iper-nubbia....

Per l'incantesimo teletrasporto è richiesta una certa familiarità del luogo in cui teletrasportarsi, ma per quanto riguarda metamorfosi o metamorfosi di un oggetto non è specificato se il personaggio debba aver avuto un contatto diretto con la creatura in cui desidera trasformarsi.

Da qui la mia domanda:

voi come gestite la cosa?

è possibile trsformarsi in qualunque creatura inferiore ai 15 dv di cui si soddisfino i requisiti anche se non la si è mai vista?

è necessario avere qualche conoscenza?

esiste qualche faq in merito?

grazie :bye:

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mah, così a logica direi che il mago è uno studioso, quindi...

se sei il master, nulla ti vieta di obbligare il giocatore a riuscire in una prova di conoscenze per poter scegliere quella creatura, ma comunque il mago pompa le conoscenze parecchio, quindi probabilmente ci riuscirà

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No non sono il master..sono un giocatore...

l'ultima parola spetta comunque al master ma mi chiedevo se vi fosse qualche regola in merito di cui non eravamo a conoscenza...

non so se una descrizione o una raffigurazione siano sufficenti per trasformarsi in una creatura....certo può dare un idea... ma i testi possono anche riportare creature mitologiche non esistenti...

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Secondo me una raffigurazione veritiera della creatura, che te ne dia una ben definita immagine, basta ad usare metamorfosi, certo poi se tu non sai cosa è un cane, ti danno il disegno di un elicottero dicendoti che quello è un cane e tu provi a trasformarti in cane logicamente non ti riuscirà.( Anche una descrizione potrebbe

andare bene ma dovrebbe essere molto accurata, e non è detto che tu ti figuri come sia realmente fatto quell'animale in quel caso penso fallirebbe la metamorfosi)Il limite tra regola e interpretazione spetta come al solito al master quindi domanda a lui:bye:

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se può servire,da mauale del giocatore,sulla forma selvatica del druido dice che il druido può trasformarsi solamente in creature a lui familiari.

e dato che forma selvatica funziona come metamorfosi...

Esatto, è forma selvatica a funzionare come metamorfosi e non metamorfosi a funzionare come forma selvatica. La condizione per il druido è più stringente. Ancora, metamorfosi fa riferimento ad alter self. E nè in metamorfosi nè in alter self è richiesta (regolisticamente) la famigliarità con la forma da assumere.

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Salve a tutti mi sono letto un sacco dei topic in questo sito che parlano dell'incantesimo metamorfosi e credo di averlo compreso piuttosto bene.

C'è una cosa, però, che ancora non capisco.

In pratica se, per fare un esempio, io mi trasformo in un fuoco fatuo che classe armatura avrò? Sicuramente prendo il +1 per la taglia ed il +9 per la destrezza ma il +9 di deviazione lo prendo oppure no? l'incantesimo parla di acquisire l'armatura naturale ma non capisco se lo dice in senso letterale (ovvero solo il bonus di Armatura naturale) oppure in senso lato (cioè il bonus armatura scritto nella descrizone del mostro senza incantesimi o cpacità speciali). Voi che ne pensate?

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  • Supermoderatore

il +9 di deviazione lo prendo oppure no?

Sneaking or Scouting:

Will-O’-Wisp: 9 HD, Small, Fly 50 (perfect), Str 1, Dex 29, Con 10

Normaly you do not gain Special Abilities of a creature, however, you do gain abilities that are 'natural abilities'

Natural Invisibility (Ex)

A startled or frightened will-o’-wisp can extinguish its glow, effectively becoming invisible as the spell.

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  • Supermoderatore

se io me metamorfizzo in un fuoco fatuo ho l'invisibilità migliorata come capacità da utilizzare liberamente?
Non è invisibilità migliorata:

Immunity to Magic (Ex)

A will-o’-wisp is immune to most spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance, except magic missile and maze.

Natural Invisibility (Ex)

A startled or frightened will-o’-wisp can extinguish its glow, effectively becoming invisible as the spell.

Mentre il bonus di deviazione non si ottiene:

polymorph and trollshape

Deflection is almost always supernatural, so you wouldn't gain it, though you might want to confirm that with your DM.

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