Dendaron Inviata 24 Ottobre 2009 Segnala Inviata 24 Ottobre 2009 Devo far capire al chierico del gruppo che non può castare incantesimi con lo scudo grande di metallo in una mano e la spada nell'altra. Oltre a quelle due righine che ci sono nella descrizione dello scudo non ci sono delle regole precise scritte da qualche parte? Danke!
Demerzel Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Segnala Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Questo basta? ^^ To cast a spell, you must be able to speak (if the spell has a verbal component), gesture (if it has a somatic component), and manipulate the material components or focus (if any). Additionally, you must concentrate to cast a spell. Somatic (S): A somatic component is a measured and precise movement of the hand. You must have at least one hand free to provide a somatic component. Shield, Heavy, Wooden or Steel: You strap a shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand. A heavy shield is so heavy that you can’t use your shield hand for anything else.
Supermoderatore Richter Seller Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Supermoderatore Segnala Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Basta che gli fai leggere le FAQ. My DM says that my cleric has to drop his morningstar to cast spells. Is he right? Yes and no. To cast a spell with a somatic (S) component, you must gesture freely with at least one hand. (PH 140) A cleric (or any caster, for that matter) who holds a weapon in one hand and wears a heavy shield on the other arm doesn’t have a hand free to cast a spell with a somatic component (which includes most spells in the game). To cast such a spell, the character must either drop or sheathe his weapon. Another simple option is for the cleric to carry a buckler or light shield instead of a heavy shield. The buckler leaves one hand free for spellcasting, and you don’t even lose the buckler’s shield bonus to AC when casting with that hand. The light shield doesn’t give you a free hand for spellcasting, but since you can hold an item in the same hand that holds the light shield, you could switch your weapon to that hand to free up a hand for spellcasting. (You can’t use the weapon while it’s held in the same hand as your shield, of course.) The rules don’t state what type of action is required to switch hands on a weapon, but it seems reasonable to assume that it’s the equivalent of drawing a weapon (a move action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity).
Dendaron Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Autore Segnala Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Grazie mille a tutti e due! p.s. Ma dove si trovano le FAQ? Così se ci sono altre domande stupide da fare guarde direttamente lì!
Supermoderatore Richter Seller Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Supermoderatore Segnala Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Qui.
Shinsek Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Segnala Inviato 24 Ottobre 2009 Il tuo giocatore potrebbe selezionare il talento somatic waponery del complete mage.
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