sanzo Inviato 6 Novembre 2009 Autore Segnala Inviato 6 Novembre 2009 Va bene pe quanto riguarda la RI, ma per l'immunità?
iKaR Inviato 6 Novembre 2009 Segnala Inviato 6 Novembre 2009 Va bene pe quanto riguarda la RI, ma per l'immunità? L'immunità alla magia nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi non è altro che una RI insuperabile. Can a dragon’s breath weapon harm a golem? Yes. Although the golem main entry describes “immunity to magic” as granting immunity to “most magical and supernatural effects,” individual golem entries clearly state that it applies only to “any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.” Thus, golems are affected normally by a dragon’s breath weapon unless the golem’s entry states otherwise. The golem description in the MM says that golems are immune to magic, but the individual golem descriptions say they’re only immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Which one is right? The “immunity to magic” entry in the opening text of the golem entry (page 134 of the MM) is only a general description of that special quality. Each golem’s specific immunity to magic entry provides the actual rules mechanics for adjudicating that immunity. For example, a clay golem is immune to fireball (because that spell allows spell resistance), but not to Melf’s acid arrow (because it doesn’t allow spell resistance). It would be immune to disintegrate, except for the special note that follows indicating the effect of a disintegrate spell on a clay golem. La vera immunità alla magia ce l'hanno i golem epici, ma sicuramente non puoi assumere la loro forma con metamorfosi
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