Supermoderatore Richter Seller Inviato 20 Gennaio 2010 Supermoderatore Segnala Inviato 20 Gennaio 2010 al secondo lv non puo prendere una spada bastarda ti una taglia sopra e usarla con una mano?No. potrebbe impugnarla con entrambi le mani se volesse?Certo, questo lo potrebbe fare in virtù del beneficio concesso dal talento. non capisco il xche non possa essere impugnata Spoiler: Exactly when is a weapon light, one-handed, and twohanded? And when do you take the –2 penalty for using a weapon of the wrong size? How does the system of weapon sizes work with exotic weapons such as the bastard sword and dwarven waraxe, which are one-handed exotic weapons, but two-handed martial weapons? If my dwarf wants to use a dwarven waraxe in one hand, how big a dwarven waraxe can she wield? Suppose my dwarf wants to fight with two weapons and use a dwarven waraxe as a light weapon in her off hand. How big a dwarven waraxe can she use then? When you’re talking strictly about a weapon’s size (as opposed to how one uses the weapon, see the previous question), the designations light, one-handed, and two-handed depend on the kind of weapon and on the size of the wielder for which the weapon was made. According to page 113 in the PH, a weapon has a size category, such as Small, Medium, or Large, that indicates the intended wielder’s size. So, a Medium longsword is a longsword made for a Medium wielder. When a weapon’s size category matches the wielder’s size, Table 7–5 shows whether it is light, one-handed, or two-handed for that wielder. When the intended wielder and the actual wielder aren’t the same size, you have to compare the two creature sizes to determine how the actual user can wield the weapon. If the actual user is much bigger or smaller than the intended user, she can’t use the weapon at all. The Weapon and Wielder Size table shows weapon sizes vs. user sizes. For example, a frost giant (a Huge creature) collects a greataxe, a warhammer, and a light hammer made for a dwarf (a Medium creature). The greataxe is a two-handed weapon for the dwarf, but the giant treats it as a light weapon. The giant suffers a –4 penalty when using the greataxe. The giant cannot use the warhammer (a one-handed weapon for the dwarf) or the light hammer (a light weapon for the dwarf). For the example character to wield a dwarven waraxe as a light weapon, the waraxe would have to be made for a Tiny character, and the dwarf would have a –4 attack penalty. As noted in the previous question, you can decide to wield a one-handed weapon in two hands and get the benefits of a two-handed weapon in combat. To do so, the weapon has to be designated a one-handed weapon for you. The giant in the previous example could not get two-handed weapon damage with the dwarf’s greataxe because that weapon is a light weapon for the giant. The bastard sword, lance, and dwarven waraxe are all twohanded weapons that can be used in one hand under the correct circumstances (the bastard sword and dwarven waraxe are shown on Table 7–5 as one-handed exotic weapons, but they’re really two-handed weapons). Treat all three of these weapons as two-handed weapons when determining who can use them and how. For example, a Small character cannot use a lance or bastard sword made for a Medium creature, even when mounted (in the case of a lance) or when the Small character has the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) feat.
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