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Parlare in combattimento è un'azione gratuita?


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dire qualche parola in combattimento secondo voi che azione è?
Generalmente, parlare è un'azione gratuita.

mi serve capirlo per l'attivazione di un oggetto magico che richiede da 1 a 3 parole
Attivare un oggetto magico a comando richiede un'azione standard.

  • Speak: In general, speaking is a free action that you can perform even when it isn’t your turn. Speaking more than few sentences is generally beyond the limit of a free action.

  • Command Word: If no activation method is suggested either in the magic item description or by the nature of the item, assume that a command word is needed to activate it. Command word activation means that a character speaks the word and the item activates. No other special knowledge is needed. A command word can be a real word, but when this is the case, the holder of the item runs the risk of activating the item accidentally by speaking the word in normal conversation. More often, the command word is some seemingly nonsensical word, or a word or phrase from an ancient language no longer in common use. Activating a command word magic item is a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

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beh il mio è un incrocio tra i due, poiché attiva un incantesimo contingente.

Gli incantesimi contingenti sono considerati come degli oggetti magici che non occupano un posto fisico sull'incantatore, e si attivano immediatamente al verificarsi di una determinata condizione.

Se la condizione è che l'incantatore dica "pinco pallino" l'incantesimo contingente si attiva (cioè l'oggetto magico si attiva) castando la spell.

Da quanto dici tu mi sa cmq che ricade nel cerchio delle azioni gratuite...

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  • Supermoderatore

gli incantesimi contingenti sono considerati oggetti magici che non occupano alcuno spazio
Ma non seguono le regole di attivazione degli oggetti meravigliosi.

il fatto è che si attivano da soli una volta soddisfatte le condizioni
Più che a condizioni, la descrizione del Perfetto Arcanista si riferisce ad eventi.

In ogni caso, viene specificato che l'attivazione non richiede azioni da parte del soggetto.

New Types of Items

The basic types of magic items described in the Dungeon Master's Guide -- armor, weapons, potions, scrolls, rods, rings, staffs, wands, and wondrous items -- are not necessarily the only types of magic item possible. In Faerûn, the world of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, magic tattoos, magic runes, and contingent spells are common magic items, each crafted in the same manner as a standard magic item and requiring its own unique item creation feat (Tattoo Magic, Inscribe Rune, and Craft Contingent Spell). Rune magic is described in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, magic tattoos are described in Races of Faerûn, and contingent spells appear in the Unapproachable East sourcebook (and are included in Complete Arcane for use in any D&D campaign).

When is a variant form of an item different enough from the basic form to warrant an item creation feat and item type of its own? In simplest terms, whenever one of the essential game rules about making or using the item is changed. All three of the item types mentioned above are fairly similar to potions (each is a one-use magic item that can be used by anyone, regardless of magical training or aptitude), but each device alters one of the essential characteristics of potions. For example, it takes only 10 minutes to inscribe a magic rune, and runes can be made into simple magic traps. A tattoo takes 1 hour to scribe, and doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when activated. Contingent spells can be set to take effect automatically, with no additional action on the bearer's part. All of these differences change the items' characteristics enough that they cannot be reproduced by the Brew Potion feat, and so new item creation feats are warranted for them.

Contingent Spells

A contingent spell is a single-use, one-spell magical effect instilled within a specific willing creature. It doesn't take up space on the body or have a physical form, and it remains inactive until triggered (similar to the effect created by a contingency spell). Once triggered, a contingent spell takes immediate effect upon the bearer (or is centered in the bearer's square if the spell affects an area). A character must have the Craft Contingent Spell feat (see page 77) to create contingent spells.

Triggers for contingent spells are usually events that happen to the bearer of the spell, and can include death, contracting disease, exposure to a breath weapon or to energy damage, falling, exposure to poison, exposure to a dangerous environment (trapped by fire, plunged underwater, and so forth), succumbing to sleep or fear effects, gaining negative levels, or being rendered helpless, deafened, or blinded.

The market price of a contingent spell is: spell level x caster level x 100 gp. A contingent spell must be prepared in the presence of the person to bear it, and the bearer is subject to the same restrictions as the creator (unable to cast any other spells while the contingent spell is being prepared, must be present for 8 hours each day, and so on). Once assigned to a bearer, a contingent spell cannot be transferred to another creature, although it can be destroyed (see below). A contingent spell is tied to the bearer's body, alive or dead, and stories circulate among adventurers of contingent spells remaining quiet for hundreds of years on a slain bearer's remains, only to suddenly activate when the proper trigger condition arises.

If the bearer of a contingent spell is the target of dispel magic, the contingent spell might be permanently dispelled (but not triggered), as if it were an active spell in effect on the target creature. In an antimagic field, contingent spells are temporarily suppressed as all other magic items are.

At any one time, a creature can bear a number of contingent spells equal to its Hit Dice. Attempts to apply additional contingent spells beyond this limit simply fail.

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gli incantesimi contingenti sono considerati oggetti magici che non occupano alcuno spazio. il fatto è che si attivano da soli una volta soddisfatte le condizioni.

Suppongo che tu ti sia risposto da solo ;-) Essendo considerati oggetti magici la loro attivazione se sfruttata in combattimento è un azione standard minimo suppongo ma non ne sono sicuro affatto.

Edit: non avevo visto D&D_Seller xD

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