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Voto di povertà


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Can a kensai (CW 49) select unarmed strike as his signature weapon? If so, does this allow him to take Vow of Poverty while still retaining all the benefits of his signature weapon class feature?

A kensai can select unarmed strike as a signature weapon. The class feature even includes guidelines for how to adjudicate such a choice (see “Imbuing Natural Weapons” on page 51). As far as both abilities working together, a strict reading of the rules would appear to allow it. (Of course, the enhancement bonus of the exalted strike ability from the Vow of Poverty wouldn’t stack with any enhancement bonus granted by the signature weapon class feature.) That said, the Sage would fully support any DM who felt this to be an unfair abuse of the spirit of the Vow of Poverty. One of the reasons that BE is a “mature audiences” book is that many of its options are intended to allow players to create interesting roleplaying opportunities while not unduly hindering their characters’ ability to participate in adventures, not as avenues of abuse to create the most powerful character imaginable. If the DM felt that the kensai in question was trying to take advantage of the wording of Vow of Poverty to subvert its spirit, he’d be well within his rights to disallow the character from selecting the feat. A better solution, though, would be for the DM to work with the player to find a middle ground that both can find fair and reasonable. As a start, the character might give up the exalted strike benefit of the Vow of Poverty (since he still “owns” a magic weapon, in a manner of speaking, and doesn’t need that benefit). If the weapon granted other abilities that overlapped or resembled benefits derived from the Vow of Poverty, it’s probably fair for the character to give up those benefits as well. As long as the character doesn’t seem to be netting significantly more from the combination of signature weapon and Vow of Poverty than a typical character would get from the vow alone, it’s probably okay. The same is true of any character whose identity or class features are largely defined by a single possession. If, for example, a samurai from OA wished to pursue a life of poverty but didn’t want to dishonor her family by discarding her ancestral daisho, it seems reasonable for the DM to work with the player to find a reasonable middle ground (as described in the previous paragraph).

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FAQ???? io ho ricercato su questo post quando parlavate del kensai e (mi potrebbe essere sfuggito) mi sembra che si possa fare kensai + Vop

No, in quanto il kensai trasforma le proprie armi in armi magiche che quindi contravvengono al voto.

Si, anche i pugni del monaco/kensai fanno perdere il voto.



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  • 2 settimane dopo...

scusate ma uno con voto di poverta puo avere armi semplici (tranne armi magiche e perfette) o solo un bastone???

Il talento recita: "You may carry and use ordinary (neither magic nor masterwork) simple weapons, usually just a quarterstaff that serves as a walking stick".

Quel "usually" sta a significare che solitamente viene scelto il bastone ferrato come arma, ma nulla vieta di utilizzare una qualsiasi altra arma semplice, sempre a patto che non sia perfetta o magica.

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  • 7 mesi dopo...

ciao a tutti, sono di nuovo qui a chiedere sul voto di povertà

pensavo a una costruzione del mio personaggio di questo tipo (umano) barbaro3/guerriero4/combattente orso10/mutaforma combattente3




-ira extra (p.comb)

-ira estesa (p.comb)


- voto sacro (imprese eroiche)


- attacco poderoso


- combattere con 2 armi


- voto di povertà (imprese eroiche)


- combattere con 2 armi migl


- combattere senz'armi miglior


- multiattacco






il voto mi da un +8/+6/+4/+2 a caratteristiche che scelgo io... (+8for)

questobonus del voto si somma alla forza data dalla forma di orso crudele (+20for) ???

xk risulta abbastanza potente:

es for 18 + 8 voto + 20 ira = 46for .....

Txc 20bab+ 18 mod for + 5 eroico= 43 TxC

pugni +41/+36/+31/+26

2 artigli +39

1 morso +39

1 corno +39 (dato dal mutaforma)

pugno (combatt con 2 armi) +41

pugno (combatt con 2 armi miglior.) +36

9 attacchi....... abbastanza sgravo

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