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Il Druido (4)

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  • Supermoderatore

Che ambientazione giocate?

Perchè un caro vecchio planard sheperd (Faiths of Eberron) ci potrebbe sempre stare come CdP alquanto PP altrimenti il druido è una delle poche classi base che si può anche fare pura e rimane estremamente forte (massimo un pò di Maestro delle Molte Forme se vuole andare più sul lato picchiatore)


Vediamo se ninjo Maldazar

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  • Supermoderatore

Allora senza prendere archetipi direi Druido 6/Planar Sheperd 10 (legato al piano dei sogni o qualsiasi altra sgravatezza del genere)

Talenti: Ashbound ci starebbe bene, Incantesimi Naturali quasi obbligatorio per il resto aspetto che altri più esperti dicano la loro

Oggetti magici: wilding clasp come se piovesse



Alone... guarda che ti prendo a testate! :mad:

Quando ho visto che eri nella sezione prima di postare mi sono detto "vai che ora frego Maldazar di nuovo" :lol:

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  • Supermoderatore

Il druido è una di quelle poche classi base che se biclassate perdono in utilità.

In sostanza, i punti di forza del druido sono due: la forma selvatica e gli incantesimi. A meno che il tuo amico abbia intenzione di sacrificare uno dei due aspetti in favore dell'altro, le alternative valide sono druido 16, oppure druido 6/planar shepherd 10 (Faiths of Eberron). Il planar shepherd è l'unica cdp che fa progredire a pieno sia la forma selvatica che gli incantesimi del druido, aggiungendo anche delle capacità piuttosto OP, e se avete accesso a quel manuale, risulta la scelta migliore.

In alternativa, per un'utility più spinta, si può optare per mago 1/druido 3/teurgo mistico 2/gerofante arcano 10 (Races of the Wild).

Una volta presa una decisione in questo senso, si può provvedere al resto ;)

P.S. Consiglio la lettura della guida nella mia firma :elminster

[EDIT]: Swordsaged alla grande!

Talenti per il planar shepherd (ma vanno bene per qualsiasi druido): Incantesimi Naturali, Fast Wild Shape, Swift Wild Shape, Chain Spell, Greenbound Summoning...

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La build del planar shepard dipende molto dalla scelta del piano a cui decide di legarsi. Se si sceglie un piano che ti garantisce una vasta gamma di mostri in cui mutare come talento consiglierei anche Swift Wild Shape oppure Fast Wild Shape.

Il secondo più efficiente del primo a mio parere, le swift ad alti livelli sono sempre ben utilizzate sopratutto se si decide di prendere incantesimi rapidi; in un singolo turno quindi si può: trasformarsi (Azione di Movimento) castare un incantesimo (Azione standard) castare un incantesimo rapido (Azione Veloce). I due incantesimi potrebbero essere buff, per se o per il gruppo, debuff/controll ecc..

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Copia-incollo un mio vecchio post, giusto per avere una panoramica un pò più completa.

Daanvi, The Perfect Order

Plane Traits:

Spells with the lawful descriptor are maximized and enlarged

Spells that are Chaotic are Impeded


Formian Worker

Formian Warrior

Formian Taskmaster

Formian Myrmarch

Formian Queen

- Special Abilities: Formian Queen casts Spells as a 17th level Sorcerer

Kolyarut (inevitable)

- Special Abilities: @ Will - Enervation, Disguise Self, Fear, Hold Person, Invisibility, Locate Creature, Suggestion, Geas/quest, Vampiric Touch

Zelekhut (inevitable)

- Special Abilities: @ Will - Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Dimensional Anchor, Dispel Magic, Fear, Hold Person, Locate Creature, True Seeing 3/day, Hold Monster, Mark of Justice, Lesser Geas 1/week

Axiomatic creatures (template) (MotP)

Justicator (MM3)

- Special Abilities: @ Will - Bless, Detect Chaos, Cure Serious Wounds 3/day, Dimensional Anchor, Invisibility purge, Silence, Dispel Chaos 1/day, Greater Command, Plane Shift

Visilight (MM3)

- Special Abilities: @ Will - Charisma Drain, Paralyzing Gaze, Telepathic link with other Visilights

Dal Quor, The Region of Dreams

Plane Traits:

Subjective Directional Gravity (aka: you can fly)

Flowing Time: For every 10 minutes spent on Dal Quor, 1 minute passes on the Material Plane (10:1 round ratio)

Spells of the Illusion school are entended


Quori (all)

Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead

Plane Traits:

Heavy Gravity


All spells are impeded

Per day of time spent, any non native must make a Will save or be an incorporeal shade that's native to the plane (makes no mention if the character is still in control of him [ie: can a PC become a shade and still control him?])


Nalfeshnee (demon)

- Special Abilities: Smite 3/day, Continous use of True Seeing, @ Will - Call Lightning, Feeblemind, Greater Dispel Magic, Slow, Greater Teleport Self, Unholy Aura

Lemure (devil)

- Special Abilities: Immune to Mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns and morale effects).


- Special Abilities: Fists do Sonic and Electrical damage, @ Will - Air Walk, Dimension Door, Fear, Greater Command, Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Locate creature, True Seeing 1/day, Chain lightning, Circle of Death, Mark of Justice, Wall of Force, Earthquake 1/week, Geas/quest, Plane Shift

Sorrowsworn (demon, MM3)

- Special Abilities: Aura of Loss (creatures in 30 ft. get -2 to attack, saving throws, ability checks and skill checks, @ Will - Detect Magic, Invisibility, Nondetection, Greater Teleport, Greater Dispel Magic 3/day, Touch of idiocy, Unholy Blight, Feeblemind 1/day, Mind fog, Plane shift, Wierd

Ephemeral Swarm (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Distraction (creatures in same square are nauseated), Strength Damage ~ Since this is Incorporeal AND a swarm creature, it's extremely hard to kill!!

Plague Brush (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Greensickness (Continual cloud of spores), Scoop (like a grapple), Trample, Airy (20% miss chance when attacking creature)

Fernia, the Sea of Fire

Plane Traits:


Mildly evil-aligned

Spells with the fire descriptor are maximized and enlarged

Spells with the cold descriptor are impeded



- Special Abilities: Heat, Immunity to Fire, Vulnerable to Cold

Balor (demon)

- Special Abilities: Damage Reduction 15/cold iron and good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Electricity, fire and poision, Resistance to Acid and cold 10, Spell resistance 28,Death Throes (Deal 100 damage to 100 ft. area when killed), Entangle, Summon Tanar'ri (1/day summon 4d10 dretches or 1 Nalfeshnee, Glabrezu or Balor), Flaming Body (6d6 to anyone grappling them), Continuous True Seeing, @ will - Blasphemy, Dominate Monster, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport, Power Word stun, Telekinesis, Unholy Aura, Fire Storm 1/day, Implosion

Fire Elemental (all) - Go Collosus Fire Elementals!

Efreeti - Free Wishes anyone?

- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Fire, Plane Shift, Telepathy 100 ft., Vulnerability to Cold, Change Size (Enlarge or reduce a person), Heat, @ Will - Detect Magic, Produce flame, Pyrotechnics, Scorching Ray (1 ray only), Invisibility 3/day, Wall of Fire, 3 Wishes 1/day (to nongenies only), Gaseous form, Permanent Image, Polymorph (Self Only)

Hell Hound

- Special Abilities: Breath Weapon, Fiery Bite


- Special Abilities: Damage Reduction 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Elemental Traits, Immunity to Fire, Melt Weapons, Vulnerability to Cold, Combustion, Fiery Aura

Fire Mephit

- Special Abilities: Breath Weapon, Fast Healing 1 when touching a flame, @ Will - Scorching ray 1/hour, Heat Metal 1/day

Magma Mephit

- Special Abilities: Breath Weapon, Fast Healing while touching magma, lava or flame, @ Will - Shapechange 1/hour (to form into a pool of lava), pyrotechnics 1/day

Steam Mephit

- Special Abilities: Damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2 (fire), immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold, Breath Weapon, @ Will - Blur 1/hour, Rainstorm of boiling water 1/day


- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Flight, Immunity to Fire, Vulnerability to Cold, Paralyzing Gaze, Improved Grab, Blood Drain (1 con damage while grappled)

Salamander (all)

Firre (elandrin, MotP)

- Special Abilities: DR 20/+2, SR 27, cast divine spells as a 12th level Cleric, Bardic Music all day, Magic Circle against Evil, Alternate Form, @ Will - Detect Thoughts, Fireball, Improved Invisibility, Persistant Image, Polymorph Self, See Invisibility, Wall of Fire, Prismatic Spray 1/day

Magma Paraelemental (all, MotP)

- Special Abilities: Burn, Fire Subtype

Cinder Swarm (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Swarm, Burn, Distraction

Conflagration Ooze (Can use the Infernal Template)(MM3)

- Special Abilities: Blindsight 60 ft., DR 5/bludgeoning & 10/magic, Immune to Fire, Ooze Traits, Resistance to Cold 10, SR 20, Vulnerable to Cold, Fire in the Blood, Smite Good, @ Will - Confusion, Deep slumber & Hold Monster

Harssaf (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Blindsense 30 ft., DR 5/Bludgeoning, Fast Healing 3, Immune to blindness and fire, SR 17, Vulnerable to Cold, Flaming Aura, Sand Pulse 1/day, @ Will - Sand Form

Phoelarch (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Fire, SR 18, Vulnerable to Cold, Heat, Healing Fire, Immune to Disease and Poison, Rise from the Ashes, @ Will - Light, Scorching Ray, Produce Flame 3/day, Fire shield 1/day

Zezir (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 6, Immune to Fire, Low-Light vision, Vulnerable to Cold, Flammable Spray, Spark Stream

Irian, the Eternal Day

Plane Traits:

Minor Positive-Dominant

Spells that use positive energy, including cure spells, are maximized. You get +4 to turn undead checks and receive the maximum possible turning damage result.

Negative energy magic is impeded.


Lantern Archon

- Special Abilities: Light Ray, @ Will - Aid, Detect Evil, Continual Flame


- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Flight, Immune to Fire, Positive Energy Lash, Animate Objects, Multiattack Feat

Xag-ya (MotP)

- Special Abilities: Incorporeal, Positive Energy Lash, Turn Undead (as 5th lvl Cleric), Explosion

Lumi (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Body of Light, Clear Vision, Darkvision 60 ft., Floating Head, Outsider Traits

Kythri, the Churning Chaos

Plane Traits:

Gravity changes frequently

Highly Morphic

Strongly Chaos-aligned

Spells with the Chaotic descriptor are maximized and enlarged.

Spells with the Lawful descriptor are impeded.


Chaos Beast

- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Critical Hits and transformation, SR 15, Corporeal Instability


- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Psionics: Daze 3/day, Feather Fall, Shatter, Plane Shift 1/day, Caster level = Class Level, Intertial Armor, SR 6


- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Quills, Howl

Slaad (all) - this is nasty since you can use the White and Black Slaad from the Epic Handbook

- Special Abilities using the Black Slaad: Fast Healing 30, DR 45/+7, Alternate Form, Darkvision 320, Stun, Chaos Touch, Chaos Spittle, Weaponbreaker, Summon Slaad, Telepathy, @ Will - Animate Objects, Circle of Death, Chaos Hammer, Cloak of Chaos, Death Knell, Deeper Darkness, Dispel Law, Fear, Finger of Death, Fireball, Fly, Greater Dispelling, Identify, Improved Invisibility, Lightning Bolt, Magic circle against Law, Plane Shift, Power Word Blind, Power Word Kill, Protection from Law, See Invisibility, Shatter, Teleport without error, Word of Chaos, Implosion 1/day, Peripety 1/day, Ruin, Spell Worm


- Special Abilities: DR 15/lawful, Darkvision 60 ft., SR 32, Oversized Weapon, @ Will - Chain Lightning, Charm Monster, Cure Critical Wounds, Fire Storm, Greater dispel magic, Hold Monster, Invisibility purge, Levitate, Persistant Image, Polymorph (humanoid only), Etherealness 3/day, Word of Chaos 3/day, Summon Nature's Ally IX 3/day, Maze 1/day, Meteor Swarm 1/day

Quaraphon (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Deafing Bellow, Rage 2/day, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge

Lamannia, The Twilight Forest

Plane Traits:

Druid Spells are extended



- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., SR 19, Black Cloud - Save or go insane

Animals (all) - Beast boy!

Arrowhawk (all)

- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to acid, electricity & poison, Resistance to cold and fire 10, Electricity Ray


- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Elemental Trait, Smoke Form, Smoke Claws

Celestial Animals

- Special Abilities: Become a magical beast, Smite Evil, Darkvision 60 ft., DR & Resistance scaling with HD

Bebilith (demon)

- Special Abilities: DR 10/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Plane Shift, Scent, Telepathy 100 ft., Poison, Rend Armor, Web

Hellcat (Devil)

- Special Abilities: DR 5/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Invisible in light, Resistance to fire 10, scent, SR 19, Telepathy 100 ft., Improved Grab, Pounce, Rake

Air Elemental (all)

- Special Abilities: DR 10/-, Darkvision 60 ft., Elemental Traits, Air Mastery, Whirlwind

Earth Elemental (all)

- Special Abilities: DR 10/-, Darkvision 60 ft., Elemental Traits, Earth Mastery, Push, Earth Glide - Nasty with the Large size.. they weigh 6,000 pounds!

Water Elemental (all)

- Special Abilities: DR 10/-, Darkvision 60 ft., Elemental Traits, Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex

Fiendish Animals

- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Resistance to cold and fire scales/HD, DR that scales/HD, Smite good

Djinni (genie)

- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to acid, Plane shift, Telepathy 100 ft., Air Mastery, Whirlwind, @ Will - Invisibility, Create food and water 1/day, Create wine 1/day, Major Creation, Persistant Image, Wind Walk, Gaseous form 1/day

Avoral (Guardinal)

- Special Abilities: DR 10/evil or silver, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to electicity and petrification, Lay on hands, Low-light vision, Resistance to cold and sonic 10, Speak with animals, SR 25, True Seeing, Fear Aura, @ Will - Aid, Blur, Command, Detect Magic, Dimension Door, Dispel Magic, Gust of Wind, Hold Person, Light, Magic circle against evil, Magic missle, See invisibility, Lightning bolt 3/day

Leanol (Guardinal)

- Special Abilities: DR 10/evil or silver, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to electicity and petrification, Lay on hands, Low-light vision, Protective Aura, Resistance to cold and sonic 10, speak with animals, SR 28, Roar, Pounce, Improved grab, Rake, @ will - Detect thoughts, Fireball, Hold Monster, Polymorph, Wall of Force, Cure Critical Wounds 3/day, Neutralize poison, Remove Disease, Heal 1/day

Hellwasp swarm

- Special Abilities: DR 10/magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Hive Mind, Immune to weapon damage, Resistance to Fire 10, low-light vision, swarm traits, Distraction, Inhabit, Poison

Invisible stalker

- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Elemental Traits, Natural Invisibility, Improved Tracking

Lycanthropes (all) - Nasty

- Special Abilities: Alternate Form, Creature Type Empathy, DR 10/Silver, Low-light vision, scent

Air Mephit

- Special Abilities: Summon Mephit, DR 5/Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Breath Weapon, Blur 1/hour, Gust of Wind 1/day

Dust Mephit

- Special Abilities: Summon Mephit, DR 5/Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Breath Weapon, Blur 1/hour, Wind Wall 1/day

Earth Mephit

- Special Abilities: Summon Mephit, DR 5/Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Breath Weapon, Change Size, Soften earth and stone 1/day

Ooze Mephit

- Special Abilities: Summon Mephit, DR 5/Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Breath Weapon, Melf's Acid Arrow 1/hour, Stinking Cloud 1/day

Salt Mephit

- Special Abilities: Summon Mephit, DR 5/Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Breath Weapon, Glitterdust 1/hour, Evaporate Moisture 1/day

Water Mephit

- Special Abilities: Summon Mephit, DR 5/Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Breath Weapon, Melf's Acid Arrow 1/hour, Stinking Cloud 1/day


- Special Abilities: Astral Projection, Darkvision 60 ft., Etherealness @ will, Flaming Hooves, Smoke


- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., Elemental Traits, Immune to fire, Tremorsense, Vulnerable to cold, Heat, Burn

Tojanida (all)

- Special Abilities: All-around vision, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to acid & cold, Resistance to electricity & fire 10, Improved Grab, Ink Cloud

Vermin (all)

- Special Abilities: No Int Score, Immune to all mind-affecting effects, Darkvision 60 ft., Always Neutral

Xorn (all)

- Special Abilities: Al-around vision, Earth Glide, DR 5/bludgeoning, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to cold & Fire, Resistance to electricity 10, Tremorsense 60 ft.

Yeth Hound

- Special Abilities: DR 10/silver, Darkvision 60 ft., Flight, Scent, Bay, Trip

Dao (genie, MotP) - Awesome choice for free Limited Wishes!

- Special Abilities: Plane Shift, Telepathy, Earth Mastery, Push, @ will - Alter self, Detect Good, Detect Magic, Gaseous form, Invisibility, Misdirection, Passwall, Persistant Image, Wall of stone, 3/day - Move earth, Transmute Rock to mud, 1/day - Grant 3 Limited Wishes to Nongenies only!!

Marid (genie, MotP)

- Special Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex, Plane Shift, Telepathy, @ Will - Create water, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Magic, Invisibility, Polymorph Self, Purify food and drink (water only), See invisibility, 5/day - Control water, Gaseous form, Solid fog, Water breathing, 1/year - Limited wish (nongenies only)

Ooze Paramental (all, MotP)

- Special Abilities: Elemental, DR 15/+3, Fire Immunity, Acid

Smoke Paraelemental (all, MotP)

- Special Abilities: Elemental, DR 15/+3, Smoke Claws

Avalancher (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Cause Avalanche, Transmute rock to mud, All-around vision, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Bludgeoning damage, Low-light Vision

Battlebriar (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Impale, Improved Grab, Thorn Volley, Trample, Darkvision 60 ft., Low light-vision, plant traits, resistance to electricity and fire 20, thorn field

Dust Wight (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Crumbling Touch, Petrifying cloud, DR 5/Adamintine, DR 60 ft., Elemental Turning Vulnerability, Undead Traits

Gulgar (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Crystalline Bone, Sonic pulse, DR 10/Adamantine, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Sonic, Stability, Subsonic Speech, Tremorsense 30 ft.

Wood Woad (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Warp wood, Low-light vision, Plant Traits, Treewalk, Vulnerability to fire

Woodling Creatures (MM3)

- Special Abilities: DR 5/Slashing, Low-Light vision, Plant Traits, Vulnerability to Fire

Mabar, the Endless Night

Plane Traits:

Minor negative-dominant

Spells that use negative energy including inflict spells are maximized

Spells that use positive energy are impeded.


Bhargest (all)

- Special Abilities: Feed, Change shape, DR 10/magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Scent, @ will - Invisibility sphere, 1/day - Mass bull's strength, Mass enlarge


- Special Abilities: Death Gaze, DR 10/cold iron, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to electricity, Resistance to acid & fire 10, Undead traits, Vulnerable to sunlight

Succubus (Demon)

- Special Abilities: Energy drain, Summon tanar'ri, DR 10/Cold Iron or Good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Electricity & Poison, Resistance to acid & cold & fire 10, SR 18, Telepathy 100 ft., Tongues, @ will - Charm monster, Detect good, Detect Thoughts, Ethereal Jaunt, Polymorph (humanoid only, no limit on duration), Suggestion, Greater teleport

Nightshade (all) - Using the Nightcrawler - Swallow Whole = Fun!

- Special Abilities: Aversion to Daylight, Desecrating Aura, Energy drain, Poison, Summon Undead, Swallow Whole, DR 15/Silver & Magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Cold, SR 31, Telepathy 100 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft., Undead Traits

Shadow - Awesome cause the spawn you create are PERMANENTLY under your control!!!!

- Special Abilities: Create Spawn, Strength damage, Darkvision 60 ft., Incorporeal Traits, +2 Turn resistance, Undead Traits

Shadow Mastif

- Special Abilities: Bay, Trip, Darkvision 60 ft., Shadow Blend, Scent

Xeg-yi (MotP)

- Special Abilities: Incorporeal, Negative energy lash, Rebuke undead, Explosion

Yugoloth (all, MotP & MM3) - Using the Nycaloth cause of the wounding ability, it's crazy

- Special Abilities: Immune to Poison & Acid, Cold & Fire & Electricity resistance 20, Telepathy 100 ft., Improved grab, Rake, Wounding, Summon Yugoloth 1/day, @ will - Deeper darkness, Desecrate, Fear, Invisibility, Mirror image, See invisibility

Gloom Golem (MM3) - Immune to ALL magic! (Divine, Arcane & everything else.. nice!)

- Special Abilities: Crushing despair, Touch of Woe, Construct Traits, DR 10/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to magic, Low-light vision

Necronaut (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Assimilate Corpse, Trample, DR 15/lawful or magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Necromantic effects, SR 25, Undead Traits, Unholy toughness

Trilloch (MM3) - Wow, Immune to magic AND incorporeal! Awesome

- Special Abilities: Control Rage, Death Knell, Blindsight 60 ft., DR 15/lawful, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to magic, Incorporeal Traits, Natural Invisibility, Outsider Traits

Vasuthant (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Enervating Crush, Improved Grab, Reality Distortion, +2 Turn resistance, Blindsight, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Acid & Cold & Light, Resistance to fire and electricity 5, Trap light, Undead traits, Unholy toughness

Risia, the Plain of Ice

Plane Traits:

Mildly evil-aligned

Spells with the cold descriptor are maximized and enlarged

Spells with the fire descriptor are impeded.

Cold: The average temp. on Risia is 0°. 50% chance of extreme weather in the form of snow, sleet, hail or a blizzard.


Ice Devil

- Special Abilities: Fear aura, Slow, Summon Baatezu, DR 10/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Fire & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold 10, Regeneration 5, See in Darkness, SR 25, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Cone of Cold, Greater Teleport, Persistant image, Unholy aura, Wall of Ice

Ice Mephit

- Special Abilities: DR 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast healing 2, Immune to cold, Vulnerable to fire, Breath Weapon, Summon Mephit, 1/hour - Magic missle, 1/day - Chill metal

Ice Paraelemental (all, MotP)

- Special Abilities: Chill Metal, Elemental, DR 15/+3, Cold Subtype

Frost Salamander (MMII)

- Special Abilities: Cold Aura, Cold subtype, Darkvision 60 ft., DR 15/+1, Low-light vision

Immoth (MMII) - Could be handy, having 2 spell lists and all

- Special Abilities: Ice Runes, Poison, Cold Subtype, DR 5/+1, Elemental Traits, Icewalking, Half damage from piercing & slashing weapons, SR 23, Cast spells as a 12th level sorcerer

Chraal (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Breath Weapon, Death throes, Freeze, DR 5/-, Darkvision 60 ft., Deflecting Cold, Elemental Traits, Immunity to Cold, Vulnerable to fire

Rejkar (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Freezing Gaze, DR 5/magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Heroes Feast, Immunity to Cold, Outsider Traits, Vulnerable to fire

Snowflake Ooze (MM3) - Create Clones of yourself for free!!

- Special Abilities: Cold Aura, Blindsight 60 ft., Immune to Cold, Ooze Traits, Split, Vulnerable to Fire

Shavarath, the Battleground

Plane Traits:

Different Alignment per different creatures inhabiting a zone

Spells that create weapons and excite hostile emotions are extended

Compulsions that calm or pacify and all charms are impeded

Whirling Blades - 70% to do 2d6 damage/round to anyone who spends a hour in the plane


Hound Archon

- Special Abilities: Smite Evil, Turn Undead 6/day, Aura of Menace, Change shape, DR 10/evil, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Electricity and Petrification, Magic circle against evil, Paladin Abilities, Scent, SR 27, Teleport, Tongues, @ will - Aid, Continual Flame, Detect Evil, Message

Trumpet Archon

- Special Abilities: Trumpet, Aura of Menace, DR 10/evil, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Electricity & Petrification, Magic circle against evil, SR 29, Teleport, Tongues, @ will - Detect evil, Continual Flame, Message, Casts spells as a 14th level Cleric!

Babuu (demon)

- Special Abilities: Sneak Attack +2d6, Summon Tanar'ri, DR 10/cold iron or good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Electricity & Poison, Protective Slime, Resistance to Acid & Cold & Fire 10, SR 14, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Darkness, Dispel Magic, See invisibility, Greater Teleport

Dretch (demon)

- Special Abilities: Summon Tanar'ri, DR 5/cold iron or good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Electricity & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold & Fire 10, Telepathy 100 ft.

Glabrezu (demon)

- Special Abilities: Improved Grab, Summon Tanar'ri, DR 10/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Electricity & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold & Fire 10, SR 21, Telepathy 100 ft., True Seeing, @ Will - Chaos Hammer, Confusion, Dispel Magic, Mirror Image, Reverse gravity, Greater Teleport, Unholy Blight, 1/day - Power word stun, Wish 1/month

Hezrou (demon)

- Special Abilities: Stench, Improved Grab, Summon Tanar'ri. DR 10/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Electricity & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold & Fire 10, SR 19, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Chaos hammer, Greater Teleport, Unholy blight, 3/day - Blasphemy, Gaseous form

Marilith (demon)

- Special Abilities: Constrict, Improved Grab, Summon Tanar'ri, DR 10/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Electricity & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold & Fire 10, SR 19, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Align weapon, Blade barrier, Magic weapon ,Project image, Polymorph, See invisibility, Telekinesis, Greater teleport, Unholy aura

Quasit (demon)

- Special Abilities: Poison, Alternate Form, DR 5/cold iron or good, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast healing 2, Immune to Poison, Resistance to Fire 10

Retriever (demon)

- Special Abilities: Eye rays, Find target, Improved grab, Construct traits, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast healing 5, Low-light vision

Barbed Devil (demon)

- Special Abilities: Fear, Improved Grab, Impale, Summon Baatezu, Barbed defense, DR 10/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Fire & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold 10, See in Darkness, SR 23, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Greater Teleport, Hold person, Scorching Ray, 1/day - Order's Wrath, Unholy Blight

Bearded Devil

- Special Abilities: Infernal Wound, Beard, Battle Frenzy, Summon Baatezu, DR 5/silver or good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Fire & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold 10, See in Darkness, SR 17, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Greater Teleport

Bone Devil

- Special Abilities: Fear aura, Poison, Summon Baatezu, DR 10/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Fire & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold 10, See in Darkness, SR 21, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Greater Teleport, Dimensional anchor, Fly, Invisibility, Major Image, Wall of Ice

Chain Devil

- Special Abilities: Dancing Chains, Unnerving Gaze, DR 5/silver or good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Cold, Regeneration 2, SR 18

Erinyes (devil)

- Special Abilities: Entangle, Summon Baatezu, DR 5/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Fire & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold 10, See in Darkness, SR 20, Telepathy 100 ft., True Seeing, @ will - Greater teleport, Charm monster, Minor image, Unholy Blight

Horned Devil

- Special Abilities: Fear Aura, Infernal Wound, Stun, Summon Baatezu, DR 5/good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Fire & Poison, Resistance to Acid & Cold 10, See in Darkness, SR 28, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Dispel Chaos, Dispel good, Magic circle against good, Greater Teleport self, Persistant Image, 3/day - Fireball, lightning bolt

Imp (devil)

- Special Abilities: Poison, Alternate form, DR 5/good or silver, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast healing 2, Immune to poison, Resistance to fire 5, @ will - Detect good, Detect magic, Invisibility, 1/day - Suggestion


- Special Abilities: Shriek, Kiss, Poison, Darkvision 60 ft.

Bladeling (MMII)

- Special Abilities: Razor storm, Cold resistance 5, DR 5/+1 (slashing and piercing weapons only), Fire resistance 5, Outsider Traits, Immune to acid & rust attacks

Arrow Demon (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Close combat shot, Oversized weapons, Summon Tanar'ri, Symmetrical archery, DR 5/cold iron and good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to electricity & poison, Resistance to acid & cold & fire 10, SR 18, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Dimension door

Deathshrieker (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Death Rattle, Despair, Scream of the dying, +4 turn resistance, Darkvision 60 ft., Death's grace, Incorporeal traits, Silince vulnerability, Undead Traits

Mivilorn (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Breath weapon, Charging bite, Improved grab, Swallow whole, Combative Mount, Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Scent, SR 21

Ragewalker (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Control Living Spells, Induce Blood frenzy, Weapon Cloud, DR 10/cold iron, Fast healing 5, Grafted armor, Low-light vision, Repel Missles, SR 26, 3/day - Blade barrier, Bull's strength, Greater magic weapon, Wall of fire

Shredstorm (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Distraction, Lightning Bolt, Penetration, Construct traits, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Electricty, Low-light vision, Swarm Traits

Syrania, the Azure Sky

Plane Traits:

Light Gravity

Strongly good-aligned

Spells with the good descriptor are empowered

Spells with the evil descriptor are impeded


Angel (all) - I'm going to use the Solar here since they cast as 20th level Clerics, Miracle anyone?

- Special Abilities: DR 15/epic and evil, Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Immune to Acid & Cold & Petrification, Protective Aura, Regeneration 15, Resistance to Electricity & Fire 10, SR 32, Tongues, @ will - Aid, Animate objects, Commune, Continual Flame, Dimensional Anchor, Greater dispel magic, Holy Smite, Imprisonment, Invisibility, Lesser restoration, Polymorph, Power word stun, Remove curse, Remove disease, Remove fear, Resist energy, Summon monster VII, Speak with dead, Waves of fatigue, 3/day - Blade barrier, Earthquake, Heal, Mass charm monster, Pernency, Resurrection, Waves of Exhaustion, 1/day - Greater restoration, Power word Blind, Power word Kill, Power word Stun, Prismatic Spray, Wish, Cast divine spells as a 20th level Cleric!

Prismatic Golem (MM3) - Immunity to magic still doesn't make it better than the Solar

- Special Abilities: Prismatic Body, Prismatic Touch, Blindsight 60 ft., Construct traits, DR 10/evil, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Magic, Incorporeal Traits, Low-Light vision, Moral Code

Thelanis, the Faerie Court

Plane Traits:

Arcane Spells are empowered and extended

1 day = 1 week on the Material Plane



- Special Abilities: DR 5/cold iron, Tree dependent, Wild empathy, @ will - Entangle, Speak with plants, Tree shape, 3/day - Charm person, Deep slumber, Tree stride, 1/day - Suggestion

Eladrin (all) - Using a Ghaele here

- Special Abilities: Gaze, Alternate Form, DR 10/evil and Cold iron, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to Electricity & Petrification, Low-light vision, Protective Aura, Resistance to Cold & Fire 10, SR 28, Tongues


- Special Abilities: Constrict, Improved Grab, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Poison, Resistance to Fire 10, Knows spells as a 6th level bard and the bardic music ability of a 6th level bard, 3/day - Darkness, Hallucinatory terrain, Knock, Light, 1/day - Charm person, Speak with animals, Speak with plants


- Special Abilities: Blinding Beauty, Stunning Glance, DR 10/cold iron, Low-light vision, Unearthly grace, Wild empathy, 1/day Dimension door, Casts spells as a 7th level Druid


- Special Abilities: Pipes, DR 5/cold iron, Low-light vision

Sprite (all) - Using the Pixie

- Special Abilities: Special Arrows, DR 10/cold iron, Greater invisibility, Low-light vision, SR 15, 1/day - Lesser confusion


- Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., 1/day - Summon Nature's Ally IV

Sylph (MMII)

- Special Abilities: Improved Invisibility, Outsider Traits, SR 14, Summon Elemental, Cast spells as a sorcerer (caster level = HD + 4)

Petal (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Sleep songs, DR 5/cold iron, Low-light vision

Shimmerling swarm (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Dazzling illumination, Distraction, Hive mind, Immune to weapon damage, Low-light vision, Swarm traits

Thorn (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Sleep arrows, Sneak attack +2d6, DR 5/cold iron, Low-light vision

Xoriat, the Realm of Madness

Plane Traits:

No Gravity

Highly Morphic

Mildly evil-aligned

Wild Magic

Distorted Time: 1 minute in Xoriat = 1 hour on the Material Plane


Daelkyr - nice for PaO

- Special Abilities: Aura of madness, Corrupting touch, Daelkyr weapons, Tentacle whip, Alien mind, Daelkyr immunities, DR 10/byeshk or good, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast healing 5, Living breastplate, Outsider traits, SR 28, Symbiont mastery, @ will - Baleful polymorph, Confusion, Dimension door, Feeblemind, Haste, Mind fog, Polymorph, Slow, 3/day - Flesh to stone, Quickened Insanity, Quickened Polymorph any Object, Stone to Flesh

Mind Flayer

- Special Abilities: Mind blast, Psionics, Improved Grab, Extract, SR 25, Telepathy 100 ft., @ will - Charm monster, Detect thoughts, Levitate, Plane shift, Suggestion

Pseudonatural Creatures (CA)

- Special Abilities: True Strike 1/day, Alternate Form, Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Resistance to acid & electricity 5, Scent, SR 13

Rukarazyll (MMII)

- Special Abilities: Fungus, Spit ooze, DR 20/+2, Evasion, Outsider Traits, Profane alacrity, SR 23, @ will - Alter self, Blur, Cat's grace, Darkness, Desecrate, Detect good, Detect Magic, Entangle, Mirror Image, Plant growth, Protection from Good, Snare, Telekinesis, Teleport without error, undetectable Alignment, 3/day - Polymorph Self, Unhallow, Unholy Blight, 1/day - Command Plants, Contagion, Heal, Wall of thorns

Wyste (MMII)

- Special Abilities: Bite, Improved grab, Acid Immunity, Blindsight 120 ft.

Kaorti (FF)

- Special Abilities: Vile Transformation, Material Vulnerability, Outsider Traits, Poison Immunity, 1/day - Alter self, Color Spray, Feather Fall, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce, Spider climb

Odopi (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Improved grab, Swallow Whole, Throw stones, Trample, All-around vision, DR 10/good & magic, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast healing 7, Resistance to cold & fire 10, Scent, SR 22, @ will - Feather fall, 1/day - True seeing

Shrieking Terror (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Kiss, Poison, Pounce, Shriek, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast healing 5

Voidmind creatures (MM3)

- Special Abilities: Cone of Slime, Constrict, Improved Grab, DR 5/magic, Immune to acid & Mind-affecting spells and abilities and ability damage and ability drain and energy drain, Mind flayer host, SR 10+HD, Sentient Tentacle

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Salve a tutti :)

Non gioco da un pò a D&D e mi serviva una mano (una enorme mano) per aiutare un amico a creare un Dudu lvl 16 (preferibilmente powerplayer visto che nel gruppo i pg sono 8 e sono tutti ad altissimo livello di potere)

ho le seguenti info:

-livello 16 (la base vuole che sia Dudu però si può multiclassare o livellare in qualsiasi maniera

-Caratteristiche base: 18-16-16-14-14-12 (da sistemare a piacere)

-Manuali: Tutti i manuali della 3.5

-Monete d'oro a disposizione: 260k (se vi viene in mente qualcosa di sgravo da utilizzare)

-Allineamento: possibilmente NON buono

Nel gruppo sono 4 fighter, un chierico healer, 2 caster puri, 1 rogue

Io personalmente gli consigliavo o qualche build da mutaforma o un qualcosa che funga da supporto/heal

sbizzarritevi, grazie in anticipo :D

Io ho fatto a lungo il druido ed è sempre stata la mia classe preferita. Allora, parliamo di una classe che è sempre bene non biclassare. Un druido per essere veramente forte ha bisogno di tutte le sue magie, i suoi poteri ed il resto. Biclassarlo significa spesso tagliargli le gambe. Poi secondo me per quanto lo potenzi un druido non sarà mai così bravo negli attacchi corpo a corpo. Io quindi consiglio di potenziarlo nelle magie (magari nelle evocazioni) ed utilizzare le trasformazioni solo per le utili capacità che danno (come per esempio volare, respirare sott'acqua o scavare). Io una volta per esempio gli ho potenziato le evocazioni con dei talenti e poi ho fatto una sorta di controincantatore...

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Ok, Quale mi consigli essenzialmente? o.o (magari evitiamo quello del sogno che mi sembra un pò troppo OP e i Quori non so dove andarli a prendere o.o")

E che cacchio ne so? :lol:

Me li devo rileggere un attimo anche io, era da un pò che non veniva aperto un topic con domande riguardanti il planar shepherd ;-)

Comunque, i quori si trovano in qualche manuale di eberron.

P.S. Dal Quor non ha ragione di esistere, concordo :yes:

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E che cacchio ne so? :lol:

Me li devo rileggere un attimo anche io, era da un pò che non veniva aperto un topic con domande riguardanti il planar shepherd ;-)

Comunque, i quori si trovano in qualche manuale di eberron.

P.S. Dal Quor non ha ragione di esistere, concordo :yes:

Io sono messso anche peggio, sto organizzando una campagna oneshot (20 ore filate) e non masterizzo da anni XD

Ergo, ogni minimo aiuto è graditissimo <3

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Ok, Quale mi consigli essenzialmente? o.o (magari evitiamo quello del sogno che mi sembra un pò troppo OP e i Quori non so dove andarli a prendere o.o")

Tutto dipende da te. Se ti piacciono le trasformazioni lamannia è quello che fa per te; incantesimi estesi gratis? Si grazie. ma ripeto è tutto soggettivo.

Io al tempo scelsi un piano che mi garantiva una trasformazione che castava incantesimi da stregone in modo da avere una vastissima varietà di incantesimi. Se non erro demoni e diavoli in questo sono specialisti...

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