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Inner Sea Magic


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A World of Magic!

From the tortured sands of the Mana Wastes, where magic is as likely to tear you apart as it is to not work at all, to the perpetually frozen northern nation of Irrisen where the winter witches rule, magic is a part of life in the Inner Sea region. Whether it is wielded by benevolent clerics to keep their allies fighting the good fight or unleashed by wizards in the form of scorching blasts of fire, magic can be the difference between life or death. Or, as in so many cases, the cause of life or death.

Inner Sea Magic explores the role of magic within this vast and varied region. Within this 64-page book, you will find:

A who’s-who of powerful and famous spellcasters from throughout the Inner Sea region

Details on four types of magical schools—arcane academies, spellcaster’s guilds, monasteries, and secret societies—along with rules for joining and studying with such organizations

Rules for several types of specialized or variant magic, including the chaotic power of primal magic, the secrets of shadowcasting, the traditions of Thassilonian sin magic, and the wonders of Varisian tattoo magic

Two new oracle mysteries (the primal-magic wielding spellscar mystery and the sinister Outer Rifts mystery)

More than a dozen new archetypes for all sorts of spellcasters, including the black-blooded oracle, the Razmiran priest, the shadowcaster wizard, the tattooed sorcerer, and the winter witch

Two new prestige classes—the cyphermage and the divine scion

Dozens of new spells, from Aroden’s spellward to zone of foul flames!

Della serie "scusate ma ci sono un paio di cose che ci siamo dimenticati di inserire nell'Ultimate Magic"

Non vedo l'ora di vedere il tattooed sorcerer e la tattoo magic in generale (qualcuno ha bisbigliato Thay?!?) e lo Shadowcaster ( ehm....chi ha detto Shar) per non parlare della Primal Magic per chi già si stava pigliando bene con gli Shamani :rolleyes:

P.S. Dimenticavo è prevista l'uscita per fine luglio

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Principali partecipanti

Principali partecipanti

Quella che fa più gola a me è la Magia Thassiloniana del Peccato.

Poi mi intrigano il Sacerdote Razmirano e il Mistero d'Oracolo degli Outer Rifts.

Ed ho un misto di curiosità e timore per il Cyphermage (che poi, essendo classe di prestigio, mi alimenta anche la stortura di naso al quadrato).

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  • 1 mese dopo...

Piccolo spoiler anche su questo manuale sempre da blog Paizo

Sono alcuni estratti da due diverse sezioni del libro, uno dei risultati possibili per scatenare la magia primordiale (come potrebbe verificarsi se si tenta di lanciare incantesimi nelle Mana Wastes) e una nuova Hex cui l'archetipo winter witch concede l'accesso (e sì guadagnano un bonus su tutti gli incantesimi "freddi" che castano).

Excerpted from "Sample Primal Magic Effects": 75–78 Strange telekinetic forces rip through the area, attempting to trip all creatures in a CR x 10 foot radius. The event makes a trip combat maneuver check against all available targets, using a CMB of 10 + CR. Any creature tripped by the event has its equipment reorganized and tangled by the mischievous telekinesis. Until a creature takes a minute to reorganize its belongings, retrieving a stowed item is a full-round action.

Excerpted from "Spells": Frozen Caress (Su): Whenever the winter witch casts a touch spell, she can infuse the magic with cold as a swift action. This grants the spell the cold descriptor, and adds 1d4 points of cold damage to the spell's effect. If the touch spell allows a saving throw, a successful save negates this additional cold

Ed ecco ancora un'anteprima:i nomi di tutti i 39 incantesimi che compaiono nel libro, presentati in ordine alfabetico

  • Aroden's Spellbane
  • Bladed Dash
  • Bladed Dash, Greater
  • Blast Barrier
  • Call Weapon
  • Crusader's Edge
  • Eaglesoul
  • Eldritch Conduit
  • Eldritch Conduit, Greater
  • Fleshcurdle
  • Forceful Strike
  • Geb's Hammer
  • Geniekind
  • Hungry Darkness
  • Hunter's Lore
  • Ice Spears
  • Impart Mind
  • Khain's Army
  • Kiss of the First World
  • Light of Iomedae
  • Martial Marionette
  • Martyr's Bargain
  • Music of the Spheres
  • Orchid's Drop
  • Pugwampi's Grace
  • Shadow Barbs
  • Shining Cord
  • Siphon Magic
  • Song of Kyonin
  • Spell Absorption
  • Spell Absorption, Greater
  • Spellscar
  • Suppress Primal Magic
  • Tattoo Potion
  • Transfer Tattoo
  • Vengeful Comets
  • Vex Giant
  • Weaponwand
  • Zone of Foul Flames

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  • 3 settimane dopo...

E' uscito lo stesso giorno dell'Ultimate Combat che ne ha eclissato la notizia....è arrivato oggi sto iniziando a leggiucchiarlo ora per ora sono solo sconvolto da una pessima scelta Dawnflower Dervish come variante del Bardo

Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeercheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!? :cry:

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