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Inoltre,a livello interpretativo, calca molto sul fatto della tua discendenza(che sia vera o meno) e della venerazione per i draghi.

Ogni tanto pensa alla sorella che non ha mai visto e non perde occasione per cercare informazioni su di lei


Tenete conto però che il discepolo dei draghi castra molto la potenza del personaggio ed in genere è una pessima scelta per un gish. A questo punto meglio il template mezzodrago (con o senza il riassorbimento del MdL da arcani rivelati).

  • 3 settimane dopo...

OK ho bisongo di un po di idee,nuova campagna monorazza gnomi,vi dico solo che il nostro ladro fara uno gnomo del sussurro dicendo poi che non lo fa perchè è un pp:sorry:

tipo razze piu sgrave senza lap?

quindi consigli su come ottimizzare in violenza e pp uno gnomo stregone

si parte dal livello 3:P


molto bella ma come faro qualcosa di illusionismo compariranno non morti a gogoXD

è a questo che servono shadow conjuration e shadow evocation.

Oltretutto, non mi pare che i non morti siano immuni alla scuola di illusionismo, lo sono verso ammaliamento (come tanta altra gente), ma illusionismo gli fa ancora male.


Mhhh dubbio il manuale dei mostri dice che sono immuni

"agli effetti di influenza mentale (charme, compulsioni,

allucinazioni, trame ed effetti sul morale)"

Nessun problema: sfruttando shadow illusion (capacità da 3°livello da shadowcraft mage) cambiamo il loro sottotipo da [figment] a [shadow], in questo modo dovremmo essere apposto... almeno per quanto riguarda incantesimi di invocazione o evcazione (convocazione, creazione).

Ci dovrebbe essere una buona guida sullo shadowcraft mage, da qualche parte...


Salve a master ci ha da poco comunicato che, nella scelta degli incantesimi, posso utilizzare soltanto il manuale del giocatore + i manuali di Eberron (la cui metà è scritta in inglese :sorry::sorry: ).....

Volevo chiedere a voi, grandi esperti, quali sono gli incantesimi contenuti in questi manuali che potrei scegliere..i più performanti o utili.....

Attualmente, come dicevo prima, interpreto uno stregone di 4 livello....

Grazie a tutti in anticipo per il prezioso aiuto! ;-)


questo è solitamente il mio spellbook da mago specialista, ed è la spell list che trovo più performante chiudendosi ammaliamento e invocazione e direi che si sposa anche molto bene con una build da Changeling Specialista Conjurer [MdG] /Recaster [RoE] /Taumaturgo [MdDM] , purtroppo non sono presi solo dai manuali che richiedi, ma se fai una scrematura generica ne troverai molti del MdG (e nessuno di eberron :P) con cui fare uno zoccolo duro di una tua personale lista incantesimi:




* Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.

* Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 to AC (even for incorporeal touch attacks), blocks magic missiles, 1 min\lvl.


* Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you.

* Unseen Servant: Invisible force obeys your commands.

* Grease: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.

* Lesser Orb of Acid\Cold\Fire\Sound: 1d8 damage, max 5d8, ranged touch attack. SR no, Range Close (25ft+5ft\2lvl). Sound is 1d6 (not 1d8).

* Blockade: Swift Action - Complete Scoundrel pag 95

* Mount:


* Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages.

* Detect Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.

* Identify M: Determines properties of magic item.

* True Strike: +20 on your next attack roll.


* Disguise Self: Changes your appearance.

* Magic Aura: Alters object’s magic aura.

* Silent Image: Creates minor illusion of your design.

* Ventriloquism: Throws voice for 1 min./level.


* Animate Rope: Makes a rope move at your command.

* Ray of Clumsiness: Range Touch attack does 1d6+1 (max +5) DES damage. 1min\lvl, Range close (25ft+5ft\2lvl). PRIMA DI OGNI REF SAVE

* Reduce Person: Humanoid creature halves in size.

* Nerveskitter: +5 on initiative rolls as an immediate action. Lasts 1 round.



* Protection from Arrows: Subject immune to most ranged attacks.


* Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision.

* Glitterdust: Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures. FURTIVI

* Create Magic Tatoo: +2 competence bonus on hit rolls (DC 13, craft: drawing)

* Ghost Steed:

* Baleful Transposition:


* Detect Thoughts: Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.

* Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific or type).

* See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or objects.


* Hypnotic Pattern: Fascinates (2d4 + level) HD of creatures.

* Magic Mouth M: Speaks once when triggered.

* Mirror Image: Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8).

* Invisibility:


* Alter Self: Assume form of a similar creature.

* Whispercast: Swift Action - Signori della Follia pag. 129

* Knock: Opens locked or magically sealed door.

* Rope Trick: As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space.

* Heroics: Choose a Bonus feat from the fighter list (Weapon Focus: Ray), 10 minutes\lvl.



* Dispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects.

* Nondetection M: Hides subject from divination, scrying.


* Sleet Storm: Hampers vision and movement.

* Stinking Cloud: Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.

* Ice Lance: Ranged Attack +4, 3d6 piercing, 3d6 cold, FOR save or stunned for 1d4 rounds. Range Medium (100ft+10ft\lvl), 1 standard action, istantaneous, SR yes. VS MAGHI

* Band of Steel: Complete Arcane


* Unluck: The subject has to roll two dice and take the worst result. 1 round\lvl, Will save, SR yes, Range Close (25ft+5ft\2lvl).


* Illusory Script M: Only intended reader can decipher.

* Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.


* Fly: Subject flies at speed of 60 ft.

* Haste: One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.

* Secret Page: Changes one page to hide its real content.

* Slow: One subject/level takes only one action/round, -1 to AC, reflex saves, and attack rolls. PRIMA DI REF SAVE e VS COMBATTENTI

* Celerity: As an immediate action casting, gain a standard action, and be dazed on the next round. This means that no matter what, the wizard goes first. Combine with Time Stop to negate the disadvantage of being dazed in combat, or just use it to Teleport out of there or Dimension Door way out of reach. [PHB II]


* Shivering Touch [Frostburn]: 3d6 alla Dex, da fare con arcane reach



* Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional movement

* Stoneskin M: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.

* Ray Deflection: 1min\lvl. protection against rays, even from monsters.


* Dimension Door: Teleports you short distance.

* Minor Creation: Creates one cloth or wood object.

* Solid Fog: Blocks vision and slows movement.

* Orb of Force: 10d6 force damage, ranged touch attack.

* Orb of Cold\Fire: 1d6 damage (max 15d6), ranged touch attack, Blinded\Dazed (FOR save). VS MAGHI

* Evard's Black Tentacles


* Arcane Eye: Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.

* Assay Spell Resistance: +10 to caster level check to overcome SR, 1 Swift Action to cast, 1 round\lvl.


* Hallucinatory Terrain: Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like).

* Invisibility, Greater: As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.

* Shadow Well: You cause the target's shadow to become a temporary gateway to a shadow world.


* Polymorph: Gives one willing subject a new form.

- Shambling Mound (HD 8): Plant traits, fire resistance 10, immunity to electricity, +8 move silently\listen, improved grab, constrict.

- Remorhaz (HD 7): Huge, NA +11, Str 26, Dex 13, Con 21; MM/SRD

Attack: Bite +13 melee (2d8+12)

Benefit: Burrow 20', Improved Grab (ex), Swallow Whole (Ex) Swallowed opponents take 2d8+12 damage plus 8d6 Fire damage per round

- Hydra (12 heads) (HD 12): Huge, Reach 10 ft; NA +13; Str 23; Dex 12; Con 20; MM/SRD

Attack: 12 bites +17 melee (1d10+6)

Benefits: Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

* Spell Enhancer: Your next spell takes +1 on DC and +2 on caster level, Swift Action.


* Enervation: *1d4 negative levels. Negative levels impose penalties to saving throws, and make spellcasters lose spells. A great spell to metamagic; it actually comes into its own as you get higher in level

* Bestow Curse



* Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.

* Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native plane.

* Mage’s Private Sanctum: Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours.


* Cloudkill: Kills 3 HD or less; 4-6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.

* Secret Chest F: Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will.

* Teleport: Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles/level.

* Vitriolic Sphere: 6d6 acid damage, plus 6d6 in the next 2 rounds if Reflex fails. 10 ft. radius. SR no, Range Medium (400ft+40ft\lvl), Area 10ft radius burst.

* Summon Moster V:

* Mestil’s Acid Sheath:


* Contact Other Plane: Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity.

* Telepathic Bond: Link lets allies communicate.


* Mirage Arcana: As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures.

* Persistent Image: As major image, but no concentration required.

* Shadow Evocation: Defenestrating Sphere


* Baleful Polymorph: Transforms subject into harmless animal.

* Fabricate: Transforms raw materials into finished items.

* Fly Mass

* Spell Matrix: store two spells, under level 3, and release both as a swift action. More spells in the beginning of a fight is great [Magic Of Faerun]


* Magic Jar:



* Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft.

* Gate Seal:

* Dispel Magic, Greater: As dispel magic, but +20 on check.

* Globe of Invulnerability: As lesser globe of invulnerability, plus 4th-level spell effects.


* Acid Storm: 1d6 acid damage per level (max 15d6), reflex half, cylinder 20ft. wide and high. SR no, Material Component a flask of acid (25gp), Range Medium (100ft+10ft\lvl), Area Cylinder 20ft radius, 20ft high.

* Freezing Fog: Fog that freezes, slows and blocks targets in the area.


* True Seeing M: Lets you see all things as they really are.


* Mislead: Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.

* Permanent Image: Includes sight, sound, and smell.


* Disintegrate: Makes one creature or object vanish, 2d6 of damage\lvl., FOR save for 5d6 damage. Range Medium (100ft+10ft\lvl), SR yes.

* Mage’s Lucubration: Wizard only. Recalls spell of 5th level or lower.

* Brilliant Blade: Confers Brilliant Energy attribute to a chosen weapon (ignores Armor and Shield CA).

* Flesh To Stone

* Stone To Flesh


* Reverse Gravity

* Limited Wish

* Spell Turning


* Simbul’s spell sequencer: [Magic Of Faerun]

* Simbul's Synstodweomer: [Magic Of Faerun]


* Greater Teleport

* Mass Teleport


* Arcane Sight


* Banishment


* Avasculate: Spell Compendium

* Finger Of Death



* Greater Shadow Evocation: Contingency, Forcecage


* Prismatic Wall

* Mind Blank


* Polymorph Any Object: Turn yourself into a gold dragon and gain its INT score plus everything else?

* Simbul's Skeletal Deliquescence: [Magic Of Faerun]

* Greater Celerity: [PHB II] as Celerity, but grants a full-round action


* Summon Monster VIII

* Greater Planar Binding


* Horrid Wilting

* Avascular Mass: [Libris Mortis]



* Prismatic Sphere

* Mordenkainen's Disjunction

* Elminster's Effulgent Epuration: [Magic Of Faerun]


* Shapechange

* Timestop

* Simbul's Spell Trigger: [Magic Of Faerun]


* Gate: Gate in creatures that can cast Wish as a (Su) ability and make them give you free wishes

* Shapechange: CL up to 25 HD monsters. Gain their (Su) special qualities and attacks as well as the (Ex) ones. Completely and utterly ridiculous, as a more powerful Polymorph of course must be.


  • 4 settimane dopo...

salve, vorrei chiedervi un grande favore: aiutatemi a creare un buon stregone, è il mio pg ma purtroppo siamo a livello inferiore a quei maledetti maghi e vorrei cercare di diminuire questo dislivello .

prego in un aiuto divino...

(manuali a disposizione : tutti )

( mi fareste un piacere se mi allegase con il nome della cdp / talento anche da dove proviene)

(per la cdp mi piacerebbe farlo incantatore ma vorrei sapere se si potrebbe per esempio farlo anche picchiatore)

ripongo la mia fiducia nella vostra saggezza infinita.


diciamo che siamo crepati tutti quindi si rinizia , livello non si sa quindi vorrei 1 build completa dall 1 al 20 , vorrei un incantatore che sa sopravvivere anche da solo e che fa anche danni , se mi viene proposta anche una buona build da mezz incantatore mezzo combattente potrei anche esserne interessato, cioè diciamo che sono aperto a tutte le proposte che però vedano come classe principale lo stregone ecco

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