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Questa è la tua canzone... tu non lo sai...

Messaggio consigliato

A chi, per un motivo o per l'altro, avrebbe voglia di spaccare qualcosa.

The young crazed peeling - Distillers

Are you ready to be liberated

on this sad side city streets?

Well the birds have been freed from their cages

I got freedom and my youth.

My name is Brody, I'm from Melbourne

Fitzroy Melbourne, Fitzroy Melbourne

I grew up on Bell St., then on Bennett St.

my mom kicked out my dad for battery.

Found a way, found a way

she found a way out of spiritual penury

working single mother in a urban struggle

blames herself now cause I grew up troubled.

It hit me, I got everything I need

it hit me, I got everything I need.

My one heart felt too much from the start

I've seen people come and go

living large and living low

you can build up your walls sitting on death row

let the curtain fall on you murdered soul.

You can wash it all down, swallow your story

get smacked off your head, go down in drumroll glory

you won't solve it committing self inflicted crime

go on pull the trigger, this will be the last time.

It hit me, I got everything I need

it hit me, I got everything I need.

I speak of the truth, the truth of the heart

like a desperate thirst in a raging drought

hey youth time flies by

there's an everlasting battle for eternal life

I love a man from California

he's the prettiest thing, we got the same disorder

the way you feel is ok, it's never gonna change anyway.

It hit me, I got everyone I need

it hit me, I got everyone I need.

Are you ready to be liberated

on this sad side city streets?

Well the birds have been freed from their cages

I got freedom and my youth

yeah, I got freedom and my youth.

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Breed 77 - Breaking The Silence Lyrics

Until the day I see your face

In the mirror

Until the day I smell your breath

On my pillow

Until the day I turn to grey

I will be calling

Until the day the lies come back

I'll be waiting here

I’ll be waiting here

I’ll be waiting here

I will be waiting

‘Cause I was always inside

‘Cause I was always inside

I am the one who fell to Earth

While lying on a cloud

I am the one who brought you truth

When you were living lies

I am the one who took the blame

For all your failings

I am the one who took the pain

That's why I'll be waiting here

I’ll be waiting here

I’ll be waiting here

I will be waiting

‘Cause I was always inside

‘Cause I was always inside

Was always inside

I was always inside

‘Cause I was always inside

‘Cause I was always inside

‘Cause I was always inside

Was always inside

I was always inside

‘Cause I was always inside

Was always inside

Was always inside

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Fabrizio De Andrè - Fiume Sand creek


Si son presi il nostro cuore sotto una coperta scura

sotto una luna morta piccola dormivamo senza paura

fu un generale di vent'anni

occhi turchini e giacca uguale

fu un generale di vent'anni

figlio d'un temporale

c'è un dollaro d'argento sul fondo del Sand Creek.

I nostri guerrieri troppo lontani sulla pista del bisonte

e quella musica distante diventò sempre più forte

chiusi gli occhi per tre volte

mi ritrovai ancora lì

chiesi a mio nonno è solo un sogno

mio nonno disse sì

a volte i pesci cantano sul fondo del Sand Creek

Sognai talmente forte che mi uscì il sangue dal naso

il lampo in un orecchio nell'altro il paradiso

le lacrime più piccole

le lacrime più grosse

quando l'albero della neve

fiorì di stelle rosse

ora i bambini dormono nel letto del Sand Creek

Quando il sole alzò la testa tra le spalle della notte

c'erano solo cani e fumo e tende capovolte

tirai una freccia in cielo

per farlo respirare

tirai una freccia al vento

per farlo sanguinare

la terza freccia cercala sul fondo del Sand Creek

Si son presi il nostro cuore sotto una coperta scura

sotto una luna morta piccola dormivamo senza paura

fu un generale di vent'anni

occhi turchini e giacca uguale

fu un generale di vent'anni

figlio d'un temporale

ora i bambini dormono sul fondo del Sand Creek

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Foo Fighters - The Pretender

Keep you in the dark you know they all pretend

Keep you in the dark and so it all began

Send in your skeletons

Sing as their bones go marching in again

They need you buried deep

The secrets that you keep are ever ready

Are you ready

I'm finished making sense

Done pleading ignorance...that whole defense

It's been an infinity, oh

The wheel is spinning me

It's never ending

Never ending

Same old story

What if I say I'm not like the others

What if I say I'm not just another one in your place

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender

In time or so i'm told

I'm just another soul for sale

Oh well

The page is out of print

We are not permanent

We're temporary


Same old story

What if I say I'm not like the others

What if I say I'm not just another one in your place

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender

I'm the voice inside your head

You refuse to hear

I'm the face that you have to face

Mirroring your stare

I'm what's left

I'm what's right

I'm the enemy

I'm the hand that'll take you down

Bring you to your knees

So who are you

Yeah who are you

Yeah who are you

Yeah who are you

Keep you in the dark you know they all pretend

What if I say I'm not like the others

What if I say I'm not just another one in your place

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender

So who are you

Yeah who are you

Yeah who are YOUUUUUU!!!!

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per momenti tristi ci voglio canzoni tristi...

Vermillion, Pt. 2


She seemed dressed in all of me, stretched across my shame.

All the torment and the pain

Leaked through and covered me

I'd do anything to have her to myself

Just to have her for myself

Now I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do when she makes me sane.

She is everything to me

The unrequited dream

A song that no one sings

The unattainable, Shes a myth that I have to believe in

All I need to make it real is one more reason

I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do when she makes me sad.

But I won't let this build up inside of me

I won't let this build up inside of me

I won't let this build up inside of me

I won't let this build up inside of me

A catch in my throat choke

Torn into pieces

I won't, no!

I don't wanna be this...

But I won't let this build up inside of me

I won't let this build up inside of me

I won't let this build up inside of me

I won't let this build up inside of me

She isn't real

I can't make her real

She isn't real

I can't make her real

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per momenti tristi ci voglio canzoni tristi...

Vermillion, Pt. 2


Già, in realtà in momenti tristi scoltavo la stessa canzone..(la prima è un po' movimentata..rispetto alla seconda questa rischia di mandarti diretto tra i più:lol:)..

Infatti ora credo esattamente nel contrario, nei momenti tristi bisognerebbe ascoltare canzoni felici:


C'era un uomo che viveva

a Chicago (IL) e gli cresceva

l'erba sulla faccia;

egli era infelice.

Sulla faccia aveva l'erba,

sulla testa piante che perdevano le foglie;

per tagliarsi i capelli usava la motosega.

C'era poi una donna che viveva ad Erba (CO);

era molto bella, pero'

i suoi pori secernevano escrementi invece che sudor.

Triste la sua condizione per l'infausta secrezione:

cacca dalla faccia. Ella era infelice.

Lui decise che per essere felice doveva emigrare da la';

addio alle delusioni chicaghesi,

addio all'importantissimo nodo ferroviario.

Si diresse all'aeroporto

per volare fino ad Erba (CO),

e li' trovare l'erba

sulla faccia della gente.

Lei, di contro, per un caso

che potra' sembrarvi strano

decollo' da Erba (CO)

alla volta di Chicago (IL);

questo nome suscitava nella fetida ragazza una nuova speme.

Gia' dopo il decollo la gente voleva buttarla fuori.

Ma il destino era in agguato

sotto forma di pilota

che, svenuto per le esalazioni,

nel suo sogno di pilota trasformossi in kamikaze

e diresse verso l'aeroplan

che da Chicago (IL) andava ad Erba (CO);

e il bagliore dell'impatto

fece luce sui due volti,

l'uno verde, l'altro invece no.

E lui cadendo vide lei, e lei cadendo vide lui.

"Mi presento, io mi chiamo Jonathan Grass",

disse lui sfrecciando nel blu.

"Chiedo scusa per l'audacia ma mi rendo conto che qui fra non molto

poc'anzi moriremo, e per l'impatto al suolo, e per il grave scontro,

e se mi e' concesso per lo shock che entrambi abbiamo subito poco fa".

"Si figuri, caro amico, sono conscia anch'io del fatto che qui il tempo

stringe; e per dimostrarle che e' vero le metto la lingua in bocca."

Il contatto dei due visi

misti all'impeto d'amore,

fece da rimedio in quella tragedia;

l'erba si allungo' all'istante

per l'effetto concimante.

Cacca piu' amore operano piu' miracoli di quanto non si creda.

Ma la luce dell'amore

fu oscurata dall'odore

che quella ******* sprigionava;

e lo sventurato amante, ritiratosi all'istante,

si nego' all'abbraccio e disse: "Pfui"

avviluppandosi nell'erba.

Lui, cadendo sulla terra,

disse: "Muoio sulla terra",

lei gli cadde sopra e ne mori',

originando li' per li' l'allegra aiuola dell'amore.

In quel mentre due bifolchi,

ivi intenti a tracciar solchi,

videro l'evento e dissero: "Portento!

Queste spoglie sovrapposte sono un monito celeste.

Presto, grandi feste

per celebrare il concime che rese i campi coltivabili!".

E la morale di questa storia

e' che la ***** non e' cosi' brutta come la si dipinge

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Ai due ragazzi addormentati per sempre sul lavoro a Marghera, e a tutti quelli come loro che per guadagnarsi il pane perdono la vita.

Un sorriso amaro, spero che questa canzone semplice vi accompagni in levare verso le nubi lontane.

Marghera Reggae

(Pitura Freska)

Ogni anno in italia mor 30.000 persone de alcol

ogni anno in italia mor 20.000 persone de tabacco

ogni anno mor 1.000 persone di eroina

ricordete: di marijuana non xe mai morto nissuni!

nialtri assicurem che no xe un bidon

l'erba no ga fato mai mal a nissun

a marghera nialtri lo femo presente

che par lori la xe aria bona par niantri la xe fetente

marghera sensa fabriche saria piu' sana

'na jungla de panoce pomodori e marijuana.

inquinemo sempre tuti contenti

mandemo ancora el mondo un fia' 'vanti

se qua sciopa tuto tanto no ti scampi

butemo xo le fabriche e coltivemo i campi

marghera sensa fabriche saria piu' sana

'na jungla de panoce pomodori e marijuana.

i costruisse armi i sciopa nove bombe

intanto nialtri se femo e trombe

fuma e ciminiere intanto i ne inquina

per sopportare sta aria bevo tanta bira a spina

marghera sensa fabriche saria piu' sana

'na jungla de panoce pomodori e marijuana.

niente da ridar i bidoni xe rival

boia i sa morti chi li ga mandai

stemo tenti no assarghe le strasse

papa butilia fane 'ste grassie

i bruxa l'erba i costruisce le centrali

chissa' che i mora tuti quanti fulminai

sara' sempre meio poco che niente

vivaremo meio in mezo a orti, animali e piante

marghera sensa fabriche saria piu' sana

'na jungla de panoce pomodori e marijuana.

  • Mi piace 1
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Autodedica, per come mi sento oggi...

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - The Beatles (1967, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)

Picture yourself in a boat on a river

With tangerine trees and marmalade skies

Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly

A girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green

Towering over your head

Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes

And she's gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain

Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies

Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers

That grow so incredibly high

Newspaper taxis appear on the shore

Waiting to take you away

Climb in the back

with you head in the clouds

And you're gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Picture yourself on a train in a station

With plasticine porters

with looking glass ties

Suddenly someone is there

at the turnstile

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Si, oggi sono allucinato...
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Al,meglio non pensare troppo al futuro, si rischia di perdere di vista il presente...:lol:!!

I Walk Beside You

Dream Theater

There's a story in your eyes

I can see the hurt behind your smile

For every sign I recognize

Another one escapes me

Let me know what plagues your mind

Let me be the one to know you best

Be the one to hold you up

When you feel like you're sinking

Tell me once again

What's beneath the pain you're feeling

Don't abandon me

Or think you can't be saved

I walk beside you

Wherever you are

Whatever it takes

No matter how far

Through all that may come

And all that may go

I walk beside you

I walk beside you

Summon up your ghost for me

Rest your tired thoughts upon my hands

Step inside this sacred place

When all your dreams seem broken

Let's remain inside this temple

Let me be the one who understands

Be the one to carry you

When you can walk no further

Tell me once again

What's below the surface bleeding

If you've lost your way

I will take you in

I walk beside you

Wherever you are

Whatever it takes

No matter how far

Through all that may come

And all that may go

I walk beside you

I walk beside you

Oh, when everything is wrong

Oh, when hopelessness surrounds you

Oh, the sun will rise again

So don't give up

Don't give in

I walk beside you

Wherever you are

Whatever it takes

No matter how far

Through all that may come

And all that may go

I walk beside you

I walk beside you

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NIRVANA - Come as You Are

Come, as you are

As you were

As I want you to be

As a friend x2

As an old enemy

Take your time

Hurry up

The choice is yours

Don't be late

Take a rest

As a friend

As an old memory-ahh

Memory-ahh... x3


Dowsed in mud

Soaked in bleach

As I want you to be

As a trend

As a friend

As an old memory-ahh...

Memory-ahh... x3

And I swear

That I don't have a gun

No I don't have a gun x2

Memory-ahh... x3

And I swear

That I don't have a gun

No I don't have a gun x3

Memory-ahh... x2

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al fut......aehmm......alle nostre vite......perchè il vento possa cambiare finalmente in bene.....(no, non metto gli scorpions....)

pearl jam - I'm mine

The selfish, they're all standing in line

Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time

Me, I figure as each breath goes by

I only own my mind

The North is to South what the clock is to time

There's east and there's west and there's everywhere life

I know I was born and I know that I'll die

The in between is mine

I am mine

And the feeling, it gets left behind

All the innocence lost at one time

Significant, behind the eyes

There's no need to hide

We're safe tonight

The ocean is full 'cause everyone's crying

The full moon is looking for friends at hightide

The sorrow grows bigger when the sorrow's denied

I only know my mind

I am mine

And the meaning, it gets left behind

All the innocents lost at one time

Significant, behind the eyes

There's no need to hide

We're safe tonight

And the feelings that get left behind

All the innocents broken with lies

Significance, between the lines

(We may need to hide)

And the meanings that get left behind

All the innocents lost at one time

We're all different behind the eyes

There's no need to hide

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Meravigliosa Creatura - Gianna Nannini

Molti mari e fiumi


dentro la tua terra

mi ritroverai.

Turbini e tempeste

io cavalcerò,

volerò tra i fulmini

per averti.

Meravigliosa creatura,

sei sola al mondo,

meravigliosa paura

di averti accanto,

occhi di sole

bruciano in mezzo al cuore

amo la vita meravigliosa.

Luce dei miei occhi,

brilla su di me,

voglio mille lune

per accarezzarti.

Pendo dai tuoi sogni,

veglio su di te.

Non svegliarti, non svegliarti ancora.

Meravigliosa creatura,

sei sola al mondo,

meravigliosa paura

di averti accanto.

Occhi di sole,

mi tremano le parole,

amo la vita meravigliosa.

Meravigliosa creatura,

un bacio lento,

meravigliosa paura

di averti accanto.


tu scendi nel paradiso.

Voglia di amare meravigliosa

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Facciamoci del male......

Somenthing I can never have - Nine Inch Nails

I still recall the taste of your tears.

Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears.

My favorite dreams of you still wash ashore.

Scraping through my head 'till I don't wanna sleep anymore.

You make this all go away.

You make this all go away.

I'm down to just one thing.

And I'm starting to scare myself.

You make this all go away.

You make this all go away.

I just want something.

I just want something I can never have.

You always were the one to show me how

Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now.

This thing is slowly taking me apart.

Grey would be the color if I had a heart.

Come on and tell me.

You make this all go away.

You make this all go away.

I'm down to just one thing.

And I'm starting to scare myself.

You make this all go away.

You make this all go away.

I just want something.

I just want something I can never have

In this place it seems like such a shame.

Though it all looks different now,

I know it's still the same.

Everywhere I look you're all I see.

Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be.

Come on and tell me.

You make this all go away.

You make this all go away.

I'm down to just one thing.

And I'm starting to scare myself.

You make this all go away.

You make it all go away.

I just want something.

I just want something I can never have.

I just want something I can never have.

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Facciamoci del male......

Continuiamo a farcelo ...


Bury me softly in this womb

I give this part of me for you

Sand rains down and here I sit

Holding rare flowers

In a tomb... in bloom

Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved

See my heart I decorate it like a grave

You don't understand who they thought I was supposed to be

Look at me now a man who won't let himself be

Down in a hole, feeling so small

Down in a hole, losing my soul

I'd like to fly,

But my wings have been so denied

Down in a hole and they've put all the stones in their place

I've eaten the sun so my tongue has been burned of the taste

I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth

I will speak no more of my feelings beneath

Down in a hole, feeling so small

Down in a hole, losing my soul

I'd like to fly,

But my wings have been so denied

Bury me softly in this womb

(Oh I want to be inside of you)

I give this part of me for you

(Oh I want to be inside of you)

Sand rains down and here I sit

Holding rare flowers in a tomb

(Oh I want to be inside of you)

Oh I want to be inside...

Down in a hole, feeling so small

Down in a hole, losing my soul

Down in a hole, feeling so small

Down in a hole, out of control

I'd like to fly

But my wings have been so denied

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Questa avrei dovuto postarla ieri.. probabilmente è l'ultima che le dedicherò..

The Killers - When you were young

You sit there in your heartache

Waiting on some beautiful boy to

To save you from your old ways

You play forgiveness

Watch him now, here he comes

He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus

But he talks like a gentleman

Like you imagined when you were young

Can we climb this mountain, I don’t know

Higher now than ever before, I

Know we can make it if we take it slow

Thats thinking easy, easy now, watch it go

We’re burning down the highway skyline on the

Back of a hurricane that started turning

When you were young

When you were young

And sometimes you close your eyes

And see the place where you used to live

When you were young

They say the devil's water, it ain’t so sweet

You don’t have to drink right now

But you can dip your feet

Every once in a little while

You sit there in your heartache

Waiting on some beautiful boy to

To save you from your old ways

You play forgiveness

Watch him now, here he comes

He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus

But he talks like a gentleman

Like you imagined when you were young

(Talks like a gentleman, like you imagined)

When you were young

I said he doesn’t look a thing like Jesus

He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus

But more than you’ll ever know

Stai lì seduta nella tua angoscia

Aspettando qualche bel ragazzo che

Che ti salvi dai tuoi vecchi modi di fare

Reciti il perdono

Guardalo ora, sta arrivando

Non somiglia per niente a Gesù

Ma parla come un gentiluomo

Come immaginavi quando eri piccola

Possiamo scalare questa montagna, non lo so

Più alta ora di quanto sia mai stata, io

So che possiamo farcela se la prendiamo con calma

Prendila facile, facile adesso, guardala andare via

Stiamo bruciando la linea dell'orizzonte sulla strada

Dietro un uragano che ha cominciato a girare

Quando eri piccola

Quando eri piccola

E a volte chiudi i tuoi occhi

E vedi il posto dove vivevi

Quando eri piccola

Dicono che l'acqua dei diavoli non è così dolce

Non devi berla ora

Ma puoi bagnarti i piedi

Ogni volta per un po'

Stai lì seduta nella tua angoscia

Aspettando qualche bel ragazzo che

Che ti salvi dai tuoi vecchi modi di fare

Reciti il perdono

Guardalo ora, sta arrivando

Non somiglia per niente a Gesù

Ma parla come un gentiluomo

Come immaginavi quando eri piccola

(Parla come un gentiluomo, come immaginavi)

Quando eri piccola

Ho detto che non somiglia per niente a Gesù

Non somiglia per niente a Gesù

Ma più di quanto saprai mai

  • Mi piace 1
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solo per ricordarmi che senza lottare e senza sacrificio non otterrò mai nulla

Scorpions - no pain no gain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

Face in the gutter eyes on the floor

Walk on down you know the score

It's a dead-end street back to the wall

Get it together you can get it all

The weak will fall the strong remain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

No time for losers you make the call

Believe in yourself stand tall

Another day it's in your hand

You can be the winner in the end

The weak will fall the strong remain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

Keep runnin' don't look back

Keep movin' straight ahead

Keep goin' don't ever stop

There's time to rest the day you'll drop

You roll the dice you play the game

The weak will fall the strong remain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

No pain no gain

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dedicata al me di questo periodo

ed a tutti quelli che si sentono smarriti,

per chi è consapevole di vivere a metà, mentre quacosa gli sfugge dalle mani,

per chi si sente intrappolato dagli orizzonti lontani,

per chi si sente un pezzo del puzzle...sbagliato ;-)




Proprio come una spia attraverso fumo e luci

Sono fuggita dalla porta di servizio del mondo

Ed ho visto le cose diventare più piccole

La paura come pure la tentazione

Ora ogni cosa è un’immagine riflessa

Mentre mi faccio strada attraverso questo labirinto

Ed il mio senso dell’orientamento

Si è perso come il suono dei miei passi

Si è perso come il suono dei miei passi.

Profumo di fiori secchi

E sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Profumo di fiori secchi

E sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Sto camminando attraverso la nebbia.

Vedo i miei ricordi in bianco e nero

Sono trascurati dallo spazio e dal tempo

Ho messo via tutti i miei giorni in scatole

Ho lasciato i miei desideri così lontani

Scopro che la mia sola salvezza

È giocare a nascondino in questo labirinto

E la mia capacità di comunicare con gli altri

Si è persa come il suono dei miei passi

Si è persa come il suono dei miei passi.

Profumo di fiori secchi

E sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Profumo di fiori secchi

E sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Sto camminando attraverso la nebbia.

Parole, suoni, musica e giro vorticosamente dentro

Parole, suoni, musica e giro vorticosamente fuori

Ma voglio rimanere qui

Perché sto aspettando la pioggia

E voglio che lavi via

Tutto tutto tutto.

Profumo di fiori secchi

E sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Profumo di fiori secchi

E sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Sto camminando attraverso la nebbia.

Profumo di fiori secchi

E sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Profumo di fiori secchi

E sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Sto camminando attraverso la nebbia

Just like a spy through smoke and lights

I escaped through the back door of the world

and I saw things getting smaller

fear as well as temptation.

Now everything is reflection as I make my way through this labyrinth

and my sense of direction

is lost like the sound of my steps

is lost like the sound of my steps.

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog

walking through the fog

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog

walking through the fog

I see my memories in black and white

they are neglected by space and time

I store all my days in boxes

and left my whishes so far behind

I find my only salvation in playing hide and seek in this labyrinth

and my sense of connection

is lost like the sound of my steps

is lost like the sound of my steps.

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog

walking through the fog

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog

walking through the fog

Words sounds music and I'm spinning in

Words sounds music and I'm spinning out

but I want to stay here

'cause I am waiting for the rain

and I want it to wash away

everything, everything, everything.

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog

walking through the fog

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog

walking through the fog

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog

walking through the fog

Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog

walking through the fog

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Sarà stata postata un miliardo di dedico a me ...e a lui...

Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry

Talk to me softly

There is something in your eyes

Don't hang your head in sorrow

And please don't cry

I know how you feel inside I've

I've been there before

Somethin is changin' inside you

And don't you know

Don't you cry tonight

I still love you baby

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry tonight

Give me a whisper

And give me a sign

Give me a kiss before you

tell me goodbye

Don't you take it so hard now

And please don't take it so bad

I'll still be thinkin' of you

And the times we

And don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry tonight

And please remember that I never lied

And please remember

how I felt inside now honey

You gotta make it your own way

But you'll be alright now sugar

You'll feel better tomorrow

Come the morning light now baby

And don't you cry tonight

And don't you cry tonight

And don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry

Don't you ever cry

Don't you cry tonight

Baby maybe someday

Don't you cry

Don't you ever cry

Don't you cry


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A lei....che oramai è sempre presente nei miei sol sentirti vicina è qualcosa di davvero stupendo...Grazie

Ever Dream

Ever felt away with me

Just once that all I need

Entwined in finding you one day

Ever felt away without me

My love, it lies so deep

Ever dream of me

Would you do it with me

Heal the scars and change the stars

Would you do it for me

Turn loose the heaven within

I'd take you away

Castaway on a lonely day

Bosom for a teary cheek

My song

can but borrow your grace

Come out, come out wherever you are

So lost in your sea

Give in, give in for my touch

For my taste for my lust

Your beauty cascaded on me

In this white night fantasy

"All I ever craved were the two dreams

I shared with you.

One I now have, will the other one ever dream remain.

For yours I truly wish to be."

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Dedicato a chi propio non riesce a dormire, mentre la mente è costantemente invasa dai pensieri.....

Pearl jam - I GOT SHIT

My lips are shakin', my nails are bit off

Been a month since I've heard myself talk

All the advantage this life's got on me

Picture a cup in the middle of the sea

And I fight back in my mind...

Never let's me be right, oh...

I got memories, I got shit

So much it don't show...

I walked the line

When you held me in that night

I walked the line

When you held my hand that night...

An empty shell seems so easy to grab

Got all these questions, don't know who I could even ask

So I'll just lie alone and wait for the dream

Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me

And I'll stay in a bed

Oh, goodbye, I've seen him

If just once, I could feel loved

Oh, stare back at me, yeah...

But I walked the line

When you held me in that night

Oh, I walked the line

When you held my hand that night

Oh, I walked the line

When you held me close at night

I paid the price, never held you in real life...


Le mie labbra tremano, le mie unghie strappate via a morsi

E' passato un mese da quando mi son sentito che parlavo

Tutti i vantaggi di questa vita si avvicinano a me

Il disegno di un calice in mezzo alla spiaggia

E son di nuovo combattuto nella mia mente,

mai me lo lascio sfuggire

ho ricordi di *********

quindi non farti vedere

Oh camminavo al limite quella notte in cui mi abbraciasti

camminavo al limite quando quella notte mi srtingesti la mano

la vuota apparenza sembrò rompersi così facilmente

ho tutte queste domande ma non so a chi potrò farle

quindi rimarrò solo ad aspettare il sogno

dove non sarò brutto e sgradevole,

tu mi guarderai ,io starò in un letto

e in un piccolo intermezzo ti vedrò

Se per una volta potessi amare

Oh lo direi cosa significherebbe

Ma camminavo al limite quella notte in cui mi abbraciasti

camminavo al limite quando quella notte mi srtringesti la mano

camminavo al limite quando quella notte mi srtringesti forte

Ho pagato il dazio, non ti ho mai abbracciato nella vita reale,

le mie labbra tremano

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