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Questa è la tua canzone... tu non lo sai...

Messaggio consigliato

A questa canzone lego alcuni ricordi spettacolari: la ascoltavo con le mie prime ragazze segrete (eheheh :-D ), l'abbiamo usata per aprire un paio di concerti al Liceo con il mitico gruppo (eh, Phate? ;-) )... Un po' della mia tarda infanzia.

Drain You


One baby to another says I'm lucky to have met you

I don't care what you think, unless it is about me

It is now my duty to completely drain you

A travel through a tube, and end up in your infection

Chew your meat for you

Pass it back and forth

In a passionate kiss

From my mouth to yours

I like you

With eyes so dilated, I've became your pupil

You've taught me everything, without a poison apple

The water is so yellow, I'm a healthy student

Indebted and so grateful, vacuum out the fluids

Chew your meat for you

Pass it back and forth

In a passionate kiss

From my mouth to yours

I like you


One baby to another says I'm lucky to have met you

I don't care what you think, unless it is about me

It is now my duty to completely drain you

A travel through a tube, and end up in your infection

Chew your meat for you

Pass it back and forth

In a passionate kiss

From my mouth to yours

Sloppy lips to lips

You're my vitamins

I'm like you

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Dedicato a...a......lo sò io a chi è dedicato.......:lol:

modena city ramblers - Ninnananna

Camminavo vicino alle rive del fiume

nella brezza fresca

degli ultimi giorni d'inverno

e nell'aria andava una vecchia canzone

e la marea danzava correndo verso il mare.

A volte i viaggiatori si fermano stanchi

e riposano un poco

in compagnia di qualche straniero.

Chissa dove ti addormenterai stasera

e chissà come ascolterai questa canzone.

Forse ti stai cullando al suono di un treno,

inseguendo il ragazzo gitano

con lo zaino sotto il violino

e se sei persa

in qualche fredda terra straniera

ti mando una ninnananna

per sentirti più vicina.

Un giorno, guidati da stelle sicure

ci ritroveremo

in qualche ancgolo di mondo lontano,

nei bassifondi, tra i musicisti e gli sbandati

o sui sentieri dove corrono le fate.

<a href="">Lyrics</a>

E prego qualche Dio dei viaggiatori

che tu abbia due soldi in tasca

da spendere stasera

e qualcuno nel letto

per scaldare via l'inverno

e un angelo bianco

seduto alla finestra

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Un po' di ironia, Santo Cielo! Dedicata a buona parte di quelli che leggendo, sentendo, avvertendo un fischio alle orecchie, si sentiranno vagamente in imbarazzo.

I Poeti

(R. Vecchioni)

I poeti son giovani e belli

e portano in cuore

la luce del sole

e un canto d'uccelli

e la strada del borgo natio

la pioggia sui tetti

la povera gente amata da Dio.

Poesia, poesia,

deh proteggimi ovunque io sia

poesia, poesia.

I poeti son vecchi signori

che mangian le stelle

distesi sui prati

delle loro ville

e s'inventano zingare e more

per farsi credibili agli occhi del mondo

col loro dolore.

Poesia, poesia, poesia, poesia.

I poeti si fanno le pippe

coi loro ricordi

la casa, la mamma, le cose che perdi

e poi strisciano sui congiuntivi

se fossi, se avessi, se avessi e se fossi,

se fossimo vivi.

Poesia, poesia

deh, proteggimi ovunque io sia

poesia, poesia.

I poeti hanno visto la guerra

con gli occhi degli altri

che tanto per vivere han perso la pelle

così scrivon piangendo cipolle

su barbe profetiche intinte nel vino

che pure gli serve.

Poesia, poesia, poesia, poesia.

I poeti son liberi servi di re e cardinali

che van ripetendo: noi siam tutti uguali

e si tingono di rosso vivo

ciascuno pensando:""Il giorno del nobel

farò l'antidivo".

Poesia, poesia,

deh, proteggimi ovunque io sia

poesia, poesia.

I poeti sono litri di vino bevuti per noia

per scriver parole davanti al mattino

mentre sognano bambine nude

che uscendo da scuola

li prendon per mano e gli dànno la viola.

Poesia, poesia, poesia, poesia.

I poeti son giovani stanchi che servon lo Stato

sputandogli in faccia perché sia dannato

e sbandierano cieli e fontane

messaggi e colombe

a noi le campane, ai ricchi le trombe.

Poesia, poesia.

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Demetrio Stratos - Pugni Chiusi

Pugni chiusi

per tutto e per sempre

in me c'è la notte

la notte più nera

Occhi,occhi spenti

sul buio del mondo

per chi è di pietra come me

La mia salvezza sei tu

sei l'acqua limpida per me

il sole pieno sei tu

sei solo tu

e allora torna

torna qui da me

Pugni,pugni chiusi

io voglio almeno speranze

in me c'è la notte

la notte più nera

E poi viene l'alba

e un raggio di sole

disegna il tuo viso per me

La mia salvezza sei tu

sei l'acqua limpida per me

il sole pieno sei tu

sei solo tu

e torna

torna qui da me

Pugni,pugni chiusi

e tu sei qui con me

in me c'è la notte

la notte più nera

e poi viene l'alba e un raggio di sole

e abbraccio la vita con te

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Oggi l'ho risentita...per l'ennesima volta. Ma ho goduto più del solito!

A tutti voi:


Overhead the albatross

Hangs motionless upon the air

And deep beneath the rolling waves

In labyrinths of coral caves

An echo of a distant time

Comes willowing across the sand

And everything is green and submarine.

And no one called us to the land

And no one knows the where's or why's.

Something stirs and something tries

Starts to climb toward the light.

Strangers passing in the street

By chance two separate glances meet

And I am you and what I see is me.

And do I take you by the hand

And lead you through the land

And help me understand

The best I can.

And no one called us to the land

And no one crosses there alive.

No one speaks and no one tries

No one flies around the sun....

Almost everyday you fall

Upon my waking eyes,

Inviting and inciting me

To rise.

And through the window in the wall

Come streaming in on sunlight wings

A million bright ambassadors of morning.

And no one sings me lullabyes

And no one makes me close my eyes

So I throw the windows wide

And call to you across the sky....

Il mito!

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Dedicato all'angolo onirico

Tre allegri ragazzi morti

Piccolo cinema onirico


Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Prima di dormire ad un passo dal risveglio

Puoi vedere cose che trovi soli lì

È uno spazio grande poco più dell’universo

E se non ci sei, riprova lunedì

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Una balena bianca e un sottomarino nero

Un palazzo d’ossa bianche

Dentro una bambina piange

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Una parola e un uragano stringo fra le labbra

Una salamandra mi cammina sulla faccia

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Ad un passo dal risveglio, poco prima di dormire

Un gigante ha gli occhi tondi

E mi prende per la mano

Fino al bordo del cratere

Per vedere la città

Apre oggi il piccolo cinema onirico

Una parola e un uragano stringo fra le labbra

Una salamandra mi cammina sulla faccia

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Apre oggi il piccolo cinema onirico

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

Benvenuti al piccolo cinema onirico

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Una delle canzoni / poesie più belle mai scritte da un cantautore italiano

Niccolò Fabi / Fiorella Mannoia - Offeso

Dillo pure che sei offeso

da chi distrugge un entusiasmo

da chi prende a calci un cane

da chi è sazio e ormai si è arreso

da tutta la stupidità

chi si offende tradisce il patto

con l'inutile omertà

rimane senza la protezione

del silenzio, dell'assenso

del "tanto dobbiamo sopravviverci

qui dentro"

Quando vivere diventa un peso

quando nei sondaggi il tuo parere

non è compreso

quando dire amore diventa sottinteso

quando la mattina davanti al sole

non sei più sorpreso


Dillo pure che sei offeso

dalle donne che non ridono

dagli uomini che non piangono

dai bambini che non giocano

dai vecchi che non insegnano

se hai qualcosa da dire dillo adesso

non aspettare che ci sia un momento

più conveniente per parlare

Quando vivere diventa un peso

quando nei sondaggi il tuo parere

non è compreso

quando dire amore diventa sottinteso

quando davanti al sole la mattina

non sei più sorpreso

dillo pure che sei


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La dedico a tutti, nessuno escluso...ascoltatela.

-Barry McGuire-


The eastern world, it is exploding

Violence flarin’, bullets loadin’

You’re old enough to kill, but not for votin’

You don’t believe in war, but what’s that gun you’re totin’

And even the Jordan River has bodies floatin’

But you tell me

Over and over and over again, my friend

Ah, you don’t believe

We’re on the eve

of destruction.

Don’t you understand what I’m tryin’ to say

Can’t you feel the fears I’m feelin’ today?

If the button is pushed, there’s no runnin’ away

There’ll be no one to save, with the world in a grave

[Take a look around ya boy, it's bound to scare ya boy]

And you tell me

Over and over and over again, my friend

Ah, you don’t believe

We’re on the eve

of destruction.

Yeah, my blood’s so mad feels like coagulatin’

I’m sitting here just contemplatin’

I can’t twist the truth, it knows no regulation.

Handful of senators don’t pass legislation

And marches alone can’t bring integration

When human respect is disintegratin’

This whole crazy world is just too frustratin’

And you tell me

Over and over and over again, my friend

Ah, you don’t believe

We’re on the eve

of destruction.

Think of all the hate there is in Red China

Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama

You may leave here for 4 days in space

But when you return, it’s the same old place

The poundin’ of the drums, the pride and disgrace

You can bury your dead, but don’t leave a trace

Hate your next-door neighbor, but don’t forget to say grace

And… tell me over and over and over and over again, my friend

You don’t believe

We’re on the eve

Of destruction

Mm, no no, you don’t believe

We’re on the eve

of destruction.

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Dedicata a Cate, la mia vita

A Friend I Call Desire


You live for love, I long for it

You give for love, I take from it

This friend of mine, desire

This lovers crime, desire

Emotion driving all the time

A burning need for things not mine


You need your love

I walk from it

You fight for love

I run from it

My enemy desire

Caressing me, desire

The torch I carried burnt my hand

I can't control what I can't stand


You give for love, I lie for it

You give for love, I shy from it

And the pain, and the lust, and the want

And the hurt, and the lies

And the fears, and the urge, and the feel

And the touch, and it's all

A friend I call desire

You give for love, I lie for it

You give for love, I shy from it

And the pain, and the lies

And the touch, and it's all

A friend I call desire

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A Federica: "non essere troppo arrabbiata, per favore"

Tell All The People

(the doors)

Tell all the people that you see

Follow me

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

Set them free

Follow me down

You tell them they don't have to run

We're gonna pick up everyone

Come out and take me by my hand

Gonna bury all our troubles in the sand, oh yeah

Can't you see the wonder at your feet

Your life's complete

Follow me down

Can't you see me growing, get your guns

The time has come

To follow me down

Follow me across the sea

Where milky babies seem to be

Molded, flowing revelry

With the one that set them free

Tell all the people that you see

It's just me

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

Follow me

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

We'll be free

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

It's just me

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

Follow me

Follow me down

Follow me down You got to follow me down

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

We'll be free

Follow me down

Tell all the people you see

Follow me

You got to follow me down

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siii.... la dedico per il 18 maggio!!

What I've Done - Linkin Park

In this farewell,

There is no blood,

There is no alibi,

Cause I’ve drawn regret,

From the truth,

Of a thousands lies,

So let mercy come and wash away…

What I’ve Done,

I’ll face myself,

To cross out what I’ve become,

Erase myself,

And let go of what I’ve done…

Put to rest,

What you thought of me

While, I clean this slate,

With the hands,

Of uncertainty,

So let mercy come,

And wash away…

What I’ve Done,

I’ll face myself,

To cross out what I’ve become,

Erase myself,

And let go of what I’ve done…

For what I’ve done,

I start again,

And whatever pain may come,

Today this ends,

I’m forgiving what I’ve done…

I’ll face myself,

To cross out what I’ve become,

Erase myself,

And let go of what I’ve done…

What I’ve Done,

What I’ve Done,

Forgiving what I’ve done…

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A chi ama questa canzone.

Hasta Siempre Comandante Che Guevara

Aprendimos a quererte

Desde la historica altura

Donde el sol de tu bravura

Le puso cerco a la muerte.

Aqui se queda la clara

La entrañable transparencia

De tu querida presencia

Comandante Che Guevara.

Tu mano gloriosa y fuerte

Sobre la historia dispara

Cuando todo santa clara

Se despierta para verte.

Aqui se queda la clara

La entrañable transparencia

De tu querida presencia

Comandante Che Guevara.

Vienes quemando la brisa

Con soles de primavera

Para plantar la bandera

Con la luz de tu sonrisa.

Aqui se queda la clara

La entrañable transparencia

De tu querida presencia

Comandante Che Guevara.

Tu amor revolucionario

Te conduce a nueva empresa

Donde espera la firmeza

De tu brazo libertario.

Aqui se queda la clara

La entrañable transparencia

De tu querida presencia

Comandante Che Guevara.

Seguiremos adelante

Como junto a ti seguimos

Y con Fidel te decimos

Hasta siempre comandante.

Aqui se queda la clara

La entrañable transparencia

De tu querida presencia

Comandante Che Guevara.

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A me, perchè stamattina mi sento cosi, ed a tutti quelli che si sentono così:

Highway Star

Nobody gonna take my car

I'm gonna race it to the ground

Nobody gonna beat my car

It's gonna break the speed of sound

Oooh it's a killing machine

It's got everything

Like a driving power big fat tyres

and everything

I love it and I need it

I bleed it yeah it's a wild hurricane

Alright hold tight I'm a highway star

Nobody gonna take my girl

I'm gonna keep her to the end

Nobody gonna have my girl

She stays close on every bend

Oooh she's a killing machine

She's a moving mouth body control

and everything

I love her I need her

I seed her

Yeah She turns me on

Alright hold on tight I'm a highway star

Nobody gonna take my head

I got speed inside my brain

Nobody gonna steal my head

Now that i'm on the road again

Oooh i'm in heaven again i've got everything

Like a moving ground an open road

and everything

I love it and I need it

I seed it eight cylinders all mine

Alright hold on tight I'm a highway star

Nobody gonna take my car

I'm gonna race it to the ground Nobody gonna beat my car

It's gonna break the speed of sound

Oooh it's a killing machine

It's got everything like a driving power big

fat tyres and everything

I love it and I need it

I bleed it

Yeah it's a wild hurricane

Alright hold on tight I'm a highway star

I'm a highway star, I'm a highway star

Deep purple

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A chi dice che il rap è tutta me***, perchè Eminem scrivere sa scrivere, e pure cantare.

Sing For The Moment - Eminem

These ideas are nightmares

for white parents whose worst fear

is a child with dyed hair

and who likes earrings

Like whatever they

say has no bearing

Its so scary in a house

that allows no swearing

To see him walking around

with his headphones blaring

Alone in his own zone,

cold and he don't care

He's a problem child,

what bothers him all comes out

When he talks about

his fuckin' dad walkin out

Cos he hates him so bad

that he blocks him out

But if he ever saw him again,

he'd probably

knock him out

His thoughts are whacked,

he's mad so he's talkin' back

Talkin black,


from rock and rap

He sags his pants,

2rags and a stocking cap

His step-father hit him

so he socked him back

And broke his nose,

this house is a broken home

There's no control,

he just lets his emotions go

Come on!

Sing with me, sing for the year

Sing for the laughter,

sing for the tear

Sing with me, just for today

Maybe tomorrow,

the good Lord will take you away

Entertainment is danger,

intertwine it with gansters

In the land of the killers,

a sinner's mind

is a sanctum

Only you're unholy,

only have one homey

Only this gun, lonely,

cuz you only need one homey

But everybody just

feels like they can relate

I guess words are motherfucka,

they can be great or they can

degrate or even worse

they can teach hate

Its like kids hang on every

single statement we make

Like they worship us,

plus all the stores

ship us platinum

Now how the fuck did

this metamorphasis happen?

From standin' on corners

and porches just rappin'

To havin' a fortune,

no more kissin' ass

But then these

critics crucify you,

journalists try to burn you

Fans turn on you,

attorney's all gonna turn it to

To get their hands on

every dime you have

They want you to lose

your mind every time you mad

So they can try

to make you out to

look like a loose cannon

You need to spew,

dont hesitate to produce air-guns

Thats why these prosecutors

wanna convict me

Swiftly just to get me

offa these streets quickly

But all their kids been

listen'n to me religiously

So i'm signing CDs while

police fingerprint me

They're for the judges daughter,

but his grudge is against me

If i'm such a fuckin' menace,

this shit doesnt make sense

It's all political, if my music

is literal and i'm a criminal,

How the fuck

can i raise a little girl?

I couldn't.

i wouldn't be fit to

You're full of shit too,

Guerrera, that was

a fist that hit you!

They say music can alter

moods and talk to you

But can it load a gun

for you and cock it too?

Well if it can, then the next

time you assault a dude

Just tell the judge it was my fault,

and i'll get sued see what

these kids do, is hear about us

toting pistols and they want

to get one, cos they think

the shit's cool not knowin'

we're really just protectin' ourselves

We're entertainers, of course

this shit's affecting our sales

You ignoramus.

but music is reflection of self

We just explain it, and then

we get our cheques in the mail

It's fucked up ain't it,

how we can come

from practically nothin'

To bein' able to have any

fuckin' thing that we wanted

It's why we sing for these

kids that don't have a thing

Except for a dream and

a fucking rap magazine

Who post pinup pictures

on their walls all day long

Idolise their favourite rappers

and know all they songs

Or for anyone who's ever been

through shit in they lives,

So they sit and

they cry at night,

wishing they die

Till they throw on a rap record,

and they sit and they vibe

We're nothing to you,

but we're the fuckin'

shit in their eyes

That's why we sieze the moment,

and try to freeze it and own it

Squeeze it and hold it,

'cos we consider

these minutes golden

And maybe they'll admit it

when we're gone

Just let our spirits

live on,

through out lyrics that

you hear in our songs

And we can ...

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Dedicata a chi crede nelle proprie idee........e alla fratellanza;-)

CARRY ON- Manowar

The north star always guides me

When winter skies are gray

And I wait for sun when all are one

I shall not betray

Calling at me

Im waiting when all are led astray

Carry on my sons forever

Carry on when I am gone

Carry on when the day is long

Forever carry on

For as long as were together

Then forever carry on

Darkness all around us

We dont close our eyes

No ones gonna ground us

We were burn to fly

Cominat us no stopping

Born to amplify

Carry on my sons forever

Carry on when I am gone

Carry on when the day is long

Forever carry on

For as long as were together

Then forever carry on

Yea,be my brother

Fight to stay alive

All the world cant change us

With all their burned-out jive

Come get us now were waiting

We wont run and hide

Carry on my sons forever

Carry on when I am gone

Carry on when the day is long

Forever carry on

For as long as were together

Then forever carry on

Now were all together

Lets sing a fighting song

One hundred thousand riders

We cant all be wrong

Cominat us no stopping

Always carry on

Carry on my sons forever

Carry on when I am gone

Carry on when the day is long

Forever carry on

For as long as were together

Then forever carry on

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A chi ama questa canzone.

Hasta Siempre Comandante Che Guevara


non è giusto io ho dovuto togliere hasta la victoria siempre dalla firma e tu mi fai questo..............wolf ti stimo pienamente


per chi si guarda intorno e si rende conto che le cose non vanno

punkreas toda la noche

Toda la noche borracho en la via

cerveza wishky y tambien la sangria

toda la nohe mezclando liquor

mas confusion meno dolor

toda la noche ruido de bombas

es mi cabeza o bien realitad?

la libertad es un arma apuntada

humanitad significa matar

Ma finirà come un temporale

come un acido che ha preso male

come un film di cui so già il finale

so che finirà come l'acqua che evapora al sole

come una cantilena che dice:

" non può esistere un mondo migliore!"

Todas las vacas la noche estan morenas

tu no distingues cadenas y libertad

tutti quei sogni comprati dai ricchi

y con tu vida che paghera

el presidente en militar parada

ha confundido fascismo y resistencia

lui disquisisce con saggia bonomia

e al resto pensa la polizia

Ma finirà come un temporale

come un acido che ha preso male

come un film di cui so già il finale

so che finirà come l'acqua che evapora al sole

come una cantilena che dice:

" non può esistere un mondo migliore!"

L'erba calpestata da stivali militari

diventa più forte mette le ali

caccia bombardieri si schiantano per terra

soldati dell'impero che disertano la guerra

e non è certo a nome mio che hai parlato

sventolando bandiere di partito

e non è certo a nome mio che hai sparato!

Ma finirà come un temporale

come un acido che ha preso male

come un film di cui so già il finale

so che finirà come l'acqua che evapora al sole

come una cantilena che dice:

" non può esistere un mondo migliore!"

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Un piccolo appunto su questa grande canzone..di un altrettanto grande band.

Se la cantate da ubriachi persi oltre a mantenere il suo ritmo ( forse..non me ne ricordo bene) si trasforma anche in una canzone divertente..:lol:



White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

Black man gotta lot a problems

But they don't mind throwing a brick

White people go to school

Where they teach you how to be thick

An' everybody's doing

Just what they're told to

An' nobody wants

To go to jail!

White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

All the power's in the hands

Of people rich enough to buy it

While we walk the street

Too chicken to even try it

Everybody's doing

Just what they're told to

Nobody wants

To go to jail!

White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

Are you taking over

or are you taking orders?

Are you going backwards

Or are you going forwards?

White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

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Te la dovevo, questa, zio. Te la dovevo.

Te la ricordi? Sì che te la ricordi.

E' stata colpa mia.

Hev fan con la Ju, hai la la mia fottu*a approvazione, e la mia benedizione, per quanto ve ne possa fregare.

City Of Angels - Distillers

Its going down tonight in this town

Cause they stare and growl

THey all stare and growl

I take a scar everytime i cry

Cause it aint my style no it aint my style

Going down to the gravel head to the barrel

Take this life and end this struggle

Los ANgeles come scam me please

Emptiness never sleeps at Cliftons 6 am

With your bag lady friend and your mind descending

Stripped of the right to be a human in control

Its warmer in hell so down we go

They say this is the city

The city of angels

All i see is dead wings

Its a ghost town rabid underworld

Dionysian night vitriolic twilight

A mirage comes up it never ends

Once you get burnt youre never the same

Left behind erased from time

AInt no decency in being boxed up alive

Look around aint no R.I.P. signs here

We dont rest in peace

We just disappear

So here we are Los Angeles

No angels singing in your valley of unease

I watch the sun roll down the pacific

Over hookered sunset strip

Theres a black moon tonight

Aint shining down on the western neon lights

They say this is the city

The city of angels

All i see is nothing

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dedicata alla (si spera) futura signora x,anche se al 99,999999% non la leggerà...

rhapsody of fire - il canto nel vento





Di canzoni dimenticate

dai tuoi occhi gia’ vissute

ora vivo e mi consolo... vivo...

Il mio tempo, nelle mani

nel tuo viso il mio tormento

il silenzio, il mio domani

ancorato ad un momento





Vissuti dolcemente

sogni di un’ eterna notte

ora bruciano traditi

dalle nostre memorie

Lacrime, lacrime di rabbia

nel mio cuore sempre accese

parlano, parlano le onde

di un porto ormai svanito





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