Lorien Inviata 1 Maggio 2012 Segnala Inviata 1 Maggio 2012 Salve...esiste qualche oggetto magico che il tuo compagno animale può indossare? se si in quale manuale? potreste darmi qualche suggerimento? in particolare avrei bisogno di oggetti alle caratteristiche, tipo qualcosa per alzare la costituzione (...e se alzo pure la CA non mi dispiace)
Idrahil Inviato 1 Maggio 2012 Segnala Inviato 1 Maggio 2012 Ti rimando al sito Wizard con le RULES OF THE GAME Animal Companions and Magic Items A great way to both protect your companion and perhaps give it some offensive power is to equip it with magic items. Consider purchasing items for your companion or just give it items you no longer need (such as your +1 ring of protection when you acquire a +2 ring of protection). Once you do so, however, you and your DM face a potentially difficult decision. Exactly which items can animals use? Since most magic items fit users of any size, the simple answer is this: pretty much any item. No animal companion can use an item that requires spell completion or spell knowledge because they are not spellcasters. Likewise animals cannot speak, so they can't use command word items. Animals also lack weapon proficiencies and prehensile appendages, so they cannot employ weapons, either. That leaves us with the following: potions (though you may have to open the potion vial and pour out the liquid), rings, and most items that can be worn or carried. Your DM may decide that your companion's body type simply does not allow some items to fit your companion. For example, you might persuade your DM to let your wolf wear boots, but don't count on your snake wearing boots. Creatures like owls and hawks may have a hard time with cloaks (since the garment interferes with their wings). Other than the exceptions noted here, all animals have locations for magic items similar to those noted for characters on page 214 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. For example, a quadruped uses its back feet for the "foot" location and its front feet for the "hand" location. The hind legs correspond to a humanoid's legs and the front legs correspond to a humanoid's arms. For avians, treat the feet and legs as hands and arms, and the wings as legs and feet. The creature can wear "leg" items on its wings or hind legs, but not both. A snake simply wears items over its head or body. In most cases, even if your companion can't use an item you've found, it should be possible to make (or have made) an item it can use. For example, you might fashion wing bands of speed for your owl's or hawk's wings, and they would work just like boots of speed for your companion. For an in-depth look at what items an animal can use or wear, check out Wild Life. Wild Life Animal Item Slots Although it's easy to imagine an animal benefiting from magic equipment beyond a simple saddle and a suit of barding, fitting a mount's physiology to the list of item slots available to characters is not an easy task. Try the following variant list of item slots for quadruped animals (and other monsters when appropriate). One skull cap or helm One pair of lenses or goggles One collar One saddle blanket or vest One saddle or jacket One belt or strap worn in front of or over the haunches One pectoral or harness worn over the chest or shoulders One pair foreleg bracers One pair of foreleg shoes or mitts -- hoofed creatures wear shoes and creatures with paws wear mitts Two rings -- creatures with toes wear rings on the toes and creatures with hooves wear "rings" just above fore hooves One pair of hind leg shoes or mitts -- hoofed creatures wear shoes and creatures with paws wear mitts In sostanza: può indossare gli stessi tuoi oggetti magici, se adatti alla sua anatomia. Anelli, cinture, stivali, mantelli, collane, elmi, lenti, bracciali... da concordare comunque con il DM.
Lorien Inviato 1 Maggio 2012 Autore Segnala Inviato 1 Maggio 2012 ok, però il mio master non so se me lo permette...non esiste nessun oggetto magico ufficiale per animali???
Idrahil Inviato 1 Maggio 2012 Segnala Inviato 1 Maggio 2012 Esistono equipaggiamenti "ufficiali" per umanoidi? Questa la mia domanda... dal momento che sul Magic item Compendium sta scritto: As a default rule, treat creatures of any shape as having all the normal body slots available. E se il tuo DM non si fida del sito della Wizard of the coast, nè del manuale degli oggetti magici per eccellenza, mostragli il Rules Compendium pagine 83-84 When a creature wants to use a magic item that has already been identified, the first consideration is whether that creature can use the item at all. To do so, the creature must usually have available body slots and be of appropriate size and shape. ... Most creatures have all the normal body slots available. ... Nonhumanoid Creatures Creatures that lack any clear shape have no body slots and can’t wear magic items at all. Armless Creatures: Creatures that have no forelimbs don’t have the arms, hands, or rings body slot—but see Multilegged Creatures, below. A creature that has only a single forelimb retains these body slots and can wear both items of a pair on the same limb. Fingerless Creatures: Creatures that lack fl exible digits or extremities lack the rings body slot. A creature need not be able to manipulate objects to wear rings. Headless Creatures: Creatures that do not have an identifi - able head lack the face, head, and throat body slots. Legless Creatures: Creatures that have no hind limbs don’t have the feet body slot. Multilegged Creatures: Creatures that have more than two legs can treat their foremost pair of limbs as their arms, allowing them access to the arms, hands, and rings body slots, even if those limbs are used for locomotion rather than for manipulation. Creatures that have arms as well as multiple legs lack no body slots. Come vedi è previsto "ufficialmente" che creature dalle forme bizzarre indossino tranquillamente oggetti magici... non sta scritto da NESSUNA parte che gli oggetti magici siano solo per umanoidi, solo è necessario lo slot corporeo adatto ad accogliere l'oggetto in questione! Accantonando la faccenda (se il tuo DM ancora non è convinto, possiamo solo sperare in un miracolo), esistono anche oggetti strettamente per NON umanoidi (ovvero che richiedono slot corporei che un umanoide di solito non possiede... tipo corna, code o zoccoli...) su diversi manuali: primo tra tutti Specie Selvagge (attenzione: manuale 3.0). Armi con pollice opponibile incluso, per renderle impugnabili da creature che ne sono prive, braccia e mani artificiali per serpenti (non è uno scherzo) che permettono di ottenere gli slot corporei relativi, lame e mazze da applicare sulla coda, fruste da applicare sulle chele o spade da tenere in bocca... e un orso non può indossare una collana??
shalafi Inviato 1 Maggio 2012 Segnala Inviato 1 Maggio 2012 il post di idrahil è già completissimo, ma vorrei ricordare anche "i signori delle terre selvagge" come altro eventuale manuale (anche se 3.0) con oggetti specifici per animali.
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