adrew Inviata 5 Maggio 2012 Segnala Inviata 5 Maggio 2012 ciao a tutti! Sto sviluppando una build da mago, basata sulle evocazioni e sui danni da fulmine. Il suddetto incantatore dovrebbe come prima cosa evocare i suoi bestioni, e successivamente controllare il gioco attraverso le sue magie che fanno danni da fulmine e, tramite mark of the storm, spostano i nemici per il campo dandoli in pasto alle creature che evoco. Siccome sono fuori casa, lunedì posto la mia build, intanto si accettano suggerimenti. Come paragon ho preso bonded summoner, e come razza umano per avere 3 at will... E per ora questi, insieme a mark of storm ed echoes of thunder, e un paio di talenti per difese e/o danni da fulmine, caratterizzano il mio pg
Amministratore Subumloc Inviato 5 Maggio 2012 Amministratore Segnala Inviato 5 Maggio 2012 [MOD] Ho rimosso il post di Shinsek perché, pur esaustivo, era scritto per la 3.5 In attesa della tua build, potresti dare un occhiata al materiale nuovo uscito su Heroes of Elemental Chaos.
adrew Inviato 7 Maggio 2012 Autore Segnala Inviato 7 Maggio 2012 ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== Summoner, level 30 Human, Wizard, Bonded Summoner, Archmage Build: Summoner Wizard Arcane Implement Mastery: Tome of Binding Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Lightning Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power Arcane Admixture Power: Summon Bonded Protector Archspell: Summon Balor Background: Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit) FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 10, Con 17, Dex 15, Int 28, Wis 16, Cha 12. STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 8, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10. AC: 44 Fort: 39 Reflex: 41 Will: 41 HP: 169 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 42 TRAINED SKILLS Nature +23, Arcana +36, Religion +33, History +33, Dungeoneering +23 UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics +17, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Endurance +18, Heal +18, Insight +18, Intimidate +16, Perception +18, Stealth +17, Streetwise +16, Thievery +17, Athletics +15 FEATS Wizard: Ritual Caster Human: Mark of Storm Level 1: Tome Expertise Level 2: Unarmored Agility Level 4: Toughness Level 6: Echoes of Thunder Level 8: Stubborn Survivor Level 10: Resilient Focus Level 11: Lightning Soul Level 12: Dual Implement Spellcaster Level 14: Destructive Wizardry Level 16: Superior Implement Training (Echo tome) Level 18: Careful Summoner Level 20: Arcane Admixture Level 21: Epic Fortitude Level 22: Quickened Spellcasting Level 24: Epic Will Level 26: Epic Resurgence Level 28: Arcane Mastery Level 30: Vengeful Summoner POWERS Arcanist Cantrips: Light Arcanist Cantrips: Mage Hand Arcanist Cantrips: Ghost Sound Arcanist Cantrips: Prestidigitation Bonus At-Will Power: Arc Lightning Tome of Striking Lightning +6: Elemental Maw Tome of Striking Lightning +6: Summon Djinn Stormcaller Wizard at-will 1: Storm Pillar Wizard at-will 1: Witch Bolt Wizard encounter 1: Empowering Lightning Wizard daily 1: Rolling Thunder Wizard daily 1 Spellbook: Phantom Chasm Wizard utility 2: Shield Wizard utility 2 Spellbook: Mystical Debris Wizard encounter 3: Shock Sphere Wizard daily 5: Web Wizard daily 5 Spellbook: Summon Abyssal Maw Wizard utility 6: Dispel Magic Wizard utility 6 Spellbook: Natural Terrain Understanding Wizard encounter 7: Lightning Bolt Wizard daily 9: Summon Succubus Wizard daily 9 Spellbook: Lightning Serpent Wizard utility 10: Arcane Gate Wizard utility 10 Spellbook: Mass Resistance Wizard encounter 13: Twisting Lightning (replaces Empowering Lightning) Wizard daily 15: Ball Lightning (replaces Rolling Thunder) Wizard daily 15 Spellbook: Summon Chainbearer Wizard utility 16: Cloud Form Wizard utility 16 Spellbook: Stoneskin Wizard encounter 17: Thunderous Transformation (replaces Shock Sphere) Wizard daily 19: Summon Couatl (replaces Web) Wizard daily 19 Spellbook: Evard's Ebon Bindings Wizard utility 22: Time Stop Wizard utility 22 Spellbook: Arcane Recall Wizard encounter 23: Thunderclap (replaces Lightning Bolt) Wizard daily 25: Summon Marilith (replaces Ball Lightning) Wizard daily 25 Spellbook: Necrotic Web Wizard encounter 27: Steal Time (replaces Twisting Lightning) Wizard daily 29: Summon Balor (replaces Summon Succubus) Wizard daily 29 Spellbook: Summon Living Mountain ITEMS Spellbook, Dawn Warrior Wyrmsilk Armor +6, Echo tome of Striking Lightning +6, Accurate staff of Defense +6, Ioun Stone of Intellect, Opal Ring of Remembrance (epic tier), Nullifying Ring (epic tier), Diamond Bracers (epic tier), Many-Fingered Gloves (paragon tier), Ring of Dimensional Escape (paragon tier), Boots of Teleportation (epic tier), Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness (epic tier), Eberron Shard of Lightning (epic tier), Far-Step Amulet +6 ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
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