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ciao a tutti! Sto sviluppando una build da mago, basata sulle evocazioni e sui danni da fulmine.

Il suddetto incantatore dovrebbe come prima cosa evocare i suoi bestioni, e successivamente controllare il gioco attraverso le sue magie che fanno danni da fulmine e, tramite mark of the storm, spostano i nemici per il campo dandoli in pasto alle creature che evoco.

Siccome sono fuori casa, lunedì posto la mia build, intanto si accettano suggerimenti.

Come paragon ho preso bonded summoner, e come razza umano per avere 3 at will... E per ora questi, insieme a mark of storm ed echoes of thunder, e un paio di talenti per difese e/o danni da fulmine, caratterizzano il mio pg

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[MOD] Ho rimosso il post di Shinsek perché, pur esaustivo, era scritto per la 3.5 ;)

In attesa della tua build, potresti dare un occhiata al materiale nuovo uscito su Heroes of Elemental Chaos.


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======

Summoner, level 30

Human, Wizard, Bonded Summoner, Archmage

Build: Summoner Wizard

Arcane Implement Mastery: Tome of Binding

Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Lightning

Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power

Arcane Admixture Power: Summon Bonded Protector

Archspell: Summon Balor

Background: Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)


Str 10, Con 17, Dex 15, Int 28, Wis 16, Cha 12.


Str 8, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10.

AC: 44 Fort: 39 Reflex: 41 Will: 41

HP: 169 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 42


Nature +23, Arcana +36, Religion +33, History +33, Dungeoneering +23


Acrobatics +17, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Endurance +18, Heal +18, Insight +18, Intimidate +16, Perception +18, Stealth +17, Streetwise +16, Thievery +17, Athletics +15


Wizard: Ritual Caster

Human: Mark of Storm

Level 1: Tome Expertise

Level 2: Unarmored Agility

Level 4: Toughness

Level 6: Echoes of Thunder

Level 8: Stubborn Survivor

Level 10: Resilient Focus

Level 11: Lightning Soul

Level 12: Dual Implement Spellcaster

Level 14: Destructive Wizardry

Level 16: Superior Implement Training (Echo tome)

Level 18: Careful Summoner

Level 20: Arcane Admixture

Level 21: Epic Fortitude

Level 22: Quickened Spellcasting

Level 24: Epic Will

Level 26: Epic Resurgence

Level 28: Arcane Mastery

Level 30: Vengeful Summoner


Arcanist Cantrips: Light

Arcanist Cantrips: Mage Hand

Arcanist Cantrips: Ghost Sound

Arcanist Cantrips: Prestidigitation

Bonus At-Will Power: Arc Lightning

Tome of Striking Lightning +6: Elemental Maw

Tome of Striking Lightning +6: Summon Djinn Stormcaller

Wizard at-will 1: Storm Pillar

Wizard at-will 1: Witch Bolt

Wizard encounter 1: Empowering Lightning

Wizard daily 1: Rolling Thunder

Wizard daily 1 Spellbook: Phantom Chasm

Wizard utility 2: Shield

Wizard utility 2 Spellbook: Mystical Debris

Wizard encounter 3: Shock Sphere

Wizard daily 5: Web

Wizard daily 5 Spellbook: Summon Abyssal Maw

Wizard utility 6: Dispel Magic

Wizard utility 6 Spellbook: Natural Terrain Understanding

Wizard encounter 7: Lightning Bolt

Wizard daily 9: Summon Succubus

Wizard daily 9 Spellbook: Lightning Serpent

Wizard utility 10: Arcane Gate

Wizard utility 10 Spellbook: Mass Resistance

Wizard encounter 13: Twisting Lightning (replaces Empowering Lightning)

Wizard daily 15: Ball Lightning (replaces Rolling Thunder)

Wizard daily 15 Spellbook: Summon Chainbearer

Wizard utility 16: Cloud Form

Wizard utility 16 Spellbook: Stoneskin

Wizard encounter 17: Thunderous Transformation (replaces Shock Sphere)

Wizard daily 19: Summon Couatl (replaces Web)

Wizard daily 19 Spellbook: Evard's Ebon Bindings

Wizard utility 22: Time Stop

Wizard utility 22 Spellbook: Arcane Recall

Wizard encounter 23: Thunderclap (replaces Lightning Bolt)

Wizard daily 25: Summon Marilith (replaces Ball Lightning)

Wizard daily 25 Spellbook: Necrotic Web

Wizard encounter 27: Steal Time (replaces Twisting Lightning)

Wizard daily 29: Summon Balor (replaces Summon Succubus)

Wizard daily 29 Spellbook: Summon Living Mountain


Spellbook, Dawn Warrior Wyrmsilk Armor +6, Echo tome of Striking Lightning +6, Accurate staff of Defense +6, Ioun Stone of Intellect, Opal Ring of Remembrance (epic tier), Nullifying Ring (epic tier), Diamond Bracers (epic tier), Many-Fingered Gloves (paragon tier), Ring of Dimensional Escape (paragon tier), Boots of Teleportation (epic tier), Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness (epic tier), Eberron Shard of Lightning (epic tier), Far-Step Amulet +6

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