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Potreste spiegarmi le meccaniche dell'attacco con lo sguardo del fantasma? Lo Sguardo Corruttore del fantasma funziona a bersaglio o tutte le creature nell'area (stesso dubbio riguardo alla medusa, il basilisco e simili). Riporto il testo:

Sguardo corruttore (Sop) : Il fantasma può flagellare le creature viventi con un semplice sguardo fino a una distanza di 9 metri . Le creature che incrociano lo sguardo del fantasma devono effettuare con successo un tiro salvezza sulla Tempra o subire 2d10 danni e

1d4 danni al Carisma .


Gaze Attacks

While the medusa’s gaze is well known, gaze attacks can also charm, curse, or even kill. Gaze attacks not produced by a spell are supernatural.

Each character within range of a gaze attack must attempt a saving throw (which can be a Fortitude or Will save) each round at the beginning of his turn.

An opponent can avert his eyes from the creature’s face, looking at the creature’s body, watching its shadow, or tracking the creature in a reflective surface. Each round, the opponent has a 50% chance of not having to make a saving throw. The creature with the gaze attack gains concealment relative to the opponent. An opponent can shut his eyes, turn his back on the creature, or wear a blindfold. In these cases, the opponent does not need to make a saving throw. The creature with the gaze attack gains total concealment relative to the opponent.

A creature with a gaze attack can actively attempt to use its gaze as an attack action. The creature simply chooses a target within range, and that opponent must attempt a saving throw. If the target has chosen to defend against the gaze as discussed above, the opponent gets a chance to avoid the saving throw (either 50% chance for averting eyes or 100% chance for shutting eyes). It is possible for an opponent to save against a creature’s gaze twice during the same round, once before its own action and once during the creature’s action.

Looking at the creature’s image (such as in a mirror or as part of an illusion) does not subject the viewer to a gaze attack.

A creature is immune to its own gaze attack.

If visibility is limited (by dim lighting, a fog, or the like) so that it results in concealment, there is a percentage chance equal to the normal miss chance for that degree of concealment that a character won’t need to make a saving throw in a given round. This chance is not cumulative with the chance for averting your eyes, but is rolled separately.

Invisible creatures cannot use gaze attacks. Gaze attacks can affect ethereal opponents.

Characters using darkvision in complete darkness are affected by a gaze attack normally.

Unless specified otherwise, a creature with a gaze attack can control its gaze attack and “turn it off ” when so desired. Allies of a creature with a gaze attack might be affected. All the creature’s allies are considered to be averting their eyes from the creature with the gaze attack, and have a 50% chance to not need to make a saving throw against the gaze attack each round.

Riassumendo: tutte le creature nell'area, all'inizio del loro round, devono fare il TS. Inoltre il possessore dell'attacco, nel suo round come azione di attacco, può dirigerlo attivamente verso un bersaglio (costringendolo ad un secondo TS). I bersagli, nel loro round, possono cercare attivamente di evitare di guardare l'avversario (il possessore dello sguardo guadagna occultamento rispetto a loro, e loro hanno il 50% di possibilità di non dover fare il TS), o chiudere gli occhi (il possessore dello sguardo guadagna occultamento totale rispetto a loro, e loro non devono fare il TS)

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