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Principali partecipanti

Giorni popolari

Principali partecipanti

Giorni popolari


RTFM! ;-)

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Such creatures are insubstantial and can’t be touched by nonmagical matter or energy.

Likewise, they cannot manipulate objects or exert physical force on objects.

Incorporeal creatures are present on the same plane as the characters, and characters have some chance to affect them.

Incorporeal creatures can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, by magic weapons, or by spells, spell-like effects, or supernatural effects.

They are immune to all nonmagical attack forms.

Even when struck by magic or magic weapons, an incorporeal creature has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source — except for a force effect or damage dealt by a ghost touch weapon.

Incorporeal creatures are immune to critical hits, extra damage from being favored enemies, and from sneak attacks.

They move in any direction (including up or down) at will.

Incorporeal creatures are inaudible unless they decide to make noise.

The physical attacks of incorporeal creatures ignore material armor, even magic armor, unless it is made of force (such as mage armor or bracers of armor) or has the ghost touch ability.

Incorporeal creatures cannot fall or take falling damage.

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