The Worst Of The Plagues Inviata 13 Aprile 2014 Segnala Inviata 13 Aprile 2014 Vi presento qualche conversione che ho trovato... sperando che qualcuno di voi possa aiutarmi a individuarne una che possa essere bilanciata e quindi definitiva; fatto questo lavorerò personalmente alla traduzione e la renderò utilizzabile per gli utenti del forum! Conversione 1, by Wraithstrike Spoiler: I am only posting what I would change. Other than that go by the official writeup. Spoiler: BAB 3/4 instead of 1/2 Spoiler: Charnel Touch: 1d8 at first level, and increase by 1d8 at every odd level. Can be used as swift action if used to heal the DreadNecromancer. Will save to resist. The save is CHA based. This ability is usable a number of time per day equal to 3+Cha modifier. Rebuke Undead: The Dread necromancer gains the command undead and turn undead feats as bonus feats. Dread Necromancers can not channel they but the radius of the effect is still 30 feet with the Dread Necromancer at the center of the affect. Negative Energy Burst: This is a special version of channel energy and therefore the dread necromancer can use it as a prereq in whenever channel energy is called for. The Dread Necromancer can emits a burst of negative energy equal to 1d4 per class level. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + Cha modifi er) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within this burst are healed the same amount of hit points as the damage she deals to living creatures. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + cha modifier. Note: This ability can never be use to emit positive energy even if a feat or class feature from another source would normally allow for channel energy to do so. Advanced Learning (Ex): A dread necromancer can add a new spell to her list, representing the result of personal study and experimentation.Knowing that some creatures are highly resistant to the art of necromancy, and the foolishness of only relying on one school of magic the Dread Necromancer occasionally learns other spells to augment her repertoire. At 2nd level and every even level thereafter the dread necromancer may choose a spell from the wizard/sorcerer or cleric list and of a level no higher than that of the highest-level spell the dread necromancer already knows. Once a new spell is selected, it is added to that dread necromancer’s spell list and can be cast just like any other spell she knows. DREAD NECROMANCER SPELL LIST I would allow them to know all necromancy spells on the cleric and wizard/sorcerer list upon leveling up that are available. If a spell is on both list but at different levels then I would say they gain access at the lower level. They are already restricted to necromancy magic for the most part so this should not unbalance anything.
The Worst Of The Plagues Inviato 13 Aprile 2014 Autore Segnala Inviato 13 Aprile 2014 Conversione 2, by Nonmiricordoilnick PAG.11 Conversione 3, by Smilodan Spoiler: DREAD NECROMANCER BAB: +1/2 Good Saves: Will Hit Dice: 1d6 Class Skills: Bluff, Craft, Disguise, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge arcana, Knowledge history, Knowledge planes, Knowledge religion, Linguistics, Profession, Ride, Spellcraft, Stealth, Use Magic Device. Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier Dread Necromancers are proficient in all simple weapons and 1 martial weapon. The dread necromancer selects the martial weapon at 1st level and cannot change this selection. Dread Necromancers are proficient in all light armor, but not shields. Dread Necromancers do not suffer the normal arcane spell failure for casting spells from the dread necromancer spell list while wearing light armor. LEVEL ABILITY 1. Cantrips, Channel Energy 1d6, Charnel Touch, Detect Undead, Dread Bond 2. Bonus Feat, Dread Power, Dread Scion 3. Advanced Learning 1,Channel Energy 2d6 4. Dread Legacy, Dread Power 5. Advanced Learning 2, Channel Energy 3d6 6. Bonus Feat, Dread Power 7. Advanced Learning 3, Channel Energy 4d6 8. Dread Legacy, Dread Power, Improved Dread Powers 9. Advanced Learning 4, Channel Energy 5d6 10. Bonus Feat, Dread Power 11. Advanced Learning 5, Channel Energy 6d6 12. Dread Legacy, Dread Power 13. Advanced Learning 6, Channel Energy 7d6 14. Bonus Feat, Dread Power, Greater Dread Powers 15. Advanced Learning 7, Channel Energy 8d6 16. Dread Legacy, Dread Power 17. Advanced Learning 8, Channel Energy 9d6 18. Bonus Feat, Dread Power 19. Advanced Learning 9, Channel Energy 10d6 20. Dread Power, Ultimate Dread Power, Undead Apotheosis Spellcasting: A dread necromancer casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the dread necromancer’s spell list (see the appendix at the end). Like a sorcerer, she can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. When a dread necromancer gains access to a new level of spells, she automatically knows all the spells for that level given on the dread necromancer’s spell list. Dread necromancers also have the option of adding to their existing spell list through their advanced learning ability as they increase in level (see below). To cast a spell, a dread necromancer must have a Charisma score of 10 + the spell’s level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a dread necromancer’s spell is 10 + the spell’s level + her Charisma modifier. Like other spellcasters, a dread necromancer can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is the same as a sorcerer‘s of her level. In addition, she receives bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Channel Energy (Su): Regardless of alignment, any dread necromancer can release a wave of negative energy by channeling the power of undeath through her body. A dread necromancer channels negative energy and can choose to deal damage to living creatures or to heal undead creatures. Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the dread necromancer. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two dread necromancer levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the dread necromancer's level + the dread necromancer's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A dread necromancer may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A dread necromancer can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. Charnel Touch (Su): Negative energy flows through a dread necromancer’s body, concentrating in her hands. A number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier, a dread necromancer can make a touch attack that causes 1d8 points of damage + half her dread necromancer level to living creatures. The dread necromancer can also use this ability to heal undead of a like amount. A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand spell to deliver this effect from a distance. Detect Undead (Sp): The dread necromancer can use detect undead at will. Dread Bond (Su): Dread necromancers form a powerful bond with one of two kinds of undead servants. This bond can take one of two forms: a familiar or a guardian spirit. A familiar is a magical pet that enhances the dread necromancer's skills and senses and can aid him in magic, while a guardian spirit is a creature that can defend the dread necromancer in combat. Once a dread necromancer makes this choice, it is permanent and cannot be changed. If the dread necromancer selects the familiar option, she uses her dread necromancer level as her equivalent wizard level, and uses all the standard rules for familiars, save the dread necromancer’s familiar has either the skeleton or zombie template, but retains its Intelligence score. If the dread necromancer selects the guardian spirit , she gains the service of a Small or Medium sized skeleton or zombie. Unlike a normal skeleton or zombie, this undead’s alignment matches that of the dread necromancer. The guardian spirit receives a +4 bonus on Will saves made to halve the damage from positive channeled energy and the guardian spirit cannot be turned or commanded. The guardian spirit has a number of hit points equal to half the dread necromancer’s total. The guardian spirit uses the dread necromancer's base attack bonus and base save bonuses. The guardian spirit is proficient in all simple weapons and light armor. Even though these undead remain mindless, they gain a bonus feat at 3rd feat and every 2 feats beyond 3rd. These bonus feats must be selected from the following list of feats; the guardian spirit must meet the requirements of the selected feat: Blind-Fight, Bodyguard, Combat Reflexes, Deepsight, Dodge, Eldritch Claws, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Fleet, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Vital Strike, In Harm’s Way, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Missile Shield, Rending Claws, Shield Focus, Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus, Toughness, Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, or any Teamwork Feat. Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the dread necromancer gains one of the following feats; the dread necromancer must meet any requirements of the selected feat. Channel Smite, Channeled Shield Wall, Command Undead, Extra Channel, Greater Channel Smite, Greater Spell Focus necromancy, Improved Channel, Necromantic Affinity, Quick Channel, Selective Channel, Sin Seer, Skeleton Summoner, Spell Focus necromancy, Turn Undead. Dread Power (Ex, Sp, or Su): At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the dread necromancer gains one of the following abilities. Dread Powers: Blood Bound Tactics (Ex): The dread necromancer and her guardian spirit are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as each other, but only when using each other as the other qualifying member of the teamwork feat. Of course, the dread necromancer and her guardian spirit can use any teamwork feat they know with other allies that also possess the same teamwork feat, as normal. Charnel Ray (Su): The dread necromancer can use her charnel touch ability as a ray, making a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet. Dread Aura (Su): As a swift action, a dread necromancer can radiate an aura of fear that targets all adjacent enemies. Enemies in the area must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Cha modifier) or become shaken until they are no longer adjacent to the dread necromancer. A creature who successfully saves cannot be affected by that dread necromancer’s fear aura for 24 hours. Eyes of the Dead (Su): The dread necromancer gains darkvision 60 feet (or increases any existing darkvision by 60 feet) and gains the ability to use deathwatch at will as an always active supernatural ability. Ghastly Minion (Su): The dread necromancer may add the bloody skeleton, burning skeleton, fast zombie, or plague zombie template to her guardian spirit. Light Fortification (Ex): The dread necromancer gains 25% resistance to critical hits; this is the equivalent of the light fortification armor special ability. Hungry Grave (Ex): The dread necromancer adds the following spells to her list of spells known; she must still be of the appropriate level to cast the spell: acid pit, create pit, expeditious excavation, hungry pit, imprisonment, meld into stone, move earth, passwall, spiked pit. Mental Bastion (Ex): The dread necromancer gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made against all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level, and +6 at 14th level. Physical Bastion (Ex): The dread necromancer gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made against bleed, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level, and +6 at 14th level. Potent Channeling (Su): The dread necromancer adds her Charisma modifier to the amount of damage cured or inflicted when she channels negative energy. She reduces the channel resistance (if any) of her target by an amount equal to her Charisma modifier. Scabrous Touch (Su): Once per day a dread necromancer can use her charnel touch to inflict disease on a creature she touches. This ability works like the contagion spell inflicting the disease of her choice immediately, with no incubation period, unless the target makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Cha modifier). The DC for subsequent saving throws to resist the effects of the disease depends on the disease inflicted. Activating this class feature is a swift action. The effect lasts until the dread necromancer makes a successful charnel touch attack. The spectral hand spell enables a dread necromancer to deliver a scabrous touch attack from a distance. At 8th level, the dread necromancer can use this ability 2 times a day. At 14th level, she can use this ability 3 times per day. Shaped Channeling (Su): The dread necromancer can choose to channel energy in a cone with a range of 60 feet or as a line with a range of 120 feet. Summon Spirits of the Damned (Ex): The dread necromancer adds the spells Summon Monster I through Summon Monster IX to her list of spells. The dread necromancer must select this dread power at the same time she selects Skeleton Summoner as a bonus feat, and the dread necromancer must also have Spell Focus necromancy before selecting this dread power. Every time she casts any summon monster spell, she must apply the skeleton template to the creature or creatures she summons and cannot summon a creature that does not qualify for the skeleton template; this overrides the 1 per day limit of the Skeleton Summoner feat. Undead Physique (Ex): The dread necromancer reacts to positive and negative energy as if she were undead. Negative energy heals her and positive energy heals her. Dread Scion (Ex): At 2nd level, the dread necromancer selects one of the following undead: ghost, lich, or vampire. They gain a +2 profane bonus on Charisma checks against the selected form of undead. This selection of undead form also determines what kind of undead legacy powers she can select, and what kind of undead she will turn into upon reaching her undead apotheosis at 20th level. Advanced Learning (Ex): At 3rd level, a dread necromancer can add a new spell to her list, representing the result of personal study and experimentation. The spell must be a cleric/oracle, druid, sorcerer/wizard, or witch spell of the necromancy school, and of a level no higher than that of the highest-level spell the dread necromancer already knows. Once a new spell is selected, it is added to that dread necromancer’s spell list and can be cast just like any other spell she knows. If a spell is on multiple spell lists, use the lower of the spell levels (when different) to determine what level the spell is for a dread necromancer. The dread necromancer gains an additional spell at 5th level and every 2 levels thereafter. Dread Legacy (Ex, Sp, or Su): At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the dread necromancer’s ties to her eventual undead form strengthens. She selects one of the following abilities at 4th level and one additional ability every 4 levels thereafter. She must meet the requirements of the selected dread legacy. The save DC of any Dread Legacy ability is 10 + ½ the dread necromancer’s level + her Charisma modifier. Ghostly Dread Legacy: The Ghostly Dread Legacy abilities are as follows: Corrupting Gaze (Su): The dread necromancer has a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet that causes 2d10 damage and 1d4 Charisma damage (Fortitude save negates Charisma damage but not physical damage). The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her level. Draining Touch (Su): The dread necromancer gains a touch attack that drains 1d4 points from any one ability score it selects on a hit. On each such successful attack, the dread necromancer heals 5 points of damage. The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her level. The dread necromancer must be at least 8th level to select this ability. Frightful Moan (Su): The dread necromancer can emit a frightful moan as a standard action. All living creatures within a 30-foot spread must succeed on a Will save or become panicked for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic mind-affecting fear effect. A creature that successfully saves against the moan cannot be affected by the same dread necromancer's moan for 24 hours. The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her level. The dread necromancer must be at least 8th level to select this ability. Ghost Hunter (Su): Any weapon the dread necromancer wields gains the ghost touch special ability. It loses this ability 1 round after it leaves the dread necromancer’s hands. Ghost Touch (Su): Any armor the dread necromancer wears gains the ghost touch special ability. The dread necromancer must be at least 8th level and have the Ghost Hunter ability before selecting this ability. Incorporeal Jaunt (Su): As a swift action, the dread necromancer can become incorporeal. The dread necromancer can remain incorporeal for a number of minutes equal to her level; these minutes do not need to be consecutive but must be used in 1 minute increments. The dread necromancer must be at least 12th level and have the Incorporeal Moment and Incorporeal Movement abilities before selecting this ability. Incorporeal Moment (Su): As an immediate action, the dread necromancer can become incorporeal for 1 round. If this is done in response to an attack or effect, there is a 50% chance the attack or effect does not affect the dread necromancer, unless the attack or effect is a force effect. The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her level. The dread necromancer must be at least 8th level and have the Incorporeal Movement ability before selecting this ability. Incorporeal Movement (Su): The dread necromancer learns to move with alacrity. Any attack of opportunity she provokes suffers a 50% miss chance. Malevolence (Su): Once per round, the dread necromancer can merge its body with a creature on the Material Plane. This ability is similar to a magic jar spell, except that it does not require a receptacle. To use this ability, the dread necromancer must be adjacent to the target. The target can resist the attack with a successful Will save. A creature that successfully saves is immune to that same ghost's malevolence for 24 hours. The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her level. The dread necromancer must be at least 8th level to select this ability. Shroud of Spirits (Su): The dread necromancer gains a +1 deflection bonus to her AC for every 4 levels she has (+1 at 4th, +2 at 8th, etc.). Telekinesis (Sp): The dread necromancer can use telekinesis as a standard action once every 1d4 rounds. The dread necromancer must be at least 12th level to select this ability. Lichdom Dread Legacy: The Lichdom Dread Legacy abilities are as follows: Bony Armor (Ex): The dread necromancer gains a +1 natural armor bonus. This bonus increases by +1 at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter. Devour Magic (Su): The dread necromancer gains the ability to deliver a targeted greater dispel magic with her touch. She gains 5 temporary hit points for each spell level dispelled by this touch. For example, if she successfully dispels a wall of ice, she gains 20 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points fade after 1 minute and do not stack with other temporary hit points. If she devours a new spell, she can replace the old temporary hit points with the ones gained from the more recent spell, thus resetting the duration. She cannot devour her own spells. The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her level. The dread necromancer must have the Magic of the Grave ability and be at least 12th level before selecting this ability. Fear Aura (Su): Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot radius that look at the dread necromancer must succeed on a Will save or become frightened. Creatures with 5 HD or more must succeed at a Will save or be shaken for a number of rounds equal to the dread necromancer's level. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the dread necromancer’s fear aura for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The dread necromancer must be at least 8th level to select this ability. Inevitable Magic (Ex): The dread necromancer adds her Charisma modifier to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. The dread necromancer may roll twice on caster level checks and choose the higher result. The dread necromancer must be at least 12th level and have the Magic of the Grave ability before selecting this ability Magic of the Grave (Ex): The dread necromancer selects one of the following spell lists: cleric/oracle, druid, sorcerer/wizard, or witch. The dread necromancer can take 10 on Use Magic Device skill checks when using an item of the selected spell list. The dread necromancer may select this Dread Legacy multiple times; each time it applies to a different spell list. Magician of the Grave (Ex): The dread necromancer selects a number of spells equal to her Charisma modifier from the spell list she selected for her Magic of the Grave ability and adds them to her spell list. These spells are added to her spell list at the same level as they appear on their original spell list; the dread necromancer may select spells of a higher level than she can cast, but does not gain the ability to cast them until she is high enough level to do so. This Dread Legacy may be selected multiple times; each time it applies to different spells. The dread necromancer must be at least 8th level and have the Magic of the Grave ability before selecting this ability. Paralyzing Touch (Su): The dread necromancer gains a touch attack that paralyzes any living creature she hits for 1 hour per level unless it makes a successful Fortitude save. Remove paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim (see the bestow curse spell description, with a DC equal to the dread necromancer's save DC). The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed by the dread necromancer seems dead, though a DC 20 Perception check or a DC 15 Heal check reveals that the victim is still alive. The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her level. The dread necromancer must be at least 12th level to select this ability. Storm’s Embrace (Ex): The dread necromancer gains electricity resistance 5. At 8th level, this improves to electricity resistance 10. At 12th level, this becomes electricity resistance 20. At 16th level, it becomes electricity resistance 30. Unbreakable Bones (Ex): The dread necromancer gains DR 2/bludgeoning. At 8th level, this improves to DR 5/bludgeoning. At 12th level, this improves to DR 5/bludgeoning and magic. At 16th level, this improves to DR 10/bludgeoning and magic. Winter’s Embrace (Ex): The dread necromancer gains cold resistance 5. At 8th level, this improves to cold resistance 10. At 12th level, this becomes cold resistance 20. At 16th level, it becomes cold resistance 30.
The Worst Of The Plagues Inviato 13 Aprile 2014 Autore Segnala Inviato 13 Aprile 2014 Conversione 3, Parte 2 by Smilodan Spoiler: Vampiric Dread Legacy: The Vampiric Dread Legacy abilities are as follows: Aegis of the Blood (Ex): The dread necromancer gains DR 2/magic. At 8th level, this improves to DR 5/magic. At 12th level, this improves to DR 5/magic and silver. At 16th level, this improves to DR 10/magic and silver. Armor of the Blood (Ex): The dread necromancer gains a +1 natural armor bonus. This bonus increases by +1 at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter. Bat Swarm (Su): When the dread necromancer uses this ability, she becomes a swarm of Diminutive, bat-like shadows that fills two 10-foot squares (or eight contiguous 5-foot squares, shapeable as she desires). The dread necromancer can remain in this form for a number of hours per day equal to half her class level; these hours do not need to be consecutive, but they must be used in 1 hour increments. In this swarm-like form, she gains the following characteristics and traits. —Abilities: Her Strength score drops to 1, but her Dexterity score increases by 6. —Armor Class: She loses any natural armor or armor bonuses to Armor Class. She gains a +4 size bonus to AC, and a deflection bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier. —Movement: She gains a fly speed of 40 feet with perfect maneuverability. She can pass through openings a Diminutive creature could pass through. —Swarm Traits: She is not subject to critical hits or flanking, and she is immune to weapon damage. She cannot be tripped, grappled, or bull rushed, and she cannot grapple an opponent. She is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures, except for mind-affecting spells and abilities. She takes half again as much damage (+50%) from spells or effects that affect an area. Unlike other swarms of Diminutive creatures, she is not vulnerable to wind effects. If reduced to 0 hit points or less, or rendered unconscious by non-lethal damage, she instantly returns to her normal form in a square of her choice that was formerly covered by the swarm. —Swarm Attack: She gains a swarm attack that deals 4d6 points of damage to any creature whose space she occupies at the end of her turn. Her swarm attack strikes as a silver magic weapon. —Distraction: Any living creature vulnerable to her swarm attack that begins its turn in a square occupied by her swarm must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of her swarm requires a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level). —Possessions: All of her worn or carried equipment and items become nonfunctional, absorbed into her new form. She can take only move actions while under the effect of bat swarm. She may return to her normal form as a move action. The dread necromancer must have the Mist of the Vampire ability and be at least 16th level to select this ability. Blood Drain (Su): The dread necromancer can suck blood from a grappled opponent; if the dread necromancer establishes or maintains a pin, she drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage. The dread necromancer heals 5 hit points or gains 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour (up to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its full normal hit points) each round she drains blood. The dread necromancer must be at least 8th level and have the Embrace of the Vampire ability to select this ability. Charming Gaze (Su): The dread necromancer can entice or seduce a humanoid opponent as a standard action. Anyone the dread necromancer targets must succeed on a Will save or fall instantly under the vampire's influence, as though by a charm person spell. The ability has a range of 30 feet. The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her level, but can only maintain a number of charmed humanoids equal to her Charisma modifier. Children of the Night (Su): Once per day, a dread necromancer can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or 2d6 wolves as a standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the dread necromancer for up to 1 hour. Dominate (Su): The dread necromancer can crush a humanoid opponent's will as a standard action. Anyone the dread necromancer targets must succeed on a Will save or fall instantly under the vampire's influence, as though by a dominate person spell. The ability has a range of 30 feet. The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her class level, but can only maintain a number of charmed humanoids equal to her Charisma modifier. The dread necromancer must be at least 12th level and have the Charming Gaze ability before selecting this ability. Dominate Monster (Su): The dread necromancer can crush an opponent's will as a standard action. Anyone the dread necromancer targets must succeed on a Will save or fall instantly under the vampire's influence, as though by a dominate monster spell. The ability has a range of 30 feet. The dread necromancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her class level, but can only maintain a number of dominated creatures equal to her Charisma modifier. The dread necromancer must be at least 16th level and have the Charming Gaze and Dominate abilities before selecting this ability. Embrace of the Vampire (Ex): The dread vampire gains a slam attack for 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if she is Small). She may initiate a grapple check against a creature her size or smaller she slams as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity, using her caster level + Charisma modifier in place of her normal CMB for this grapple check. Energy Drain (Su): Anyone hit by the dread necromancer’s slam (or other natural weapon) gains two negative levels. This ability only triggers once per round, regardless of the number of attacks a dread necromancer makes. The dread necromancer must be at least 12th level and have the Embrace of the Vampire ability before selecting this ability. Heart of Blood (Su): The dread necromancer gains fast healing 1 whenever her hit point total falls below half her normal maximum. This improves to fast healing 2 at 8th level, fast healing 3 at 12th level, and fast healing 4 at 16th level. Mist of the Vampire (Su): The dread necromancer gains the ability to assume gaseous form as an immediate action, and return to her normal form as a move action. The dread necromancer can remain in gaseous form for a number of minutes per day equal to her level; these minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be used in 1 minute increments. The dread necromancer must be at least 8th level to select this ability. Spider Climb (Su): The dread necromancer can use spider climb at will, with a climb speed equal to her base land speed. Stalker of the Winter’s Storm (Ex): The dread necromancer gains cold resistance 10 and electricity resistance 10. Vampire Hunter (Ex): When wielding a wooden stake, the dread necromancer increases its base damage by 1 size category, grants the wooden stake the undead bane special weapon property, overcomes any damage reduction a vampire may have, and increases its threat range to 18-20/x3 against vampires. The dread necromancer can perform a coup de grace against a vampire as a standard action. Improved Dread Powers (Ex, Sp, or Su): Beginning at 8th level, the dread necromancer may select one of the following improved dread powers in place of a regular dread power. Improved Dread Powers: Advanced Minion (Su): The dread necromancer adds the advanced template to her guardian spirit. Giant Minion (Su): The dread necromancer adds the Giant template to her guardian spirit. Improved Channeling (Su): When the dread necromancer channels energy, the size of her channel energy dice increases from d6s to d8s. Improved Dread Aura (Su): As a swift action, a dread necromancer can radiate an aura of fear that targets all enemies within 10 feet of her. Enemies in the area must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Cha modifier) or become frightened until they are no longer adjacent to the dread necromancer, and for 1d6 rounds thereafter. A creature that successfully saves is still shaken for 1 round. A creature who successfully saves cannot be affected by that dread necromancer’s fear aura for 24 hours. The dread necromancer must have Dread Aura dread power before selecting this improved dread power. Improved Summon Spirits of the Damned (Ex): The dread necromancer adds the following spells to her list of spells known; she must still be of the appropriate level to cast the spell: dimensional anchor, greater planar binding, lesser planar binding, magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, planar binding, protection from chaos/evil/good/law. Improved Undead Physique (Ex): The dread necromancer may apply her Charisma modifier in place of her Constitution modifier when affecting her hit point total and Fortitude saves. Medium Armored Casting (Ex): The dread necromancer gains Medium Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat and may cast arcane spells from the dread necromancer spell list without suffering from Arcane Spell Failure. Medium Fortification: A dread necromancer gains 50% resistance to critical hits; this is the equivalent of the medium fortification armor special ability. The dread necromancer must have the Light Fortification dread power before selecting this improved dread power. Negative Energy Resistance: a dread necromancer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made to resist negative energy effects, including energy drain, some ability drain, and inflict spells. Summon Shadow (Su): The dread necromancer can choose to replace his guardian spirit skeleton or zombie with a shadow, an undead shade. Unlike a normal shadow, this shadow's alignment matches that of the dread necromancer, and the creature cannot create spawn. The summoned shadow receives a +4 bonus on Will saves made to halve the damage from positive channeled energy and the shadow cannot be turned or commanded. This shadow serves as a companion to the dread necromancer and can communicate intelligibly with the dread necromancer. This shadow has a number of hit points equal to half the dread necromancer’s total. The shadow uses the dread necromancer's base attack bonus and base save bonuses. Undead Mastery: All undead creatures created by the dread necromancer gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity and 2 additional hit points per Hit Die. In addition, when a dread necromancer uses the animate dead spell to create undead, she can control 4 + her Charisma bonus HD worth of undead creatures per class level (rather than the 4 HD per level normally granted by the spell). Similarly, when a dread necromancer casts the control undead spell, the spell targets up to (2 + her Cha bonus) HD/level of undead creatures, rather than the 2 HD/level normally granted by the spell. Venomous Touch (Su): Once per day a dread necromancer can use her charnel touch to inflict poison on a creature she touches. This ability works like the poison spell, unless the target makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Cha modifier). Activating this class feature is a swift action. The effect lasts until the dread necromancer makes a successful charnel touch attack. The spectral hand spell enables a dread necromancer to deliver a venomous touch attack from a distance. At 12th level, the dread necromancer can use this ability twice per day. At 16th level, she can use this ability three times per day. The dread necromancer must have the Scabrous Touch dread power before selecting this dread power. Greater Dread Powers (Ex, Sp, or Su): Beginning at 14th level, the dread necromancer may select one of the following greater dread powers in place of a regular dread power. Greater Dread Powers: Animated Slaughter (Su): Whenever the dread necromancer slays a living creature with a spell from the necromancy school, it rises up as a skeleton or zombie (dread necromancer’s choice) for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell that killed the living creature. Enervating Touch (Su): The dread necromancer gains the ability to bestow negative levels when she uses her charnel touch attack. Each day, she can bestow a total number of negative levels equal to her class level, but no more than two negative levels with a single touch. The saving throw to remove the negative levels has a DC of 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Charisma modifier. Activating this class feature is a swift action. The effect lasts until she makes a successful charnel touch attack. A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand spell to deliver this attack from a distance. The dread necromancer must have the Scabrous Touch and Venomous Touch dread powers before selecting this greater dread power. Greater Channeling (Su): When the dread necromancer channels energy, the size of her channel energy dice increases from d8s to d10s. The dread necromancer must have the Improved Channeling dread power before selecting this dread power. Greater Dread Aura (Su): As a swift action, a dread necromancer can radiate an aura of fear that targets all enemies within 20 feet of her. Enemies in the area must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Cha modifier) or become panicked until they are no longer adjacent to the dread necromancer, and for 2d6 rounds thereafter. A creature that successfully saves is still shaken for 1 round. A creature who successfully saves cannot be affected by that dread necromancer’s dread aura for 24 hours. The dread necromancer must have the Dread Aura and Improved Dread Aura dread powers before selecting this greater dread power. Greater Undead Mastery: All undead creatures created by the dread necromancer gain a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity and 3 additional hit points per Hit Die. In addition, when a dread necromancer uses the animate dead spell to create undead, she can control 6 + her Charisma bonus HD worth of undead creatures per class level (rather than the 4 HD per level normally granted by the spell). Similarly, when a dread necromancer casts the control undead spell, the spell targets up to (4 + her Cha bonus) HD/level of undead creatures, rather than the 2 HD/level normally granted by the spell. The dread necromancer must have the Undead Mastery dread power before selecting this greater dread power. Greater Undead Physique (Ex): The dread necromancer does not need to breathe, eat, or sleep. She must still rest 8 hours to regain her spells. The dread necromancer must have Undead Physique and Improved Undead Physique dread powers before selecting this greater dread power. Heavy Armored Casting (Ex): The dread necromancer gains Heavy Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat and may cast arcane spells from the dread necromancer spell list without suffering from Arcane Spell Failure. The dread necromancer must have the Medium Armored Casting dread power before selecting this greater dread power. Heavy Fortification: A dread necromancer gains 75% resistance to critical hits; this is the equivalent of the heavy fortification armor special ability. The dread necromancer must have the Light Fortification and Medium Fortification dread powers before selecting this greater dread power. Ultimate Dread Power: At 20th level, the dread necromancer gains one of the following ultimate powers. Ultimate Dread Powers: Army of the Dead (Sp): Once per month, the dread necromancer can animate all corpses in a 1 mile radius. The dread necromancer can control these undead for a number of days equal to half her Charisma modifier. Heart of Darkness (Sp): Once per day, the dread necromancer can summon an orb of negative energy as a standard action. This effect is similar to the orb of the void spell, except it causes 2d4 negative levels per hit. Oblivion (Sp): Once per day, the dread necromancer can destroy the soul of a dead creature that she touches; the dead body is allowed a Will save to avoid this fate. A creature with a destroyed soul cannot be brought back from the dead by any means other than the direct intervention of a deity. Positive Energy Resistance (Ex): The dread necromancer gains positive energy resistance 30. Rot (Su): Once per day, the dread necromancer can make a touch attack that does 1d6 points of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution drain for a number of rounds equal to the dread necromancer’s Charisma modifier. After the initial round, the target is allowed a Fortitude save each round to prevent further damage. Ultimate Channeling (Su): When the dread necromancer channels energy, the size of her channel energy dice increases from d10s to d12s. Alternatively, she can choose to roll 20d6 when she channels energy. The dread necromancer must have the Improved Channeling and Greater Channeling dread powers before selecting this dread power. Ultimate Undead Mastery (Su): All undead creatures created by the dread necromancer gain a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity and 4 additional hit points per Hit Die and maximum hit points. In addition, when a dread necromancer uses the animate dead spell to create undead, she can control 8 + her Charisma bonus HD worth of undead creatures per class level (rather than the 4 HD per level normally granted by the spell). Similarly, when a dread necromancer casts the control undead spell, the spell targets up to (6 + her Cha bonus) HD/level of undead creatures, rather than the 2 HD/level normally granted by the spell. The dread necromancer must have the Undead Mastery and Greater Undead Mastery dread powers before selecting this ultimate dread power. Vampiric Drain (Su): Once per day, the dread necromancer can make a touch attack that does 2d6 points of ability drain; the dread necromancer chooses which kind of ability drain at the time she uses this ability. The target gets a Fortitude save for half damage. The dread necromancer adds the amount of the ability drained from her target to her own ability score; this temporary increase to her ability score lasts for 1 hour. Undead Apotheosis (Ex): At 20th level, the dread necromancer achieves the pinnacle of her power. She becomes undead, taking on the form of a ghost, lich, or vampire, as determined by her undead legacy. She applies the template named for her undead scion: ghost, lich, or vampire. DREAD NECROMANCER’S SPELL LIST Spell List: 0 Level: arcane mark, bleed, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, ghost sound, read magic, touch of fatigue 1st Level: Bane, cause fear, chill touch, corrosive touch, detect undead, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds, ray of enfeeblement, ray of sickening, touch of gracelessness, undetectable alignment 2nd Level: Blindness/deafness, command undead, create treasure map, darkness, death knell, dust of twilight, false life, frigid touch, gentle repose, ghostly disguise, ghoul touch, inflict moderate wounds, pernicious poison, scare, spectral hand, summon swarm, 3rd Level: Animate dead, contagion, crushing despair, death ward, halt undead, inflict serious wounds, poison, ray of exhaustion, speak with dead, stinking cloud, undead anatomy I, vampiric touch 4th Level: bestow curse, black tentacles, death ward, dispel magic, enervation, greater false life, fear, fleshworm infestation, giant vermin, inflict critical wounds, phantasmal killer, shadow form, touch of slime 5th Level: Baleful polymorph, blight, cloudkill, insect plague, magic jar, mass inflict light wounds, nightmare, slay living, suffocation, undead anatomy II, undeath to death, unhallow, waves of fatigue 6th Level: Acid fog, circle of death, greater contagion, create undead, eyebite, geas/quest, harm, mass inflict moderate wounds, major curse, plague storm, temporary resurrection, undead anatomy III, unwilling shield, waves of exhaustion 7th Level: Control undead, destruction, expend, finger of death, mass inflict serious wounds, phantasmal revenge, song of discord, 8th Level: Clone, create greater undead, frightful aspect, horrid wilting, mass inflict critical wounds, orb of the void, symbol of death, trap the soul, undead anatomy IV 9th Level: Cursed earth, energy drain, power word kill, mass suffocation, soul bind, wail of the banshee, weird Conversione 3, Parte 3, by Smilodan Spoiler: Additional Dread Powers:Dread Army (Su): The dread necromancer can spend 1 daily use of her channel energy ability and grant all mindless undead within the area of effect a +1 profane bonus to attack and damage rolls per die of her channel energy ability. Non-mindless undead gain half this bonus (minimum +1). The bonus persists for 1 minute per level of the dread necromancer. Dread Celerity (Su): The dread necromancer can spend 1 daily use of her channel energy ability and grant all mindless undead within the area of effect a +1 profane bonus to initiative rolls and +5 feet of speed per die of her channel energy ability. Non-mindless undead gain half this bonus (minimum +1 and +5 feet of speed). The bonus persists for 1 minute per level of the dread necromancer. Dread Durability (Su): The dread necromancer can spend 1 daily use of her channel energy ability and grant all mindless undead within the area of effect DR 1/- per die of her channel energy ability. Non-mindless undead gain half this bonus (minimum +1). The bonus persists for 1 minute per level of the dread necromancer. Dread Protection (Su): The dread necromancer can spend 1 daily use of her channel energy ability and grant all mindless undead within the area of effect a +1 profane bonus to attack and damage rolls per die of her channel energy ability. Non-mindless undead gain half this bonus (minimum +1). The bonus persists for 1 minute per level of the dread necromancer. Dread Purity (Su): The dread necromancer can spend 1 daily use of her channel energy ability and grant all mindless undead within the area of effect a +1 profane bonus to AC per die of her channel energy ability. Non-mindless undead gain half this bonus (minimum +1). The bonus persists for 1 minute per level of the dread necromancer. Dread Resistance (Su): The dread necromancer can spend 1 daily use of her channel energy ability and grant all mindless undead within the area of effect energy resistance 5 against one of the following energy types per die of her channel energy ability: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Non-mindless undead gain half this bonus (minimum energy resistance 5). The bonus persists for 1 minute per level of the dread necromancer. Dread Toughness (Su): The dread necromancer can spend 1 daily use of her channel energy ability and grant all mindless undead within the area of temporary hit points equal to the results of her channel energy ability. Non-mindless undead gain half this bonus (minimum +1d6). The bonus persists for 1 minute per level of the dread necromancer. Dread Vigor (Su): The dread necromancer can spend 1 daily use of her channel energy ability and grant all mindless undead within the area of effect a Fast Healing 1 per die of her channel energy ability. Non-mindless undead gain half this bonus (minimum +1). The bonus persists for 1 minute per level of the dread necromancer.
The Worst Of The Plagues Inviato 13 Aprile 2014 Autore Segnala Inviato 13 Aprile 2014 qualcuno sa dirmi quale sembra essere la più bilanciata, ed eventualmente come bilanciarla? grazie dell'aiuto!
The Worst Of The Plagues Inviato 14 Aprile 2014 Autore Segnala Inviato 14 Aprile 2014 Ecco qui la versione by Wraithstrike, che mi sembra la più bilanciata... si accettano volentieri aiuto, opinioni e consigli Spoiler: With that said here is my Dread Necro writeup: I am only posting what I would change. Other than that go by the official writeup. BAB 3/4 instead of 1/2 Charnel Touch: 1d8 at first level, and increase by 1d8 at every odd level. Can be used as swift action if used to heal the DreadNecromancer. Will save to resist. The save is CHA based. This ability is usable a number of time per day equal to 3+Cha modifier. Rebuke Undead: The Dread necromancer gains the command undead and turn undead feats as bonus feats. Dread Necromancers can not channel they but the radius of the effect is still 30 feet with the Dread Necromancer at the center of the affect. Negative Energy Burst: This is a special version of channel energy and therefore the dread necromancer can use it as a prereq in whenever channel energy is called for. The Dread Necromancer can emits a burst of negative energy equal to 1d4 per class level. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + Cha modifi er) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within this burst are healed the same amount of hit points as the damage she deals to living creatures. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + cha modifier. Note: This ability can never be use to emit positive energy even if a feat or class feature from another source would normally allow for channel energy to do so. Advanced Learning (Ex): A dread necromancer can add a new spell to her list, representing the result of personal study and experimentation.Knowing that some creatures are highly resistant to the art of necromancy, and the foolishness of only relying on one school of magic the Dread Necromancer occasionally learns other spells to augment her repertoire. At 2nd level and every even level thereafter the dread necromancer may choose a spell from the wizard/sorcerer or cleric list and of a level no higher than that of the highest-level spell the dread necromancer already knows. Once a new spell is selected, it is added to that dread necromancer’s spell list and can be cast just like any other spell she knows. DREAD NECROMANCER SPELL LIST I would allow them to know all necromancy spells on the cleric and wizard/sorcerer list upon leveling up that are available. If a spell is on both list but at different levels then I would say they gain access at the lower level. They are already restricted to necromancy magic for the most part so this should not unbalance anything. Favored Class points: Humans (1/2): The character may add a new spell to her spell list just as if she had used Advanced Learning.
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