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[TdS] Lone Wolf


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@AndreaP Info di pubblica autorità: in questo post, il calendario sommerliano.

Questa di seguito, invece, è l'organizzazione dell'esercito Drakkar. Come puoi vedere, usano anche la cavalleria:

Warmarshal - Commander in Chief
Nadziranim - Evil sorcerers from the Darklands, seconded into the service of the Warmarshal. They are commonly called ‘Nadz’ by the lower ranks.
Gudjagoknar - Generals of Orgars
Ligaoknar - Generals of Divisions and/or Brigades
Lugoks - General staff officers and aide-de-camps to Drakkarim generals
Death Knight Honour Guard - these are the toughest of the tough. They comprise two naghims (one cavalry, one infantry) and are the Warmarshal’s personal bodyguard.
Death Knights – these are the elite veteran units of each Drakkarim orgar. The number of naghims varies but a minimum of one cavalry and three infantry Death Knight naghims in maintained within each orgar at any time. They are heavily armoured troops equipped with the best weapons and equipment available.
Dargshadza – the assault troops, being those who are sent first into battle, typically as the vanguard of attacks against enemy strongpoints and fortifications. Especially brave Dargshadza get promoted to the ranks of the elite Death Knight orgars.
Rank & File
Zukanozod – medium cavalry, often equipped with chainmail and armed with light lances and/or spears.
Okganozod – unarmoured and lightly armed cavalry.

Rekenarim – Scouts, convoy escorts, and messengers. Mostly these troops work either individually or in small groups. The Rekenarim are formed into orgars only when they are employed on the battlefield.
Shadza – the regular line infantry ‘grunts’ of Drakkarim orgars, usually equipped with hand weapons, shields and medium weight armour.
Konkordulaga – Archers who are specialised in warfare in forests and in difficult ground. They are composed of the best marksmen drawn from the Kondulaga orgars.
Kondulaga – lightly armoured line infantry archers.
Specialist troops
Nenshadim – Naval marines. They are the naval equivalent of the Darshadza.
Eginashadim – Sailors who crew the Drakkarim naval fleets.
Zaja – these are Nenshadim who are trained to operate naval cannons.
Ruzzarim – Shadza trained to operate siege engines.
Lenagnarim – Pioneer and engineer troops.
Shadlizog - Military police.
Oggdagim - Armourers and weaponsmiths.
Shadezgog - Medics and stretcher bearers.
Lagazim - Cooks.
Lagshadim - Cadets.
Shadgazadim – Garrison troops, often comprising those who have sustained battle wounds and are not 100% physically fit for a return to active service in the orgars.
Luggaz – (‘Lugz’) Enemy prisoners of war who have been press-ganged into military service. Those who prove their loyalty in battle are promoted to the ranks of the Shadza.
Kuz – Poor quality, poorly armed ‘cannon fodder’ troops, typically (although not exclusively) originating from Nyvoz.


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4 ore fa, Ghal Maraz ha scritto:

@AndreaP Info di pubblica autorità: in questo post, il calendario sommerliano.

Questa di seguito, invece, è l'organizzazione dell'esercito Drakkar. Come puoi vedere, usano anche la cavalleria:

Warmarshal - Commander in Chief
Nadziranim - Evil sorcerers from the Darklands, seconded into the service of the Warmarshal. They are commonly called ‘Nadz’ by the lower ranks.
Gudjagoknar - Generals of Orgars
Ligaoknar - Generals of Divisions and/or Brigades
Lugoks - General staff officers and aide-de-camps to Drakkarim generals
Death Knight Honour Guard - these are the toughest of the tough. They comprise two naghims (one cavalry, one infantry) and are the Warmarshal’s personal bodyguard.
Death Knights – these are the elite veteran units of each Drakkarim orgar. The number of naghims varies but a minimum of one cavalry and three infantry Death Knight naghims in maintained within each orgar at any time. They are heavily armoured troops equipped with the best weapons and equipment available.
Dargshadza – the assault troops, being those who are sent first into battle, typically as the vanguard of attacks against enemy strongpoints and fortifications. Especially brave Dargshadza get promoted to the ranks of the elite Death Knight orgars.
Rank & File
Zukanozod – medium cavalry, often equipped with chainmail and armed with light lances and/or spears.
Okganozod – unarmoured and lightly armed cavalry.

Rekenarim – Scouts, convoy escorts, and messengers. Mostly these troops work either individually or in small groups. The Rekenarim are formed into orgars only when they are employed on the battlefield.
Shadza – the regular line infantry ‘grunts’ of Drakkarim orgars, usually equipped with hand weapons, shields and medium weight armour.
Konkordulaga – Archers who are specialised in warfare in forests and in difficult ground. They are composed of the best marksmen drawn from the Kondulaga orgars.
Kondulaga – lightly armoured line infantry archers.
Specialist troops
Nenshadim – Naval marines. They are the naval equivalent of the Darshadza.
Eginashadim – Sailors who crew the Drakkarim naval fleets.
Zaja – these are Nenshadim who are trained to operate naval cannons.
Ruzzarim – Shadza trained to operate siege engines.
Lenagnarim – Pioneer and engineer troops.
Shadlizog - Military police.
Oggdagim - Armourers and weaponsmiths.
Shadezgog - Medics and stretcher bearers.
Lagazim - Cooks.
Lagshadim - Cadets.
Shadgazadim – Garrison troops, often comprising those who have sustained battle wounds and are not 100% physically fit for a return to active service in the orgars.
Luggaz – (‘Lugz’) Enemy prisoners of war who have been press-ganged into military service. Those who prove their loyalty in battle are promoted to the ranks of the Shadza.
Kuz – Poor quality, poorly armed ‘cannon fodder’ troops, typically (although not exclusively) originating from Nyvoz.



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1 minute ago, AndreaP said:

@Eru Iluvatar @OcramGandish @Landar

Eccoci qui.

La prima avventura è finita. Spero vi siate divertiti. Io vi ringrazio per la bella storia raccontata

Vi ho dato i CP

Fatemi sapere se volete continuare con la seconda avventura



Ma che domande fai?!?!?!?

E' ovvio che ci sono!

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