Sneppy Inviata 25 Marzo 2016 Segnala Inviata 25 Marzo 2016 Volendo utilizzare al meglio il talento "attacco turbinante" vorrei aumentare la portata del mio PG (umano, taglia media). Vorrei sapere tutti i modi possibili (talenti, incantesimi, oggetti magici...) per ottenere più portata.
Yaspis Inviato 25 Marzo 2016 Segnala Inviato 25 Marzo 2016 Da questo topic: Modi per ottenere portata maggiore: Cita Reach Increases: Reach weapon: Doubles reach. Aberration Blood -> Inhuman Reach feats: +5 ft. Lords of Madness. Bloodstorm Blade 2: Ranged attack rolls with thrown weapons count can melee attacks, allowing things like Power Attack and Knockback to apply to them. This essentially increases the range of your melee attacks to however far you can accurately throw, though it does nothing for your threatened area. Tome of Battle pg 100. Blood Wind (Cler/Wiz 1): Swift Action spell that lets you make a full attack with natural weapons or unarmed strikes as if they were ranged weapons with an increment of 20 ft. Spell Compendium pg 33. Dancing Blade Form (Iron Heart 5 stance): +5 ft during your turn only (ie, doesn't help with AoO). Doesn't stack with other manuevers. Tome of Battle pg 67. Extended Reach feat(req tentacle like limbs, provided by Inhuman Reach): +5 ft. Savage Species. Long Reach feat: 5 to 10 ft of reach with shortspear or spear, 10 to 15 ft of reach with longspear. Both only work on your action and do not increase your threatened area. Poorly written, because by RAW if you're Fine/Tiny/Large/Huge/etc, using Long Reach still gives you 5-15 ft of reach without changing your threatened area. But a reasonable DM will just give you +5 ft of reach. Regional requirement. Unapproachable East pg 44. Lunge feat: -2 to AC to increase reach of melee attacks by 5 ft until the end of your turn (ie, doesn't help with AoO). Pathfinder. Master of Vipers 5: Can extend snake hands 2 ft per Master of Vipers level (so max of 20 ft at level 10). Weird Yuan-Ti only PrC. But a nice DM might let others use it. Serpent Kingdoms pg 163. Reach psion/wilder/psychic warrior 2 power: +5 reach, manifested as a Swift Action, for a limited number of rounds (or minutes, when augmented). Warshaper 3: +5 ft with natural weapons. Comp Warrior. Willing Deformity -> Deformity Tall feats: +5 ft. Heroes of Horror. Espandi Modi per aumentare taglia: Cita Increasing Actual Size: Increases space, reach, Str, base damage. Decreases Dex, AC, and To-Hit. Note that magical means of increasing your size do not stack. If you're using transparancy, magical and psionic means of increasing your size don't stack. So at best, you can play a big race, and pick one other of the following methods. Alter Self: +1 size. PHB. Animal Growth: +1 size and other perks to a number of animals. Requires that you have the animal type. PHB. Druid 8/15: Wildshape into Large/Huge size. Enlarge Person: +1 size. PHB. Entomanothrope: As Lycanthrope, but changes into a vermin. Superior in that vermin are immune to mind-affecting effects. +2 LA +vermin hit dice. Online. Expansion: +1 or +2 size. XPH. Giant Size (Wu Jen 7, Comp Arcane pg 109): Grow to Huge size or bigger (depending on caster level). Comp Arcane. Giant Hide Armor: You grow to the size of a specific type of Giant (up to Huge size), once per day for 15 minutes. Pathfinder. Half-Minotaur: If small or medium, your base size increases by one size category. +1 LA. Dragon 313. Half-Ogre template: If small or medium, your base size increases by one size category. +1 LA in Dragon 313 or Savage Species, +2 LA in Races of Destiny (most recent). Landforged Walker: Plant Shape ability allows you to Wildshape into plants, sizes Small to Huge. Notable in that your effective Wildshape level is based on yourcharacter level, and that you can turn into a Huge size at ECL 10. Secrets of Xen'driks. Lycanthrope: Many can change into a larger form. +2 LA + animal hit dice. MM. Metamorphosis: As Polymorph, but psionic. XPH. Metamorphosis, Greater: As Metamorphosis, but more awesome. Mountain Rage: Goliath Barbarian 1 Substitution Level: +1 size and +2 Strength bonus while in a Rage (replaces normal Rage bonuses, and Goliath is a +1 LA race). Races of Stone pg. 150. Polymorph: Turn into a creature of any size, within the spell's HD and other limitations. Note that this spell has a range of touch, not personal. So it's often most effective when a caster uses it on a melee build, not himself. PHB. Polymorph Any Object: As Polymorph, but potentially permanent. PHB. Righteous Might: +1 size. PHB. Shapechange:As Polymorph, but more awesome. PHB. Titanic template: Size becomes Gargantuan. Only effects Animal or Vermin of medium size or smaller. MMII. Espandi
Ji ji Inviato 25 Marzo 2016 Segnala Inviato 25 Marzo 2016 Su Lords of Madness c'è il talento Inhuman Reach. Su The Mind's Eye (Web Enhancement) c'è il potere psionico Reach. Su non ricordo che Dragon Magazine c'è l'arma Dart Rope/Meteor Hammer che ha una portata di tre caselle. Sul ToB c'è una manovra Desert Wind se non ricordo male. La CdP Warshaper aumenta la portata.
Sneppy Inviato 25 Marzo 2016 Autore Segnala Inviato 25 Marzo 2016 Grazie mille, penso che mi limiterò a usare l'incantesimo ingrandire persone. Inhuman reach sembra perfetto per la situazione, però richiede un ulteriore talento e preferisco quindi tenermi lo slot per un talento diverso.
primate Inviato 25 Marzo 2016 Segnala Inviato 25 Marzo 2016 Il 25/03/2016 alle 13:39, Sneppy ha scritto: Grazie mille, penso che mi limiterò a usare l'incantesimo ingrandire persone. Inhuman reach sembra perfetto per la situazione, però richiede un ulteriore talento e preferisco quindi tenermi lo slot per un talento diverso. Espandi Se usassi una catena chiodata avresti una portata aumentata senza nessun difetto. Ed è la ragione per cui è considerata così forte
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