Supermoderatore Alonewolf87 Inviata 27 Settembre 2017 Supermoderatore Segnala Inviata 27 Settembre 2017 Negli ultimi mesi mi sono appassionato brutalmente a questo fantastico gioco di carte e mi sto pian piano immergendo nell'aspetto di deckbuilding (e pian piano allargando il mio card pool). Vorrei quindi confrontarmi con altri appassionati riguardo a strategie, mazzi e in generale commenti sul gioco. In particolare al momento sto cercando di creare un paio di mazzi adatti a svolgere tutti e tre gli scenari dell'espansione di Khazad-Dum, con a disposizione 1 Core Set, l'espansione Khazad-Dum, le 6 avventure del ciclo di Dwarrovdelf e l'espansione The Lost Realm. Dal punto di vista tematico ho voluto puntare sui nani, per via del setting anche se ci ho potuto concentrare a pieno solo un mazzo e ho dovuto impostare l'altro per un pesante ruolo di supporto e quest (quindi Aragorn ed Eowyn erano pressochè obbligat). Posto le liste attuali di questi due mazzi (le avevo compilate in inglese dato che gioco con un amico non italiano), ma accetto volentieri consigli e commenti dato che penso si possano ancora migliorare in qualche modo. Deck 1 Rivela contenuti nascosti Deck # 1 (tri sphere Dwarves, starting threat 25, 51 cards) Heroes Thalin (Tactics) Gloin (Leadership) Bifur (Lore) Allies Total 21 (9 from Tactics, 2 from Leadership, 8 from Lore, 2 Neutrals; average cost 2,28) Gondorian Spearman x3 Veteran Axehand x3 Erebor Battlemaster x2 Longbeard Orc Slayer x2 Erebor Record Keeper x3 Miner of the Iron Hills x2 Erebor Hammersmith x2 Gleowine x2 Gandalf x2 Attachments Total 12 (2 from Tactics, 4 from Leadership, 4 from Lore, 2 Neutrals; average cost 1,66) Chain Mail x2 Narvi's Belt x2 Hardy Leadership x2 Self Preservation x2 Legacy of Durin x2 Events Total 18 (7 from Tactics, 5 from Leadership, 6 from Lore; average cost 0,83) Khazad!Khazad x3 Feint x2 Quick Strike x2 We Are Not Idle x3 Sneak Attack x2 Ancestral Knowledge x3 Lore of Imladris x3 Deck by sphere 18 Tactics (35%), 11 Leadership (22%), 18 Lore (35%), 4 Neutrals (8%) Cost per sphere and card Tactics cards total cost 26 (3 cards at cost 0, 4 cards at cost 1, 8 cards at cost 2, 2 cards at cost 3); average cost of a Tactics card 1,44 resources Leadership cards total cost 16 (3 cards at cost 0, 2 cards at cost 1, 4 cards at cost 2, 2 cards at cost 3); average cost of a Leadership card 1,45 resources Lore cards total cost 32 (8 cards at cost 1, 9 cards at cost 2, 2 cards at cost 3); average cost of a Lore card 1,77 resources Neutral cards total cost 10 (2 cards at cost 0, 2 cards at cost 5); average cost of a neutral card 2,5 Average cost of a card of this deck 1,64 resources Deck 2 Rivela contenuti nascosti Deck # 2 (Questing and Leadership, starting threat 28, 51 cards) Heroes Aragorn (Leadership) Eleanor (Spirit) Eowyn (Spirit) Allies Total 23 (7 from Leadership, 14 from Spirit, 2 Neutrals; average cost 2,73) Snowborn Scout x3 Silverlode Archer x2 Faramir x2 Arwen Undomiel x2 Zigil Miner x3 Imladris Stargazer x3 Lorien Guide x2 Northern Tracker x2 Bifur x2 Gandalf x2 Attachments Total 10 (4 from Leadership, 6 from Spirit; average cost 1,5) Steward of Gondor x2 Celebrian's Stone x1 Sword That Was Broken x1 Ever My Heart Rises x3 Unexpected Courage x1 The Favour of the Lady x2 Events Total 18 (7 from Leadership, 11 from Spirit; average cost 1,38) Ever Vigilant x2 Valiant Sacrifice x2 Durin's Song x3 Dwarfen Tomb x1 A Test of Will x2 Stand and Fight x2 Will of the West x2 Hasty Stroke x2 The Galadrim's Greeting x2 Deck by sphere 18 Leadership (35%), 31 from Spirit (61%), 2 Neutrals (4%) Cost per sphere and card Leadership cards total cost 33 (10 cards at cost 1, 3 cards at cost 2, 3 cards at cost 3, 2 cards at cost 4) average cost of a Leadership card 1,83 resources Spirit cards total cost 60 (3 cards at cost 0, 7 cards at cost 1, 11 cards at cost 2, 6 cards at cost 3, 2 cards at cost 4, 2 cards at cost X where the average of X is 2,5); average cost of spirit card 1,93 Neutral total cost 10 (2 cards at cost 5); average cost of a neutral card 5 Average cost of a card of this deck 2,01 resources
Supermoderatore Alonewolf87 Inviato 3 Ottobre 2017 Autore Supermoderatore Segnala Inviato 3 Ottobre 2017 Dopo essermi divertito un pò con i nani ho deciso di fare una prova con la loro controparte, gli elfi (in particolare i Noldor rappresentati da Elrond e figli). Per ora apprezzo la maggior coerenza e tematicità di questi due mazzi (con alcune eccezioni obbligate qua e là) e si dimostrano molto più efficienti nell'eliminare i nemici Mazzo 1 Rivela contenuti nascosti Deck # 1 Elvish Hunting Brotherhood (starting threat 29, 51 cards) Heroes Elrohir (Leadership, The Redhorn Gate) Elladan (Tactics, Road to Rivendell) Legolas (Tactics, Core Set) Allies (22) 8 from Leadership, 12 from Tactics, 2 Neutral, average cost 2,81 Snowborn Scout x3 (Core Set) Silverlode Archer x2 (Core Set) Dunedain Wanderer x1 (Road to Rivendell) Erestor x2 (The Long Dark) Gondorian Spearman x3 (Core Set) Horseback Archer x2 (Core Set) Watcher of the Bruinen x3 (The Watcher in the Water) Trollshaw Scout x3 (Foundations of Stone) Beorn x1 (Core Set) Gandalf x2 (Core Set) Attachments (12) 2 from Leadership, 10 from Tactics, average cost 1,66 Steward of Gondor x2 (Core Set) Blade of Gondolin x2 (Core Set) Citadel Plate x2 (Core Set) Rivendell Blade x3 (Road to Rivendell) Rivendell Bow x3 (The Watcher in the Water) Events (17) 6 from Leadeship, 11 from Tactics, average cost 1 Valiant Sacrifice x2 (Core Set) Ever Vigilant x2 (Core Set) Sneak Attack x2 (Core Set) Feint x2 (Core Set) Quick Strike x2 (Core Set) Rain of Arrows x2 (Core Set) Hail of Stone x2 (Road to Rivendell) Hands upon the Bow x3 (Shadow and Flame) Deck by sphere 16 Leadership (32%), 33 Tactics (64%), 2 Neutrals (4%) Cost per sphere and card Leadership cards total cost 32 (9 cards at cost 1, 2 cards at cost 2, 2 cards at cost 3, 2 cards at cost 4, 1 card at cost 5); average cost of a Leadership card 2 resources Tactics cards total cost 57 (19 cards at cost 1, 9 cards at cost 2, 2 cards at cost 3, 2 cards at cost 4, 1 card at cost 6); average cost of a Tactics card 1,72 resources Neutral cards total cost 10 (2 cards at cost 5); average cost of a neutral card 5 Average cost of a card of this deck 1,94 resources Mazzo 2 Rivela contenuti nascosti Deck # 2 Noldor Night Life, starting threat 25, 50 cards) Heroes Eleanor (Spirit, Core Set) Glorfindel (Spirit, Foundations of Stone) Elrond (Lore, Shadow and Flame) Allies (21) 12 from Spirit, 7 from Lore, 2 Neutral; average cost 2,52 Northern Tracker x2 (Core Set) Zigil Miner x3 (Khazad-dum) Rider of the Mark x2 (Road to Rivendell) Arwen Undomiel x2 (The Watcher in the Water) Imladris Stargazer x3 (Foundations of Stone) Erebor Hammersmith x2 (Core Set) Henamarth Riversong x1 (Core Set) Warden of Healing x2 (The Long Dark) Master of the Forge x2 (Shadow and Flame) Gandalf x2 (Core Set) Attachments (16) 9 from Spirit; 4 from Lore, 3 Neutral; average cost 1,75 The Favor of the Lady x2 (Core Set) Unexpected Courage x1 (Core Set) Song of Earendil x3 (Road to Rivendell) Light of Valinor x3 (Foundations of Stone) Forest Snare x2 (Core Set) Asfaloth x2 (Foundations of Stone) Vilya x3 (Shadow and Flame) Events (14) 9 from Spirit, 5 from Lore; average cost 1,21 A Test of Will x2 (Core Set) Stand and Fight x2 (Core Set) Hasty Stroke x2 (Core Set) Elrond Counsel x 3 (The Watcher in the Water) Lore of Imladris x3 (Core Set) Secret Paths x2 (Core Set) Deck by sphere 30 from Spirit (59%), 16 from Lore (31%), 5 Neutrals (10%) Cost per sphere and card Spirit cards total cost 51 (3 cards at cost 0, 10 cards at cost 1, 11 cards at cost 2, 2 cards a cost 3, 2 cards at cost 4, 2 cards at cost X where the average of X is 2,5); average cost of Spirit card 1,7 Lore cards total cost 31 (3 cards at cost 1, 11 cards at cost 2, 2 cards at cost 3); average cost of Lore card 1,93 Neutral total cost 16 (3 cards at cost 2, 2 cards at cost 5); average cost of a neutral card 3,2 Average cost of a card of this deck 1,92 resources
Supermoderatore Alonewolf87 Inviato 6 Ottobre 2017 Autore Supermoderatore Segnala Inviato 6 Ottobre 2017 Sfogo random: ma quanto diamine è difficile l'avventura Shadow and Flame ?!?!?
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