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The Fields of Ash - Game Topic


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I smile slightly as I realize my spell has worked its magic.

Ah, but that is something you’ll have to see as we travel together. I do excel in games of card and dice, however.

As I say this, I take out my special die and start masterfully juggling it between my fingers while holding her gaze.

Often, those of weak mind are easily hypnotized. I wonder if this will work on her?

But enough about me, what about yourself, you haven’t even told me your name. What draws you to an expedition like this?


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Then I shall test my luck against yours during the trip boy and we shall see how it fares says the woman with a glint in her eyes.

My name is Aidra, I am a mercenary and I have been wandering the world for more than 10 years now, looking for new fights and thrills. This expedition seemed fun and it would allow me to travel free to the Ash, a place I always wanted to visit.



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My curiosity gets the best of me and I can’t help asking:

What of Ash do you know? It’s surprising that one such as yourself who has been on many adventures hasn’t yet ventured into that part of the world, although I can’t say I even dreamed of Maximilian escaping in that direction...


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 too much sun and sand, intrigues and eunuchs for my taste, lad. But time moves on and with age comes the wisdom to embrace what you don't like so much. And sometimes you find yourself enjoying something unexpected says Aidra, throwing quite the obvious glance at your buttocks.


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  • 3 settimane dopo...



I blush as I notice her looking glance at my backside...

Perhaps my spell worked a little TOO well...?

In an attempt not to offend her, I give her a sly, but awkward smile and say:

Well, it was lovely to meet you Aidra, perhaps we can have a play around on our trip. No doubt we’ll be seeing much of each other on this journey. Now if you’ll excuse me, I wanted to ask some questions of Mevar before we depart...

I give her a second glance and start walking toward the old man, in the hope she’ll give up her attempts to seduce me...


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Yes, I have convinced my uncle of my worth to go. I feel my talents can be better honed away from home, and hope to find new adventures.

My response seems hollow even to my own ears. But it’s not far off the mark...

Mevar, I have heard much about Maximillian but had never worked with the man. Is he dangerous? How long do you expect this expedition to take?

I lower my voice for my last question, as I am embarrassed to ask (especially recalling my earlier encounter with Aidra):

And do you know of any adventurers in this group who I would best be paired with? I know nobody here and your advice would be appreciated...


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Mevar nods It is good for a young man to go out in the world for a while, to discover himself and his path.

I cannot tell you how long would it require, but I can warn you about Maximillian. Even though he mantained a facade of respectability he always was ruthless in his business deals, but as long as that was all he was still a valuable member for the Company. But his skills for deception are great, he fooled all of us, put up a whole drug operation using our warehouses and wagons. He almost got the village of Ozein destroyed by angering a tribe of kobolds with his laboratories and allied himself with the orcs in the recent war against the orcs, selling them weapons and informations. He must be killed on sight, not wasting anytime listening to anything he has to say.

About who can be a good fit for you perhaps Darrak the dwarf if you are looking for a strong hand in combat, even though he is quite loud and....adventurous. Otherwise Ian the scout he says pointing to a tall man in dark green hood with a black sword at the side is one of the best trackers I ever known. You will never risk losing yourself with him.



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Thank you for your advice Mervar, and I hope this expedition returns in good time.

I turn to consider the two adventurers Mevar recommended; Darrak and Ian. There are quite a few dwarves and I can’t quite pick Darrak out, but Ian sticks out like a sore thumb. I approach him, thinking it best to introduce myself while we have the downtime.

Greetings Ian, I am Selis. As you can see, I’m a young traveler looking for adventure. What brings you to this expedition?


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Ian turns slowly to consider you, and you catch a glimpse of an handsome face with a long scar over the right eye under the hood. Beware young man, that adventure do not find you with a sharp sword or the poisonous bite of a hundred red ants. I hope you have some measure of defense for yourself.


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I smile and tap my right temple as I reply, 

My defense is up here, should I have to use it. Although I admit, I’ve used it more for diffusing intellectual conversations rather than by physical means. I hope to also hone those skills also on this expedition.

I look him over, noting his battle scars and rugged but handsome appearance and I can’t help feeling impressed.

An expedition like this seems below your caliber, may I ask what brings you here?


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Ian nods appreciatively Good, a clear head and a sharp mind are indeed a good shield from most of the dangers of the world. Strenght of arms is quite often overrated, especially by some of my....colleagues... Keep your eyes open and be ready from everything. When we will get to the Ash ask advice from the local guides, they will know a lot more of the land than you, or me for that matter.

No job is "below my caliber" lad. As long as the goal is righteous I do not mind hardships and long travels. And besides, the pay is fine he add smiling for a brief instant

And what brings you to this expedition, may I ask?



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  • 5 settimane dopo...



I’ve lived here and worked for my Uncle my whole life... I’m looking to expand my knowledge of the world, and thought best to do that by jumping into the deep end, as the saying goes.

I look around and note the general rabble of Ian’s “colleagues”. I try not to let the worry show on my face as I fake my confidence in asking:

Maximilian was not a man of strength, but willpower. I had met him a couple of times through my Uncles dealings. He seemed level headed and was always respectful toward us. Do you really think an expedition like this warrants so many rough characters?



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It seems he was also a man with shady connections and ruthless, able to bring drugs in the heart of our land and distributing it everywhere. It's always the apparently harmless villains who are the most devastating. A madman raving to conquer the world is easy to spot and the deal with. A dodgy, rich guy much less so.


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Yes, that is true. To be honest, I’m quite impressed with how he was able to manage such a feat right under our noses. If he wasn’t a criminal, I’d be curious to...

I stop this train of thought as I realize what I’m saying, and look around to see if anybody else was listening in. 

Anyway, my point is that if he was able to elude us for so long, what’s to say he’s not going to do the same thing in the Ash? We will need brains to figure that out, not brawn.


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I guess the hope is that he would not have had much time to put up a complex web of allies and hiding places. But you are right, smarts and gathering information are going to be our greatest weapons in this search, even though I expect we will end up in a skirmish or two.


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  • 1 mese dopo...
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after exchangin some small talk with the other adventurers present you leave the room and embark on the ship. The departure is carried out expertly and swiftly by the crew and in just a few hours you are on the sea. The coast is getting smaller and smaller on the horizon and your view is now filled with almost only water as far as you can see. The sky over your head is grey and some sea gulls fly over the boat, shrieking loudly.


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  • 3 settimane dopo...



I'm holding the railing, wondering if this is such a good idea after all...

Ugh, if I throw up anything else, it's my gut that's likely to come up next. They told me below deck would be better, now above deck with fresh ai---

I heave out the rest of my woeful breakfast over the railing and into the sea. Headless of the sniggers and judgement around me (which is hard not to ignore), I set my eyes on the horizon toward the direction we're heading in.

Off to a good start, how can this get worse? 

After my stomach has settled a bit, I decide to study more of the notes that were given to us as we embarked on this mission - not that many of my comrades have decided to do so themselves. I unsteadily head toward the entry to the captain's quarters, as he was tasked with holding onto the evidence and important documents relating to Maximillian's crimes and possible whereabouts...


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When you steady yourself up from the railing you find a young girl, no more than twelve and dressed in sailor's outfit, looking at you. She hands out to you a sort of gnarly root, with a bitter smell. Here chew this, it helps with the stomach she says with a cheerful tone and don't be embarassed, half of those sailors started like you, they have simply forgotten it by now.


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  • 2 mesi dopo...

Uh, thank you...

So as not to seem rude, I take the root and look at it quizzically. After a quick sniff, I take a tentative bite out of the root and start chewing. A bitter taste fills my mouth but isn’t unpleasant.

The ship rocks again and I take a hold of the railing to steady my feet, as I look at the little girl.

If you don’t mind me asking, you don’t seem like you belong on this ship. Are your parents aboard? 


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