Posted 20 Febbraio 20205 anni comment_1659875 Vendo il seguente materiale che fisicamente si trova a Ferrara, in blocco o singolarmente. Da notare che il manuale dei mostri è autografato in seconda di copertina dallo staff TSR UK many Dungeons, Dragons and Polyhedron magazines TSR2017 Unearthed Arcana TSR2019 Dungeoneer’s Survival Guide TSR2020 Wilderness Survival Guide TSR2106 Forgotten Realms Adventures (used) TSR2102 Monstrous Compendium volume 1, autographed TSR2116 Monstrous Compendium Kara-Tur appendix (apart) TSR2101 Player’s Handbook (strongly used, bad shape) TSR2100 Dungeon Master’s Guide TSR9263 Dungeon Master’s Screen TSR2121 Tome of Magic TSR2159 Player Handbook TSR2160 Dungeon Master Guide TSR2154 Player’s Option: Skills & Powers TSR2156 Dungeon Master option: High-Level Campaigns TSR2149 Player’s Option: Combat & Tactics TSR2163 Player’s Options: Spells & Magic TSR2145 Monstrous Compendium Annual volume 1 TSR2158 Monstrous Compendium Annual volume 2 TSR2166 Monstrous Compendium Annual volume 3 TSR9234 Dungeon Master’s Design Kit TSR9293 The Magic Encyclopedia volume one TSR9421 The Magic Encyclopedia volume two TSR9506 Chronomancer (1 normal and 1 shinkwrapped) TSR9482 Country Sites TSR9515 Den of Thieves TSR9549 College of Wizardry TSR9479 Castle Sites TSR9507 Shaman TSR9521 Monstrous Arcana - I, Tyrant TSR9539 Monstrous Arcana - the Sea Devils TSR9569 Monstrous Arcana - the Illithiad Boxed TSR1162 Return to the Tomb of horrors TSR1145 The Rod of Seven Parts (shinkwrapped) TSR9365 Dungeons of Mystery TSR1125 Night Below RPGA: 778 Wand of Archeal The Star of Kolhapur Blue books: Sages & specialists TSR2128 DMGR4 Monster Mythology TSR2151 The Complete book of Necromancers TSR2112 DMGR1 Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide TSR2123 DMGR3 Arms and Equipment Guide TSR2114 DMGR2 The Castle Guide TSR2170 of Ships and the Sea (used, little tear on the back cover) Red books: TSR2111 PHBR2 The complete Thief’s Handbook TSR2136 PHBR11 The complete Ranger’s Handbook TSR2117 PHBR5 The complete Psionics Handbook TSR2115 PHBR4 The complete Wizard’s Handbook TSR2155 The complete Ninja’s Handbook TSR2124 PHBR6 The complete book of Dwarves (used) TSR2135 PHBR10 The complete book of Humanoids TSR2131 PHBR8 The complete book fo Elves TSR2134 PHBR9 The complete book of Gnomes & Halflings TSR2110 PHBR1 The complete Fighter’s Handbook TSR2147 The complete Paladin’s Handbook Warriors and Priests of the Realms TSR9492 Wizards and Rogues of the Realms TSR11316 Demihumans of the Realms TSR2104 Monstrous Compendium Appendix (sealed) Forgotten Realms The Forgotten Realms Atlas (usato con copertina) TSR2142 PG2 Player’s Guide to the Forgotten Realms TSR9358 Aurora’s Whole Realms catalogue TSR2165 Wizard’s Spell Compendium vol. 1 TSR2168 Wizard’s Spell Compendium vol. 2 TSR2175 Wizard’s Spell Compendium vol. 3 TSR2177 Wizard’s Spell Compendium vol. 4 TSR9410 Cormyr TSR9392 FRS1 The Dalelands TSR9213 FR1 Waterdeep and the North (1 used, 1 normal and 1 shinkwrapped) TSR9217 FR2 Moonshae TSR9224 FR3 Empires of the Sands TSR9229 FR4 The Magister TSR9233 FR5 The Svage Frontier TSR9235 FR6 Dreams of the Red Wizards TSR9252 FR7 Hall of Heroes x2 TSR9267 FR9 The Bloodstone Lands TSR9274 FR10 Old Empires TSR9300 FR11 Dwarves Deep TSR9324 Horde Campaign x2 TSR9320 FR13 Anauroch TSR9351 FR14 The Great Glacier TSR9373 FR15 Gold & Glory TSR9388 FR16 The Shining South (used) TSR9589 Calimport (shinkwrapped) TSR11348 Skullport TSR9315 LC4 Port of Ravens Bluff TSR9520 The Vilhon Reach TSR9474 The Moonsea TSR9535 Volo’s Guide to All Things Magical TSR9545 Prayers from the Faithful TSR9585 Demihuman Deities TSR9563 Powers & Pantheons TSR9516 Faith & Avatars TSR1165 Cormanthyr Empire of the Elves TSR9558 the Fall of Myth Drannor TSR9540 How the Mighty are Fallen (shinkwrapped) TSR9552 Villains’ Lorebook TSR11617 Cloak & Dagger TSR9487 Giancraft TSR9475 The Seven Sisters TSR9430 Elves of Evermeet TSR9297 FOR1 Draconomicon TSR9326 FOR2 the Drowse of the Underdark TSR9346 FOR3 Pirates of the Fallen Stars TSR9390 FOR4 the Code fo the Harpers (used) TSR9547 Cult of the Dragon TSR9491 Pages from the Mages TSR9290 FRA2 Black Courser (shinkwrapped) TSR9304 FRA3 Blood Charge (shinkwrapped) TSR9519 Dungeon Crawl Undermountain the lost level (shinkwrapped) TSR9528 Dungeon Crawl Undermountain Maddgoth’s Castle (shinkwrapped) TSR9538 Dungeon Crawl Undermountain Stardock (shinkwrapped) TSR9562 Dungeon Crawl Hellgate Keep TSR9444 Marco Volo Departure TSR9450 Marco Volo Journey TSR9455 Marco Volo Arrival TSR9544 Castle Spulzeer TSR9574 For Duty & Deity TSR9484 The Sword of the Dales TSR9485 The Secret of Spiderhaunt TSR9488 The return of Randal Morn x2 TSR11405 Wyrmskull Throne TSR9590 Kidnapped TSR9531 Four from Cormyr TSR9354 FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar (used) TSR9247 FRE1 Shadowdale TSR9248 FRE2 Tantras TSR9249 FRE3 Waterdeep TSR9239 FRC2 Curse of the Azure Bonds (used) TSR9460 Volo’s guide to the Sword Coast TSR9524 Volo’s guide to the Dalelands TSR9393 Volo’s guide to the North TSR9486 Volo’s guide to Cormyr TSR9379 Volo’s guide to Waterdeep TSR9490 Elminster’s Ecologies appendix II - The high Moor & the Serpent Hills TSR9489 Elminster’s Ecologiesappendix I - the Battle of Bones & Hill of Lost Souls Silver Marches (3rd edition) Boxed TSR1031 Campaign Set (1st edition) TSR1085 Campaign Setting TSR1060 The Ruins of Undermountain TSR1104 The Ruins of Undermountain II TSR1159 Lands of Intrigue TSR1084 the Ruins of Myth Drannor TSR1040 City System TSR1142 The North TSR1083 Menzoberranzan TSR1111 Elminster’s Ecologies TSR1120 Ruins of Zhentil Keep TSR1109 City of Splendors TSR1121 Spellbound TSR1147 Netheril empire of Magic (Arcane Age) Kara Tur TSR9402 TM5 Kara-our Trail Map Boxed TSR1055 The Horde TSR1032 Kara-our the eastern realms (used) Oriental Adventures: TSR9307 FROA1 Ninja Wars (sealed) TSR9195 OA3 Ochimo the Spirit Warriors TSR9242 OA5 Mad Monkey vs the Dragon Claw TSR9258 OA7 Test of the Samurai Maztica TSR9349 FMQ1 City of Gold TSR9340 FMA2 Endless Armies (sealed) TSR1066 Maztica campaign set (boxed) Al-Qadim land of fate TSR2126 Arabian Adventures Boxed TSR1077 Al-Qadim land of fate TSR9366 ALQ1 Golden Voyages TSR9431 ALQ2 Assassin Mountain TSR9432 ALQ3 a dozen and one adventures TSR9433 ALQ4 Secrets of the Lamp (shinkwrapped) TSR9440 Ruined Kingdoms TSR1091 City of Delight (shinkwrapped) Planescape TSR2602 Planescape Monstrous Compendium TSR2600 Planescape campaign setting (boxed, shinkwrapped) Lankhmar: TSR9162 Lankmar city of adventure (only book) TSR9481 Avengers in Lankhmar TSR9470 Cutthroats of Lankhmar TSR9461 Rogues in Lankhmar TSR9150 CA1 Swords of the Undercity (used) TSR9170 CA2 Swords of Deceit TSR9295 LNR1 Wonders of Lankhmar TSR9329 LNR2 Tales of Lankhmar TSR9276 LNA1 Thieves of Lankhmar TSR9305 LNA2 Nehwon TSR9318 LNA3 Prince of Lankhmar TSR9371 LNQ1 Slayers of Lankhmar Ravenloft: TSR2174 Domains of Dread TSR9331 RR1 Darklords (used) TSR9345 RR3 Van Richten’s Guide to Vampires TSR9416 RR7 Van Richten’s Guide to Werebeasts TSR9417 Van Richten’s Guide to the Created TSR9355 RR5 Van Richten’s Guide to Ghosts (used) TSR11397 Ravenloft silver anniversary TSR9101 UK2 The Sentinel TSR9111 UK3 The Gauntlet used TSR9120 UK4 When a Star Falls (2x sealed and 1 used) TSR9125 UK5 Eye of the Serpent (1 sealed and 2x normal) TSR9126 UK6 All that Glitters (2x sealed and 1 normal) TSR9151 UK7 Dark Clouds Gather (1 sealed and 1 normal) Role Aids: 703 FEZ I - Wizard’s Vale x2 710 FEZ II - The Contract 725 FEZ IV - Wizard’s Revenge 743 FEZ V - Wizard’s Betrayal (sealed) 745 Fez VI - Wizard’s Dilemma 748 Lizardmen 707 Dark Folk 724 Monsters of Myth & Legend 746 Monsters of Myth and Legend II Boxed 757 Sentinels 752 Demons 759 Demons II Bard Games: The Compleat Adventurer The Compleat Alchemist The Bestiary Flying Buffalo: 8501 Grimtooth’s Traps 8502 Grimtooth’s Traps too (used) 8504 Grimtooth’s Traps fore (used) 8505 Grimtooth’s Traps bazaar 8509 Grimtooth’s Traps lite 8530 Grimtooth’s Dungeon Doom 8531 The Hole Delver’s Catalog Sword & Sorcery d20 system Ravenloft - secrets of the dread realms Eldritch Sorcery Mithril - city of the golem Hornsaw - forest of blood Calastia - throne of the black dragon Burok Torn - city under siege The Arcanum frp game supplement D&D TSR9255 PC2 Top Ballista TSR9160 X10 Red Arrow, Black Shield (counters unpunched) TSR9043 X1 The isle of Dread TSR9193 GAZ1 The grand duchy of Karameikos (used) TSR9194 GAZ2 The emirates of Ylaruam TSR9208 GAZ3 The principalities of Glantri TSR9215 GAZ4 The kingdom of Ierendi TSR9230 GAZ7 The northern Reaches TSR9227 The Dwarves of Rockhome TSR9232 GAZ8 The Five Shires TSR9241 GAZ10 the Orcs of Thar TSR9246 GAZ12 The Golden Khan of Ethengar TSR9306 GAZ14 the Atruaghin Clans TSR9116 AC4 The book of Marvelous Magic TSR9173 AC9 Creature Catalogue TSR1037 Dawn of the Emperors - Thyatis and Alphatia (boxed, used) TSR1054 Hollow World (boxed) Edited 28 Febbraio 20205 anni by Ian Morgenvelt Richiesta dell'utente
28 Febbraio 20205 anni Author comment_1661849 visto che non troverò mai nessuno che acquisti il blocco vendo anche separatamente p.s. avrei modificato l'annuncio ma non posso più farlo a quanto pare 😞