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Ciao a tutti, mi scuso a priori se ho infranto qualche regola del forum ma voglio solo una semplice informazione. Come è possibile che nel 2020 ancora non hanno creato un software (non app) per laptop apple che crei i personaggi per D&D versione 3.5?

Non riesco trovarli io o non ci sono?

Grazie a tutti e buon weekend!!

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Inviato (modificato)
13 ore fa, Jorda ha scritto:

Non riesco trovarli io o non ci sono?

Non saprei. Di fondo sono software (online) pure questi:



Elsa, female human Wiz17/Ftr3:  CR 20; Size M (5 ft., 7 in.
tall); HD 17d4+51 + 3d10+9; hp 110; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC
11; Attack +15/+10/+5 melee, or +12/+7/+2 ranged; SV Fort
+11, Ref +9, Will +14; AL LE; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 16, Int
21, Wis 13, Cha 14.

Languages Spoken:  Abyssal, Auran, Common, Elven, Terran.

Skills and feats:  Balance +7, Climb +10, Concentration
+19.5, Craft (Bowmaking) +18, Escape Artist +2, Handle
Animal +4, Hide +6.5, Knowledge (History) +25, Knowledge
(Local) +23, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +24, Knowledge
(The Planes) +25, Listen +1, Move Silently +1, Ride +3,
Spellcraft +25.5, Spot +2, Survival +4, Swim +10, Tumble +4;
Brew Potion, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Forge Ring,
Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Maximize Spell, Run, [Scribe
Scroll], Weapon Focus (gauntlet), Weapon Focus (longsword),
Weapon Focus (gauntlet, spiked), Widen Spell.

Possessions:  220,000 gp  in gear.

Wizard Spells Known (4/6/5/5/5/5/4/3/2/1):  0th -- Acid
Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic,
Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light,
Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation,
Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st
-- Alarm, Animate Rope, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Detect
Undead, Endure Elements, Identify, Magic Missile, Protection
from Good, True Strike.  2nd -- Acid Arrow, Blur, Eagle's
Splendor, Gust of Wind, Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility,
Locate Object, Magic Mouth, Mirror Image, Web.  3rd --
Invisibility Sphere, Magic Circle against Evil, Slow,
Suggestion, Tongues, Wind Wall.  4th -- Confusion, Detect
Scrying, Enervation, Fear, Greater Invisibility, Lesser
Geas, Mnemonic Enhancer, Polymorph, Rainbow Pattern, Remove
Curse, Secure Shelter, Wall of Fire.  5th -- Baleful
Polymorph, Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Mirage Arcana, Stone
Shape, Symbol of Pain.  6th -- Eyebite, Mass Eagle's
Splendor, Permanent Image, Repulsion, Summon Monster VI,
Symbol of Fear.  7th -- Mass Hold Person, Plane Shift,
Prismatic Spray, Reverse Gravity, Symbol of Stunning.  8th
-- Clenched Fist, Greater Shout, Incendiary Cloud, Maze,
Sympathy.  9th -- Foresight, Freedom, Meteor Swarm.
Saeunn, female human Wiz14/Rgr6:  CR 20; Size M (5 ft., 3 in.
tall); HD 14d4+14 + 6d8+6; hp 75; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC
15; Attack +14/+9/+4 melee, or +18/+13/+8 ranged; SV Fort
+10, Ref +13, Will +13; AL NE; Str 12, Dex 21, Con 12, Int
20, Wis 14, Cha 12.

Languages Spoken:  Aquan, Auran, Common, Dwarven, Infernal.

Skills and feats:  Climb +10, Concentration +10, Craft
(Blacksmithing) +13, Heal +11, Hide +5, Jump +6, Knowledge
(Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +17,
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +20, Knowledge (Geography) +23,
Knowledge (History) +19, Knowledge (Nature) +21, Knowledge
(Nobility and Royalty) +19, Knowledge (Religion) +22,
Knowledge (The Planes) +7.5, Listen +13, Move Silently +5,
Search +14, Spellcraft +21, Spot +4, Survival +11;
Alertness, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Enlarge Spell,
[Evasion], [Improved Two Weapon Fighting], Leadership,
Lightning Reflexes, Negotiator, Quicken Spell, [Scribe
Scroll], Skill Focus (Knowledge (Geography)), [Track], [Two
Weapon Fighting], Widen Spell.

Possessions:  220,000 gp  in gear.

Wizard Spells Known (4/6/5/5/5/4/3/2):  0th -- Acid Splash,
Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect
Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage
Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of
Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st --
Endure Elements, Hypnotism, Identify, Magic Aura, Magic
Missile, Magic Weapon, Protection from Evil, Ray of
Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp, Unseen Servant.  2nd -- Arcane
Lock, Daze Monster, Ghoul Touch, Minor Image, Mirror Image,
Owl's Wisdom, Protection from Arrows, Web.  3rd -- Blink,
Deep Slumber, Fly, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle against Law,
Phantom Steed, Suggestion.  4th -- Bestow Curse, Charm
Monster, Dimension Door, Fear, Hallucinatory Terrain, Mass
Enlarge Person, Resilient Sphere, Scrying, Stoneskin.  5th
-- Cone of Cold, Permanency, Shadow Evocation, Telekinesis.
6th -- Antimagic Field, Freezing Sphere, Summon Monster VI,
Transformation, Veil.  7th -- Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of
Death, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Mass Invisibility, Power
Word Blind, Project Image, Summon Monster VII.

Ranger Spells Per Day:  2.
Jaffar, male human Wiz2/Brd2/Clr4:  CR 8; Size M (5 ft., 5
in. tall); HD 2d4+2 + 2d6+2 + 4d8+4; hp 36; Init +1; Spd 30
ft.; AC 11; Attack +6 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref
+5, Will +14; AL NE; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 19,
Cha 19.

Languages Spoken:  Common, Draconic.

Skills and feats:  Concentration +5, Craft (Alchemy) +5,
Craft (Woodworking) +3, Decipher Script +8.5, Disguise +8,
Hide +1, Knowledge (Geography) +1.5, Knowledge (Local) +4,
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +6, Knowledge (The Planes)
+4, Listen +4, Move Silently +1, Perform (Percussion
Instruments) +7, Perform (Wind Instruments) +9, Spellcraft
+8, Spot +4, Use Magic Device +7; Diligent, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (net), Maximize Spell, Persuasive, [Scribe

Possessions:  9,400 gp  in gear.

Wizard Spells Known (4/3):  0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark,
Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt
Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending,
Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read
Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue.  1st -- Animate Rope,
Hold Portal, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Silent
Image, Summon Monster I.

Bard Spells Known (3/1):  0th -- Daze, Flare, Mage Hand,
Read Magic, Resistance.  1st -- Grease, Magic Mouth.

Cleric Domains:  Travel, Fire.
Cleric Spells Per Day:  5/4+1/3+1.



Nutae Iranapha, Male Elf


Description: His left side is far more bruised and cut up than his other. He is dressed in a clean brown cloak covering his clean studded leather. His golden hair, when down, is lengthy. His thin eyebrows rest above his beady blue eyes.

Personality: A skeptical and narcissistic man, Nutae's first love is himself. His second love is also himself. He himself is a thrill seeker. He laughs at people and throws down challenges to other people. He is highly competitive and combative.

History: Born in the south to a Miller, Nutae learned a great deal about his mother's area of expertise. He was an athlete and attended two major summer competitions. He never won. He's also a talented Blacksmith, but doesn't like to broadcast it.

Motivation: He loathes his own lifestyle; and expand his business

Occupation: Miller

Voice: Nasally tone


  Nutae Iranapha, Male Elf
Medium (5'3") Elf, Lawful Good (CR 7)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 24 (7d10)
Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Saves Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2
Skills Concentration +5, Craft +2, Diplomacy +1, Handle Animal +2, Heal +4, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +1, Knowledge (religion) +3, Profession +2, Sense Motive +2
Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common, Elven
Attacks Melee +8 / 2d8+1/+3, Ranged +92d8+2/+4, Grapple +8
   0  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Spell /Day 0 1 0
Spell DCs 10 11 12

Possessions: 500 gp.



10 ore fa, nolavocals ha scritto:

Psst, quella lì è una app. 😉

Modificato da Nyxator
15 ore fa, Jorda ha scritto:

Ciao a tutti, mi scuso a priori se ho infranto qualche regola del forum ma voglio solo una semplice informazione.

Se ti può essere utile, un messaggino in "Benvenuti" e una rapida lettura al regolamento ti permettono di schivare i cazziatoni degli admin come Neo schiva le pallottole.

A buon rendere^^


Buonasera a tutti

Innanzitutto vi ringrazio per i preziosi consigli. Ieri, dopo una ricerca spasmodica durata ore, con gli occhi rossi e qualche bestemmia, la frustrazione era tanta e ho iniziato di getto questo topic senza pensare. Nolavocals si infatti quella è un app che tra l'altro ho acquistato e non si apre 😓 

Ho provato anche l'app Fight Club 3 che è carina ma non mi ha entusiasmato e RPG Scribe che ha potenzialità ma un pò intricata quando devi multiclassare.  Alla fine la mia ricerca mi ha portato a questo sito che si chiama D&D Beyond che però tratta solo la 5e...insomma niente di fatto. 

Dracomilan, è vero ahahah. Comunque sarò un nostalgico ma credo che la 3.5 sia un altro livello

Grazie anche a Bellerofonte e Nyxator per le vostre risposte. 

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