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3 - Domini e Doni Divini


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Art by CrimsonSealArt

Ogni [DIO] è benedetto dai Domini (Words), fonti di potere grezzo che gli concedono la capacità di invocare miracoli legati a questi.
Tra i numerosi miracoli che un [DIO] può ricavare da un Dominio, spiccano i Doni. I Doni sono miracoli che sono stati sufficientemente praticati e raffinati da poter essere facilmente invocati dall'eroe senza un dispendio eccessivo di Fervore.
I Doni elencati qui sono semplicemente esempi e linee guida. Un personaggio può sviluppare numerosi Doni Unici, con l'aiuto e il consenso del DM.

Investire Fervore
Sia i Doni che i Miracoli sono alimentati dal Fervore.
La riserva di Fervore di un [DIO] rappresenta una miscela di potere divino, forza di volontà e vigore fisico necessaria a brandire i poteri che ogni [DIO] è in grado di esercitare. Le creature ordinarie hanno normalmente un punto di Fervore, ma non hanno alcun modo per spenderlo, mentre i nemici eroici o soprannaturali potrebbero disporre di una riserva maggiore di Fervore.
I Doni spesso richiedono un investimento di Fervore per venire utilizzati. Di solito, il Fervore viene impegnato solo finché il potere è in uso.
Un Dono che permette di volare, per esempio, potrebbe richiedere all'utilizzatore di investire del Fervore il quale potrà essere recuperato appena il personaggio non avrà più bisogno della capacità. Recuperare Fervore (e smettere di investire in un Dono) è un'azione istantanea e può essere fatto in qualsiasi momento.
Alcuni Doni richiedono di impegnare Fervore per periodi più lunghi, come per una scena o addirittura per un giorno intero. Una scena è l'arco di tempo in cui si svolge l'evento in corso. Un combattimento di solito è una scena, così come un'infiltrazione in un palazzo, un dibattito a corte, l'inseguimento di un nemico in fuga o altre situazioni simili. La maggior parte delle scene non dura più di quindici minuti, anche se ne esistono di più lunghe a discrezione del DM. Alla fine della scena tutto il Fervore impegnato per quella scena viene restituito. Il Fervore impegnato per una scena o per un giorno non può essere recuperato prima della fine della scena o della giornata in questione.
Il Fervore impegnato per un giorno intero viene restituito ogni mattina, con o senza riposo. Questo impegno prolungato è solitamente riservato ai Doni più impressionanti o all'esercizio di Miracoli non raffinati. 

Inoltre, il Fervore può venire utilizzato per superare automaticamente un Tiro Salvezza, ma questo verrà investito per tutto il resto della giornata.

I Doni sono miracoli raffinati, affinati da lunga pratica ed espressione del legame tra il [DIO] ed i suoi Domini
Come i Miracoli, i Doni sono estremamente potenti e la stregoneria convenzionale non può sperare di superarli in efficacia o di dissiparli.
Ad esempio, un'illusione creata con un Dono del Dominio dell'Inganno non può essere dissipata dalla magia o rivelata da tentativi di divinazione da parte di mortali.
I Doni hanno due gradi di potere: minore e maggiore. I Doni minori tendono a influenzare solo il personaggio e l'ambiente circostante. Sono possibili effetti su larga scala, ma sono di solito sono più sottili, oppure riguardano la percezione o la comunicazione.
Anche gli eroi che non hanno un legame con un Dominio in particolare possono apprendere i suoi Doni minori, a patto che i loro giocatori siano in grado di spiegare al DM come stanno adattando il proprio Dominio per replicare l'effetto. 
In alcuni casi, il DM potrebbe approvare la proposta a tal punto da permette al personaggio di acquistare il Dono come se avesse fatto da sempre parte del proprio Dominio (quindi senza un sovrapprezzo), in altri, potrebbe stroncare la proposta in partenza.
I Doni maggiori sono l'apice dei poteri del Dominio, che raffinano la grezza energia divina in una meraviglia che può essere utilizzata più facilmente e più spesso dal [DIO]. I Doni maggiori possono colpire intere città con devastanti maledizioni o munifiche benedizioni, o rendere l'eroe una forza inarrestabile agli occhi dei mortali.
Un [DIO] può padroneggiare solo i Doni maggiori del proprio Dominio.
I Doni hanno quattro tipi di attivazione: Costante, A turno, Azione e Istantanea. Per maggiori informazioni riguardo le tempistiche di lancio delle tipologie dei Doni, cliccare qui.

Doni in Conflitto
Di norma i Doni sono manifestazioni di potere divino inesorabili, ai quali ben pochi possono sperare di resistere: i pochi che possono resistervi sono altre divinità, anch'esse dotate di Doni. In caso due Doni, lanciati da due entità differenti, entrassero direttamente in conflitto, bisogna seguire le seguenti regole:

  • Doni Difensivi hanno sempre la meglio su quelli Offensivi.
  • Se ci sono dubbi, entrambe gli sfidanti tirano 1d20 usando la loro Caratteristica più adatta ed eventuali Fatti rilevanti. Chi supera la prova con un margine più ampio, potrà imporre il proprio Dono sull'avversario.


A volte un [DIO] desidera esercitare i propri poteri in un modo che non corrisponde a un particolare Dono che possiede. Ciò è raramente un problema per una divinità, ma bisogna tenere conto del fatto che questo tipo di Miracoli sono più stancanti rispetto ad un Dono di ben più facile utilizzo. Per utilizzare un Miracolo, l'eroe sceglie un effetto e descrive come il proprio Dominio possa permettergli di ottenerlo. Se l'effetto e la spiegazione sembrano ragionevoli e rilevanti per il DM, il personaggio può quindi impegnare Fervore per invocare il Miracolo.
Il Fervore impegnato per un Miracolo rimane impegnato per un giorno intero, a prescindere dalla lunghezza dell'effetto del Miracolo.
Come regole generali per lanciare i Miracoli, si considera che:

  • Un Miracolo può imitare l'effetto di un Dono di un Dominio qualunque, anche se raramente durerà più di una scena. Maledizioni o benedizioni più subdole potrebbero durare più a lungo a discrezione del DM.
  • I Miracoli possono essere eseguiti in qualsiasi momento e generalmente sono effetti istantanei.
  • Un Miracolo può sopprimere gli effetti di un Dono se si riesce a spiegare come uno dei Domini del personaggio possa sopprimere l'effetto desiderato. Ad esempio, se un [DIO] volesse annullare temporaneamente un Dono del Dominio della Notte di un [DIO] rivale, potrebbe lanciare un Miracolo appellandosi al suo Dominio del Sole per spiegare come la sua radiosità riesca a dissipare le ombre evocate dal nemico. In questi casi, il Dono del bersaglio termina immediatamente, come se l'avesse terminato volontariamente, e non può riattivarlo fino al prossimo turno del miracolante. Questa soppressione è automatica e non richiede tiri, ma si applica a un solo Dono nemico alla volta. Dissipare offensivamente i poteri di un nemico in questo modo richiede l'azione del personaggio per il round, ma dissipare difensivamente un Dono è un'azione istantanea. I Doni che potenziano chi li utilizza non possono essere dissipati difensivamente.
  • Un Miracolo può dissipare ogni forma di magia mortale purché si spieghi come i Domini del [DIO] che lo lancia siano rilevanti. A differenza di quando si dissipano i Doni altrui, questo dissipamento si mantiene per tutta la scena.
  • Un Miracolo può provocare un qualsiasi effetto (le possibilità sono svariate e potenzialmente infinite) nel raggio di qualche centinaio di metri. Questo effetto è sempre temporaneo, ma le sue conseguenze potrebbero persistere. Ad esempio, un [DIO] potrebbe imporre penalità a bersagli multipli per la durata di una scena o infliggere un dado di danno a tutti i nemici minori immediatamente adiacenti (i nemici maggiori, di solito, riescono ad evitare questi effetti, non li subiscono pienamente oppure hanno diritto ad un Tiro Salvezza).
    Questi elencati sono solo dei piccoli esempi. Con un Miracolo potrebbe anche essere possibile ferire uno o più bersagli, creare armature e difese, resistere ad attacchi ed effetti, indebolire nemici, imitare Doni, creare oggetti, mutare l'ambiente e le creature circostanti, creare barriere o zone di pericolo, esibire il proprio potere e molto altro!

(Il termine [DIO] è un placeholder, che verrà sostituito da un termine più appropriato in seguito alla prima fase che possa rispecchiare al meglio le divinità di questo mondo.)

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Art by Ryan Barger

In questo elenco sono riportati i Domini (e i loro Doni) sceglibili dai personaggi durante le fasi di Creazione del Personaggio e dell'Avanzamento di Livello. A causa dell'elevata quantità di materiale da adattare e tradurre, ho deciso di riportarli in lingua originale, ma farò del mio meglio per presentarli qui in modo chiaro e preciso.
In caso vi siano difficoltà linguistiche, sarò ben felice di aiutare e di fornire chiarimenti.

Qui di seguito troverete i termini originali accompagnati dalle mie traduzioni, così da evitare confusioni:

Godbound = Personaggio Giocante
Words = Domini
Effort = Fervore (tradurlo in Sforzo mi ricordava Balle Spaziali...)
Gifts = Doni
Attribute = Caratteristica

La quantità di Doni riportata qui sotto non è e non può essere esaustiva: i Doni sono solo un esempio delle capacità che un Dominio può offrire.
Ogni Dominio, come già detto nella sezione dedicata alla Creazione del Personaggio, offre abilità speciali intrinsiche: queste non possono essere dissipate o soppresse, in quanto fanno parte dell'essere del [DIO] che giocherete.
Inizierete, in fase di creazione del personaggio con 8 punti (6pt in creazione + 2 pt per il Livello 2) per comprare Doni e Domini. Valutate se spenderli tutti adesso o se conservarne alcuni in vista di futuri avanzamenti di livello, visto che sono cumulabili.

Elenco dei Domini:
-The World

*Questi Domini fanno parte di un manuale a pagamento e non saranno accessibili senza l'esplicito consenso del DM. Inoltre, alcuni dei Domini qui riportati sono di una errata di bilanciamento non-ufficiale e per questo motivo non potrebbero corrispondere a quelli del PDF ufficiali.

Doni Universali

Questi sono effetti comuni che ogni [DIO] può essere capace di replicare a prescindere dai Domini che possiede: ogni volta che vengono utilizzati vanno associati ad uno dei Domini posseduti dal personaggio. Sono tutti Doni minori.

Divine Wrath - (Smite) Action 1pt.
Commit Effort to the end of the scene. You smite a chosen foe within sight with the energies of a Word, inflicting a 1d8 damage die per character level. You are always immune to the wrath of your own bound Words, as are other entities that wield similar powers. As a Smite power, Divine Wrath cannot be used two rounds in a row.

Corona of Fury - (Smite) Action 1pt.
Commit Effort to the end of the scene. You hurl a torrent of your Word’s energy at a group of foes, affecting all within a 30-foot radius (9 metri) of a target point within sight of you. Each victim takes a 1d8 die of damage for every two levels you have, rounded up. The fury can selectively spare allies within the area, but the victims then get an appropriate saving throw to resist the effect. You are always immune to the furies of your own bound Words, as are other entities that wield similar powers. As a Smite power, Corona of Fury cannot be used two rounds in a row.

Effort of the Word - Constant 1pt./2pt.
Your maximum Effort increases by one point. This gift can be taken once for each Word you’ve bonded, but each purchase after the first costs two gift points instead of one.

Influence of the Word - Constant 1pt.
Your maximum Influence increases by two points. This gift can be taken once for each Word you have bonded.

Excellence of the Word - Constant 1pt.
Choose one attribute score and raise it to 18. This excellence is usually colored by the Word that grants it; Fire that grants Dexterity might cause sparks to be left behind swift motion, while Earth that grants Wisdom might lend a ponderous and steady tint to your thoughts. This gift may only be taken once, regardless of how many Words your hero has bound.


Il Dominio dell'Apoteosi è comune a tutti gli Dei e regola i rapporti tra i personaggi ed i propri discepoli. I Doni dell'Apoteosi non vengono acquistati, ma si guadagnano automaticamente man mano che si sale di livello.

Receive the Incense of Faith - Constant Lv. 2
Gained at second level, the Godbound becomes capable of receiving worship from mortal believers and can begin forming their own cult.

Sanctify Shrine - Action Lv. 3
Gained at third level, the Godbound’s worshipers can now sanctify temples and shrines to their deity. When properly consecrated, the Godbound can choose to perceive anything going on within their precincts, though they must intentionally choose to watch. They can target a gift or miracle at any person within the sacred grounds at the usual costs in Effort.
Such a marvel is free the first time the Godbound so acts in a day, but each successive wonder requires the Godbound to Commit Effort for the day.
Properly sanctifying a shrine requires rites and components costing Wealth equal to the Godbound's level, with increases in their level requiring additional expenditures. If the shrine is desecrated, it must be reconsecrated at the full cost.

Smite the Apostate - Action Lv. 3
Also at third level, the Godbound can instantly kill an offending worshiper or afflict them with some debilitating suffering appropriate to their Words.
This torment lasts as long as the Godbound desires. If another god accepts the worshiper, however, the curse is lifted.

Hear Prayer - Constant Lv. 4
At fourth level, the Godbound is capable of hearing the prayers of their faithful. These usually are a subconscious sussurus of petitions, but they can specifically “listen” for particular topics or people if they wish, becoming alerted when those topics arise or those people address them. The Godbound can communicate with their faithful during their prayers, though this inward voice is subtle and does not compel obedience.

Perceive the Petitioner - Action Lv. 5
At fifth level, the Godbound can see a particular worshiper and their surroundings with an action's focus, knowing everything about their immediate situation that the worshiper knows. This doesn’t grant deep or subtle knowledge of the situation, but it’s enough to make their current circumstances clear.

Mark of the Prophet - Action Lv. 6
At sixth level, the Godbound can consecrate specific worshipers as favored disciples or high priests. One disciple may be chosen for each level of the Godbound, but only one high pontiff can be chosen. If you've access to the deluxe version of Godbound and the mortal creation rules, the disciples instantly become heroic mortals of a level equal to half their patron's level, rounded up and the high priest becomes a heroic mortal of the Godbound's level. Both usually take talents reflective of their patron's portfolio, including a gift or two.
This consecrating process takes only a moment, but the consecration cannot be taken from the acolyte until they are dead, even if they later leave their god's service.

Attend the Faithful - Action Lv. 7
At seventh level, the Godbound can manifest before a praying worshiper, instantly appearing before them no matter how far away the divinity may be, even from a distant realm. This manifestation lasts no longer than a scene, however, before the Godbound returns to their original location and cannot use this gift again for a day. 

To Bless the Nations - Action Lv. 8
At eighth level the Godbound can selectively bless or blight the fortunes of a faction that contains a substantial number of their followers. If the faction has a number of worshipers present equal in number to a group of one Power size smaller, the Godbound can selectively add or subtract 2 from any action die roll they take. Thus, if a city of Power 2 had a Power 1 village's worth of faithful among them, they would be subject to the Godbound's influence. The Godbound must be aware of the effort the faction is making to influence the roll, but usually only the most subtle and secretive actions can escape the notice of such a large number of worshipers and their prayers.

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Dominio della Rapidità e della Prontezza.
Art by Federica Costantini

I personaggi con il Dominio dell'Alacrità non possono essere sorpresi, inoltre possono aumentare il loro punteggio di Destrezza a 16, o 18 se era già a 16 o più.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

All Directions as One - Constant 
You can navigate vertical or overhanging surfaces as if they were flat ground. You can pass through rough terrain effortlessly. You have an invulnerable defense against being pushed or made to fall.

Flickering Advance - On Turn 
Commit Effort to scene end. Instantly reach any location you can see with your unaided sight out to the horizon, which is usually about three miles away for a character standing on flat terrain. From a high elevation, the maximum range is ten times as far.

Mist on Water - On Turn
Commit Effort to scene end. Until the end of your turn, you may ignore all solid matter with your movement, provided you end up in a location you can physically occupy. You can’t affect the world during this impossibly fast dash but you have invincible defenses against all non-magical forms of harm. If you end up in a solid object at the turn's end, you're ejected from it harmlessly to the nearest empty space.

The Storm Breaks - Instant 
Before the first round of every combat or time-sensitive circumstance, you may Commit Effort for the scene to get one free bonus round before anyone else acts. Two heroes using this gift roll opposed Dexterity attribute checks to see who takes their action first.

Swifter Than The Sun - On Turn 
Commit Effort. Your movement rate is twice as fast as your fastest pursuer or quarry, to a minimum of 60 feet per move action. If chasing quarry that has divine gifts that allow them to outrace pursuers, the participant with more hit dice is faster, with ties resolved by a coin flip.

Walk Between the Rain - Constant 
Your natural AC is 3. You cannot be hit by anything not driven by a purpose unless you allow it; falling objects will never strike you unless some will to harm you set them in motion. Traps meant to hit an intruder have a chance to hit you. Armor and shields don't benefit you.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

All-Encompassing Presence - On Turn
Commit Effort. Twice during your turn, as an On Turn action, you can be anywhere within 100 feet of your current location provided you could conceivably move to that point under your own power.

Faster Than Thought - (Smite) Instant
Commit Effort to scene end when anyone visible declares an action. You get a free round’s action and movement before they can perform their act. If their desired action is rendered impossible by yours, their action is wasted. As a Smite gift, this can't be used two rounds in a row.

Untouchable - Instant
Commit Effort to scene end to become tremendously difficult to hit until the start of your next turn. Physical attacks hit you only on a natural 20, even those attacks from foes that would normally hit automatically. As an Instant gift, you may use it after an attack roll.

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Dominio dell'Artificio e dell'Ingegno.
Art by Igor Ozhiganov.

I personaggi con il Dominio dell'Artificio possono creare qualsiasi oggetto non-magico e facilmente trasportabile in un turno e con qualsiasi materiale a disposizione. Per quanto i risultati possano essere peculiari, saranno efficaci e durevoli quanto un oggetto costruito in circostanze e materiali più comuni. Quando si tratta di fabbricare qualcosa, la quantità di lavoro che il personaggio riesce a svolgere in un giorno equivale a quella di 100 uomini per Livello.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Faultless Repair - Action
You can fix anything with the available materials and tools. Up to a 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube per level worth of objects or constructions can be made like new each round, provided it is not completely destroyed. Every form of rot, decay, damage, and corruption is fixed, even for perishables such as foodstuffs. If repairing magical or enchanted things, Effort is Committed for the scene with each use of the gift.

Command the Wheels - Action
Commit Effort. You can seize control of any visible vehicle, mechanism, door, or other object with moving parts up to the size of a small ship. If the item was created by you, there is no size limit on what can be controlled. While the Effort remains committed, the object will function exactly as if it were being manipulated, driven or piloted by you. Each new directive requires an action, and worthy foes can save versus Spirit to negate the gift for items they’re using.

Hammerhand - On Turn
Commit Effort. Every weapon or unarmed attack you use rolls at least a 1d10 damage die and is treated as a magic weapon. Against artificial constructs or inanimate things, this damage roll is read straight.

Mark the Maker - Action
With an action’s careful inspection, you understand the purpose and operation of any crafted object, magical or mundane. You also gain a brief vision of each person who substantially helped in its creation, and a short description of what they contributed to it.

Ten Thousand Tools - Constant
Your natural gifts of creation are augmented. Instead of requiring a full round to create a portable mundane object, you may do so as an On Turn action, as part of whatever action you take. This object may be a permanent creation or allowed to disappear afterwards at your discretion. Your daily labor on projects is worth 1,000 laborers per level. This gift is of no use to a Godbound who has not bound this Word.

Transmuter - Action
Commit Effort for the scene and turn one 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube of material per hero level from one physical substance into another. Items being used or held by a creature cannot be changed. If the effect is used to somehow harm targets, they take a 1d6 damage die for every two character levels of the hero, rounded up. If the substance being created is rare or precious, Effort must be committed for the day. Extremely rare and magical substances cannot be created this way, though mountains of gold can be fabricated. See the Wealth Word for limits on the use of this newfound treasure, as it is all too easy to inflate a region’s mundane economy into chaos.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

The Maker’s Eyes - Action
As an action, you may instantly perceive the area around any object you’ve created as if you were there, seeing and hearing all around you. If you Commit Effort for the scene, you may take one action with the object as if you were present to manipulate it. If you choose a specific location to focus on, you see through the nearest valid object.

Perpetual Perfection - Constant
Everything you make is flawless and impervious to normal decay and use. Only intentional efforts at destruction have any chance of ruining them. The weapons and armor you create count as magical items, ones capable of harming supernatural foes and granting a +1 to hit and damage rolls for mortal wielders. You and other Godbound are too mighty to benefit from this hit and damage bonus.

Reverence of Steel - Constant
Any clothing or armor you make for yourself gives you an AC of 3 with no saving throw penalties. When you make a suit specifically for another, any saving throw penalties are one class lighter; none for medium armor, and only one saving throw penalized for heavy armor. As an Instant action, Commit Effort for the scene to negate one hit you receive from a manufactured or crafted weapon.

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Dominio dei Mostri e delle Bestie.
Art by Lily Horrors.

I personaggi con il Dominio dei Mostri hanno la capacità di comunicare con qualsiasi mostro o bestia esistente. Le bestie prive di intelletto obbediranno sempre a qualunque ordine non vada contro la loro natura.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Distant Howl - On Turn
Commit Effort. You can communicate with all animals and monsters within a mile. You can borrow their senses if they permit it, and summon them to you freely. Animals or monsters who have spent at least a week in your presence can be reached wherever they are. Intelligent ones can refuse to come if they wish to.

Polymorph - Action
Commit Effort for the day. The Godbound mimics a gift or innate ability of a beast of some sort they have commanded or defeated, from any Word except Sorcery. They may use this gift at its usual price in Effort, if any, and the shifted form remains usable until the next time they use this gift. Polymorph is usable only once per day. Typically godbound are unlikely to have commanded or defeated beasts with more exotic gifts.

Nature of the Beast - Constant
You can adopt any mundane trait of a non divine animal you’ve seen- strength, speed, senses- and use it as though you had a supernatural fact in that area. This fact can be changed once a day by committing effort for the day. 

Link of Unity - Constant
You can bond with an animal, linking it as an extension of your spirit and allowing sense-sharing and communication. It uses its normal statistics, but its attacks are treated as magical weapons and its hit dice are twice your level. If it dies, it vanishes, but it can be summoned back by Committing Effort for the day. It can be teleported to your side for the same cost. Only one animal can be bound at a time, and humans bound with Conquer the Beast Within must be normal mortals. 8 dominion can shape such a creature into a powerful supernatural being, per the rules for that.

Red in Tooth and Claw - On Turn
Commit Effort. You have or can instantly manifest natural weaponry that does 1d10 damage and counts as a magic weapon. Against natural or magical beasts, these talons or fangs always strike against AC 9 as they effortlessly carve through the hides or scales of these foes.

Untamed Will - Instant
Commit Effort. While committed, no external magic or compulsion can make you do or feel anything contrary to your wishes. You may invoke this gift even after failing a save or being struck by a mental effect. You can freely return whatever results you wish to any mind or emotion reading powers that are used.

Nature’s friend - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. You can call up monsters, summoning them instantly from the nearest source if necessary. A single greater monster of hit dice no more than twice your level is called, or one Small Mob of 1 HD beasts is created for each three levels you have, rounded up.The monsters are loyal, but flee when you use this gift again. Summoned entities or Mobs can be preserved indefinitely for 1 Dominion point each.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Conquer the Beast Within - Constant
When you defeat a foe in combat, reducing them to zero hit dice, you may choose to subdue them if using a non-lethal attack as described on page 160. Such a subdued victim revives with 1 hit die and forever afterwards is subject to your Beast gifts as if they were an animal or monster.

Lord of the Wild - Constant
Animals instinctively serve and obey you even to the death, carrying out commands as if they had a human intellect. Magical or intelligent beasts get a Spirit saving throw and cannot be commanded to act in a way that seems suicidal to them or completely against their nature. This gift is notably more effective if you are close by to the victim to keep them in line.

Many-Skinned Mantle - Action
Adopt the shape of any beast or hybrid, natural or magical. Alternately, transform a visible living creature into a natural beast; Commit Effort until the end of the day to affect a worthy foe, who also gets a Hardiness save to resist. If used as a blessing a human target can end the change at will. Those cursed with a change can’t be turned back by anything short of another gift or similar powerful dispelling.

Summon the Horde - Action.
Commit effort for the day. When you use this gift you gain a pool of influence equal to 2* your level. This pool regenerates at the end of the day. You can spend it on any normal influence project instantly, turning a warrior into a monstrous beast, or converting an army of animals into your army. At the end of the scene, any changes vanish, and the influence is used up. Creating a powerful magical creature for 8 dominion burns the user at an intensely divine level, and if the creature is destroyed, your 8 influence does not regenerate for a month.

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Dominio dell'Arco e della Precisione.

I personaggi con il Dominio dell'Arco non esauriranno mai munizioni, possono richiamare armi da lancio e munizioni da qualunque distanza (purché le abbiano toccate in precedenza), i loro attacchi dalla distanza non feriranno mai il bersaglio se così desiderano e tutti i loro attacchi a distanza sono da considerare magici ai fini di superare eventuali protezioni del bersaglio.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Bar the Red Descent - On Turn
Commit Effort. You have an invincible defense against normal projectiles and can take no more than 1 point of damage per hit from magical ones. Only actual weapons such as arrows, bullets, spears, and trebuchet rocks are affected by this, not spells or magical effects.

Bolt of Invincible Skill - Instant
You always hit an unaware or inanimate target, no matter how small or how far under cover it may be. Optionally, you may Commit Effort to the end of the scene to ensure that your current or next ranged attack does maximum damage and hits on anything but a natural roll of 1.

Feathered Tempest - On Turn
Commit Effort. Against lesser foes, you always hit with ranged attacks. You can spread any overflow damage to any other targets in range subject to this gift.

None Beyond Reach - Instant
Your ranged attacks have no maximum range provided you can see what you’re shooting at with your natural sight or know its location to within ten feet. This ability extends only to the same realm as the one you are currently inhabiting.

Omnipresent Reach - Constant
Your ranged weapons have a maximum range as far as your natural line of sight. Your missile weapons always do at least 1d10 damage and are treated as magical weapons. Even without a bow or gun, you may cast bolts of force or conjured weapons for 1d10 damage.

The Seeking Flight - On Turn
Choose a visible target and Commit Effort to the end of the scene. Your ranged attacks seek them out regardless of range, treat them as AC 9, and completely ignore cover provided there is at least some path for your arrow to reach them.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

The Inexorable Shaft - On Turn
Commit Effort. Your ranged attacks strike with tremendous force, always doing their maximum damage on a hit. Your projectiles can penetrate any thickness of non-magical materials in order to pierce the cover that shields a target, though their armor applies as usual.

Lord of That Which Falls - Instant
Commit Effort. Redirect any ranged weapon attacks in your presence, with their attack roll applied against the new target. Worthy foes may only have their attacks redirected if they're shooting at you. Projectiles may be redirected at any target, though a single victim can be targeted by no more than one attack per round this way. Subjects who have also bound to the Bow Word are immune to this power, as are other divinities affiliated with the bow.

Rain of Sorrow - On Turn
Commit Effort. Against Mobs, the damage dice of your ranged weapon attacks are rolled straight and add your level. Thus, a 4th level Godbound firing a 1d10 weapon with a +2 attribute bonus would inflict from 7 to 16 hit dice of damage against a Mob. Against targets not grouped into a Mob, you may roll your Fray die against every applicable foe in sight each round.

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Dominio del Comando, della Leadership e del Potere.

I personaggi con il Dominio del Comando possono aumentare il loro punteggio di Carisma a 16, o a 18, se era già a 16 o più. Possono comunicare chiaramente con qualsiasi creatura intelligente ed i loro ordini risultano sempre chiari, tuttavia l'obbedienza di chi ascolta viene determinata dalla loro eloquenza e dall'utilizzo di Doni.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Guards! Seize him! - Action
Up to a Small Mob worth of minions or a half-dozen individual retainers can be made to appear in the current location, provided they're within ten miles of the Godbound. Only formally-pledged followers of the Godbound can be summoned, and they can't be summoned to any place they could not practically reach under their own power. The summoned retainers appear wherever they would most logically enter, the Godbound's powers having caused them to hasten to answer the summons before it was even given.

Know the Inner Truth - On Turn
Commit Effort for the scene. Understand the true motivations and intentions of any conversational partner, expressed by the GM in a few sentences. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw to conceal the truth.

The Lieutenant's Wisdom - Action
Commit Effort before giving an order to a person or group in your service. While the Effort remains committed, you can spend an action to borrow the senses of any single member of the group or to communicate telepathically with any or all of them, and they can contact you. A subject can break this bond, but you are immediately aware of it. The effect ends when the Effort is reclaimed or the order is fulfilled.

The Lines of Rule - On Turn
You can spot the true leader in any group or social context. In addition, you may Commit Effort; a group of NPCs who are lesser foes will instinctively obey you as if you were their superior or employer. If the strangeness of this is brought to their attention by circumstances or those unaffected, they get a Spirit saving throw.

The Soldier's Faithful Heart - Constant
A visible creature of equal or fewer hit dice than your level who freely pledges loyalty to you finds their oath totally binding. Only magical coercion can force them to disobey or betray you until you release them from the effect, even with suicidal or unnatural orders. This gift can't affect more than one hundred people per character level in total.

A Thousand Loyal Troops - Action
Commit Effort. A visible NPC immediately becomes cooperative toward you, doing for you all they’d do for a superior or employer. Those who are worthy foes get a Spirit save to resist this effect. The cooperativeness lasts even after the Effort is reclaimed, provided the compliance is not abused or wholly improbable.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Bearer of the Scarlet Crown - Constant
Your legitimacy as a ruler is unshakable. You have an intuitive awareness of all publicly-known major events in groups or communities you rule or administer, and can communicate your will to your viceroys and officials at any time, though they cannot answer directly. You gain an extra free point of Dominion every month, though you can only spend these points on your own lands or ruled organizations. New Godbound don't start the game with any stockpile of points, however.

Invincible Iron General - Constant
All NPC soldiers serving under you gain +1 hit die, a hit bonus equal to your level, and a Morale of 11. Your will is automatically known by all your lieutenants and you always know the location, condition, and general activities of all military units that accept your command.

Thrall-Making Shout - Action
Commit Effort for the day and give a command. If directed at a group, all lesser foes up to a Vast Mob in number instantly obey anything short of a suicidal order or a command not to defend themselves from obvious peril, provided they are not already engaged in combat against the Godbound. Obedience to this single order lasts for the scene. If directed at a single target not already fighting the Godbound, anything can be demanded of them until the Godbound releases them. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw to resist the control.

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Death God

Dominio della Morte.
Art by Neisbeis.

I personaggi con il Dominio della Morte possono comandare qualsiasi non-morto in loro presenza con una azione, arrivando a coordinare al massimo una folla di una taglia qualsiasi. I non-morti maggiori hanno diritto ad un Tiro Salvezza e non accetteranno ordini autodistruttivi. Inoltre, sempre con una azione, possono conoscere i dettagli di chi, cosa e come è morto o sta morendo nel raggio di 30 metri.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Keeper of the Graves - On Turn
You learn exactly where every corpse, undead or fragment of remains are within 200 feet and their identity in life. You can tell exactly how they died as if you had observed their death personally. If you Commit Effort you have an invincible defense against lesser undead.

Mantle of Quietus - Instant
Commit Effort for the scene. To assail you brings death. Any lesser foe that tries to physically harm you suffers 1 point of damage before their attack is resolved, with Mobs taking a 1d20 normal die. Foes with multiple attacks per round suffer the damage only once per round.

A Pale Crown Beckons - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. You can call up undead, summoning parts instantly from the nearest source if necessary. A single greater undead of hit dice no more than twice your level is called, or one Small Mob of 1 HD lesser undead is created for each three levels you have, rounded up. A corpse made into a greater undead must not have received funeral rites or been dead more than a month. The undead are loyal, but dissolve when you use this gift again. Summoned entities or Mobs can be preserved indefinitely for 1 Dominion point each.

Scythe Hand - On Turn
Commit Effort. There is death in your gaze or your blade, which you may use as a magic weapon. It has a 1d10 damage die and a 200 foot range. This attack always does at least 1 point of damage against living creatures or undead, even if the hit roll misses.

White Bone Harvest - (Smite) Action
Commit Effort for the scene. As an action, you may instantly destroy any hostile lesser undead in sight provided they are lesser foes. Other undead in sight suffer your level in points of damage, tripled for Mobs.

Withholding the Mercy - Constant
Those reduced to zero hit dice or hit points within 200 feet of you automatically stabilize or die as your wish. If you desire it, willing living creatures at zero HD or hit points around you may continue to act for as many rounds as you have levels before they unavoidably fall dead.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

No Release - On Turn
Commit Effort and choose a visible target. They simply cannot die until you reclaim the Effort. If reduced to zero hit dice or hit points they will be incapacitated for an hour before reviving with one hit point. If their body is destroyed or widely scattered, they will exist in a perpetual haze of blind agony until magic or restorative miracles are used to gather the corpse parts, or until the Effort is reclaimed. A Godbound cannot use this power on their own person.

Reaping Word - Action
Commit Effort for the scene and choose a target at any range. A gesture suffices if you can see the target, otherwise you must use a name they consider their own true name. Lesser foes drop dead and cannot be revived without your permission. Worthy foes require the Effort be committed to the end of the day and are allowed a Hardiness saving throw to resist. Furthermore, worthy foes must be injured in order to let Death reach them; even a single point of damage is enough.

Summons to Day - Action
Commit Effort for the day. Any normal mortal creature can be called back from death, provided the corpse is relatively intact, they have not received funerary rites or been delivered to a Paradise, and they have not been dead for more than a month. They revive with 1 hit die. Godbound and supernatural entities cannot be called back this way.

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Dominio dell'Inganno, della Menzogna e della Burla.
Art by Kirsi Salonen.

I personaggi con il Dominio dell'Inganno possono scegliere se aumentare la loro Destrezza o il loro Carisma 16, o a 18, se già a 16 o superiore.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Deceiver’s Unblinking Eye  - Constant
You can always tell when someone’s trying to lie to you or deceive you. You can see through mortal illusions and disguises. This gift does not affect other Godbound with the Deception Word.

No Secrets - Action
Commit effort for the scene upon discovering a deception. Instantly know who benefits from the lie, why it was set up, and what untruth they would least like you to discover. Those with the word of trickery or similar words of deception can resist this inquisition with a spirit save. 

Liar’s Flawless Grace - Constant
Your lies can never be detected as such by magic or other special abilities, including those of the Deception Word, and your companions' support of your lies cannot be detected. Lesser foes will always believe them unless they are completely implausible, emotionally intolerable, or would oblige them to self-harm, and even worthy foes will at most simply think you’re wrong, take a different conclusion from your lies, or assume you’re insane, rather than knowing you lied.

Perfect Masquerade - On Turn
Commit Effort. Instantly appear as any humanoid you have seen. Only beings with supernatural gifts of senses or piercing illusions or those with significant personal knowledge of the individual have any chance to make a Spirit save against the deception unless you do something egregiously out of character. You instinctively mimic voice, language, clothing, mannerisms, and expected habits of behavior, and can supply appropriate clothing to companions.

Shadow Play - Action
Commit Effort. You can create perfect illusions in sound, smell, and seeming, though they are intangible to the touch. The illusion appears anywhere within sight, can be up to 30 feet in diameter, and can be made to move and seem lifelike without further attention so long as Effort remains committed to them. Invisibility is not an illusion.

Veiled Step - On Turn
Commit Effort. Foes without gifts or words focused on deception, illusion, or supernatural senses have no chance to detect you or your companions unless you attack, steal, or disrupt them or things they are focused on. Skilled worthy foes who are actively searching for you may also have a chance to detect you if they spend an action searching. While this is usable for effective ambushes, worthy foes will usually be aware of your presence in a battle, preventing any use of it after the first use in a scene except for escape, and any use after the first use against worthy foes requires committing effort for the scene. Mundane attempts to break your stealth have no impact on you, like flour or squeaky doors.

Sneak Attack- Instant
When attacked or hit with supernatural gifts to disrupt your stealth, commit effort for the scene to maintain your stealth, and inflict a 1d8 straight backlash on whoever discovered you. This gift can only be used once per scene per foe. 

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Conviction of Error - Action
Commit Effort. All chosen targets present become convinced that one of their beliefs of your choice is actually a terrible lie that has been imposed upon them, whether it is the existence of a god or the fidelity of their spouse. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw. They may reconsider this conviction of error once Effort is reclaimed, but will do so only under great pressure of emotions or obvious facts. This gift normally can spread far enough to affect a neighborhood or community of people. 

Impenetrable Deceit - Action
You state something you believe to be false and Commit Effort. Everyone who hears you speak at that moment will believe it, though worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw. A saving throw is also granted if presented with proof to the contrary or the lie is emotionally intolerable to them. This belief will persist even after the effort is reclaimed unless clear evidence contradicts it or the lie is too painful to believe.

Just rats - Constant
Reality will adjust to fit in with your actions of Trickery. If you state a lie, documents and evidence people check will alter to fit it, memories of lesser foes will be adjusted, and they will always assume something else, like rats, was the cause of the disturbance. This extends to untimely deaths and thievery, and functions less well for broad facts like the main history of a country. While they will react appropriately after discovering you, they will never pursue you or raise an alarm when you are out of sight, and unless dead individuals or possessions are deeply prized, will not notably change their behaviour.
Groups, individuals, and evidence under the personal protection or eye of worthy foes can be shielded from this power. The worthy foes can make a spirit save or an appropriate attribute check to protect them from any new beliefs, gaining resistance for a day after to further lies. 

A Heist that Rocked the World - Constant
Your trickery gifts can apply to any number of allies within sight, including entire cities. Your lies can more effectively spread to cover an entire city.

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The World

Purphoros Character in Theros | World Anvil

Dominio della Terra, della Pietra e del Suolo.
Art by Eric Deschamps.

I personaggi con il Dominio della Terra possono scegliere se aumentare la loro Forza o Costituzione a 16, o a 18, se già a 16 o superiore.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Earthwalker - On Turn
Commit Effort. You and your companions may pass through stone or soil or metal without need for breath, moving at 60 feet per round whilst under the stone.This gift functions for both natural earth and worked stone, and can be used on soil of any consistency no thinner than mud. You can sense hollow spaces in the earth within 100 feet. If used to attack, this gift is overt and obvious, and does not prevent counter attacks, although it can be used for ambushes. 

Jewel-Bright Eyes - On Turn
Commit Effort. While committed, you can see through earth or stone.
With a moment’s focus, you may look outward from any gemstone you’ve ever touched, regardless of where it is now.

Mountain Thews - Action
Commit Effort to the end of the scene. Perform one feat of impossible strength, lifting an object up to the size of a small ship. If used as an attack, they must make a normal hit roll modified by Strength. Very large or heavy objects make clumsy weapons and suffer a -4 to hit, but inflict 1d12 damage to those in the area they land on, modified by Strength.

Obduracy of Stone - Constant
Your natural armor class is 3, and you have an invincible defense against harm by stone, earth, or burial. You need not eat, drink, or breathe. Armor and shields do not improve this base armor class.

Rebellion of the Soil - Action
Commit effort for the scene, and target a foe within sight. The earth seeks to reclaim all of their property, doing one wealth level of destruction per level of the godbound. Worthy foes can save vs spirit to protect their property. If the person controls a faction related power that relies on earth not swallowing it up, the faction loses that feature for the next faction turn. Foes without any property on the earth are immune to this power. 

Stonespeaker - On Turn
Commit Effort. You can communicate with earth or stone or metal, seeing and perceiving everything it has witnessed at a certain time of your choice. Stones have no thought as humans recognize it, but they can perfectly relay all the sounds and sights that took place in their presence. You must specify a particular time to focus on, however. If combined with Jewel Bright Eyes, you can order rocks to commune to you when a person or object appears before it.

Fountain of Plenty - Action
Commit Effort and bless a faction with a Power score no larger than 2, affecting a city at most. The faction gains the Feature "Fountain of the world", providing them with limitless supplies of easily mined metals, gold, stones, and useful supplies. This Feature can be used to defend during relevant conflicts, but it cannot be sacrificed on a loss, and lasts as long as the Godbound keeps their Effort Committed.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Builder of Mountain Peaks - On turn
Each round, create, modify, or destroy a stone or earth structure of up to 20 x 20 x 20 foot size within your normal line of sight as an on turn action. The structure can be elaborate, to the limit of your own creative skills. See page 27 for rules on trapping victims in walls or zones. You can create normal earth or stone as part of this process. Creatures made entirely of earth or stone within the area may be completely controlled, with worthy foes allowed a Spirit save to resist. If a creature escapes a trap of yours, an additional effort for the scene must be committed to control them again during that scene, or you must use your action to focus your power. 

Fury of the Avalanche - On Turn
The earth trembles and casts forth shards of stone. You can wield these eruptions as a 1d10 magical weapon, attacking all enemies within 200 feet. Any stone creatures or creatures underground are treated as AC 9 for the sake of attacks While the gift lasts, your Fray die may be applied to every lesser foe standing on earth or stone within sight.

Tremors of the World’s Heart - Action (smite)
Commit Effort to the end of the day to cause a localized earthquake on a point within sight, flattening most buildings within a 100 foot per level radius and throwing lesser foes to their knees. Those toppled must spend their movement action regaining their feet. This does 1 damage per level to foes, 3 to mobs.

Seismic Sense - Instant
Commit effort. Your will extends out through to the horizon, and you can sense any object in contact with earth or stone, and talk to them as though you were next to them. 

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Dominio della Permanenza e della Resilienza.
Art by firatsolhan

I personaggi con il Dominio della Permanenza non hanno bisogno di mangiare, bere, dormire o respirare, inoltre il loro punteggio di Costituzione aumenta a 16, o a 18, se già pari a 16 o più.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Amaranth Vitality - Constant
Every fifteen minutes you heal two lost hit points per two character levels, rounded up, so long as you are still alive.

Body of Iron Will - Constant
Your natural armor class is 3. You are impervious to any natural environmental damage, such as that caused by extreme heat, cold, pressure, radiation, or vacuum. Such forces used as a weapon or hazard against you function normally. Armor or shields don't benefit this base AC.

Fear not Pain - Constant
When hit by a melee physical attack, if it damages you then you can choose to attach yourself to a foe, preventing them from moving any further away if they cannot overcome your strength, and allowing you to pull them closer. In addition, by committing effort for the scene you can as an instant action dispel defensive gifts of anyone who is connected to you.

Elemental Scorn - Constant
Pick heat, cold, lightning, or some other form of energy. You have an invincible defense against it in all its forms. As an On Turn action, you can Commit Effort to extend this defense to every ally within a hundred yards. You may take this gift more than once to gain immunity to multiple elements; a single Commitment can extend all your defenses. With a week of work you can change your chosen defence.

Harder than This - On Turn
Commit Effort. Become immune to one physical peril or special attack as long as the effort remains committed. You can’t adapt to weapons, gifts, or spells, but you can adjust to become immune to a dragon’s breath, a basilisk’s gaze, a beast's poison, or a volcano’s caldera. This gift is usually enough to avoid saving throws from an enemy’s special abilities, or walk around safely in a single dangerous environment. 

Untiring Inspiration - Constant
Pick one Influence project you’ve undertaken. Add 1 to the Influence effective on it as you sleeplessly focus on the task. As an action, Commit Effort. All allies within 100 yards are perpetually refreshed, and not in need of rest, eating, drinking, or breathing.

Hold the door - Constant
You gain an invincible defence against being moved from your position, or forced back in a contest of strength. In addition, if you choose to defend a location no larger than a small building no one can get past you unless they overcome you first.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Fear No Steel - On Turn
Commit Effort. Your determination or supernatural hardiness allows you to shrug off the lesser harms of the world. You take 2 fewer points of damage from all incoming sources of damage, whether physical or Magical and become immune to all non magical attacks by enemies. 

Unbreakable - Instant
Commit Effort for the scene. Until the start of your next turn, you have an invincible defense against any physical, tangible attack or spell effect. Mental and spiritual harms or damage are not deflected. In addition, if this gift is dispelled, you can commit an additional effort for the day to block a single source of physical damage such as one attack. 

Undying - Constant
While you can be brought to zero hit points, mutilated, or burnt, you cannot actually be killed. If not slain you regenerate in an hour, or any chosen time after, with one hd from a chosen body part and during that hour can move body parts at a rate of five feet a round. This gift can only be dispelled by words like murder, or by a minute of focused effort with a miracle of destruction by a word like fire or entropy, and only divine imprisonment serves to prevent recovery. Body parts removed can be reattached freely, or regenerate within an hour, and any body parts removed become unusable for revival if more than a hundred yards away for at least a minute. Any magical healing on your body is applied at the end of the hour. 

Never sleeping lord - Action
Commit Effort and curse or bless a faction or community with a Power score no larger than half your level, rounded up. Phantom images of yourself constantly run around, talking and communing with those within. You may either grant them a beneficial Feature having to do with your never ending endurance. Granted Features can defend, and be sacrificed upon a loss, resulting in this gift becoming non functional for a week. Empyrean Wards do not hinder this effect unless the entire area being cursed or blessed is protected by the ward. The curse or blessing manifests very rapidly in the course of a day, and lasts for as long as the Effort remains Committed. This acts as an effective 8 resistance against any change, making it very hard for any foes to change your community. 

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Dominio della Fertilità e della Vita.
Art by Juhyung Kang.

I personaggi del Dominio della Fertilità hanno pieno controllo sulla loro possibilità di riprodursi e possono aumentare la propria Costituzione a 16, o a 18, se superiore o uguale a 16. Inoltre, sono immuni a qualsiasi arma o oggetto in legno, mostri vegetali e tossine a base di piante.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Birth Blessing - Action
Instantly render a target sterile, induce miscarriage, or bless the target with the assurance of a healthy conception which you can shape in the child’s details. You can also cure congenital defects or ensure safe birth. Such is the power of this gift that it can even induce a virgin birth. Resisting targets who are worthy foes can save versus Hardiness.

A Second Spring - Action
Commit Effort for the day. All allies in sight are refreshed, regaining vigor as if well-fed and rested and healing 1d6 hit points of damage plus the Godbound's level. Unlike most healing effects, recipients need not commit Effort to benefit from this blessing.

Seeds of Death - On Turn
Commit Effort. You may induce cancers and killing growths as a 1d10 magic weapon with a 200 foot range, making attack rolls as normal. The first round’s use of this power is imperceptible to onlookers and the victim, but the second and further rounds produce visible tumors and growths. Lesser foes will die of cancer 1d6 months after you use this gift on them, barring magical healing, even if you elect to do no damage with a hit.

A Sense of Ash - On Turn
Commit Effort. You sense all poisons, plagues, environmental damage, or curses on the land within sight. You gain an impression of the persons or causes responsible for them if they are not otherwise concealed by magic. You recognize diseased or disease-inflicting creatures on sight and can determine what plague afflicts them or that they inflict on others.

Touch of Green Restraint - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Plants in a 50’ radius around the chosen point in sight erupt to cling to foes. All enemies in the area must make an Evasion saving throw at the start of each round to throw off the vines and regain free movement, though they can still fight in place as normal or launch ranged attacks if they have them. Foes subject to your Fray die suffer it each round they remain bound. Those enemies who reach zero hit dice because of this may be either utterly immobilized or crushed to death at the Godbound’s discretion.

Withering Curse - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Forty acres of plants instantly die and the land they were on is cursed to uselessness for a generation unless reversed by this Word’s powers. Optionally, plants and living or cut wood can be reduced to ash as desired in a 50-foot radius. Wooden items held or carried by a bearer are not affected, though buildings or vehicles can be destroyed. Plant monsters suffer 1d12 damage per level.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Cornucopian Blessing - On Turn
Commit Effort. Choose a container holding a non-magical agricultural substance; so long as the Effort remains committed, the supply will never run out, no matter how much is taken from the container. The container can provide up to ten tons of goods per day per hero level, provided its mouth is large enough to disgorge such amounts.

Sever the Line - Action
Commit Effort for the day and choose a target in sight. The target is rendered sterile and only a gift or similar power can undo it. All their children immediately suffer a 1d12 damage die, grandchildren suffer 1d10, great-grandchildren suffer 1d8, and so forth down to the fifth generation, which suffers 1d4. This curse only works once on any given target, and particular descendants may be spared by the hero.

Unending Abundance - Action
Commit Effort for the day. The land you designate within a ten mile radius becomes impossibly fertile, crops erupting in mere hours and feeding any number of people within that area. If applied as a gift and not used as a one-off miracle, the persistent fertility counts as a beneficial Feature to any faction that controls the land, though it cannot be sacrificed in the case of a lost Conflict it was involved in.

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Dominio del Fuoco.

I personaggi con il Dominio del Fuoco sono invulnerabili al fuoco, al fumo e al calore e possono respirare liberamente in questi ambienti. Possono anche utilizzare il fuoco come arma magica con una gittata di 15 metri che infligge 1d10 danni. Inoltre, se lo desiderano, possono proteggere i loro alleati dalle fiamme che generano e controllano.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Consuming Gaze - Action
An object in sight up to 20 x 20 x 20 feet in size is set on fire, has fire removed, reverses the effects of fire or has the fire reshaped. This even burns normally non-combustible materials. Larger objects may take a few rounds to completely burn away. Objects carried by a person cannot be affected. See page 27 for rules on creating walls of flame or other zones of hazardous terrain. Fire damage can be healed or repaired at no effort cost, but the dead cannot be raised.

Firestorm - (Smite) Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Choose a point within sight; every chosen target within 100 feet of it is struck by falling flame for a 1d6 die of damage per level of the Godbound. Enemies who remain within this zone after the initial hit take 1 damage per two levels rounded up for each round they stay with the flames, three per two levels of mobs. 

Firewalker - On Turn
Commit Effort for the scene. Instantly know the location of all flames within a mile. As an action, teleport and emerge from any larger than a candle flame with any willing companions in physical contact with you. You cannot move more than ten miles total in any one hour.

Fiery passion - Action
Commit Effort. All NPCs who are lesser foes within earshot or sight are suffused with a powerful lust or passion of your choice, directed at the object of your choosing. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw each round to throw it off. This emotion will make them act to the limits of their character and will last at least a day after the effort is reclaimed.

The smoke about - On turn
Commit Effort. Fill the air around you with smoke, up a 300 foot radius. You and your allies can see through it, but others with normal senses can see no further than five feet around them. The clouds can melt any mundane ice and allow every ally within it to ignore the first five heat damage they take each turn.

Searing Blade - On Turn
Commit Effort. You wield fire as a weapon, either lighting a blade in it or using projections of it as a magical weapon at 200 foot range and 1d10 damage die. Individual victims killed by this explode into flames, doing a 1d6 damage die to all desired targets within 20 feet. This gift's damage is always rolled straight against Mobs of lesser foes. 

Fire Break - Constant
You can halt the spread of fires, fiery passions, and similar things within sight as a free action. Additionally, you may commit effort for the scene to immolate any restraints on you, whether physical bonds, magic restraining your body, or insidious psychological influences

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Burning Rebuke - On Turn
Commit Effort. Every foe that attacks you while angry or impassioned or stands close to a source of flame suffers your Fray die in fire damage before each attack is resolved, even if they have more hit dice than you or make multiple attacks. Normally, only mindless creatures or remarkably disciplined foes can remain calm enough to avoid the damage. Mobs suffer this damage straight. In addition, any foe who closes into melee combat with you suffers 1 damage per round, 3 for mobs. 

Deadly inferno - Action
Commit Effort to the end of the day to cause a massive 300ft. radius wall of fire to appear, burning everything in its path, doing 1 damage per level to enemies and 3 to mobs if they do not move out within the round.

One with the flames - Action
Commit effort. Your body becomes one with the flames, freely burning what you chose within ten feet around you, increasing your fray radius to everything within 200 yards burning through any non magical substance in your way as a free action, and once per round allowing you to as an on turn action emerge from a nearby flame within 200 feet.

Friendly Fire - Constant
People will view any fires you set as natural and normal, and will not see it as unusual for you to set fires. They will protect themselves, prized possessions and dear friends from the consequences of fire, but will not otherwise make any effort to stop fires, and legal prosecution of you for setting fires is impossible for anything short of a divine court. Commit effort for the day, and up to a large mob of foes will not protect themselves or dear friends or possessions from the consequences of fire. Worthy foes can save vs spirit to ignore this.

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Dominio della Medicina e della Salute.

I personaggi con il Dominio della Medicina sono immuni a veleni e malattie, e sono capaci di riconoscerli e diagnosticarli immediatamente. Possono aumentare il loro valore di Costituzione a 16, o a 18, in caso fosse già pari o superiore a 16.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Ender of Plagues - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Cure all diseases and poisonings within sight. If the Effort is expended for the day, the range of the cure extends to a half-mile around the hero, penetrates walls and other barriers, and you become immediately aware of any disease-inducing curses or sources of pestilence within that area.

Flesh Made True - Action
You are able to cure a target's maimings, blindings, poisons, mutilations, and birth defects by sight once per round. This does not heal hit point damage, but it can restore lost limbs and crippled functionality.

Intrinsic Health - Constant
Your maximum hit points increase by 2 extra points per level, including levels gained before you took this gift. This gift can’t be suppressed.

Merciful Gaze - Action
Lay your gaze on a target within sight, you can heal 2d6 plus your character level points of damage. The target must Commit Effort for the day in order to benefit from the healing, however. NPCs and other ordinary mortals normally can benefit but once per day from this gift.

Plaguebringer - On Turn
Commit Effort. Your touch or successful weapon attacks cause a sickness of your choice. Worthy foes get a Hardiness save to resist. The sickness can be restricted to them or allowed its natural contagion. The disease appears within 1d6 hours and is at full effect within a day. Lethal sicknesses will kill within 1d6 days without a magical cure.

Vital Furnace - On Turn
Commit Effort for the day. Instantly heal any hit points lost since the end of your last turn, provided the harm didn’t kill you.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Burning Vitality - On Turn
Commit Effort for the day. Regain 1 hit point per round until at full health. Alternatively, you may Commit Effort for the day to heal 1 hit point or hit die in all allies within 100 yards and raise ordinary mortal beings from the dead with 1 hit die, provided they died within the past five minutes and are not completely mangled. Recipients need not Commit Effort to benefit from this healing.

Deplete Health - Action
Commit Effort for the scene and choose a target. They sicken, falling to half their current hit dice or hit points, rounded up. Worthy foes get a Hardiness save to resist. The lost hit dice return at the scene’s end if the creature is not dead. This gift does not stack multiple times.

Lifegiver - Constant
Allies in your presence automatically stabilize at zero hit dice or hit points provided their bodies aren’t torn to pieces. As an action, Commit Effort for the day to revive an ordinary mortal creature from death if they’ve been dead less than a day and some part of their corpse remains intact. Godbound and other mighty entities cannot be revived.

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Dominio del Viaggio e dell'Esplorazione.
Art by Brock Grossman.

I personaggi con il Dominio del Viaggio non possono mai perdersi, sanno sempre dove si trovano e non necessitano mai di riposare e mangiare finché si mantengono in movimento; infatti, ricevono nutrimento e riposo dal tempo che dedicano a viaggiare.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Dust At Your Heels - On Turn
Commit Effort. You and all who travel with you move at double the usual daily rate of travel and can cross any terrain as if it were flat ground, even mountains or seas. None of you are ever harmed by the natural climate or other insalubrious natural environment.You and those with you cannot be caught by pursuers as long as you keep traveling. Your group will always be moving faster than them regardless of their speed until you halt your movement. If able to go in an uncontested route, you can travel 30 miles per hour, as fast as the fastest land travel.

Gate of Wondrous Realms - Action
Commit effort for the day. You open or close a gate to uncreated night with a chosen known destination. This does not make the journey any easier, but if you know the rough destination, this can take you anywhere.

Know the Path - Constant
You always know the safest and easiest way to go to reach any location that is not kept secret from the world. Those who go with you also count their journeying to be food and sleep, allowing constant travel.If you have already been to a location you can commit effort for the scene to instantly journey there with all your companions, so long as it is within 10 miles per level of your current location. 

Divine Road - Constant
Any creature or vehicle you ride can use your hitpoints, AC , and any other constants, gains 1d10 magical damage from it’s touch and collisions, and can be ridden as masterfully as any mortal driver can drive.You can smash through up to five feet worth of non magical material as part of your movement action.

Wanderlust - Action 
Commit effort. A lesser foe of choice is seized with an unstoppable desire to travel, and will instantly go to explore a destination of your choice. Those with strong family ties will attempt to bring their family with them. This gift grants an innate knowledge of where people want to travel, though you do not need to make them travel to their desired location. Commit effort for the day to affect a worthy foe with this with them getting a spirit save to avoid the desire.

Master of the Key - Instant
You can instantly defeat any mundane trap, lock, tie, binding, guard detail or seal. Commit Effort for the scene to overcome magical barriers, traps, and bindings within sight, including ones of a mental nature. You may do this even if the binding effect would otherwise render you helpless. This can also be used to open a hole into security, for up to five minutes, making guards wander, opening a portal, or making a fence open.

The Hour of Need - Action
Commit Effort for the day. Up to a dozen allies or a small mob of allies within a week’s journey realized you’d need them there at this time and will arrive this round if they were willing to come. This may induce some problems of causality, but the gift’s power allows their arrival regardless.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

The Exodus Road - On Turn
Commit Effort. Your Journeying gifts can apply to any number of willing companions in sight, including whole armies or cities.

The Path of Racing Dawn - On Turn
Commit Effort. You and those with you can fly or otherwise ignore terrain, traveling at 100 miles an hour, the speed of a fast aerial creature, while journeying or at your normal movement rate while in combat. While in combat, you may instead choose to move at the breakneck pace of 450 feet per turn, but until your next turn all enemy attacks automatically hit those affected, and your party’s attacks automatically miss. Attacks during a chase do not force you to miss or be autohit until the turn after either party ends their movement, as fighting in a chase is natural to you. 

True Path - Constant 
You can always tell the true path to any destination chosen by your GM that would aid your quest, though not the details of the location or the journey. You always have a mental map of your area around you to one mile, including any enemies or notable treasures, and with an action you can observe any area in that mile you can reach with simple travel. After reaching a location or meeting a new enemy or person, unless the details are concealed by all who know of it, you can summon up a brief summary of facts travellers in this locale know about it.

Nightwalker - Action
Commit effort for the day, and partially phase into the uncreated night. You can travel freely within it, unaffected by walls, guards, or other barriers that would otherwise stop your path, and unaffected by the worst dangers of uncreated night. You cannot affect the mortal world or uncreated night here, but can freely see both. Foes in combat with you cannot hurt you with non magical weapons, and other foes cannot see you without supernatural sight. At the end of a scene or before at your choice you must choose to fully enter into uncreated night or the nearest realm, and cannot use this gift again for the rest of the day.

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Dominio della Conoscenza e del Sapere.

I personaggi con il Dominio della Conoscenza possono aumentare il loro valore di Intelligenza Saggezza 16, o a 18, in caso fosse già pari o superiore a 16.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

The Best Course - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Gain one sentence of truthful information from the GM on the best way to accomplish your current desire or goal. New information cannot be gained with this gift until the existing information is acted upon or the goal is abandoned.

The Best-Laid Plans - Action
Commit Effort for the day and lay out a plan. The GM announces the most relevant complication or threat to the plan’s execution that you don’t already know about. This insight can be drawn upon only once for any particular goal being pursued, with the GM deciding what constitutes a different goal.

Mastery of Understanding - Action
As an action, erase up to a large mob’s knowledge of a language, an intellectual skill, or a particular topic or event. This can't erase spellcasting abilities or other powers, but lasts until the skill is relearned or the Godbound relents. Worthy foes can save versus Spirit to resist. This combined knowledge, if the gift is bought as a gift, may be stored and granted to a single willing non divine individual of choice.

A Truth That Burns - Action
Target a visible group of beings involved in some plan. Even a single individual can be targeted, but they must be part of a group of at least 3 people engaged in some plan. You immediately gain knowledge of their plans and tactics as the best-informed leader among them. Thus, if you target the servant of a mighty politician, you would gain knowledge of his schemes and plots.

The Unveiled Truth - Action
Commit Effort for the scene; get an answer to any question, provided the truth about it is not being intentionally concealed by all who know it. Intentional concealment is generally not feasible for a large group without the aid of divine gifts. This answer is generally brief, no more than a few sentences.

A Word Far Off - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Know what’s going on in a particular place or community that you’ve been, learning as many as three sentences of what the GM thinks you’d find most important or most relevant to your immediate interests. You can, by committing an additional effort, see through the eyes of a lesser foe who the GM feels is appropriate to your interest and learn what they hear and see.

The Mighty Pen - Action
Commit effort for the day. Over the course of a scene, from the ground a library, lab, or other appropriate building of knowledge will pop out, with appropriate equipment, books, tools, and other apparatus for its function, along with one ethereal figure per level who will help in the use of the area. If purchased as a gift and used enough, this can count as a feature for a faction, though it cannot be sacrificed on a failure.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Disclose the Flaw - Instant
Commit Effort for the scene and choose a target, either creature or institution. Know its current weaknesses and most vulnerable elements at that time, including any hidden means by which it might be killed or destroyed. Creatures reveal their hit dice and Effort totals. After using this gift on a foe, by committing effort you can permanently get an update on their current hit dice and effort.

Irresistible Query - Action

Commit Effort for the day. Ask the GM any question about current or past events and be answered in one word or short phrase. This power cannot be used more than once on a given topic until the situation changes significantly.

The Omniscient Scholar - Constant
You have mastered all spheres of mortal academic knowledge.The godbound may ask a question. If the answer is known by or can be deduced by any mortal scholar or their library, the answer is immediately provided to the godbound. In addition, any intellectual task that could be accomplished by a mortal scholar in an hour or less can be accomplished by the godbound as an action, with longer tasks being shortened proportionally.

Panoptic Glory - On turn
Commit effort.You can instantly see, hear, and use your full spectrum of senses to look around any location you have been in, or any person you know the name of not shielded by divine wards. This gift breaks through illusions and can see the true shape of shapeshifters. In a range of a mile, you can scan for any sort of written knowledge, or scholar, but not just random people, detecting their exact location. By committing effort for the scene, you can break even divine level wards against scrying.

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Dominio della Fortuna e del Caso

I personaggi con il Dominio della Fortuna hanno la possibilità di lanciare 1d20 una volta al giorno. Nel corso della giornata possono sostituire il risultato del dado con un proprio tiro o con quello di una qualunque altra entità.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Blighted Luck - Action
A single non-Mob target is cursed with misfortune. They’ll always lose games of chance, bad things of varying non-fatal character will always happen to them, and they always roll twice on hit rolls and saves and take the worse result. Worthy foes can make a Spirit save to resist and require Effort to be committed for the scene. This effect lasts until you choose to lift it, it's dispelled, or a particular event happens.

Nine Lives - Constant
Automatically reroll saves or enemy hit rolls that would result in the hero’s death or mortal injury. The second roll is taken, even if it’s worse.

Salting Away the Luck - Instant
Commit Effort after the hero rolls a die while doing something consequential. The die is rerolled, but the initial result is saved. When the Effort is reclaimed the result can be given to anyone else in the hero’s presence, provided a die with the same number of sides is being rolled. Unwilling worthy foes can make a Spirit save to resist the donation. This gift can preserve only one roll at a time.

Spun Fortune - Instant
Commit Effort for the scene. Another person rerolls a roll you are aware that they just made.

Unmarred Beneficence - Constant
The hero has a natural AC of 3, luckily avoiding perils. If a misfortune lands randomly on a member of their group, they’re never the victim of it. This base AC isn't improved by armor or shields.

The World Against You - On Turn
Commit Effort. The hero becomes able to use luck as a weapon with a range of 100 feet, inflicting sudden and wildly-improbable calamities on a foe with normal attack rolls. When used to attack, damage is 1d10 and treated as a magic weapon. The source of this incredible bad luck is not perceptible to mortal onlookers or non-supernatural beings.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

By Chance - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. The player dictates an event in their presence that isn’t utterly improbable, and it happens. Damage to foes is limited to a 1d12 die for a focused calamity on a single target or a 1d6 damage die apiece for troubles that affect a group. This power affects only physical objects and events, and not minds or emotions.

Impossible Victory - Constant
Exactly once, the hero automatically wins a conflict or obtains their end in a situation by blind luck. It may not be a total victory, but it gains their main goal. They then lose the gift, are refunded its cost, and can never purchase it again. Luck miracles cannot replicate this gift.

Unfailing Fortune - Constant
The hero may always reroll a natural 1 on any die they roll. They can dictate the outcome of any element of chance in gambling or gaming.

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Dominio della Forza e della Potenza.

I personaggi con il Dominio della Forza sono tremendamente potenti e aumentano il proprio valore di Forza a 19, ottenendo così un modificatore di +4. Questa forza prodigiosa gli permette di sollevare e rompere qualsiasi oggetto non magico che possano riuscire ad afferrare facilmente, tuttavia, eventuali dimostrazioni di forza veramente straordinaria richiedono l'utilizzo di un Miracolo o di un Dono.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Descent of the Mountain - Action
The Godbound can hurl any object they can lift to any point in sight. If used as an attack, they must make a normal hit roll modified by Strength. Very large or heavy objects make clumsy weapons and suffer a -4 to hit, but inflict 1d12 damage to those in the area they land on, modified by Strength.

Falling Meteor Strike - Action
With a moment's concentration, the Godbound can smash any single non-magical object of less than ten feet in diameter. If the object is larger than that, a ten-foot high, wide, and deep hole is punched into it. If the object is magically durable or resilient, the Godbound must Commit Effort for the scene to smash it. The focus required for this blow makes it useless against mobile enemies, but if the Godbound strikes an immobile or helpless target with this gift they suffer four points of damage for every level of the Godbound.

Fists of Black Iron - Constant
The Godbound's unarmed and weapon attacks are fueled by their tremendous strength. One-handed weapons do 1d10 damage in their hands, and two-handed ones or unarmed attacks made with both hands free inflict 1d12. These attacks count as magical weapons.

Shoulders Wide as the World - On Turn
Commit Effort. The Godbound can pick up any object no larger than a warship and carry it at their normal movement rate. The gift allows the object to hold together and the Godbound to avoid sinking into the earth, but the object is too unwieldy to use for violent ends.

Stronger Than You - Constant
Whenever the Godbound is in an opposed Strength check or contest against another creature or opposing it in a grapple or other exercise of strength, the Godbound always wins. If two Godbound with this gift struggle, the test is resolved normally. As an action, the Godbound can confer the benefits of this gift on an ally for one contest or action.

Surge of Strength - Instant
Commit Effort for the scene to maximize any single damage roll modified by Strength. Such is your aura of tremendous might that you can apply this benefit to an ally within sight if you wish.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Leap the Moon - On Turn
Commit Effort. The Godbound can leap tremendous distances, ignoring all fall damage and able to jump to any point within sight in lieu of their movement action for the round. They can fight flying enemies by using their move action to leap up before striking their target. They cannot leap more than ten total miles of distance per hour, however.

Loosening God's Teeth - Action
Commit Effort for the day and make a single armed or unarmed attack. If the blow hits, the damage roll is read straight. This damage roll cannot be maximized by other gifts or abilities. Even on a miss, the concussion of the blow does injury as a normal-damage hit.

Thews of the Gods - Constant
The Godbound is always able to pick up anything smaller than a large building and punch through, smash, or break loose any non-magical substance as a free part of their movement or other actions. This might is quickly deployed, but not finely-controlled enough to help damage rolls or other attacks.

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Dominio dell'Oscurità e della Notte.
Art by Kevin Macio.

I personaggi con il Dominio dell'Oscurità possono vedere perfettamente nell'oscurità e possono conferire questo dono ai propri alleati. Inoltre, possono emanare oscurità dal proprio corpo fino a coprire un'area di 60 metri, che soffoca le fonti di luce normali e le estingue in un turno. Inoltre, il personaggio può estinguere qualsiasi fonte di luce entro 60 metri con un'azione, senza dover emanare oscurità. Infine, il personaggio non ha bisogno di dormire e qualsiasi cosa faccia non può disturbare il sonno delle creature nelle vicinanze, a meno che non lo desideri.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Blade of Night - On Turn
Commit Effort. You may lash out at those within 200 feet with knives of shadow that inflict exhaustion, even to that which does not sleep. These knives deal 1d10 damage.Lesser foes struck by this attack cannot sleep and will die in 1d6 months as they slowly degenerate into madness, baring magical healing. The first round of attacks from this is imperceptible to onlookers and the victim.

Trapped by the night - On turn
Commit effort for the scene. For the rest of the scene, each round, create, modify, or destroy darkness of up to 20 x 20 x 20 foot size within your normal line of sight. The structure can be elaborate, to the limit of your own creative skills. See page 27 for rules on trapping victims in walls or zones. You can impose status effects like blindness or eternal sleep or calm on those areas of darkness for lesser foes.

The Darkling Stairs - Constant
You can fly at twice your movement rate. While in darkness, twice per turn, you can move your movement rate to any other spot of darkness.

A Road of Shadows - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Step into one shadow and emerge from the one nearest to the desired destination, provided it’s within a mile. The gift can move you no more than ten miles total in any one hour.

Dream fortune - Action
Commit effort for the scene. The Godbound enters the dreams of a known person and can get a general idea of their past and most likely future. A brief description of their occupation, current ambitions, and a sentence on their most likely actions in the next day, along with their maximum hit dice total or character level. You can send and receive messages from your pantheon as well.

Welcoming the Dusk - Constant
Natural light sources cannot penetrate the darkness created by your use of the Darkness word and are instantly extinguished. Foes within your darkness are considered to be blind, suffering a -4 on melee to hit rolls and foes automatically fail at making ranged attacks into or while within your areas of darkness. Supernatural senses or area attacks may bypass this, or a lack of reliance on sight. By spending Effort for the scene, magical light is snuffed out as well and lesser foes within 50 feet are sent to sleep, and those who use gifts to light your darkness must make an opposed attribute check to succeed.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

A Darkness at Noon - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. You bring or dispel night in a radius up to a mile per level. At night, the moon is at whatever phase you desire, while banished night leaves the sun overhead. Optionally, you may ensure that no lesser foe sleepers within that area will wake up for anything but severe physical injury, or send them specific dreams.

Flesh of Shadows - Action
Commit Effort. Become an almost-insubstantial shadow, unable to affect the real world or pass through solid objects, but with an invincible defense against non-magical attacks.

A Speaker in Dreams - Action
Commit Effort. You can communicate with anyone you have seen before via shared dreams they recall perfectly, while they are awake or asleep. You can also spy on their dreams to get an idea of their greatest concerns and learn their location. Unwilling worthy foes can make a Spirit save to resist, and gain resistance for the scene. Repeated attacks over the course of a night give them a sense of your location and dreams.

Red Moon - (Smite) Action
Commit Effort for the scene. If the moon is in the sky, its turns red and hits a desired visible foe for 1d10 shadow damage per level of the Godbound, This darkness will penetrate any roof or ceiling not proof against divine gifts in order to strike the target. If the moon is not in the sky the bolt does 1d6 damage per level. Creatures of this world always take 1d10 damage per level and roll the damage twice to take the harshest result, as they are more vulnerable to the ravages of uncreated night.

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Gold God

Dominio della Passione.
Art by AkiiRaii.

I personaggi con il Dominio della Passione possono aumentare il proprio valore di Carisma Saggezza a 16, o a 18, in caso sia già pari o superiore a 16.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Banner of Passion - Action
Commit Effort. All NPCs who are lesser foes within earshot or sight are suffused with a powerful emotion of your choice, directed at the object of your choosing. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw each round to throw it off. This emotion will make them act to the limits of their character and will last at least a day after the effort is reclaimed.

Fashioning a Friend - Action
Commit Effort for the scene to beguile a visible creature, inspiring it to feelings of friendship and cooperativeness towards you. It will not question these feelings, however irrational, and they will persist until you obviously betray it or do it blatant harm. Lesser foes have no resistance against this power, while worthy foes can save versus Spirit to avoid the enchantment.

Follow the Threads - Action
You may study a target for one action to identify the half-dozen people most emotionally significant to them, learning their appearance, the name the target knows them as, and a few words of description of the bond between them. Lesser foes cannot resist this, while worthy foes can save versus Spirit to maintain their secrets.

Heart of the Lion - Constant
You have an invincible defense against fear and all unwanted emotion-affecting effects. You may Commit Effort for the scene as an Instant action to share this immunity with all allies within 100 yards.

Snuff the Heart's Candle - Action
Instantly quell an emotion in a visible target. You can extinguish a particular emotion entirely, such as fear, loyalty or love, or you can selectively snuff it towards particular people or activities. The target is unable to feel that emotion toward the selected subjects until you release them from the effect. Lesser foes are automatically affected, while worthy foes can save versus Spirit to resist the stilling.

Terrifying Mien - Action
Commit Effort to the end of the scene. All NPC foes who can see or hear you, must instantly make a Morale check. Lesser foes roll this at a -2 penalty. Foes that fail this check will usually flee in terror, albeit those without a means of escape might surrender on the spot. This gift can be used against a foe only once per scene, and PCs are immune.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

A Heart like Clay - Action
Commit Effort for the scene to completely control a subject's emotions, dictating all they feel and their emotional attitudes toward any persons or subjects of your choice. Lesser foes are utterly helpless against this shaping and can be driven to wholly uncharacteristic extremes by it. Worthy foes can only be molded within the limits of their own usual emotional range and can save versus Spirit to resist the shaping. The emotions persist despite all adversities until the Godbound releases the subject.

Infectious Passion - Action
Commit Effort for the scene to plant a seed of a particular emotional attitude toward a chosen person or topic in a visible target. If that target is affected, they become infectious, spreading that same attitude toward their friends and associates over the course of a single contact. The infection can spread five or six degrees before it loses its magical potency, usually enough to completely overwhelm a village, court, or neighborhood. Lesser foes get no saving throw, but worthy enemies can save versus Spirit to resist. It lasts until the Godbound releases the victims or the emotion becomes blatantly inappropriate.

A Song Buried Deep - Action
Commit Effort for the day and choose a phrase, passage of music, image, or person in your presence. At a time or context of your choosing, the sight or experience of that subject unleashes the effects of a Banner of Passion on all present. You can define the context as precisely as you wish and choose the Banner's effects and focus beforehand. The maximum range of this effect is one mile per level of the Godbound. Note that the effects apply to any matching phrase, music, or image; if the Godbound uses this power on a nation's battle flag and bids it trigger for friendly soldiers when facing combat, every allied military unit within miles will be affected provided they've got a matching battle flag. If the Godbound imbues a traditional greeting with the passion, then every person who hears the greeting will be affected.

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