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3 - Domini e Doni Divini


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Dominio del Mare e delle Acque.
Art by Forrest Mckinley.

I personaggi con il Dominio del Mare sono invulnerabili al freddo, possono respirare sott'acqua, nuotare al doppio della loro velocità e vedere perfettamente sott'acqua a prescindere dall'illuminazione o la pulizia dell'acqua. Possono garantire questi doni ai loro alleati, eccetto la resistenza al freddo.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Body of Water - Constant
Your flesh flows around dangers and encapsulates toxins. Your natural armor class is 3 and you are immune to poisons. You can apply a poison by touch if you’ve previously swallowed or been struck by a dose, thus ejecting the toxin. This AC isn't improved by shields or armor.

Crushing Depths - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Destroy any non-magical object you’re touching, up to 20 x 20 x 20 feet in size, as it erodes or is compressed into splinters. Living creatures require a normal weapon or unarmed attack to hit and are not automatically destroyed, though the damage die is treated as if it rolled the maximum possible.

Living Torrent - On Turn
Commit Effort. Spout a torrent of water at dangerous levels of pressure. The water can be used as a ranged weapon out to 100 feet, doing 1d10 damage and counting as a magical weapon. It will destroy one foot of earthen or wooden barriers in one round. The water can be allowed to remain after using this power, or allowed to vanish as the wielder wills.

Lord of the Waters - On Turn
Commit Effort. While in effect, you can transform into any non-magical sea creature larger than a shrimp and smaller than a kraken. You can speak to and command all natural sea life, sense every living creature under or on the water within a mile, and summon such life to your presence as needed. Intelligent creatures need not obey your summons or commands if they do not wish to do so. Ships or fleets in your company are impervious to storms and reefs.

Secrets of the Deep - On Turn
Commit Effort. You sense the exact position of all flowing liquids within 200 feet, including the blood in living veins. By touching a body of water and seeking a particular thing or type of object, you become aware of every place where such a thing is sunken, floating or wave-lapped within ten miles.

Walking With the Tide - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Enter a body of water large enough to submerge you and emerge from any like body of water within a mile, exiting at the nearest suitable pool to your desired location. If the bodies of water are connected by waters wide enough to admit a creature of your size, the range increases to a hundred miles.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

River Tamer - Action
Commit Effort. Amounts of water no larger than a small river can be redirected, made to flow into the air or move in otherwise impossible fashion. The water may sweep away buildings or creatures depending on the amounts involved, and is sufficient to speed a ship at sea at ten times its usual pace. The flow continues as long as effort remains committed, and can be controlled up to 1,000 feet away from the hero as an action. The hero and their allies are never unwillingly moved or harmed by this water.

Salt-Spray Purity - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Dispel or automatically resist any single magical effect targeted at you or an ally. For the duration of the scene, that effect or gift cannot affect the subject you defended, even if it is applied again. Optionally, instead of this effect, you may suppress any other Godbound gift for one round as if by a successful miracle.

Tsunami Hand - (Smite) Action
Commit Effort for the scene. You strike a blow which becomes a crashing wave, rushing up to 200 feet in width, 30 feet in height and 100 feet in length before it drains away. Small buildings and fragile structures are destroyed, and creatures take your level in points of damage, tripled for Mobs. The wave can be cast in a smaller area if desired, does not harm targets you wish preserved, and vanishes after it breaks so as not to leave the area inundated.

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Art of James Bousema — LOKI AND HIS CHILDREN The shape-shifting god of...

Dominio del Mutamento.
Art by James Bousema.

I personaggi con il Dominio del Mutamento sono immuni a qualsiasi effetto capace di cambiare la loro forma, incluse mutiliazioni, tatuaggi o marchi. Una volta al giorno possono guarire le loro ferite, recuperando un numero di punti ferita pari al proprio Livello.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Knack of the Borrowed Shape - Instant
When you adopt the shape of a creature, you may also adopt its special abilities. You can obtain a medusa's stony gaze, a dragon's flaming breath, or some other magical gift. Old-school bestiaries offer ideas for forms, but the specifics of allowed powers are at the GM's discretion. Each power you adopt requires you to Commit Effort; when you leave the shape, this Effort returns at the end of the scene. Lesser gifts may be used from creatures you command or defeat, at the dm’s discretion, though these can only be changed once per day, and require effort to be committed for the day.

Tentacled abomination - On turn
Commit effort. You can freely summon tentacles or tendrils of flesh, which allow you to move at 60 feet per round, and extend the range of your attacks to 200 feet. 

Lick Your Wounds - Action
You merge torn flesh and broken bones in your own form, becoming briefly molten with vital force. Commit Effort for the day to heal 1d6 hit points per three levels, rounded up. Until the start of your next turn, you're immune to physical weapons or harm from objects.

Ten Thousand Skins - Action
You may transform into any creature or object no smaller than a mouse nor larger than a moose. You retain your own attributes, hit points, and combat bonuses in this form, but may use whatever movement types are natural to your new shape. You may communicate with beasts of your assumed kind when wearing their shape. If you Commit Effort for the scene, you can use this gift as an On Turn action. This gift allows you to perfectly replicate any individual you have met in terms of appearance or voice.

The Claws That Catch - On Turn
You may manifest claws or other body weaponry in whatever form you take, including human guises. These inflict 1d10 damage and count as magical weapons. You may also Commit Effort for the scene to produce a venom that will kill or incapacitate a lesser foe who fails a Hardiness save, with the venom applied to every physical attack you make that scene. Against Mobs of lesser foes, this venom makes your attack do maximum damage in place of that effect.

Banner of the Alpha - On Turn
Commit Effort. You and allies within your general area gain a Morale of 11 and an invincible defense against physical transformation by anyone but you. Allied NPCs are transformed into partial were-humans hybrids of your choice, and gain +1 hit die and +1 to hit. Those in sight of you have an instinctive awareness that you are their alpha, and will seek to obey you.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Deceitful Faces - Constant
With impersonations, you instinctively know languages and what to do to maintain the facade, even if you have no possible way of knowing the right answers or actions. Whenever you want to accomplish something, you know the "in-character" way the original would do it, and if you have touched the target, know everything the target would have known, though recalling memories is no faster than it would be for the original target. Worthy foes you impersonate can make a Spirit save to block this gift, blocking any access to their memories.

Forging of Sinew and Bone - Action
Commit Effort for the day. You may alter a visible target's physical form into any shape you yourself are able to adopt. Subjects transformed into beasts use the rules given on page 160. Worthy foes may make a Hardiness saving throw to resist this change. This gift cannot heal a target or repair organs or limbs that have been mutilated; the injury will appear in the new form as well. This transformation is permanent unless the Godbound releases it or it is dispelled.

The Greatness Within - Constant
The shapeshifter's natural transformational abilities are augmented, allowing their transformation gifts such as Ten Thousand Skins to adopt extremely large forms, as big as a dragon, a modest house, or a small sailing ship, or extremely small, like an ant or a fly. A mortal transformed into a very large shape, one no smaller than an elephant, is given 3 hit dice if their native hit dice aren't already superior to that.

Mass Polymorph - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. You can transform followers, summoning followers from afar if necessary. A single greater follower of hit dice no more than 3 times your level rounded up is called, or one medium Mob of  2HD followers is created for each three levels you have, rounded up. The creatures can have one creature ability of your choice, like regeneration, poisonous claws, or dragon breath.The creatures are loyal, but are sent back wherever they came or transform back when this gift ends. Summoned entities or Mobs can be preserved indefinitely for 2 Dominion point each.

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Zeus by matty17art on DeviantArt

Dominio del Cielo.
Art by matty17art.

I personaggi con il Dominio del Cielo non vengono mai danneggiati dalle cadute, non hanno bisogno di respirare e sono invulnerabili a freddo, fulmini e suoni frastornanti. I loro alleati non sono mai danneggiati dai suoi fulmini e attacchi, a meno che non lo voglia.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

The Clouds Below - On Turn
Commit Effort. Fill the air around you with mist, up a 300 foot radius. You and your allies can see through it, but others with normal senses can see no further than five feet around them. The clouds can douse any mundane fire and allow every ally within it to ignore the first 5 points of fire damage they take each round.

Eyes Above - Action
Gain a bird’s-eye view of a mile around you, gazing swiftly enough to immediately spot particular individuals or things you might be looking for. You can focus on individual locations within that mile, observing everything going on but unable to overhear ordinary speech. The sight cannot penetrate roofs or other cover.

Rain of Lightning - Action
Choose a point within sight; every desired target within 50 feet suffers 1 damage per level, 3 for mobs so long as they remain within that area. If they immediately move out of the area they can avoid damage. Only one rain of lightning can be placed upon an area at a time. 

Sapphire Wings - On Turn
Commit Effort. The hero can fly at twice their usual movement rate. If undistracted and able to fly in a straight line, they can reach speeds of up to 100 miles an hour.

Stormsword - On Turn
Commit Effort. Wield electricity as a ranged weapon out to 200 feet, or sheath your weapon in lightning. Damage done is a minimum of 1d10 and counts as a magical weapon. Attacks against wet or metal-armored foes always do at least 1 point of damage, even on a miss.

Windsinger - Action
Commit Effort. Control weather within a mile, from still air to rainstorms strong enough to knock down fragile structures and make mundane archery impossible, Weather changes occur instantly on use of this gift and last as long as Effort remains committed. When released, the weather rapidly returns to its normal condition.

Skymaster - On turn.
Commit effort. You can create, modify, or destroy the atmosphere in a 20 foot cube. This can be used to pick up companions or hurt enemies once per round. If used to move targets they are moved away 30 feet per round, unless they succeed on a hardiness save, and worthy foes require an additional effort to be committed for the scene to affect them. If used to do damage, your action must be used, and susceptible enemies in a 20 foot cube take 1d10 damage per round. When travelling, captured friends or foes can move with you at your travel speed.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Boreal Spike - (Smite) Action
Commit Effort for the scene. For the rest of the scene, you can bring down the icy chill of the heavens on a point within sight. Every chosen target within 200 feet is frozen for a number of points of damage equal to your level. Against Mobs, the spike does 1d10 damage straight for every two character levels of the hero, rounded up. Liquids in range are frozen solid up to 200 feet deep and all normal fires are extinguished, and buildings less sturdy than a stone building are shattered.

Voice of the Winds - Action
You may focus on a specific point within ten miles to hear everything happening there unless it’s sealed from outside air. You can speak to that point and be heard there alone. Your fray attacks hit all lesser foes within 100 feet, and can hit worthy foes as well if you spend an action shouting.

Father of Heaven - Constant.
Your mastery of the weather is unshakeable. You have an intuitive awareness of all weather, weather related opinions, and weather organisations in areas you control, and can freely alter the weather to any weather normal to the area. You gain an extra free point of Dominion every month, though you can only spend these points in places heavily impacted by your weather. New Godbound don't start the game with any stockpile of points, however.

Airmaster - Action
By focusing, you can order up to a vast mob of aerial foes to obey any command. You can also command a worthy aerial foe, but they can resist by saving vs spirit. You can also use your action to steal any flight ability from up to a vast mob or a single worthy foe, and regift it to yourself or an ally, by committing effort for the scene. This can only be used once per scene on a worthy foe. Use of this flight theft for a round then returns it to the user, and only one flight gift can be granted to a target.

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Dominio del Sole e della Luce.
Art by Jonny.

I personaggi con il Dominio del Sole possono emanare luce nel raggio di massimo 60 metri, non possono venire accecati e vedono nell'oscurità e nebbia, inoltre sono immuni al calore e al fuoco. La loro visione può può penetrare persino bendaggi e sopravvivere alla rimozione degli occhi.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Body of Burning Light - On Turn
Commit Effort. Your brilliance makes you almost impossible to target, by creatures who operate by means of vision. While you shine, your natural AC is 3 against creatures with sight. Your weapons or unarmed attacks count as a magical weapon with a range of 200 feet, and do a minimum of 1d10 damage. Your corona counts as natural sunlight for susceptible creatures. Armor and shields don't aid this AC.

Hasten to the Light - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Instantly appear in any place lit by natural sunlight or your own radiance, provided it's within one mile. You appear at the nearest valid light to your desired destination. This gift can't move you more than a mile of total distance per hour.

Hope of the Dawn - On Turn
Commit Effort. You and allies within your general area gain a Morale of 12 and an invincible defense against magical emotional influence. Allied NPCs gain +1 hit die and +1 to hit. Those in sight of you have an instinctive awareness of your wishes, though they are not compelled to obey.

Illumine That Which Is - On Turn
Commit Effort. Your radiance limns magical effects on people, banishes magical darkness, dispels mortal illusion, and reveals magical items. Those with the gifts of Deception or Night may make a Spirit saving throw to maintain their illusions or gloom.

Purity of Brilliant Law - Instant
Commit Effort for the scene. Defensively dispel a hostile magical effect on yourself or offensively dispel another gift for a round as if with a miracle. This gift functions more swiftly than a conventional miracle of dispelling, and the Effort need not be committed for so long.

Sunlit Sight - Action
Commit Effort. Choose a place you’ve been that is currently lit directly by the sun. While the Effort is committed, see and hear everything in that place as if present. Your voice can be heard there by those present.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Creation’s First Light - On Turn
Commit Effort. Your vision penetrates any non-magical barrier, allowing you to see anything and everything out to the horizon. Focusing on something not in the immediate area requires a round. This vision automatically penetrates illusions and sees the true shape of shapeshifters. It cannot pierce the gifts of the Deception Word, however.

Purging Noonday Blaze - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. A burning light permanently banishes all undesired low magic out to sight range. If the Effort is committed for a day, it suppresses all offensive gifts or magical powers of a single target for one round, as if by a successful miracle applied to each. This gift can be used for such offensive dispelling only once per scene.

Sunstrike - (Smite) Action
Commit Effort for the scene. If the sun is in the sky, its radiance strikes a desired visible foe for 1d10 fire damage per level of the Godbound, This blaze will penetrate any roof or ceiling not proof against divine gifts in order to strike the target. If the sun is not in the sky the bolt does 1d6 damage per level. Creatures not of this world, such as summoned entities, angels or Uncreated, always take 1d10 damage per level and roll the damage twice to take the harshest result.

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Dominio della Lama.
Art by Aleksandra Skiba.

I personaggi con il Dominio della Lama considerano tutti i loro attacchi (armati e disarmati) come magici e fanno sempre 1d10+1 danni, non possono venire mai disarmati, possono evocare qualsiasi arma bianca che abbiano mai usato come azione istantanea e i loro attacchi da mischia non feriranno mai il bersaglio se così desiderano.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Contempt of Distance - Constant
Your movement action can take you to any point in 60 feet, provided there’s a target to hit at the end of the move, and no barriers that cannot be smashed through. A hero could thus dash straight to a rooftop or balcony without navigating the physical route there. 
Foes too far away to reach in one round can be pursued over multiple rounds, but they must be attacked once reached. This pursuit can even extend into the air, supporting the hero until they defeat their enemy or choose to disengage, whereupon they land safely at a point below. If an enemy flees, you can commit effort for the scene to remain with them for the round, no matter how far they go or teleport as an instant action to their current location. 

Nine Iron Walls - Instant
Commit Effort for the scene. You have an invincible defense against all physical attacks until the start of your next round. This defense does not apply to environmental hazards, spells, or other non-attack forms of harm. As with all Instants, this can be used even after an assailant has rolled a successful hit.

Through a Red Forest - Constant
You always hit lesser foes with your melee attacks. No attack roll is necessary, but this benefit applies only to actual melee weapon or unarmed attacks, and not to other effects that involve hitting a foe to inflict a hostile effect. Against the melee attacks of lesser foes, you also gain 1 point of damage resistance.

Beautiful crossed blades - On Turn
Commit effort. All foes within your movement range become compelled to take you on in melee combat, with them tossing down or you destroying any ranged weapons they held. If they choose to take any action other than attacking you in melee combat or moving to attack you are allowed one free attack roll against them, at a limit of once per enemy per round. A worthy foe may roll a Spirit save to negate the compelling effect, but not the retaliation, and once they save they are immune to the compelling effect for the rest of the scene.

Blades of Blossoming Scarlet - Action.
Commit effort. You may roll a single armed or unarmed melee attack roll to deal damage to all foes in front of you within your movement action, cutting a bloody gash  into all enemies that face you.

Unerring Blade - Instant
Commit Effort to the scene’s end. Your current or next melee attack hits on anything but a natural roll of 1 and does maximum damage. This strike can penetrate any protection short of an invincible defense against the weapon being used.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

The Red Hand of God - Action
Commit Effort. You can launch a melee attack against all foes in range, dealing 1d10+attribute modifier+level of damage. This gift damages every enemy you could melee attack as a single turn's action, which includes any movement required to complete the attack (30 feet normally). This damage roll deals straight damage against mobs and normal damage to any singular foes caught in the area of effect. A foe can choose to stand in your way and not dodge any attacks, and if they survive, can prevent your attack going past them. You may pick any attribute modifier for the damage roll, provided you can explain how it is relevant to the attack. If you have multiple attacks this counts as an action, preventing you from doing multiple attacks. Buying this gift refunds Blades of Blossoming Scarlet.

The Path Through War - On Turn
Commit Effort. So long as you don’t make an attack roll or cast a hostile effect, you have an invincible defense against all weapon or unarmed attacks. You can still use your Fray die while under this effect. This defense is not applicable to environmental, spell, or magical effect damage. You also gain a sense of where the fighting is most intense and where the most powerful foes are in a battle. Once this gift is dropped or ended, it cannot be reactivated during that same scene.

Shattering Hand - On Turn
Commit Effort. Your melee damage rolls and Fray dice are always the maximum possible. You can destroy barriers as thick as five feet of stonework in front of you in one round’s action, smashing them with a blow or as part of your movement action. Magical substances may resist this power.

Unburdening the Flesh of Lesser Gods - On Turn
Commit Effort for the day. For the remainder of the scene, while in your presence, foes must commit one additional point of Effort per four levels of the hero when using any power, gift, or miracle which could negate attacks, provide an invincible defense, or otherwise escape harm versus the user.

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Dominio del Tempo.

I personaggi con il Dominio del Tempo sanno sempre l'ora e la data attuale, e sono immuni a qualsiasi utilizzo di questo Dominio. Posso aumentare il proprio valore di Saggezza 16, o a 18, in caso sia già pari o superiore a 16.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Echoes of the Past - Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Choose a particular time or known event in the past that occurred at this location and witness it as if you were present.

Immediate Foresight - Constant
You cannot be surprised. Your natural armor class is 3, as you instinctively avoid foreseen blows. Armor and shields don't aid this AC. Look Forward Action Commit Effort for the day. Ask a question about a situation’s future outcome or the future actions of a person you’ve seen before. The GM gives a one-sentence answer regarding the most probable outcome or actions that seems likely to them.

Prophetic Insight - On Turn
Commit Effort for the day. Make a prophecy about a particular event involving a person present. It will come to pass if it is not completely improbable. If it directly involves an unwilling worthy foe, they can make a Spirit save to disrupt the effect. Events that immediately involve more than a hundred people cannot be so ordained, nor can a person’s inevitable death or great ruin be foretold unless they count as a lesser foe. Even then, they are allowed a Spirit saving throw.

Reflex of Regret - On Turn
Commit Effort for the scene. Replay your action for that round as if your actions had never occurred. You can use this gift only once per round, and you can’t use it if you’re dead or incapacitated.

Withering Hour - On Turn
Commit Effort. Your weapon, glance, or unarmed blows are treated as magic weapons doing 1d10 damage out to a 200 foot range. Those injured by this effect grow older or more decayed, even immortals fraying. Instead of killing a victim with this, you can age them arbitrarily.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

A Hand on the Balance - Action
Commit Effort for the day, choose a single visible creature or object, and define a particular outcome or event involving that target, however broad or narrow it may be. If that outcome or event is ever about to occur, you become instantly aware of it and can take one action as if you were standing next to the target. You can attack the target, manipulate an object, use a gift, invoke a miracle, or do anything else you can do in one action, affecting the target and anyone else present, though you are not actually there and cannot be perceived or affected. This power can affect a given target only once per day, and you can't have multiple applications of the gift on a single target.

Sundered Moment - On Turn
Commit Effort for the scene. Perform your action for the round, then reset time to its beginning and perform another round’s action. Choose your preferred round; its outcomes become real while the other ceases to exist, even if you perished in it. You remember both rounds, however. Using this gift more than once per scene increases the Effort cost to a day-long Commitment.

Reweave Time - Action
Commit Effort for the day and choose an event in the area which has taken place in the last hour. You may reweave the past to produce a different outcome to the event, provided the outcome you ordain is possible. Such reweaving cannot kill or resurrect creatures, cannot restore Committed Effort, and must be restricted to an event of no more than 15 minutes duration. A hostile worthy foe involved in the events may make a Spirit saving throw to foil the reweaving.

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ArtStation - Plutus, The God Of Wealth

Dominio della Ricchezza.
Art by Plutus Su.

I personaggi con il Dominio della Ricchezza non sono mai a corto di denaro e possono acquistare qualsiasi cosa sia acquistabile con punto Ricchezza. Hanno sempre cibo, bevande e vesti a sufficienza per loro ed i propri compagni, creandoli anche dal nulla se necessario. Possono instantaneamente individuare il valore di un oggetto e il valore che altre persone danno ad esso.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

The Craft to Make - Action
Commit Effort. You can create or duplicate any mundane object you’ve seen before in one round, provided it’s no larger than a wagon. The object is permanent. Animals produced are docile and provide sustenance if eaten. If the effort remains committed for the day the object becomes permanent.

Debts to be paid - Action
Commit effort. An individual's non-magical possessions, including armor, clothes, and worn items are sold off, with the wealth going to the user. Ridden animals, like horses, become disloyal and rowdy as they no longer feel owned.Weapons remain in hand, as do powerful magical items, and worthy foes can save vs reflex to resist this power.

Spread the wealth - Action
Commit effort. All NPCs within eyeshot are bribed with enough wealth and goods to secure their cooperation with your actions, to the limit of their personality, up to a maximum of your level in wealth per round. Very wealthy individuals and worthy foes can save vs spirit to resist this power, or ignore it if the wealth is insufficient. After withdrawing this power the individuals will remain bribed, unless a serious emotional truth or a better offer comes along to change their mind.

Privilege of Affluence - Constant
Your natural armor class is 3. You will never be the first to be targeted by a foe without specific anger towards you, so long as there is another target within sight, and most will prefer to imprison you for your wealth. Armor or shields don't benefit this base AC. 

Prosperity's Abundance - Action
Spend the Wealth necessary to purchase a generally-available object or service, including magical ones with a minimum of 1 point, and have it appear instantly. Services are performed by unseen hands to a good quality of work, taking as long as it would take to execute the work normally. Only "real" Wealth can power this gift, not Wealth created by magic or gifts.

Sustain the Multitude - On Turn
Commit Effort and bless a faction with a Power score no larger than 2, affecting a city at most. The faction gains the Feature "We always have enough to survive", providing them with sufficient supplies of food, clothing, and other needs regardless of the bleakness of their surroundings or recent losses. This Feature can be used to defend during relevant conflicts, but it cannot be sacrificed on a loss, and lasts as long as the Godbound keeps their Effort Committed.

Wither the Purse - Action
Commit Effort for the scene and target a victim in sight. Their finances suffer immediate and drastic loss, whether from thieves, arson, misfortune, or bad trade. They lose one Wealth point worth of possessions per level of the Godbound. Worthy foes can make a Spirit save to resist. Those who steward others’ money or have far-flung possessions lose only their own personal funds or those in the immediate area. If used against someone who directly controls a faction's wealth or facilities, their faction loses the benefit of one economically-related Feature the victim oversees for the next faction turn.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Everlasting bargain - Action
Commit Effort for the day and give an offer of some wealth or goods for actions of your choice. If directed at a group, all lesser foes up to a Vast Mob in number will stop to consider the deal and negotiate, unless attacked or hurt by the godbound or their allies. This delay can last up to a scene, and if they agree it is fair, they will honor the deal and carry it out so long as you can meet their demands. If directed at a single target anything can be demanded of the target, so long as the reward is great enough (+2 their current wealth level for the most extreme requests, and they will always accept any offer that is not suicidal or self harming and follow it so long as the reward is given. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw to resist the control, though many will think twice before rejecting a bargain where they offer a pittance for a mountain of gold.

The Golden God's Hand - Action
Commit Effort and curse or bless a faction or community with a Power score no larger than half your level, rounded up. You may either grant them a beneficial Feature having to do with prosperity or wealth, or you may suppress an existing Feature they have that relies on money or large amounts of resources. Granted Features can defend, but cannot be sacrifice on a loss. Empyrean Wards do not hinder this effect unless the entire area being cursed or blessed is protected by the ward. The curse or blessing manifests very rapidly in the course of a day, and lasts for as long as the Effort remains Committed. This gift refunds sustain the multitude.

Master Merchant - Constant
You gain an awareness of all the trade dealings within your realm, and can communicate to any merchants under your domain and instantly receive any goods they acquired, and an instant awareness of any actions to defraud or steal from you. Once a month, you receive 2 times your faction’s power score in real wealth to use. If a thief attempts to steal a major object of value from you, like this wealth or an artifact, you can take one instant action before theirs, wherever they are, unless they are word bound to a stealth word like deception or night or thievery. 

Monarch of Monopoly - Action 
Spend one effort for the day. Objects of a sort in the region chosen by the Godbound have their Wealth cost increased by one half the Godbound's level (round up). This can be as broad as, "Military weapons," "Transport to and from a location," or, "Food." The Godbound is able to produce the goods and sell them at the new rate if anybody is capable of purchasing them. This Gift may be used to create a Faction Problem for any faction in the region related to gathering resources or to remove a Faction's Feature related to said resource if they are unable to pay for it. This can be maintained with 1 influence indefinitely.

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Dionysus Dionysian God Greek - Free image on Pixabay

Dominio degli Stupefacenti.

I personaggi con il Dominio degli Stupefacenti aumentano il loro valore di Costituzione a 16, o a 18, se già pari o superiore a 16. Sono immuni ai veleni e non sono mai a corto di droghe non magiche. Queste sostanze sono abbastanza potenti da influenzare anche costrutti e non-morti e solo chi è esplicitamente invulnerabile ai veleni è immune a queste.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Bad Batch - Action
The Godbound can change the nature of any visible edible or consumable substance, giving it the properties of a drug of their choice, or influence the edible or consumable substances inside lesser foes. Users will not overdose unless the Godbound permits it; if used to create a toxin, the user must save versus Hardiness or die. If used to affect substances inside an existing person, it will take a scene to disable and kill them, though other effects can be quicker. If the Godbound Commits Effort for the day, the enchanted substance can be keyed to affect only specific people or classes of targets. This effect does not give any clear control over the content and emotional reactions people have to gifts.

Chemical Influence - On Turn
Commit Effort for the scene and target a visible creature. The creature is immediately overwhelmed by an emotion or drug related effect of your choice, acting to the limits of its own character to express that emotion or drug effect. You can focus the emotion on a chosen person or simple idea. The emotion lasts to the end of the scene, and worthy foes can save versus Hardiness to be mostly unaffected, though even a successful save forces them to Commit Effort for the day to resist the chemical urge. A save renders the target immune to further uses of this power in a scene.

Feeling All Right - Constant
The Godbound gains an invulnerable immunity to magical mental influence or mind-reading. If targeted by such a power, they may Commit Effort for the scene as an Instant action to use an Intoxication gift or miracle on their assailant as if they were a visible target, paying no extra effort for committing effort or scene effort, but committing effort for the day if the power requires that.

Pass It Around - Action
Commit Effort. A visible target is affected as if they'd taken a drug of the Godbound's choice. The Godbound can control whatever hallucinations or emotions the drug may induce at will. If used to apply a toxic dose, the power inflicts two points of damage per PC level. Worthy foes may save versus Hardiness to resist this power, and each additional poisoning attempt costs an effort for the scene.

Seeing Things - On Turn
Commit Effort. The Godbound controls all hallucinations currently occurring within two hundred feet. They may make these hallucinations objectively real for those experiencing them; illusionary stairs support their weight, imagined knives they hold cut things, and phantom pits swallow them up. Targets affected by harmful hallucinations can save versus Hardiness to avoid suffering damage each round; failure means they take one point of damage per two levels of the PC, rounded up. Mobs suffer triple damage. At the gift's end, any targets in impossible locations are safely moved to the nearest real place.

The Craving Call - Action
The Godbound can visibly see drug addictions with an action's worth of inspection. The Godbound may extinguish physical and psychological drug addictions in any number of targets within sight. If they Commit Effort for the scene, they may also induce addictions in targets up to a Small Mob in size; worthy foes may save versus Hardiness to resist. Addictions caused by a Godbound can be allowed to follow their usual course or be made to be physically harmless to the target, thus allowing them to aggressively overindulge indefinitely.

The First One is Free - Constant
When using drugs in a consensual setting on any foe, the first use of drug, to do damage or to inflict some status effect, is not detectable by any means as drug related- the user will simply rationalize any damage or effects as from some other source, and any inquiry will detect no drugs in their body. This makes any negative effects more subtle, even saving throws and effort committed not revealing the source of the trauma, and a skilled argument might convince a foe to keep taking drugs. Any use of drugs can count as a 1d10 magical weapon attack per round, or a weak blight per one round of drug use, a medium blight for two rounds, or a strong blight for three rounds. 

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Inside You - Action
Commit Effort for the day to instantly emerge from any creature under the influence of drugs, addictions, or Drugs gifts supplied by you, regardless of their distance. Optionally, you may share such a target's senses without needing to Commit the Effort by concentrating for an action, communicating with them as you wish.

Legalization - Constant
Drugs, poisons, or otherwise illicit substances of any kind are never viewed as illegal or reprehensible when possessed or used by the Godbound or their personally-chosen representatives, up to five such per character level. Despite being directly confronted with them, agents of the law will simply not think to consider them a violation. Even poisonings, public intoxication, or hostile drug use against a subject aren't considered illegal or socially improper. Worthy foes can save versus Spirit to see through this confusion, even if others cannot, but must be directly present, or using divine gifts of inquiry- evidence and proof of poison will magically disappear.

Pusher's Deal - On Turn
Commit Effort for the scene to sanctify a deal made in exchange for drugs. The target may not be magically coerced into making this bargain, but can be threatened or otherwise presented with unpleasant consequences. Once the deal is made, the target must comply, though the Godbound is not likewise bound to their promises. If the target breaks the deal, the Godbound is instantly made aware of it. For a year and a day, the victim no longer gets a save against the Godbound's powers and can never avoid their attacks. Lesser foes who break a deal may be killed instantly from any distance during this period, if the Godbound wishes.

My Chemical Romance - Instant
Your drugs push yourself or one ally who is currently at the limits of their ability, giving them an invulnerable defence against all forms of harm till the end of the round. This ability can only be used once per scene.

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Dominio dell'Omicidio.
Art by saeed farhangian

I personaggi con il Dominio dell'Omicidio possono, con una azione, assassinare instantaneamene qualsiasi nemico minore che non si aspetti di venire attaccato dal personaggio. Le vittime di un Dio dell'Omicidio non possono essere resuscitate senza il permesso dell'assassino e il loro omicidio non è riconducibile in alcun modo (se non con l'utilizzo di Doni) all'omicida, a meno che un nemico maggiore non assista all'atto.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

A Knife in the Dark - Constant
Everything is a weapon in your hands. Anything you use to harm another counts as a 1d10 magical weapon with a maximum range of 200 feet. If you attack a surprised target, the attack automatically hits for maximum damage. Any enemy surprised as such takes one damage per round from lingering wounds or poison from the next round until they receive divine healing, or until they use a divine miracle to purge it.

A Trustworthy Face - Action
Commit Effort for the scene and choose a particular social or professional role or the identity of a lesser foe. Lesser foes automatically assume you belong to that role or are that lesser foe, despite all evidence to the contrary. Worthy foes get a saving throw versus Spirit to see through the imposture if you draw their attention. The imposture lasts until you end it.

Festering Rage - Action
Commit Effort for the scene and target a visible creature, impressing on it a sudden and overwhelming urge to kill a chosen target whom they do not love or have profound loyalty to. If trusted by the target, they can make a single auto hitting 1d10 attack using any weapon once. Targets with no genuine reason to hate the target can make a saving throw to throw off the gift after a day. Targets will take the best available chance to murder the victim while the urge holds, regardless of their own personal safety or consequences. Worthy foes get a Spirit save to resist this compulsion.

Hand Full of Venom - Instant
Commit Effort. The next time this scene you touch, hit, or prepare food for a target, you may poison it with a toxin of your choice. The details of the effects can be anything you wish and be as slow or as rapid as you desire, but the poison must always eventually result in the target's death. Lesser foes cannot resist this poison, while worthy foes can make a Hardiness save to avoid the effect. This gift can only be used on a worthy foe once per scene. 

Murderer's Eyes - Action
You study a murder victim, immediately gaining a full and contextual understanding of how, why, and by whom the creature was murdered. Optionally, study a visible creature and learn whether or not they were personally involved in murderous violence against a particular target you have in mind, gaining a brief vision of how the event played out.

Never Unprepared - Constant
You have an invulnerable defense against poisons. Whenever anyone attempts to ambush or surprise you, you are not only unsurprised, but get an immediate bonus round of action before initiative is rolled.

Deathly pursuit - Action
Commit effort. Pick a target in sight. You have a constant awareness of where this chosen target is, and can teleport to them stealthily if they are within ten miles.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Judas Kiss - Constant
Whenever you attack someone who trusted you, as shown by consensual and not coerced sharing a meal with them where you can both touch shared food, or doing some other similar act of trust, you do straight damage. Against a foe who trusts you intimately, as shown by acts like letting you prepare their food in private or letting you into their private bed chambers, you can instantly slay them. If they do an act of distrust during the act, such as having a poison tester taste their food, or chaining you up so you can’t move, the gift does not work, and they must trust your current physical appearance throughout the act of trust. You need to attack them while they trust you to gain the benefit of straight damage or death. Only an invulnerable defence against emotional damage can stop this death. 

Never Will Be Missed - Constant
The godbound killing people is no longer considered criminal or intrinsically unacceptable by society, regardless of the circumstances of their death. NPCs with deep emotional ties or a powerful sense of duty to the target will still defend their life, but others will not involve themselves without major new incentives. In addition, by committing effort for the day you can designate someone as generally killable. Anyone with a grudge against them will know that they can be murdered, and lesser foes will feel a powerful urge to slay the individual, and an innate knowledge of their location. Worthy foes can save vs spirit to realize the strangeness of this gift.

Perfect Alibi - Instant
Commit Effort for the day when you or a party member kill someone. The act has an invulnerable defence against any form of science or magic or divine gift revealing the culprit, and you can control what these powers reveal to those who use them to investigate the matter. Lesser foes will be completely unable to identify you or your party members as the culprit, even if they saw you do it or hear you confess outright. The only exception to this invulnerable defence are gifts from the Word of Slaughter itself, which can still reveal the truth.

Killing Floor - Action
Commit effort for the day to make a location with substantial emotional importance to someone yours. Someone staying at a location for at least a month makes it emotionally important. At any later time of your choosing when the target is inside their location you can as an instant action gain control over all doors in the area, have a constant awareness of where the target is, limit their speed to 30 feet per round even with teleports, cause all saving throws to be rolled twice and the worst taken, and can as an instant action with scene effort dispel any invulnerable defences. This gift can apply to frequently roamed forests, caves, or other locations and cannot be used as a miracle. 

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Dominio della Magia e della Stregoneria.
Art by Peter Mohrbacher.

I personaggi con il Dominio della Magia possono investire Fervore per una scena e, con un'azione istantanea, negare immediatamente qualsiasi incantesimo della Bassa Magia lanciato in loro presenza. Allo stesso modo, sono in grado di bandire e distruggere qualsiasi evocazione o costrutto creati con la Bassa Magia. Tuttavia, non possono fare lo stesso contro la Teurgia o eventuali poteri arcani simili a incantesimi della Bassa Magia. Inoltre, sono immuni a qualsiasi incantesimo di Bassa Magia e alle Invocazioni della Teurgia inferiori a quelle del Trono. In ogni caso, i personaggi del Dominio della Magia hanno diritto a un Tiro Salvezza contro le Invocazioni del Trono.

Doni Minori - 1pt.

Adept of the Gate - Constant
You have been initiated into the Gate, the humblest level of theurgy, albeit still one beyond all but the mightiest mortal wizards. You may choose four invocations of the Gate to master as part of this learning and may learn more as you find them. This cannot be used as a miracle.

Adept of the Way - Constant
You have been initiated into the Way, the second tier of theurgic mysteries. You must already be an adept of the Gate to master this.You master three invocations of the Way as part of this learning and may learn more as you find them. This cannot be used as a miracle.

The Excellent Pause - Instant
When you cast a theurgy invocation or low magic spell, you may Commit Effort just before it is triggered. The spell is then suspended and may be released as an action at any time thereafter, with the Committed Effort returning at the end of that scene. You may suspend more than one spell if you're willing to Commit the Effort to each, but releasing a spell requires your action for the turn.

Perfection of Understanding - Constant
You are a remarkably swift student of magic. You can learn any low magic path within a month, taking one week per level of initiation of your teacher, without requiring a Fact committed to it. You can learn theurgy spells at a vastly accelerated rate as well; one day for an invocation of any degree. You automatically understand any low magic or theurgy used against you or in your presence, knowing its function, limits, and degree of power. You can also recognize the author of a magical working if you’ve seen other examples of their work.

Metamagical master - Instant
Each round, modify or destroy a known low magic spell of up to 20 x 20 x 20 foot size within your normal line of sight. The alteration can be elaborate, to the limit of your own creative skills, but cannot increase damage dice, allow healing to be applied en masse or increase the power of summons, but can change the element and number of targets, so long as it can target more than one person already. Each additional use in a round beyond the first requires a scene effort commit. Worthy foes can resist alteration of their spells with a spirit save. 

The Will that Burns - Instant
When struck while maintaining concentration, such as while casting a theurgy invocation, you may Commit Effort for the scene to maintain your concentration, prevent the loss of the spell, and inflict a 1d8 straight damage die on the foe that struck you as a mystic backlash.

Wizard’s Wrath - Instant
Commit Effort. Your Fray die can harm even worthy foes, those enemies of greater hit dice than you have levels. This power also affects those gifts that allow you to apply your Fray die as part of their effects, increasing the potency of such powers.

Doni Maggiori - 2pt.

Adept of the Throne - Constant
You have been initiated into the Throne, the deepest degree of theurgy’s secrets. You must be an adept of the Way to master this. You master two invocations of the Throne as part of this learning and may learn more as you find them. This cannot be used as a miracle.

God of the Lesser Paths - Action
Commit Effort for the day. The land you designate within a ten mile radius is altered in terms of how it's low magic applies for any type of low magic you have observed in spent an hour exploring with a practitioner, changing it at your will from easy or hard to learn and use. It is always a plausible or improbable change to teach your chosen types of low magic with dominion or influence and the elemental nature and breadth (with an increase or decrease of up to 20 feet in range) of low magic can be freely altered in the area as with the metamagical master gift. 
If applied as a gift and not used as a one-off miracle, the persistent magic counts as a feature or problem (if the area relies on low magic) for the land that though it cannot be sacrificed in the case of a lost Conflict it was involved in. Worthy foes can save vs spirit to cast a low magic spell of choice. 

Archmage above archmage - Constant
Your power as an archmage is indisputable. You have an intuitive awareness of all publicly known low magic, mages, theurgy and eldritch in communities you rule or administer, and can share magical secrets and knowledge freely with any magic users who you have shared names with within your lands, and freely talk to them (though they cannot talk back, except to share magical secrets and knowledge). 
You gain an extra free point of Dominion every month, though you can only spend these points on the creation or modification of magical spells, items and traditions. This Dominion cannot be spent on the creation of artifacts. Newly created Godbound do not begin  the game with any points.

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