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Frets on Fire... chitarristi da tastiera open


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Salve savino!

Avete presente Guitar Hero e tutte queste cose qui (f****te per qualcuno, st*****te per altri)?

Bene, c'è una versione open che si chiama FretsOnFire, con valanghe di canzoni su cui cimentarsi disponibili un po' qua e un po' la in giro per la rete... e viaggia sia su Windows, che su Linux, che su OSX (mi pare sia stata realizzata in Python).

Do a cesare quel che è di cesare: la segnalazione è di Celestine... e oggi con la sua tastiera wireless mi sono divertito parecchio!

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per inciso, da un pò è uscita la mod anni 80 per gh2 :)

Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80s" will available exclusively on PlayStation 2 this summer. After playing to mass audiences at sold out shows around the world in "Guitar Hero II", fans will once again be able to whip out their Gibson-shaped SG guitar controllers and shred to their favourite rock tracks.

"Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80s" will feature retro rock venues and hipster characters, unlockable guitars, intense game play modes, and most importantly 30 new songs to experience the ultimate rock star fantasy. The initial list of tracks includes such absolute delights as:

•I Wanna Rock (by Twisted Sister)

•I Ran (by Flock of Seagulls)

•Round and Round (as made famous by Ratt)

•I Want Candy (as made famous by Bow Wow Wow)

•Metal Health (as made famous by Quiet Riot)

•Holy Diver (as made famous by Dio)

•Heat Of The Moment (as made famous by Asia)

You could argue that the 80s were a guitar-heavy decade with the likes of Bon Jovi, Guns'n'Roses and INXS enjoying chart success, so now you can dust off those leather jackets, break out the bandannas and relive those kerazy days.

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