LaereX Inviato 27 Ottobre 2008 Segnala Inviato 27 Ottobre 2008 Dedicata ad una persona che stento a riconoscere. Una cara amica che improvvisamente ha iniziato a comportarsi schifosamente male senza un perchè. Cosa ti è successo? What Have You Done - Within Temptation & Keith Caputo Would you mind if I hurt you Understand that I need to Wish that I had other choices Than to hurt the one I love What have you done now? I know I'd better stop trying You know that there's no denying I won't show mercy on you now I know I should stop believing I know that there's no retrieving It's over now What have you done? What have you done now? I, I've been waiting for someone like you But now you are slipping away... oh What have you done now? Why? Why does Fate make us suffer? There's a curse between us Between me and you What have you done (x4) What have you done now What have you done (x4) What have you done now Would you mind if I killed you? Would you mind if I tried to? Cause you have turned into my worst enemy You carry hate that I don't feel It's over now What have you done? What have you done now? I, I've been waiting for someone like you But now you are slipping away... oh What have you done now? Why? Why does Fate make us suffer? There's a curse between us Between me and you What have you done (x4) What have you done now What have you done (x4) What have you done now I will not fall Won't let it go We will be free When it ends I, I've been waiting for someone like you But now you are slipping away... oh What have you done now? Why? Why does Fate make us suffer? There's a curse between us Between me and you (x2)
Kursk Inviato 28 Ottobre 2008 Segnala Inviato 28 Ottobre 2008 Era tanto tempo (troppo) che non passavo di qua... Ed oggi ascoltando una allegra canzoncina mi è venuta voglia di condividerla con tutti i metallari e pseudo-metallari del forum! Cita Manowar - The Gods Made Heavy Metal In the beginning there was silence and darkness All across the earth Then came the wind and a hole in the sky Thunder and lightning came crashing down Hit the earth and split the ground Fire burned high in the sky From down below fire melted the stone The ground shook and started to pound The gods made heavy metal and they saw that is was good They said to play it louder than Hell We promised that we would When losers say it's over with you know that it's a lie The gods made heavy metal and it's never gonna die We are the true believers It's our turn to show the world In the fire of heavy metal we were burned It's more than our religion it's the only way to live But the enemies of metal we can't forgive Cause we believe in the power and the might And the gods who made metal are with us tonight The gods made heavy metal and they saw that is was good They said to play it louder than Hell We promised that we would When losers say it's over with you know that it's a lie The gods made heavy metal and it's never gonna die We believe in the power and the might And the gods who made metal are with us tonight We're here tonight for heavy metal are you ready in the hall They have chosen us and we have heard the call Gonna tear the roof off with our sound Crack the walls and shake the ground Fight tonight for metal one and all Cause we believe in the power and the might And the gods who made metal are with us tonight The gods made heavy metal and they saw that is was good They said to play it louder than Hell We promised that we would When losers say it's over with you know that it's a lie The gods made heavy metal and it's never gonna die :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: 2
raemar Inviato 30 Ottobre 2008 Segnala Inviato 30 Ottobre 2008 Whitewash - Buckethead <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" "></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Vincent Laymann Inviato 31 Ottobre 2008 Segnala Inviato 31 Ottobre 2008 Per celebrare questa giornata, e in particolare quello che sarà questa serata/nottata, una gran canzone per tutti: HALLOWEEN Helloween Masquerade, masquerade Grab your mask and dont be late Get out get out well disguised Heat and fever in the air tonight Meet the others at the store, Knock on other peoples door Trick or treat they have the choice, Little ghosts are makin lotsa noise But watch out. . .beware--listen. . .take care In the streets on halloween Theres something going on No way to escape the power unknown In the streets on halloween The spirits will arise Make your choice, its hell or paradise Ah--its halloween Ah--its halloween. . .tonight! Someones sitting in a field, Never giving yield Sitting there with gleaming eyes, Waiting for big pumpkin to arise Bad luck if you get a stone, Like the good old charlie brown You think linus could be right The kids will say its just a stupid lie But watch out. . .beware--listen. . .take care In the streets on halloween Theres something going on No way to escape the power unknown In the streets on halloween The spirits will arise Make your choice, its hell or paradise Ah--its halloween Ah--its halloween. . .tonight! Listen now--we are calling you. . . And there is magic in the air Magic in the air. . .on halloween Black is the night full of fright Youll be missing the day What will be here very soon Changing your way A knock at your door Is it real or is it a dream On trembling legs you open the door And you scream. . . .on halloween Darkness Where am I now Is there anybody out there What has happened Am I in heaven Or is it hell I can see a light comin Its comin nearer Its shining Its shining so bright Its shining on me I am the one, dooms in my hands Now make your choice, Redeemed or enslaved Ill show you passion and glory He is the snake Ill give you power and abundance Hes the corrupter of man Save me from the evil one Give me strength to carry on I will fight for all mankinds Deliverance and peace of mind But watch out. . .beware--listen. . .take care In the streets on halloween Theres something going on No way to escape the power unknown In the streets on halloween The spirits will arise Make your choice, its hell or paradise Ah--its halloween Ah--its halloween. . .tonight! Yeah, its halloween Yeah, its halloween. . .tonight 2
mister x Inviato 3 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 3 Novembre 2008 Perchè tutto ha un limite, la pazienza pure... Slipknot - Wait and bleed I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander over where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed... Goodbye! I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time Everything is 3D blasphemy My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up This is not the way I pictured me I can't control my shakes How the hell did I get here? Something about this, so very wrong... I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this Is it a dream or a memory? I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander over where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed... Get outta my head cuz I don't need this Why I didn't I see this? I'm a victim - Manchurian candidate I have sinned by just Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander over where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed... Goodbye! You haven't learned a thing I haven't changed a thing My flesh was in my bones The pain was always free I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander out where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed... And it waits for you!
LaereX Inviato 3 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 3 Novembre 2008 Memories - Within Temptation In this world you tried, Not leaving me alone behind. There's no other way, I pray to the gods let him stay. The memories ease the pain inside, And now I know why. All of my memories keep you near. In silent moments, Imagine you'd be here. All of my memories keep you near, In silent whispers, silent tears Made me promise I'd try, To find my way back in this life. Hope there is a way, To give me a sign you're okay. Reminds me again it's worth it all, So I can go home. All of my memories keep you near. In silent moments, Imagine you'd be here. All of my memories keep you near. In silent whispers, silent tears. Together in all these memories, I see your smile. All of the memories I hold dear. Darling you know I'll love you, Til the end of time. All of my memories keep you near In silent moments, Imagine you'd here. All of my memories keep you near, In silent whispers, silent tears. All of my memories...
padishar Inviato 4 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 4 Novembre 2008 Prosegue la "riscoperta" dei miei vecchi gusti musicali.. Questa canzone è adattissima alla giornata trascorsa. The Beginning is the End is the Beginning - Smashing Pumpkins Send a heartbeat to The void that cries through you Relive the pictures that have come to pass For now we stand alone The world is lost and blown And we are flesh and blood disintegrate With no more to hate Is it bright where you are Have the people changed Does it make you happy you're so strange And in your darkest hour I hold secrets flame We can watch the world devoured in it's pain Delivered from the blast The last of a line of lasts The pale princess of a palace cracked And now the kingdom comes Crashing down undone And I am a master of a nothing place Of recoil and grace Is it bright where you are Have the people changed Does it make you happy you're so strange And in your darkest hour I hold secrets flame We can watch the world devoured in it's pain Time has stopped before us The sky cannot ignore us No one can separate us For we are all that is left The echo bounces off me The shadow lost beside me There's no more need to pretend Cause now I can begin again Is it bright where you are Have the people changed Does it make you happy you're so strange And in your darkest hour I hold secrets flame We can watch the world devoured in it's pain Strange Strange Strange
Aerys II Inviato 4 Novembre 2008 Autore Segnala Inviato 4 Novembre 2008 @Padishar: grandissimo! La ascoltavo giusto oggi pomeriggio... Vedo che Watchmen ti ha iniziato a contagiare, comunque.
falco_999 Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Perchè ogni periodo ha un mutamento e questo è il mio periodo... Raf - Metamorfosi C'è qualcosa che nasce da lì Dove tutto finisce e così Quando non c'è più niente da fare C'è qualcosa che... C'è qualcosa, qualcosa di te Tra le parole e il disordine E i pensieri scomposti e smarriti Sparsi qua e là... Forse il mondo riuscirà A rifarsi il trucco e l'abito Come una farfalla che mi gira intorno E in fondo è un po' Come se tu fossi sempre quà Puntualmente, in ogni cosa bella che mi capita Per ricordarmi che ogni giorno è il giorno migliore Siamo in viaggio da sempre Qui dove niente si crea Nè si distrugge Tra realtà illusorie E infinite metamorfosi... E anche l'abbraccio più intenso Quando credi che sia l'ultimo E' qualcosa di più, di più, di più Mentre il mondo cade giù Chiede il paradiso al diavolo Io resto sempre più là fuori dal tempo Dove sarai a nasconderti, chissà Da qualche parte, in qualche angolo della mia anima Oggi un anno se ne va ma è un giorno come gli altri Uno qualunque Si, un anno se ne va ma è un giorno come gli altri Uno qualunque Perchè ogni giorno è il giorno migliore Ogni giorno è il giorno migliore...
raemar Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Questa è la canzone del mio autunno. Boa sorte - Vanessa Da Mata e Ben Harper É só isso Não tem mais jeito Acabou, boa sorte Não tenho o que dizer São só palavras E o que eu sinto Não mudará Tudo o que quer me dar É demais É pesado Não há paz Tudo o que quer de mim Irreais Expectativas Desleais That's it There's no way It's over, good luck I've nothing left to say It's only words And what l feel Won't change Tudo o que quer me dar / Everything you want to give me É demais / It's too much É pesado / It's heavy Não há paz / There is no peace Tudo o que quer de mim / All you want from me Irreais / Isn't real Expectativas / Expectations Desleais Mesmo se segure Quero que se cure Dessa pessoa Que o aconselha Há um desencontro Veja por esse ponto Há tantas pessoas especiais Now even if you hold yourself I want you to get cured From this person Who advises you There is a disconnection See through this point of view There are so many special People in the world So many special People in the world In the world All you want All you want Tudo o que quer me dar / Everything you want to give me É demais / It's too much É pesado / It's heavy Não há paz / There's no peace Tudo o que quer de mim / All you want from me Irreais / Isn't real Expectativas / That expectations Desleais Now we're falling Falling, falling Falling into the night Into the night Falling, falling, falling Falling into the night Now we're falling Falling, falling Falling into the night Into the night Falling, falling, falling Falling into the night
Ichil Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Per mio figlio: Il Torero Camomillo Lallara lallara lallara lalla la olè! Già il toro è nell'arena, però non c'è il torero Cos'è questo mistero? Chissà dove sarà! Olé! Lo cercano dovunque, la folla intanto grida che vuole la corrida, che vuole il matador. Olé Olé Olè! Rit: Il matador chi è? Torero Camomillo, il matador tranquillo, che dorme appena può. Torero Camomillo se il toro ti è vicino tu schiacci un pisolino e non ci pensi più. Lallara lallara lallara lalla la olè! Ed ecco finalmente che scende nell'arena non sembra darsi pena, va con tranquillità. Olé! Avanza lemme lemme, si piega sui ginocchi e si stropiccia gli occhi il grande matador. Olé Olé Olè! Rit: Il matador chi è? Torero Camomillo, il matador tranquillo, che dorme appena può. Torero Camomillo se il toro ti è vicino tu schiacci un pisolino e non ci pensi più. Lallara lallara lallara lalla la olè! La folla va in delirio, vedendo quel torero accarezza il toro e poi ci dorme su. Olé! E' buono e sottomesso, quel toro grande e grosso che fa da materasso al grande matador. Olé Olé Olè! Rit: Il matador chi è? Torero Camomillo, il matador tranquillo, che dorme appena può. Torero Camomillo se il toro ti è vicino tu schiacci un pisolino e non ci pensi più. Lallara lallara lallara lalla la olè!
Eddie Smoke Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Scelgo questa canzoni perchè è la prima heavy metal che ho ascoltato, e mi ha aperto un mondo Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark [Harris] I am a man who walks alone And when I'm walking a dark road At night or strolling through the park When the light begins to change I sometimes feel a little strange A little anxious when it's dark. Fear of the dark,fear of the dark I have constant fear that something's always near Fear of the dark,fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's always there Have you run your fingers down the wall And have you felt your neck skin crawl When you're searching for the light ? Sometimes when you're scared to take a look At the corner of the room You've sensed that something's watching you. Have you ever been alone at night Thought you heard footsteps behind And turned around and no-one's there ? And as you quicken up your pace You find it hard to look again Because you're sure there's someone there Watching horror films the night before Debating witches and folklore The unknown troubles on your mind Maybe your mind is playing tricks You sense,and suddenly eyes fix On dancing shadows from behind. Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a constant fear, thought you heard Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's always there. When I'm walking a dark road I am a man who walks alone Eddie Smoke
LaereX Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Perchè in questo momento è la canzone che descrive alla perfezione la mia condizione attuale Avantasia - The Scarecrow [Tobias Sammet:] I'm just a loser in a game of love I'm just an stray boy in the shade And how I wish to know what love is like To find someone to contemplate There's a voice and a million answers To the questions I don't ask A demon - I've got to contain When I'm walking through the fen Getting deep into the black There are whispers that I can't restrain Don't give in [Chorus:] Rise to fame Time will come Make your claim Time has come For the crow to fly away [Jorn Lande:] So you're an angel meant to walk down here And you believe it's all divine And you don't play by all those temporal rules Watch the world begin to die, alright When the lamb's been torn to pieces I've been crashing from the sky The fallen to care for the prey They put a spoke right in your wheel I'm the one to dare the weak To push you all over the pain you give in, oh [Chorus:] Rise to fame Time will come Make your claim Time has come For the crow to fly away [solo: Sascha Paeth] [Tobias Sammet:] I close my eyes and I see what's coming my way, oh yeah He's got treasure in his eyes that he's gonna turn to clay [Jorn Lande:] Hm, I'm a stranger I'm a changer, and I'm danger... maybe... [Tobias Sammet:] Fallen Angel - waiting for the prey The devil has come to take a maimed away Penetration of the twisted mind The evil is out for the weak and blind I' can feel it in your voice Ever so sweet, no Do I really have a choice? No, no, no! [Jorn Lande:] Oh, you burn your feet on unholy ground You roam the barren wicked plains abound In evil eyes and evil speak Abound in all you evil freaks When you say it's all divine It mean't to be, oh What about your flesh and blood And defiers like me? Their evil lies are looking down at you And those who don't are losing sight of you Face the rage to chase away The spectre of disgrace and shame Withered roses dying on the ledge A withered dreamer standing on the edge You dream of love, but you wake up to pain You're better off to join in my game Then she'll be better of to cry contrite tears One day she'll wonder why She had to let you disappear oh dear (Rise to fame) - Your time has come (Time will come) - To take the sun (Make your claim) - You're drawn to the sound (Time has come) - You're leaving ground (Rise to fame) - The flight of the crow (Time will come) - Cross the line (Time has come) - For the crow to fly away It's a flight to hell Can you hear the bell The devil has come To take your soul away A flight to hell Alright! I'm a stranger I'm a changer And I'm danger Fallen angel waiting for the prey
Mefistofele Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 7 Novembre 2008 Dedicato un po' a tutti... » Leggero « Ci son macchine nascoste e, però, nascoste male e le vedi dondolare al ritmo di chi è li dentro per potersi consolare godendo sui clacson. Fra i fantasmi di Elvis ci son nuvole in certe camere e meno ombrelli di quel che pensi. Lo sapete cos'ha in testa il mago Walter quando il trucco gli riesce non pensa più a niente? E i ragazzi son in giro certo alcuni sono in sala giochi e l'odore dei fossi forse lo riconoscono in pochi. E le senti le vene piene di ciò che sei e ti attacchi alla vita che hai Leggero, nel vestito migliore, senza andata né ritorno, senza destinazione. Leggero, nel vestito migliore, nella testa un po' di sole ed in bocca una canzone. Dove passerà la banda, col suo suono fuori moda col suo suono un giorno un po' pesante un giorno invece troppo leggero? mentre Key si sbatte perché le urla la vena pensi che sei fortunato: ti è mancato proprio solo un pelo e ti vedi con una che fa il tuo stesso giro e ti senti il diritto di sentirti leggero c'è qualcuno che urla per un addio al celibato per una botta di vita con una troia affittata. E le senti le vene piene di ciò che sei e ti attacchi alla vita che hai. Leggero, nel vestito migliore, senza andata né ritorno senza destinazione. Leggero, nel vestito migliore, sulla testa un po' di sole ed in bocca una canzone.
viridiana Inviato 9 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 9 Novembre 2008 A tutti quelli, che a volte, si sentono cosi.... Godsmack - Hollow One more step and I could fall away If it happened would it matter And I can't tell if I should go or stay. Same old picture feels so hollow. How can anybody know what's best for me Another page I turn in shame. And my decisions brought me to my knees, I needed someone to blame. I feel so hollow I feel so hollow Time to do what's best for me I believe I can change. Once upon a time in broken dreams. Reflections that I can't face. So hold your breath and make a wish for me. Take me to a better place. Time always seems to be passing by It never waits for me If I could do it all one more time, I wouldn't change a thing. I feel so hollow, I feel so hollow I feel so hollow, I feel so hollow Time to do what's best for me I believe I can change.
Merin Inviato 9 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 9 Novembre 2008 Per chi prende le cose con ironia...e si sente di sfottere chi si prende troppo sul serio. Haley bennet (Cora Corman) - Buddha's Delight I'm starting to believe, boy That this was meant to be, boy Cause I believe in karma Boy, do you believe in karma? So forget about your past life Cause this could be our last life We're gonna reach nirvana Boy, we're gonna be reach nirvana Chorus Each time you put your lips to mine Its like a taste of Buddha's delight I see the gates of paradise You're a taste of Buddha's delight Tell me all your fantasies tonight And I will make them happen Cause I'm not satisfied if I dont get my Buddha's delight Om Shanti Shanti(2X) Like sutta meditation You give me elevation Can you take me higher? I wonder, can you take me higher? I want a revalation and sweet salvation and the eternal fire Show me the eternal fire Chorus I've got to have my Buddha's delight Om Shanti Shanti I've got to have my Buddha's delight Om Shanti Shanti Chorus la la la
raemar Inviato 10 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 10 Novembre 2008 *mode dj scrauso on* Ehi, ehi, ehi! Continuiamo la nostra rubrica sui "chitarristi che ci sanno fare" con Paul Gilbert e la sua Technical difficulties! *mode dj scrauso off* Cavolate a parte, questo pezzo ha su di me lo stesso effetto di un defibrillatore. E oggi ne ho bisogno. Enjoy. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
padishar Inviato 10 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 10 Novembre 2008 perchè... perchè we rule the night, dear brother.. Oggi come Ieri. Nonostante tutto. che il cungi possa vegliare su di te.. sempre. We Rule The Night - Ten We rule the night, we rule by day For we believe in time-honoured ways We fight for truth, that peace may reign We hold the scales of justice, keepers of the faith We rule the night ten thousand voices We rule the night like tameless horses We rule the night, with fire and flame Those who resist us lie in our wake So sound asleep our children dream Safe in the arms of something far beyond belief Chrorus: This flag is battletorn, we rule the night We conquered by the sword, we rule the night From the dark to the light we roar like a thunderstorm We rule the night Our sacred race was born, we rule the night Immortal dogs of war, we rule the night And we stand by the oath we swore Till the last ones falls, we rule the night We rule the night, protect our homes Pure were the righteous against our foes Our blades are stained, their blood remains As a remembance of the lives we had to take To rule the night this rock of ages We rule the night as battle rages We rule the night Repeat Chorus Till fade
Dokai Inviato 11 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 11 Novembre 2008 A chi si sente un po' triste e pensa che la vita non abbia più niente per lui. Metallica - Fade To Black Life, it seems, will fade away Drifting further every day Getting lost within myself Nothing matters, no one else I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give There is nothing more for me Need the end to set me free Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me Deathly lost, this can't be real Cannot stand this hell I feel Emptiness is filling me To the point of agony Growing darkness taking dawn I was me, but now he's gone No one but me can save myself, but it's too late Now I can't think, think why I should even try Yesterday seems as though it never existed Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye. Per chi vuole ascoltare:
Lothavier Inviato 12 Novembre 2008 Segnala Inviato 12 Novembre 2008 A chi si sente in difficoltà, chi ha bisogno di una carica, chi teme di non farcela, chi deve passare attraverso il fuoco e le fiamme.. Dragonforce - Through the fire and flames On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light, In flames of death's eternal reign, we ride towards the fight. When the darkness has fallen down, and the times are tough all right. The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight. Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel, through the wastelands evermore, The scattered souls will feel the hell, bodies wasted on the shore. On the blackest plains in Hell's domain, we watch them as they go, Through fire and pain, and once again we know... So now we're flying we're free, we're free before the thunderstorm, On towards the wilderness, our quest carries on. Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight, Deep inside our hearts and all our souls... So far away we wait for the day, For the light source so wasted and gone; We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days- Through the fire and the flames we carry on! As the red day is dawning, and the lightning cracks the sky, They'll raise their hands to the heavens above with resentment to their lies. Running back through the mid morning light there's a burning in my heart, We're banished from a time in a fallen land, to a life beyond the stars. In your darkest dreams see to believe, our destiny is time, And endlessly we'll all be free tonight...! And on the wings of a dream, so far beyond reality; All alone in desperation, now the time has gone. Lost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mind, Day after day this misery must go on! So far away we wait for the day, For the light source so wasted and gone, We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days, Through the fire and the flames we carry on! Now here we stand with their blood on our hands, We fought so hard now can we understand I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can For freedom of every man! So far away we wait for the day, For the light source so wasted and gone, We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days, Through the fire and the flames we carry on! Spoiler: In un freddo mattino d'inverno, nel tempo prima della luce, Nelle fiamme dell'eterno regno della morte, cavalchiamo verso la battaglia. Quando l'oscurità è calata, e i tempi si fanno duri. Il suono della risata maligna cade intorno al mondo stanotte. Combattendo bene, continuando a combattere per l'acciaio, attraverso la distesa sempre desolata, Le anime sparse sentiranno l'inferno, corpi deperiti sulla spiagga. Sulle piane più nere dell'Inferno, li osserviamo mentre vanno, Attraverso il fuoco e il dolore, e ancora una volta sappiamo... Così ora voliamo, siamo liberi, siamo liberi prima del temporale, Verso le terre selvagge, la nostra ricerca continua. Lontani oltre il tramonto, lontani oltre la luce della luna, Nel profondo dei nostri cuori e di tutte le nostre anime... Così lontano aspettiamo il giorno, Per le luci che sono così sprecate e perdute; Sentiamo il dolore di una vita perduta in un migliaio di giorni- Attraverso il fuoco e le fiamme andiamo avanti! Mentre il giorno rosso albeggia, e il fulmine spezza il cielo, Loro alzeranno le mani verso i paradisi col risentimento per le loro bugie. Correndo indietro nella luce di metà mattina c'è un fuoco nel mio cuore, Siamo stati banditi da un tempo in una terra caduta, a una vita oltre le stelle. Nei tuoi sogni più neri crediamo, il nostro destino è il tempo, E infinitamente saremo tutti liberi stanotte...! E sulle ali di un sogno, così lontano oltre la realtà; Tutti soli nella disperazione, ora il tempo è finito. Perduto dentro non troverai mai, perduto nella mia stessa mente, Giorno dopo giorno questo squallore deve andare avanti! Così lontano aspettiamo il giorno, Per le luci che sono così sprecate e perdute; Sentiamo il dolore di una vita perduta in un migliaio di giorni- Attraverso il fuoco e le fiamme andiamo avanti! Ora siamo qui fermi con il loro sangue nelle nostre mani, Abbiamo combattuto così duramente ora possiamo comprendere Romperò il sigillo di questa maledizione se ne ho la possibilità Per la libertà di ogni uomo! Così lontano aspettiamo il giorno, Per le luci che sono così sprecate e perdute; Sentiamo il dolore di una vita perduta in un migliaio di giorni- Attraverso il fuoco e le fiamme andiamo avanti! 1
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