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Ecco la PP dello Swordmage :cool:. Finalemente ho avuto un pò di tempo per limarla un pò e finirla. Il daily di ventesimo è venuto molto particolare e strano, ma mi piace un sacco (e spero piaccia anche a voi) come potenza scenica, moilità e sboronaggine :-D. Ma non perdiamo altro tempo va... eccola!


"Clear your thoughts and minds, brace the moment and let the song of steel echo strongly throughout the realms!"

The Bladesinger is a paragon path designed for those swordmages talented in the arts of dancing and singing. You're an exceptional weaver of magic, you can twist it and shape it into beautiful songs and gentle sounds, but also into dreadful shouts and lamenting calls. Your life is art, you have mastered and refined your fencing techniques into a gracious dance of death, where time and rythm plays your foe's last notes. Bending the two styles has earned you fame and glory (and different lovers) in more than a kingdom, but you're not a court's dancer or lyrist. You're constantly on the move, pushed by your free and untamed will and your attitudes and feelings are as mutable as the highpitched or deep tones played by your voice.

Prerequisites: Swordmage Class. Charisma 13.

Bladesinger Path Features

Crescendo of the Virtuoso (11th level): True performers know the importance of the grand finale. Whenever you use an action point choose any one foe. The next attack you'll perform this turn against him will double its damage.

Dancing with Fire (11th level): You mastered your body and reflexes to be as flexible and explosive as flickering flames burning in a massive fire. You gain a +10 bonus to all defenses against hostile aura of effect powers generated by your allies. Also you reduce the damage you take from any aura of effect power (generated by both allies and foes) by your Intelligence modifier.

Song of the Blade (16th level): Your bond with your blade has reached its climax. When you speak your blade resonates and vibrates and when your blade dances and strikes you sing and shout, all in perfect harmony. This symbiosis is more evident and beneficial in repetitive and common gestures, mastered and preformed with astonishing perfection and consolidated automatisms. Your basic attacks and at-will powers gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Bladesinger Spells

Shout out Loud Bladesinger Attack 11

Your sword resonates and marks its next target while you let out a terrible scream piercing your foes' minds with the might of the thunder.

Ecnounter * Arcane, Implement, Thunder

Standard Action Close burst 3

Target: Each enemy in burst

Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude

Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage

Effect: You choose one hit enemy inside the burst and he is considered marked (save ends). Any other enemy inside the burst area takes 5 ongoing thunder damage (save ends).

Step of the Dilettante Bladesinger Utility 12

Your experience combined with your unnatural agility makes you able to anticipate your enemy's movements and exploit them toward your own ends.

Encounter * Arcane, Teleportation

Immediate Reaction

Trigger: A creature hits you with a melee attack

Effect: The creature is marked (save ends) and you may teleport yourself in any square within a close burst 3 area.

Grand Finale Bladesinger Attack 20

"You've wasted enough of my precious time. Every exciting toy becomes only a boring tool sooner or later... It's about time for the lights to go down!"

Daily * Arcane, Implement, Lightning, Teleportation

Before using this power you plant your weapon in the ground marking any unoccupied adjacent square and you may than teleport to any unoccupied square within 20 sqaures.

Standard Action Close burst 1

Primary Target: Each enemy in burst

Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude

Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage

Miss: Half damage

At this point you draw a straight line between the marked sqaure and your current position. Your weapon lifts form the ground and starts flying toward your hand while erupting lightnings.

Secondary Target: Each creature occupying a square touched by the line

Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflexes

Hit: 3d8 + Intellingence modifier lightning damage and 5 ongoing lightning damage (save ends).

Miss: Half damage and no ongoing damage.

Per la traduzione ovviamente dovrò aspettare l'uscita della Forgotten Realms Player's Guide in italiano per i termini specifici. Ho altri progetti per la testa al momento, tra cui una classe nuova da zero livelli 1-30 con 4 paragon path che sto sviluppando... ci vorrà un pò ma aspettatevela prima o poi ;). Altre cosine minore come razze o talenti potrebbero saltar fuori a breve anche... Alla prossima e spero che qualcuno mi lasci anche un commentino o un feedback che a quasi 500 visite del topic ne ho visti pochini, mannaggia :rolleyes:.


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