Temo sia notevolmente errato.
Dalle Defenders of the Faith FAQ:
The description for the hospitaler prestige class in
Defenders of the Faith first says a hospitaler gains levels
as a cleric for purposes of spellcasting as well as full
access to all cleric spells, and then later it says the
hospitaler levels are simply added to pre-existing caster
levels (under Spells per Day). Which one is right?
The first entry (Spells) is incorrect. Use the second entry
(Spell per Day) instead. In addition, Table 3–7 should have a
Spells per Day column, which should read “+1 level of
existing class” at each level.
Non si gudagna accesso a livelli di incantatore ex novo, ma si potranno soltanto aggiungere i livelli da Ospedaliere ad una eventuale classe incantatrice pregressa.