Di base non è proprio disgustosa, ma l'entrata è una sofferenza, visti i prerequisiti, è molto dipendente dalla campagna (devi addirittura spendere soldi per salire di livello) e, soprattutto, impallidisce rispetto alle alternative in fatto di gish.
Copioincollo da brilliantgameologist:
A note on the Green Star Adept: Unless there's errata on this that I've missed, its Improved Caster Level ability can be read to add CL even on levels where it advances your spellcasting ability, essentially awarding double CL for those levels. Thus you'd end up with a net of +15 CL. Also, you get to be a (debatably) living statue.
It should be taken into consideration that the above is RAW not RAI.
Logical Entry: -
Cons: Turns you into a space dust junkie. Only 3/4 BAB and 1/2 spellcasting progression so you're not much of a gish or a spellcaster. Level 10 of GSA screws over your con score and gives you all the drawbacks of being a construct like only being able to heal damage with a repair x spell without a whole lot of the benefits. You lose a bit of dex over the course of your career.
Pros: You do get a few benefits of being a construct like an ageless body, immunity to certain things like poisons and sleep, and damage reduction. In a weird twist the levels of GSA that don't advance your spellcasting do advance your CL so you might not need the practiced spellcaster feat. You can a bit of str and natural armor over the course of your career. You get a slam attack. You eventually get fortification against critical hits and sneak attacks.