Half-Troll +4 LA (Fiend Folio)
Saint +2 LA (BoED)
Feral +1 LA (SS)
Anarchic +5 LA (Planar HB, at 4+ HD)
Shadow +2 LA (Lords of Madness)
Half-Vampire +2 LA (LM), up to half full normal hit points
Evolved Undead +1 LA (LM)
Vivacious +5 LA (Planar HB)
Radiant +3 LA (Dragon #321) (when exposed to any light source)
Curst +3 LA (LEoF)
Greenbound +5 LA (LEoF)
Dry Lich (Walker in the Waste 10, PrC Sandstorm)
Unholy Scion +5 (Heroes of Horror), fast healing 4
Mul +1 LA (Dragon #319, at 10th+ level)
Combat Vigor, feat, Player's Handbook II
Sacred Healing, ecl 5, divine feat, Complete Warrior - all allies within 60' burst
Touchstone (Womb of Kikanuti), feat, Sandstorm, long duration but limited use
Troll-blooded (Dragon 319), Regen 1
Dragonmark Rage, feat, Eberron: Dragonmarked - see text
Brand of Nine Hells (Glasya), feat, ecl?, Fiendish Codex II, fast healing 3 for 10 minutes 1/day, see text
Devil's Stamina, feat, Fiendish Codex II, variable 1/day, see text
Healing Devotion, domain feat, Complete Champion, fast healing 1, see text
Ecco una lista dei modi per ottenere guarigione rapida
Un esempio sarebbe: Razza base(se puoi lesser aasimar è bello) necropolitano, evolved undead