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Messaggi inviato da Koopa

  1. In questi giorni mi piace troppo...

    Metallica - Fade to Black

    Life, it seems, will fade away

    Drifting further every day

    Getting lost within myself

    Nothing matters, no one else

    I have lost the will to live

    Simply nothing more to give

    There is nothing more for me

    Need the end to set me free

    Things not what they used to be

    Missing one inside of me

    Deathly lost, this can't be real

    Cannot stand this hell I feel

    Emptiness is filling me

    To the point of agony

    Growing darkness taking dawn

    I was me, but now he's gone

    No one but me can save myself, but it's too late

    Now I can't think, think why I should even try

    Yesterday seems as though it never existed

    Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye

  2. Io voto il mezzelfo: va rivisto anche secondo me.

    Umano...anche se è forte io nn lo sopporto proprio,sembra che nn possa essere altro che buono(o almeno questa è l'impressione che da a me)troppo piatto come personalità.

    Perchè l' umano deve essere solo buono?:-D

  3. Secondo me ha tutte le carte in regola (ah ah) per essere un buon mazzo, solo che potresti sostituire il coccodrillo delle scorie con un altro senz'anima, dato che se non ricordo male entra con un mana in meno e può diventare molto più forte del coccodrillo... Non mi strozzare per favore:-D

  4. A chi da grande vuole diventare un burattinaio

    Metallica-Master of Puppets

    End of passion play, crumbling away

    I'm your source of self-destruction

    Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear

    Leading on your deaths' construction

    Taste me you will see

    More is all you need

    You're dedicated to

    How I'm killing you

    Come crawling faster

    Obey your master

    Your life burns faster

    Obey your master


    Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings

    Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams

    Blinded by me, you can't see a thing

    Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



    Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



    Needlework the way, never you betray

    Life of death becoming clearer

    Pain monopoly, ritual misery

    Chop your breakfast on a mirror

    Taste me you will see

    More is all you need

    You're dedicated to

    How I'm killing you

    Come crawling faster

    Obey your master

    Your life burns faster

    Obey your master


    Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings

    Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams

    Blinded by me, you can't see a thing

    Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



    Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



    Master, master, where's the dreams that I've been after?

    Master, master, you promised only lies

    Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughter

    Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries

    Hell is worth all that, natural habitat

    Just a rhyme without a reason

    Neverending maze, drift on numbered days

    Now your life is out of season

    I will occupy

    I will help you die

    I will run through you

    Now I rule you too

    Come crawling faster

    Obey your master

    Your life burns faster

    Obey your master


    Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings

    Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams

    Blinded by me, you can't see a thing

    Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



    Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream



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