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Messaggi inviato da Lollinus

  1. Imho un Elfo Acquatico non sarebbe tanto male, considerando che sarai spesso in giro per il mare.

    Su Specie Selvagge veniva presentata una CdP carina per creature acquatiche (Cavalcaflutti?), potrebbe essere carino andare all'arrembaggio in groppa ad uno squalo (altra razza ottima sarebbero così i Sahuagin, ma hanno MdL e DV).

    l'elfo acquatico ha lep +1 e non è anfibio... il Sahuagin ha lep +2, e non può per motivi di trama


    si, gioco anche io con loro ;-)

  2. gli umani acquatici sono gli Aveti ed hanno questi tratti


    • Medium: As Medium creatures, aventi have no special

    bonuses or penalties due to their size.

    • Aquatic: Aventi are aquatic humanoids, and have the

    aquatic and human subtypes.

    • Amphibious (Ex): Aventi can breathe water or air equally

    well, without limitation.

    • Aventi base land speed is 30 feet. Aventi base swim

    speed is 30 feet. Aventi have a +8 racial bonus on any

    Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a

    hazard. They can always choose to take 10 on a Swim

    check, even if distracted or endangered. Aventi can use

    the run action while swimming, provided they swim

    in a straight line.

    • Water Spell Power (Ex): The magical ties that connect

    the aventi to Aventernus (see page 49) persist, untold

    ages since the sea god saved the aventi from extinction.

    As a result, spellcasting aventi have enchanced ability

    with water magic. An aventi’s effective caster level is +1

    for spells with the water descriptor.

    • Human Blood: For all effects related to race, an aventi

    is considered a human. Aventi are just as vulnerable

    to special effects that affect humans as humans are,

    and they can use magic items that are only usable

    by humans.

    • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages:

    Aquan, Elven, Sahuagin.

    • Favored Class: Any.

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