sono comunque ottimi punteggi.
quel -2 contro gli incantesimi divini rompe un po' devo dire...
direi che al primo livello BISOGNA prendere Improved binding. e visto che hai poca destrezza legati subito a savnok.
se vuoi fare il Koss devi anche prendere arma focalizzata in un'arma. ti consiglierei la morning star o la lancia lunga, così non spendi talenti in competenza. ne hai già abbastanza pochi.
visto che parti dal 1° ti direi di entrare nel Koss il prima possibile. quindi arma focalizzata è obbligatoria al 6°. al 3° direi che puoi prenderti attacco poderoso.
ai primi livelli farai concorrenza al crusader nel tankare, soprattutto perchè avrai fin da subito un'armatura completa a costo 0. visto che hai tanto carisma potresti buttarti su acerak per il Koss. paralizzare la gente a gogo è cosa buona e giusta.
ricordati anche di legarti a naberius quando sai che ci saranno pochi combattimenti e dovrai chiaccherare un bel po.
Sui forum della wizard pensano che expel vestige non sia un buon talento, ma a parer mio è ottimo. direi di prendertelo come uno dei talenti bonus.
c'era non mi ricordo dove una specie di diario di uno che ha giocato il binder a bassi livelli, ma non lo trovo più.
oh, eccolo qui. spero che mastichi un pochetto di inglese
Real Game Experiences from a Binder Player
by jameswilliamogle
Here’s the rundown of how my Binder is working out in the Savage Tides adventure Path, modified for Eberron (I believe its normally LG). For those who don’t know, this is a heavily-aquatic themed series with a diverse array of opportunities and adventure (though there is also a strong central theme as well). I’m enjoying the campaign quite a bit. There probably will be some spoiling, but I will try to focus on the mechanical aspects of how things are working out. So far, I’m following my own advice above, Low-Level Binder Advancement, pretty closely.
The DM was encouraging non-standard classes, and hasn’t really restricted anything yet. The other players are: a Beguiler, a Spellthief, a Psion, a Cleric/Psion (more Psion, now), a Warforged Fighter, and an Elven Blaster Wizard (taking UA options, he’s focusing on fire). The DM has given “Rule 0” power to the players as well as keeping it himself: if a clear majority think a feat, spell, power, etc. is too strong, then its restricted (Shock Trooper and Leap Attack have both been restricted already, for example).
I went with Human. I rolled ridiculously high for stats (4d6, drop the lowest):
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 17
Since we started at 1st, I took Improved Binding and Expel Vestige (I wasn’t sure if Expel Vestige was really necessary, but I’m very glad I took it). The DM allowed swapping of 2 class skills: I swapped Gather Info and Kn: Planes for Hide and Move Silently (UMD would've been better, but oh well). For my bonus languages, I took Giant (for Haagenti) and Aquan (since I knew it was an aquatic themed campaign).
1st level: I started bound to Naberius, but quickly switched to Malphus as we were sent on a search-and-rescue type mission. Malphus’s Bird’s-Eye-Viewing, coupled with a sunstick that the bird carried, ensured that the party wasn’t surprised at all. Sudden Strike only came into play when I attacked a grappling enemy (mostly undead). With Studded Leather and a Heavy Shield, I had an 18 AC, which was enough to keep most attacks off of me. I downed quite a few enemies w/ my Morningstar, which was quite rewarding. I tried to expel Malphus, but failed. After resting, I felt that we could use some more melee-oriented characters, and I bound Aym. Unbeknownst to us, we cleared all the enemies away already, and Aym actually was a bad choice: I made a bad pact, and since we had a ton of coinage, and also had to swim to get it ashore, I chose to role-play it out, and refused to leave any coins behind. We got a bunch of coinage, a few wands, and an Earth Elemental Gem that saved are butts.
2nd level: In between sessions, I used Naberius a lot, and disguised myself as a local nobleman. I bought a bunch of stuff on credit, and then dumped it on a fence, making some money that way. Once the session started, I bound Dahlver-Nar, and bought a MW Buckler, but didn’t have enough cash for a MW Chain Shirt (almost all our loot is tied up in magic items, which really sucks, as the Wizard is holding it all, and we’re overdue for some upgrades). I was putting Pact Augmentation to HP. Binding DN, I found, makes your first 1-2 rounds of combat almost completely defensive: you have Shield Self on one of your allies (preferably the Cleric), then target an enemy as you stand near the front, and hope they don’t kill you. Although this reduces your damage output, it really, really helps your HP totals (DR / 50% is awesome). The damage the enemy takes isn’t anything that you really can rely on: its almost strictly a defensive vestige. At AC 19, DN allowed a lot of tanking. I went below 0 once, and only for a few rounds (remember: Shield Self only goes away when the target dies, so I still had it active on the unconscious BBEG’s, which saved me from certain death). After working over some more bad guys, we fought a poorly defended humanoid. It almost assuredly is a recurring villain, as it drank a Gaseous Form potion after HP’s ran really low. Only the unconscious WF Fighter actually had magical weapons (from feats), and it was getting away. It took me a round to realize it, but then I targeted her with Shield Self, and following it, had the Spellthief and the Cleric follow me, backstabbing and healing me as we whittled down her HP until it stopped moving. This was a LOT of fun, and we got some fat loot from defeating it at this time (a 5 charge wand of animate dead, for example, and a +1 Rapier that came in VERY handy). The next day in the city, we had several random encounters, including some raptors (eating people). I (stupidly) forgot how strong Raptors were, and charged one that I could flank. Full attacks suck… Anyways, I was still conscious, but very hurt (<5 HP). I used the Maddening Moan ability of DN to make all the enemies Dazed (dinosaurs are known for lots of things: Will save isn’t one of them); all 3 Dinos that were on me failed the Will save, as well as the Spellthief and Fighter, who happened to be in range, and I moved 30’ without taking any AoO’s (the MM ability seems to be strictly for getting out of melee when things go bad). The cleric healed me a bit w/ a happy stick, and I targeted a Dino attacking our flank w/ Shield Self, and went in after the Spellthief engaged it. The Wizard busted open the Earth Elemental, and that finished combat rapidly. He also animated the raptors w/ the wand, right afterwards (much to the annoyance of the DM ).
3rd level: I took Improved Initiative, still not knowing where to focus my Binder (as I have to leave the campaign in May, I’m not sure how many levels I’ll reach, and trying to take immediate benefit feats instead). I also started binding Paimon, and put Pact Augmentation into Initiative, for a +11 Initiative modifier. That +1 Magic Rapier put my attack bonus at +8, and damage at a paultry d6+3. AC became a 20, thanks to MW Chain Shirt and Dex bump from Paimon. Combat against mobs was very smooth for the most part: winning initiative means you get to Dance of Death round 1 before the enemy attacks, almost every time, and +8 to hit gives you some pretty good odds (better than the straight fighter, in this campaign). After that, they tend to surround you, but your good AC keeps things from hitting you most of the time, and giving you a great opportunity to use Whirlwind Attack on the following round. Against tough opponents, I found that using Dance of Death like Spring Attack (using the tumbling bonus from Paimon) kept me from taking too much damage, and the skeleton raptors were wicked-good at this level. I got taken down by a Raptor-thing, and actually hit -9 HP before my party killed him. We had almost spent our Happy Stick, and was only at 13 HP, so I used Expel Vestige (successfully) and then bound Focolor, suppressing the Aura of Sadness, and putting Pact Aug into HP. We had a few more encounters, but they were pretty easy: I stayed behind whoever was tanking, and zapped the badguys like a bug. Net result: Paimon is great for mobs of weaklings, but don’t expect to have a huge impact against the tougher BBEG’s, but you can make a difference in every combat with Focolor. Along the way, I took some ability damage, so bound Naberius while we returned home. We got a fight starting next session, and haven't had a chance to level yet (since we haven't rested).
The next session we encountered a couple of thugs, that tried to pick a fight. We beat them easily, and I used Naberius (taking 10 on diplomacy) to convince the city guards that it was their fault with a 22 check ("These aren't the droids you're looking for"). We then encountered 6 low-level Rogues and a BBEG leading them in the city; they surprised us getting sneak attack on the warforged with alchemist fire, dropping him immediately. Then the BBEG went around the side of a building out of sight, and the Beguiler cast Obscurring Mist, to prevent more SA. I went around the opposite side of the building (had only 17 HP at this point, about 70%), and used Disguise Self as a standard action to make myself look like the BBEG (they were familiar w/ her, granting them +6 to spot it, but I had a +13 mod: +10 for Disguise Self, +3 Cha, +2 Bluff, -2 different sex); I then went around and told them that the person they were with was a Changeling, and they needed to attack it now (they believed me, but instead of attacking the other one, just were confused). This gave the Wizard enough time to repair the Warforged, and the Beguiler managed to charm the BBEG, and the others got into position. We then wiped out the group, but not until the Wizard got into negative HP territory.
We then got immediately into ANOTHER battle, but started in it by trying to use Diplomacy. By this time, I was at 1 HP, so I disguised myself as a peasant. The tank, beguiler, and spellthief went up a few floors into a building, trying to talk someone into letting someone else go [trying not to spoil the adventure]. When we went into initiative, I went around the building, disguising myself as one of the minor bad guys. I then went into the building, without anyone taking AoO's against me, until I got to the top floor where half the party was (the other half fighting on the first floor). I bluffed and said the badguys needed to go downstairs to rescue one of the evil-coworkers (on the second floor, the Wizard had commanded two raptor skeletons to guard the stairs, after I had gone up). Half of them went down (all the minor bad guys) got flayed alive. The tougher badguys dropped a Tank, Cleric, Beguiler, and Gnome w/in a round (I drank a CLW potion then). I walked down the stairs, disguised myself as the same badguy that I had pretended was downstairs, and walked into the room where the evil do-ers were tieing up my party. I told them that I had escaped, and needed help defeating the rest of the ones downstairs, again taking 10 and getting a 20 bluff check. They went downstairs, as I said "I need to heal myself", drank another potion of CLW, then went into the room. I poured the last CLW on the beguiler, as the evil do-ers were working on the raptors. The beguiler in turn repaired the warforged. I jumped out of the window with the Gnome Spellthief, and landed prone, but only took 8 damage or so. The party downstairs were all < 0 HP. The party upstairs was running low. Anyways, it was a VERY harrowing fight, but I was dropped at that point w/ non-lethal damage. We won, but one of the bad guys was convinced to leave (Charm Person from the Beguiler, natural 1 on the save), and every party member, all the undead we had made, all of the consumable healing resources all got used up, only the Beguiler surviving at 4 HP.
If I hadn't had Naberius bound, we all would've died (or at least been captured), but the extra time that I was able to grant the party really, really helped out a lot. The DM may have even been nerfing the NPC reactions, but just slowing them down was good enough for me. Having Naberius bound you don't even need to try to optimize for a diplomonster build, and still be ridiculously good at it; what's really, really nice is the take 10 on the bluff check (in this campaign, you can even action point it after taking 10, for some ridiculous numbers, since its Eberron).
Level 4: We decided that retraining for non-power plays would be ok, so I retrained my Improved Binding feat to be in the 4th level bonus feat, and retrained the 1st level feat as Combat Expertise (planning on taking Deadly Defense at 6th). I put the stat bump into Cha, for a 16 DC save vs. my vestige abilities that allow saves. This is (more or less) where we ended on Sunday. More to follow as the campaign continues. Not much outside of standard skill checks occured through the rest of this level... I used Naberius a lot. Don't really remember much else (and the bit I did remember would spoil some of the adventure, too).
Level 5: I started by binding Andras, but as we were going to do some more dungeon crawling, quickly switched back to Paimon. Using Deadly Defense and fighting defensively, I had a +7 to hit w/ a +1 Rapier. Using Dance of Death I managed to crit against 3 opponents... I ended up doing 79 damage in one round, getting initiative, and walked back to behind the (other) main tank (my AC was a 23 throughout this whole delve). I nicknamed this "turning on the blender", and there were many jokes about my recharge meter filling up between uses, me charging up like dragonball, etc. Afterwards, I found out I was diseased, and I managed to expel vestige and bind Buer... ending that.
Levels 6 and 7: Just sucked; the Binder starts to fall behind straight casters and melee types at this point. The Medium BAB really hurt the whole concept of a finesse fighter. Our melee characters started failing Will saves, which really strained the Binder. It became obvious that it wasn't strong enough in melee to continue melee'ing. I was binding lots of different types of vestiges, too, most of which were mediocre. Eurynome sucks, as does Agares (as I thought it would). Buer proved ridiculously useful, but it still isn't a prime choice. Paimon and Andras were still the strongest choices at this level. 7th level, having no new access at all, really felt dead: I almost delayed leveling to get more XP from the remaining encounters.
Level 8: Looking forward to combining Otiax's Air Blast w/ Combat Expertise and Sneak Attack .
Theory matches Play: The Binder can melee with the best of them, but then has tons of other options to fall back on. I would NOT recomend this class for an inexperienced player, as the options can be a bit overwhelming, even with only one vestige to bind at a time.