A Tale Of Three Windows Users...
Once upon a time there were three unhappy Microsoft Windows users. All were worried about the long term running costs, and security problems associated with Windows, and searched for an alternative solution.
The first one went out and bought a boxed Linux distro & manual and installed it on his computer. There were a few problems, but in the end everything worked just as well as it did with Windows: not quite perfectly. He was not a happy person, neither system was perfect and thus to get all the functionality, he required both systems running side by side. It was inconvenient to share data between them and to switch between the two. Later he met a happy Linux user who offered to help. They installed a different Linux distribution and all the problems were overcome quickly. Soon Windows was but an unhappy memory.
The second Windows user heard of the first user's conversion, and he too, went out and bought a boxed Linux distro. Like for the first Windows user, there were some problems and since it did not do things the way that Windows did, he gave up and went back to Windows. He still is an unhappy Windows user.
The third Windows user, asked the first Windows user what he had done, and installed the same Linux distribution. Things did not always work first time, but he asked the first Windows user for help, and in no time at all, he was running Linux on every computer in the house.
The moral of this story is: "The best distribution for a new user is the one that they can get the most help with. While there are some new user specific distributions, this is less important than the help".