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Vassallo di Bahamut
Most of Bahamut's emissaries and champions are dutiful and mighty metallic dragons. Occasionally, however, Bahamut finds a non-draconic champion whose reverence of good dragons is unshakeable, and whose hatred of evil dragons rivals that of the purest gold dragons- a force so good and strong that Bahamut feels moved to offer this champion a place in his court. This champion becomes a Vassal of Bahamut.
- Hit Die: d10.
- Proficiencies: A Vassal of Bahamut is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, all types of armor and shields.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Feats: Sacred Vow, Vow of Obedience
Skills: Craft armor 5 ranks, Persuade 5 ranks
1: Imperious Aura - Gains a bonus equal to his class level on all Appraise, Persuade, Intimidate, Taunt and Perform checks vs. a creature of any dragon type.
Platinum Armor +4 - Gains a Platinum armor made from transmuted scales of a re. dragon.
2: Dragon Sense - Gain Darkvision.
Shared Trove - Gains 20,000 gold pieces.
Bless weapon - Can cast once a day, as the spell.
3: Bonus Feat
4: Dragonwrack (+2d6/1d6) - Deals 2d6 damage if he strikes and 1d6 damage if he is struck by an evil creature of the dragon type.
Protection against Evil - Can cast once a day, as the spell.
5: Shared Trove - Gains 50,000 gold pieces.
Platinum Armor +6 - Armor's abilities increase.
6: Bonus Feat
Bull's strength - Can cast once a day, as the spell.
7: Dragonwrack (+3d6/1d6) - Dragonwrack increases.
8: Shared Trove - Gains 80,000 gold pieces.
Magic Circle against Evil - Can cast once a day, as the spell.
9: Bonus Feat
Searing Light - Can cast once a day, as the spell.
10: Dragonwrack (+4d6/1d6) - Dragonwrack increases.
Platinum Armor +8 - Armor's abilities increase