Andre Duval
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Nella descrizione dell'incantesimo, si dice che se si è shapechanger si può ritornare alla propria forma come azione standard... A questo punto sorgono 2 dubbi: 1. uno deve essere shapechanger prima o dopo l'incantesimo? 2. Ponendo che sia la forma iniziale che la forma polymorphata abbiamo il subtype in questione, se io mi reverto alla forma iniziale, l'incantesimo viene interrotto? oppure posso usare una nuova azione standard per tornare alla forma desiderata???
1. infinite. è una abilità magica e come tale non ha alcuna componente e può essere usata a volontà. 2. Al terzo livello conosci 2 least invocation, puoi quindi sceglierle tra quelle a disposizione. Le invocation, come per la eldritch blast, sono spell-like abilities e le puoi usare a volontà... ora la tua esclamazione sarà: è fortissimo, è sbroccato... ti rispondo subito... è fortissimo e sbroccato per chi lo sa usare... e nel laboratorio, stranamente, di questi warlock ce ne sono solo... UNO! quindi così forte non è....
Mago da battaglia ottimizzato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di sryzam in D&D 3e personaggi e mostri
su magic of incarnum puoi trovare un soulmeld che aggiunge ulteriori danni agli incanterimi... Per altro io non la trovo così devastante... ho provato acnhe a crearci qcosa sopra... ma nulla di che... Se ti specializzi in incantesimi di forza (dardo incantato) ti consiglio anceh la classe che trovi sul Complete arcane che permetta di aumentare i danni. Se ti specializzi sul fuoco guarda i talenti di sandstorm (ce ne sono 2 interessanti!!) -
GP del PP: le classifiche!
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Andre Duval in D&D 3e personaggi e mostri
Classifica di Giugno... Gadwin (10) Nymor ( 8 ) Milo N. (6) Ringrazio i partecipanti in particolare questo mese per la difficoltà nel creare un personaggio di livello EPICO! grazie a tutti! -
personaggio *[GP del PP2007] Challenge di GIU2007
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Andre Duval in D&D 3e personaggi e mostri
Ed ecco a voi i risultati!!! Gadwin (23) giocabilità 8 originalità 7,5 efficacia 7,5 Nymor (22,5) giocabilità 7,5 originalità 8,5 efficacia 6,5 Milo Nalithrandel (23) giocabilità 7 originalità 7 efficacia 9 A causa del lieve ritardo di Milo nel postare il suo PG è stato deciso di penalizzarlo di 2 punti... La classifica quindi... 1° posto: GADWIN 2° posto: Nymor 3° posto: Milo Grazie ancora per la partecipazione a questo difficile evento!! La sfida del prossimo mese è già on-line! -
personaggio [3.5] CHALLENGE 2007: il GP del PP 2007!
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Andre Duval in D&D 3e personaggi e mostri
milo, hai fatto un errore molto, ma molto peggiore: hai guardato a che ora hai postato?? e soprattutto di che GIORNO??? Prega che Gilga sia buono... -
personaggio *[GP del PP2007] Challenge di GIU2007
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Andre Duval in D&D 3e personaggi e mostri
Grazie a tutti i partecipanti di questo mese... siete stati eccezionali! A presto per il risultati (che come al solito sono un po' dibattuti!!) Buon PP a tutti! A.D. -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
ItalianoIngleseManuale abilitàskillMG abilità di classeclass skillMG, MM abilità di classe crociatacross-class skillMG abilità magicaspell-like abilityMM abiurazioneabjurationMG adiacenteadjacentMG alleatoallyMG allineamentoalignmentMG, MM ammaliamentoenchantmentMG antimagiaantimagicGDM arma a distanzaranged weaponMG arma a due manitwo-handed weaponMG arma a soffiobreath weaponMM arma ad una manoone-handed weaponMG arma con portatareach weaponMG arma corpo a corpomelee weaponMG arma doppiadouble weaponMG arma leggeralight weaponMG assordatodeafenedGDM attaccoattackMG attacco a distanzaranged attackMG attacco di contatto a distanzaranged touch attackMG attacco di contatto in mischiamelee touch attackMG attacco d'opportunitàattack of opportunityMG attacco in mischiamelee attackMG azioneactionMG azione di movimentomove actionMG azione di round completofull-round actionMG azione gratuitafree actionMG azione standardstandard actionMG bersagliotarget bonus armaturaarmor bonusMG bonus di attacco basebase attack bonusMG bonus di attacco in mischiamelee attack bonusMG bonus di circostanzacircumstance bonusGDM bonus di competenzacompetence bonusGDM bonus di deflessionedeflection bonusGDM bonus di fortunaluck bonusGDM bonus di moralemorale bonusGDM bonus di potenziamentoenhancement bonusGDM bonus di scudoshield bonusGDM bonus intrinsecoinherent bonusGDM caratteristicaabilityMG CarismaCharismaMG classeclassMG Classe ArmaturaArmor ClassMG Classe di DifficoltàDifficulty ClassMG, GDM classe di personaggiocharacter classMG ColossaleColossalMG, MM colpirehitMG colpo criticocritical hitMG colpo di graziacoup de graceMG colto alla sprovvistaflat-footedMG, GDM confusoconfusedGDM coperturacoverMG corpo a corpo, mischiameleeMG CostituzioneConstitutionMG creaturacreature Dado VitaHit DieMM dannidamageMG danno a caratteristicaability damageMM danno massicciomassive damageMG DestrezzaDexterityMG dominiodomainMG Dungeon MasterDungeon MasterGDM durezzahardness electrumelectrum energia positivapositive energy EnormeHugeMG, MM etereoethereal fine del roundend of roundMG forma gassosagaseous form ForzaStrengthMG GrandeLargeMG illusioneillusionMG immunitàimmunity incantatorespellcasterMG incantesimi conosciutiknown spellMG incantesimospellMM incantesimo arcanoarcane spellMG incantesimo di dominiodomain spellMG incantesimo di livello 00-level spellMG incantesimo divinodivine spellMG incorporeoincorporealGDM incremento di gittatarange incrementMG iniziativainitiativeMG IntelligenzaIntelligenceMG invisibileinvisibleGDM lanciare un incantesimocast a spellMG legalelawfulMG, MM livellolevelMG livello di classeclass levelMG livello di personaggiocharacter levelMG livello d'incantatorecaster levelMG livello effettivo del personaggioeffective character levelMM malattiadiseaseGDM mano secondariaoff handMG MastodonticoGargantuanMG, MM MedioMediumMG, MM MinuscoloTinyMG, MM MinutoFineMG, MM modificatoremodifierMG modificatore di iniziativainitiative modifierMG modificatore di livellolevel adjustmentMM modificatore di tagliasize modifierMG, MM moneta d'argentosilver pieceMG moneta di platinoplatinum pieceMG moneta di ramecopper pieceMG moneta d'orogold pieceMG morentedyingMG, GDM mortodeadGDM naturalenatural nbonus di schivatadodge bonusGDM nemicoenemy nuotareswimMM paralizzatoparalyzedGDM passo di 1,5 metri5-foot stepMG perfettomasterworkMG personaggiocharacterMG personaggio giocanteplayer characterMG personaggio non giocantenonplayer character Piano AstraleAstral PlaneGDM Piano delle OmbraPlane of ShadowGDM piano di esistenzaplane of existenceGDM Piano EtereoEthereal PlaneGDM Piano MaterialeMaterial PlaneGDM PiccoloSmallMG, MM PiccolissimoDiminutiveMG, MM pitrificatopetrifiedGDM prendere 10take 10MG prendere 20take 20MG provacheckMG prova di abilitàskill checkMG prova di caratteristicaability checkMG prova di iniziativainitiative checkMG prova di livello d'incantatorecaster level checkMG prova di lottaregrapple checkMG punteggio di caratteristicaability scoreMG punti di dannopoints of damageMG punti feritahit pointsMG punti ferita temporaneitemporary hit pointsMG quadrettosquareMG, MM raggiorayMM reazionereaction resistenza agli incantesimispell resistanceMM riduzione al dannodamage reductionMM rigenerazioneregenerationMM roundroundMG SaggezzaWisdomMG scossoshakenGDM scrutarescryMG scurovisionedarkvisionMG soggettosubject sommarestack sorpresasurprise sottotipo acquaticoaquatic subtypeMM sottotipo caoticochaotic subtypeMM stabilestableGDM stordifostunnedGDM subire dannotake damage tagliasizeMM telepatiatelepathyMM tesorotreasureMM tipocreature typeMM tipo aberrazioneaberration typeMM tipo animaleanimal typeMM tipo umanoidehumanoid typeMM tiro per colpireattack rollMG tiro per colpire a distanzaranged attack rollMG tiro per colpire in mischiamelee attack rollMG Tiro salvezza sui RiflessiReflex saveMG Tiro salvezza sulla TempraFortitude saveMG tiro salvezza sulla VolontàWill saveMG velenopoisonMM velocitàspeedMG, MM visione crepuscolarelow-light visionMG, MM vista ciecablindsightMM viventeliving volareflyMM ability damagedGDM ability decrease ability drainMM ability drainedGDM ability modifierMG ability score lossMM acid effectsGDM adventuring party air subtypeMM alternate formMM angel subtypeMM arcane spell failureMG archon subtypeMM artifact augmented subtypeMM automatic hitMG automatic missMG baatezu subtypeMM base land speedMG base save bonusMG battle gridMG blindedGDM blindsenseMM blown awayGDM bolster undeadMG burrowMM calling subschoolMG cantripMG casting timeMG catching on fireGDM change shapeMM charm subschoolMG checkedGDM class featureMG climbMM cold dangersGDM cold immunity cold subtypeMM comatose command undeadMG command word itemGDM compulsionMG compulsion subschoolMG concealmentMG concentrate on a spellMG conjurationMG constrictMM construct typeMM continuous damageMG coweringGDM creation subschoolMG critical rollMG cure spellMG current hit pointsMG darknessGDM dazedGDM dazzledGDM deal damageMG -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
IngleseItalianoManuale kind knocked downDMG known spellincantesimi conosciutiPH LargeGrandePH lava effectsDMG lawfullegalePH, MM lethal damagePH levellivelloPH level adjustmentmodificatore di livelloMM level loss light weaponarma leggeraPH line of effectPH line of sightPH livingvivente living construct subtype low-light visionvisione crepuscolarePH, MM luck bonusbonus di fortunaDMG magical beast typeMM manufactured weaponsMM massive damagedanno massiccioPH masterworkperfettoPH Material PlanePiano MaterialeDMG MediumMedioPH, MM meleecorpo a corpo, mischiaPH melee attackattacco in mischiaPH melee attack bonusbonus di attacco in mischiaPH melee attack rolltiro per colpire in mischiaPH melee touch attackattacco di contatto in mischiaPH melee weaponarma corpo a corpoPH miniature figure miss chancePH miss chance rollPH modifiermodificatorePH monstrous humanoid typeMM morale bonusbonus di moraleDMG move actionazione di movimentoPH movement modesMM multiplying mundanePH native subtypeMM naturalnaturale natural ability natural armor bonus natural reach natural weaponMM nauseatedDMG necromancyPH negate negative energy Negative Energy PlaneDMG negative level nonabilitiesMM nonintelligent nonlethal damagePH nonplayer characterpersonaggio non giocante off handmano secondariaPH one-handed weaponarma ad una manoPH ooze typeMM orison Outer PlaneDMG outsider typeMM overlap panickedDMG paralysisMM paralyzedparalizzatoDMG party pattern subschoolPH penalty petrifiedpitrificatoDMG phantasm subschoolPH pinnedDMG plane of existencepiano di esistenzaDMG Plane of ShadowPiano delle OmbraDMG plant typeMM platinum piecemoneta di platinoPH player characterpersonaggio giocantePH point of origin points of damagepunti di dannoPH poisonvelenoMM polymorph positive energyenergia positiva Positive Energy PlaneDMG pounceMM powerful chargeMM prerequisiteDMG profane bonusDMG projectile weaponPH proneDMG psionicsMM racial bonus racial Hit DieMM rakeMM range incrementincremento di gittataPH range penaltyPH ranged attackattacco a distanzaPH ranged attack rolltiro per colpire a distanzaPH ranged touch attackattacco di contatto a distanzaPH ranged weaponarma a distanzaPH rayraggioMM reach weaponarma con portataPH reactionreazione rebuke undeadPH redirect a spell Reflex saveTiro salvezza sui RiflessiPH regenerationrigenerazioneMM rendMM reptilian subtypeMM resistance bonusDMG resistance to energyMM result roundroundPH rounding sacred bonusDMG saving throwPH scentMM school of magicPH scribe scryscrutarePH scrying subschoolPH shadow subschoolPH shakenscossoDMG shapechanger subtypeMM shield bonusbonus di scudoDMG sickenedDMG silver piecemoneta d'argentoPH sizetagliaMM size modifiermodificatore di tagliaPH, MM skillabilitàPH skill checkprova di abilitàPH skill modifierPH skill pointsPH skill rankPH SmallPiccoloPH, MM smoke effectsDMG sonic attackMM spacePH, MM special abilityMM special qualityMM speedvelocitàPH, MM spellincantesimoMM spell completion itemDMG spell descriptorPH spell failurePH spell immunityMM spell levelPH spell preparationPH spell resistanceresistenza agli incantesimiMM spell slotPH spell trigger itemDMG spell version spellcasterincantatorePH spell-like abilityabilità magicaMM splash weaponPH spontaneous castingPH squarequadrettoPH, MM stablestabileDMG stacksommare staggeredDMG standard actionazione standardPH starvationDMG StrengthForzaPH stunnedstordifoDMG subjectsoggetto subschoolPH subtypeMM suffocationDMG summonMM summoning subschoolPH supernatural abilityMM suppress surprisesorpresa swallow wholeMM swarm subtypeMM swift action swimnuotareMM take 10prendere 10PH take 20prendere 20PH take damagesubire danno tanar'ri subtypeMM targetbersaglio telepathic link telepathytelepatiaMM teleportation subschoolPH temporary hit pointspunti ferita temporaneiPH thirstDMG threat threat rangePH threaten threatened squarePH thrown weaponPH TinyMinuscolaPH, MM total concealmentPH total coverPH touch attackPH touch spellPH trainedPH trampleMM transitive planeDMG transmutationPH treasuretesoroMM tremorsenseMM turn turn resistanceMM turn undeadPH turnedDMG turning checkPH turning damagePH two-handed weaponarma a due maniPH unarmed attackPH, MM unarmed strikePH unconsciousDMG undead typeMM untrainedPH use-activated itemDMG vermin typeMM vulnerability to energyMM water dangersDMG water subtypeMM Will savetiro salvezza sulla VolontàPH WisdomSaggezzaPH yugoloth subtype -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
IngleseItalianoManuale 0-level spellincantesimo di livello 0PH 5-foot steppasso di 1,5 metriPH aberration typetipo aberrazioneMM abilitycaratteristicaPH ability checkprova di caratteristicaPH ability damagedanno a caratteristicaMM ability damagedDMG ability decrease ability drainMM ability drainedDMG ability modifierPH ability scorepunteggio di caratteristicaPH ability score lossMM abjurationabiurazionePH acid effectsDMG actionazionePH adjacentadiacentePH adventuring party air subtypeMM alignmentallineamentoPH, MM allyalleatoPH alternate formMM angel subtypeMM animal typetipo animaleMM antimagicantimagiaDMG aquatic subtypesottotipo acquaticoMM arcane spellincantesimo arcanoPH arcane spell failurePH archon subtypeMM armor bonusbonus armaturaPH Armor ClassClasse ArmaturaPH artifact Astral PlanePiano AstraleDMG attackattaccoPH attack of opportunityattacco d'opportunitàPH attack rolltiro per colpirePH augmented subtypeMM automatic hitPH automatic missPH baatezu subtypeMM base attack bonusbonus di attacco basePH base land speedPH base save bonusPH battle gridPH blindedDMG blindsenseMM blindsightvista ciecaMM blown awayDMG bolster undeadPH breath weaponarma a soffioMM burrowMM calling subschoolPH cantripPH cast a spelllanciare un incantesimoPH caster levellivello d'incantatorePH caster level checkprova di livello d'incantatorePH casting timePH catching on fireDMG change shapeMM chaotic subtypesottotipo caoticoMM characterpersonaggioPH character classclasse di personaggioPH character levellivello di personaggioPH CharismaCarismaPH charm subschoolPH checkprovaPH checkedDMG circumstance bonusbonus di circostanzaDMG classclassePH class featurePH class levellivello di classePH class skillabilità di classePH, MM climbMM cold dangersDMG cold immunity cold subtypeMM ColossalColossalePH, MM comatose command undeadPH command word itemDMG competence bonusbonus di competenzaDMG compulsionPH compulsion subschoolPH concealmentPH concentrate on a spellPH confusedconfusoDMG conjurationPH ConstitutionCostituzionePH constrictMM construct typeMM continuous damagePH copper piecemoneta di ramePH coup de gracecolpo di graziaPH covercoperturaPH coweringDMG creation subschoolPH creaturecreatura creature typetipoMM critical hitcolpo criticoPH critical rollPH cross-class skillabilità di classe crociataPH cure spellPH current hit pointsPH damagedanniPH damage reductionriduzione al dannoMM darknessDMG darkvisionscurovisionePH dazedDMG dazzledDMG deadmortoDMG deafenedassordatoDMG deal damagePH death attackDMG deflection bonusbonus di deviazioneDMG DexterityDestrezzaPH difficult terrain Difficulty ClassClasse di DifficoltàPH, DMG DiminutivePiccolissimaPH, MM direct a spellPH disabledDMG diseasemalattiaDMG dispel dispel check dispel turning divinationPH divine spellincantesimo divinoPH dodge bonusnbonus di schivataDMG domaindominioPH domain spellincantesimo di dominioPH double weaponarma doppiaPH dragon typeMM drowningDMG Dungeon MasterDungeon MasterDMG dyingmorentePH, DMG earth subtypeMM effective character levellivello effettivo del personaggioMM effective hit point increase eladrin subtypeMM electrumelectrum Elemental PlaneDMG elemental typeMM enchantmentammaliamentoPH end of roundfine del roundPH enemynemico energy charge energy damage energy drainMM energy drainedDMG Energy PlaneDMG engaged enhancement bonusbonus di potenziamentoDMG entangledDMG environmentMM etherealetereo Ethereal PlanePiano EtereoDMG evasionPH evil subtypeMM evocationPH exhaustedDMG experience pointsPH, DMG extraordinary abilityMM extraplanarMM extraplanar subtypeMM failure fallingDMG falling objectsDMG fascinatedDMG fast healingMM fatiguedDMG favored classPH, MM fear auraMM fear coneMM fear effect fear rayMM fey typeMM figment subschoolPH FineMinutaPH, MM fire immunity fire subtypeMM flankPH flat-footedcolto alla sprovvistaPH, DMG flightMM flyvolareMM force damage Fortitude saveTiro salvezza sulla TempraPH fraction free actionazione gratuitaPH frightenedDMG frightful presenceMM full normal hit points full-round actionazione di round completoPH GargantuanMastodonticaPH, MM gaseous formforma gassosa gazeMM giant typeMM glamer subschoolPH goblinoid subtypeMM gold piecemoneta d'oroPH good subtypeMM grabPH granted powerPH grapple checkprova di lottarePH grapplingDMG guardinal subtypeMM half speed hardnessdurezza healing subschoolPH heat dangersDMG helplessDMG hitcolpirePH Hit DieDado VitaMM hit pointspunti feritaPH HugeEnormePH, MM humanoid typetipo umanoideMM ice effectsDMG illusionillusionePH immediate action immunityimmunità improved evasionPH improved grabMM incorporealincorporeoDMG incorporeal subtypeMM infection inflict spellPH inherent bonusbonus intrinsecoDMG initiativeiniziativaPH initiative checkprova di iniziativaPH initiative count initiative modifiermodificatore di iniziativaPH Inner PlanesDMG insight bonusDMG IntelligenceIntelligenzaPH invisibleinvisibileDMG -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
ItalianoIngleseManuale death attackGDM difficult terrain direct a spellMG disabledGDM dispel dispel check dispel turning divinationMG dragon typeMM drowningGDM earth subtypeMM effective hit point increase eladrin subtypeMM Elemental PlaneGDM elemental typeMM energy charge energy damage energy drainMM energy drainedGDM Energy PlaneGDM engaged entangledGDM environmentMM evasionMG evil subtypeMM evocationMG exhaustedGDM experience pointsMG, GDM extraordinary abilityMM extraplanarMM extraplanar subtypeMM failure fallingGDM falling objectsGDM fascinatedGDM fast healingMM fatiguedGDM favored classMG, MM fear auraMM fear coneMM fear effect fear rayMM fey typeMM figment subschoolMG fire immunity fire subtypeMM flankMG flightMM force damage fraction frightenedGDM frightful presenceMM full normal hit points gazeMM giant typeMM glamer subschoolMG goblinoid subtypeMM good subtypeMM grabMG granted powerMG grapplingGDM guardinal subtypeMM half speed healing subschoolMG heat dangersGDM helplessGDM ice effectsGDM immediate action improved evasionMG improved grabMM incorporeal subtypeMM infection inflict spellMG initiative count Inner PlanesGDM insight bonusGDM kind knocked downGDM lava effectsGDM lethal damageMG level loss line of effectMG line of sightMG living construct subtype magical beast typeMM manufactured weaponsMM miniature figure miss chanceMG miss chance rollMG monstrous humanoid typeMM movement modesMM multiplying mundaneMG native subtypeMM natural ability natural armor bonus natural reach natural weaponMM nauseatedGDM necromancyMG negate negative energy Negative Energy PlaneGDM negative level nonabilitiesMM nonintelligent nonlethal damageMG ooze typeMM orison Outer PlaneGDM outsider typeMM overlap panickedGDM paralysisMM party pattern subschoolMG penalty phantasm subschoolMG pinnedGDM plant typeMM point of origin polymorph Positive Energy PlaneGDM pounceMM powerful chargeMM prerequisiteGDM profane bonusGDM projectile weaponMG proneGDM psionicsMM racial bonus racial Hit DieMM rakeMM range penaltyMG rebuke undeadMG redirect a spell rendMM reptilian subtypeMM resistance bonusGDM resistance to energyMM result rounding sacred bonusGDM saving throwMG scentMM school of magicMG scribe scrying subschoolMG shadow subschoolMG shapechanger subtypeMM sickenedGDM skill modifierMG skill pointsMG skill rankMG smoke effectsGDM sonic attackMM spaceMG, MM special abilityMM special qualityMM spell completion itemGDM spell descriptorMG spell failureMG spell immunityMM spell levelMG spell preparationMG spell slotMG spell trigger itemGDM spell version splash weaponMG spontaneous castingMG staggeredGDM starvationGDM subschoolMG subtypeMM suffocationGDM summonMM summoning subschoolMG supernatural abilityMM suppress swallow wholeMM swarm subtypeMM swift action tanar'ri subtypeMM telepathic link teleportation subschoolMG thirstGDM threat threat rangeMG threaten threatened squareMG thrown weaponMG total concealmentMG total coverMG touch attackMG touch spellMG trainedMG trampleMM transitive planeGDM transmutationMG tremorsenseMM turn turn resistanceMM turn undeadMG turnedGDM turning checkMG turning damageMG unarmed attackMG, MM unarmed strikeMG unconsciousGDM undead typeMM untrainedMG use-activated itemGDM vermin typeMM vulnerability to energyMM water dangersGDM water subtypeMM yugoloth subtype -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
ItalianoIngleseManuale Abilità FocalizzataSkill FocusMdG Attacco PoderosoPower AttackMdG Colpo StordenteStunning FistMdG Combattere alla CiecaBlind-FightMdG Combattere in SellaMounted CombatMdG Competenza nelle armi esoticheExotic Weapon ProficiencyMdG Critico miglioratoImproved CriticalMdG Duro a morireDiehardMdG Escludere componenti materialiEschew MaterialsMdG Estrazione RapidaQuick DrawMdG Famiglio MiglioratoImproved FamiliarMdG Incantare in combattimentoCombat CastingMdG Incantesimi EstesiExtend SpellMdG Incantesimi IngranditiEnlarge SpellMdG Incantesimi MassimizzatiMaximize SpellMdG Incantesimi RapidiQuicken SpellMdG Incantesimi SilenziosiSilent SpellMdG Incantesimo FocalizzatoSpell FocusMdG Maestria in combattimentoCombat ExpertiseMdG MobilitàMobilityMdG Riflessi in combattimentoCombat ReflexesMdG RobustezzaEnduranceMdG Scrivere PergameneScribe ScrollMdG Tiro PrecisoPrecise ShotMdG Tiro RapidoRapid ShotMdG AcrobaticMdG AgileMdG AlertnessMdG Animal AffinityMdG Armor Proficiency (Heavy)MdG Armor Proficiency (Light)MdG Armor Proficiency (Medium)MdG AthleticMdG Augment SummoningMdG Brew PotionMdG CleaveMdG Craft Magic Arms and ArmorMdG Craft RodMdG Craft StaffMdG Craft WandMdG Craft Wondrous ItemMdG DeceitfulMdG Deflect ArrowsMdG Deft HandsMdG DiligentMdG DodgeMdG Empower SpellMdG Extra TurningMdG Far ShotMdG Forge RingMdG Great CleaveMdG Great FortitudeMdG Greater Spell FocusMdG Greater Spell PenetrationMdG Greater Two-Weapon FightingMdG Greater Weapon FocusMdG Greater Weapon SpecializationMdG Heighten SpellMdG Improved Bull RushMdG Improved CounterspellMdG Improved DisarmMdG Improved FeintMdG Improved GrappleMdG Improved InitiativeMdG Improved OverrunMdG Improved Precise ShotMdG Improved Shield BashMdG Improved SunderMdG Improved TripMdG Improved TurningMdG Improved Two-Weapon FightingMdG Improved Unarmed StrikeMdG InvestigatorMdG Iron WillMdG LeadershipMdG Lightning ReflexesMdG Magical AptitudeMdG ManyshotMdG Martial Weapon ProficiencyMdG Mounted ArcheryMdG Natural SpellMdG NegotiatorMdG Nimble FingersMdG PersuasiveMdG Point Blank ShotMdG Rapid ReloadMdG Ride-By AttackMdG RunMdG Self-SufficientMdG Shield ProficiencyMdG Shot on the RunMdG Simple Weapon ProficiencyMdG Snatch ArrowsMdG Spell MasteryMdG Spell PenetrationMdG Spirited ChargeMdG Spring AttackMdG StealthyMdG Still SpellMdG ToughnessMdG Tower Shield ProficiencyMdG TrackMdG TrampleMdG Two-Weapon DefenseMdG Two-Weapon FightingMdG Weapon FinesseMdG Weapon FocusMdG Weapon SpecializationMdG Whirlwind AttackMdG Widen SpellMdG -
magia Applicazione e gestione della Metamagia
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di kellendros in D&D 3e regole
il problema è che un mio personaggio casta almeno 6 incantesimi al giorno persistenti/estesi... quindi non è una cosa troppo rara... -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
ItalianoIngleseManualePagina quori mindhunter quori nightmare radiant servant of Pelor rage mage rainbow servant Raumathari battlemage ravager reachrunner reaping mauler recaster Red WizardGDM Red Wizard reforged renegade mastermaker revenant blade righteous zealot rimefire witch risen martyr ronin ruathar Ruby Knight vindicator runecaster runecaster runescarred berserker runesmith sacred exorcist sacred fist sacred purifier sacred warder of Bahamut sanctified mind sanctified one sand shaper sapphire hierarch savant aboleth scaled horror scar enforcerRD scarlet corsair scion of Dantalion scion of Tem-Et-Nu scorpion heritor scorpion wraith scourge maiden Sea Mother whip sea witch seeker of the Misty Isle seeker of the song sentinel of Bharrai serene guardian serpent slayer Shaaryan hunter shade hunter shadow adept shadow adept shadow hunter shadow sentinelRD Shadow Sun ninja shadow thief of Amn shadowbane inquisitor shadowbane stalker shadowblade shadowcraft mage shadowcrafter shadowdancerGDM shadowmind shadowsmith shadowspy shadowstriker Sharn skymage shining blade of Heironeous Shou disciple silver key silver pyromancer silverstar Singer of Concordance siren skullclan hunter skylord skypledged slaad brooder slayer of Domiel slime lord solar channeler Soldier of Light soul eater soulbow soulcaster soulguard sovereign speaker spell scion spellcarved soldier spelldancer spellfire channeler Spellguard of Silverymoon spellsinger spellsword spellwarp sniper spinemeld warrior Spur Lord spymaster squire of legend stalker of Kharash steel legionnaire stoneblessed stonedeath assassin stonelord stonespeaker guardian storm disciple storm sentry stormcaster stormlord stormlord stormsinger stormtalon streetfighter strifeleader sublime chord Suel arcanamach Sun Soul monk sunmaster survivor swanmay swift scion swift wing sword dancer sword of righteousness sybil tactical soldier tainted scholar tainted sorcerer tainted warrior talon of Tiamat Talontar blightlord tattooed monk techsmith Telflammar shadowlord tempest temple raider of Olidammara Tenebrous apostate thaumaturgistGDM Thayan gladiator Thayan knight Thayan knight Thayan slaver thief of life thief-acrobat thrall of Demogorgon thrall of Graz'zt thrall of Juiblex thrall of Orcus thrallherd thunder guide tomb warden topaz guardian totem rager trapsmith Triadic knight troubadour of stars true necromancer twisted lord ultimate magus umbral disciple unbound scroll uncanny trickster unholy ravager of Tiamat Union Sentinel unseen seer urban savant urban soulRD ur-priest ur-priest Vadalis beastkeeper vassal of Bahamut vengeance knight vermin keeper vermin lord vigilant sentinel of Aerenal vigilante virtuoso visionary seeker void disciple walker in the waste war chanter war hulk war mind war weaver war wizard of Cormyr warchief warforged juggernaut warpriest warrior of darkness warrior skald warshaper warsling sniper wavekeeper waverider waveservant wayfarer guide wearer of purple wearer of purple weretouched master whisperknife wild mage wild plains outrider wild scout wild soul wildrunner windwalker windwright captain winterhaunt of Iborighu witch slayer witchborn binder Wizard of High Sorcery wonderworker wyrm wizard Yathchol webrider yathrinshee yuan-ti cultist zerth cenobite Zhentarim skymage Zhentarim spy -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
ItalianoIngleseManualePagina faith scion Fang of Sseth fatemaker fatespinner fiend of blasphemy fiend of corruption fiend of possession fiendbinder fiend-blooded Fist of Dal Quor fist of Raziel fist of the forest Fist of Zuoken flayerspawn psychic fleshwarper Fochlucan lyrist forest master forest reeve fortune's friend frenzied berserker frost mage frostrager gatecrasher gatekeeper mystagogue geomancer geometer ghost-faced killer giant-killer glorious servitor gnome artificer gnome giant-slayer goldeye goliath liberator gray guard Gray Hand enforcer Great Rift deep defender Great Rift skyguard Great Sea corsair Green Star adept guardian paramount guild thief guild wizard of Waterdeep halfling outrider Halruaan elder Halruaan magehound hammer of Moradin hand of the Adama hand of the winged masters Harper agent Harper mage Harper paragon Harper priest harper scout hathran hathran havoc mage Haztaratain heartwarder heir of Siberys hellbreaker hellfire warlock hellreaver hidecarved dragon hierophantGDM hierophant high elemental binder high proselytizer highland stalker hin fist Hoardstealer holt warden holy liberator holy scourge hordebreaker horizon walkerGDM horned harbinger hospitaler hulking hurler hunter of the dead iInitiate of the draconic mysteries illithid body tamer illithid savant illithid slayer illumine soul Imaskari vengeance taker impure prince incandescent champion incantatrix incantatrix incarnum blade initiate of Pistis Sophia Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil inquisitor inquisitor of the Drowning Goddess insidious corruptor invisible blade iron mind ironsoul forgemaster jade phoenix mage jaunter Jordain vizier justice of weald and woe justiciar justiciar of Taiia justiciar of Tyr Keeper of the Cerulean Sign kensai kinslayer Knight of the Blue Moon knight of the Chalice Knight of the Crown Knight of the Flying Hunt Knight of the Iron Glacier Knight of the Lily knight of the pearl knight of the raven Knight of the Rose knight of the sacred seal Knight of the Skull Knight of the Sword Knight of the Thorn Knight of the Weave knight phantom knight protector knight-errant of Silverymoon landforged walker legacy champion legendary captain legendary dreadnought legendary leader legendary tactician leviathan hunter lifedrinker Lightbringer lion of Talisid lord of tides loredelverRD loremasterGDM luckstealer Luiren marchwarden lurking terror lyric thaumaturge maester mage of the Arcane Order mage-killer magelord magical trickster maiden of pain malconvoker Maquar crusader martyred champion of Ilmater master alchemist master inquisitive master of flies master of many forms master of masks master of nine master of radiance master of shadow master of shrouds master of the unseen hand master of the Yuirwood master of vipers master specialist master thrower master transmogrifist master vampire Medani prophet menacing bruteRD merchant prince metamind mindbender mindspy monk of the long death Moonsea skysentinel moonspeaker Moonstar agent morninglord of Lathander mortal hunter mountebank mystic theurgeGDM mystic wanderer mythic exemplar naga overlord Nar demonbinder nature's warrior necrocarnate Nentyar hunter Night Mask deathbringer nightcloak nightmare spinner nightsong enforcer nightsong infiltrator noctumancer nosomatic chirurgeon occult slayer ocular adept Olin Gisir ollam orc scout orc warlord ordained champion Order of the Bow initiate outcast championRD pact-bound adept pale master paragnostic apostle paragnostic initiate peerless archer peregrine runner perfect wight pious templar planar champion planar shepherd planeshifter platinum knight prestige bard prestige paladin prestige ranger primal scholar prime Underdark guide primeval prophet of Erathaoi psibond agent psion uncarnate purifier of the Hallowed Doctrine Purple Dragon knight Purple Dragon knight Purple Dragon knight pyrokineticist -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
ItalianoIngleseManualePagina abolisher aburant champion acolyte of the ego acolyte of the skin agent retriever Aglarondan griffonrider alchemist savant alienist anarchic initiate ancient master anima mage animal lord anointed knight apostle of peace arachne arachnomancer arcachnomancer arcane archerGDM arcane devotee arcane devotee arcane hierophant arcane tricksterGDM archmageGDM archmage ardent dilettante argent fist argent savant ashworm dragoon assassinGDM astral dancer atavist auspician avenging executioner battle scion battle trickster battlerager battlesmith bear warrior beast heart adept beastmaster beholder mage beholder mage beloved of Valarian bereft berserk Black Blood cultist black blood hunter black dog black flame zealot Black Flame zealot blackguardGDM blade bravo blade of Orien bladesinger bladesinger blighter blood magus bloodclaw master bloodhound bloodscaled fury bloodstorm blade bonded summoner bone knight breachgnome brimstone speaker cabinet trickster cancer mage Cannith wand adept cataclysm mage cavalier cavelord cavestalker celebrant of Sharess celestial mystic cerebremancer chameleonRD champion of Corellon Larethian champion of Gwynharwyf chaotician child of night church inquisitor cipher adept Citadel elite cloaked dancer cloud anchorite cognition thief coiled cabalist combat medic combat trapsmith consecrated harrier contemplative corrupt avenger cosmic descryer court herald cragtop archer crimson scourge Crinti shadow marauder cryokineticist cultist of the Shattered Peak Cyran avenger Cyre scout daggerspell mage daggerspell shaper dark hunter Dark Lantern dark scholar Darkmask darkrunner darkwood stalker dawncaller deadgrim death delver death's chosen deep diviner deepstone sentinel deepwarden defender of Sealtiel defiant demonbinder demonologist demonwrecker Deneith warden dervish diabolist diamond dragon dirgesinger disciple of Ashardalon disciple of Asmodeus disciple of Baalzebul disciple of Dispater disciple of Mammon disciple of Mephistopheles disciple of the eye disciple of the word disciple of Thrym dispassionate watcher of Chronepsis divine agent divine champion divine champion divine crusader divine disciple divine disciple divine emissary divine oracle divine prankster divine seeker divine seeker doomguide doomlord dracolexi dracolyte dragon ascendant dragon descendant dragon devotee dragon discipleGDM dragon lord dragon prophet dragon rider dragon samurai dragonheart mage dragonkith dragonmark heir dragonrider dragonslayer dragonsong lyrist dragonstalker dread commando dread fang of Lolth dread pirate dread witch dreadmaster drow judicator drunken master duelistGDM dungeon delver Duraak'ash durthan dwarven defenderGDM dweomerkeeper earth dreamer ebon saint Ebonmar infiltrator ectopic adept effigy master Eldeen ranger eldritch disciple eldritch knightGDM eldritch theurge elemental archon elemental master elemental savant elemental scion of Zilargo elemental warrior elocater elven high mage emancipated spawn emissary of Barachiel enlightened fist enlightened spirit entropomancer ephemeral exemplar epic arcane archer epic assassin epic blackguard epic dwarven defender epic infiltrator epic loremaster epic psion epic psychic warrior epic shadowdancer escalation mage eternal blade evangelist Evereskan tomb guardian exalted arcanist exemplar exorcist of the Silver Flame exotic weapon master extreme explorer eye of Gruumsh eye of Horus-Re eye of Lolth -
il problema sul fatto che scudo sia persistente è che è arcano, tranne forse per qche dominio, e quindi difficilmente persistentabile (davvero useresti uno slot di 7° per un +4 shield bonus all'AC?)
magia Applicazione e gestione della Metamagia
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di kellendros in D&D 3e regole
interessante teoria... forse sai che alla fine è anche la più regolistica, anche se ovviamente la meno logica?!? (ma dnd con la sua regola 2x2=3 non è molto logico!!!) -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
IngleseItalianoManualePagina quori mindhunterMoE77 quori nightmareRE148 radiant servant of PelorCD52 rage mageCW72 rainbow servantCD54 Raumathari battlemageUna29 ravagerCW73 reachrunnerRE153 reaping maulerCW75 recasterRE157 Red WizardDMG193 Red WizardFRCS50 reforgedRE161 renegade mastermakerMoE81 revenant bladePE108 righteous zealotDCS83 rimefire witchFr67 risen martyrBE68 roninCW77 ruatharRW122 Ruby Knight vindicatorToB122 runecasterFRCS51 runecasterPG69 runescarred berserkerUna31 runesmithRS118 sacred exorcistCD56 sacred fistCD59 sacred purifierLM49 sacred warder of BahamutDr96 sanctified mindLoM198 sanctified oneCC99 sand shaperSa76 sapphire hierarchMoI136 savant abolethLoM21 scaled horrorSS83 scar enforcerRD130 scarlet corsairSto65 scion of DantalionTM59 scion of Tem-Et-NuSa82 scorpion heritorSa86 scorpion wraithSX130 scourge maidenShS40 Sea Mother whipUnd42 sea witchSto68 seeker of the Misty IsleCD61 seeker of the songCAr56 sentinel of BharraiBE69 serene guardianShGPG7 serpent slayerSK166 Shaaryan hunterPG71 shade hunterCR58 shadow adeptFRCS52 shadow adeptPG72 shadow hunterDra117 shadow sentinelRD137 Shadow Sun ninjaToB126 shadow thief of AmnPG74 shadowbane inquisitorCAd68 shadowbane stalkerCAd70 shadowbladeTM129 shadowcraft mageRS120 shadowcrafterUnd43 shadowdancerDMG194 shadowmindCAd74 shadowsmithTM132 shadowspyCC105 shadowstrikerCC108 Sharn skymageSh165 shining blade of HeironeousCD63 Shou discipleUna32 silver keyDra120 silver pyromancerFN150 silverstarFP201 Singer of ConcordanceRDr91 sirenSS84 skullclan hunterMH20 skylordBE71 skypledgedRW126 slaad brooderSS87 slayer of DomielBE73 slime lordPG186 solar channelerShGPG9 Soldier of LightDD208 soul eaterBV66 soulbowCP36 soulcasterMoI142 soulguardFCII95 sovereign speakerFE32 spell scionUA167 spellcarved soldierRE166 spelldancerMag37 spellfire channelerMag38 Spellguard of SilverymoonPG75 spellsingerRac185 spellswordCW79 spellwarp sniperCS64 spinemeld warriorMoI147 Spur LordLD11 spymasterCAd76 squire of legendCC110 stalker of KharashBE75 steel legionnaireDCS68 stoneblessedRS122 stonedeath assassinRS124 stonelordCW81 stonespeaker guardianRS127 storm discipleCP40 storm sentryDra124 stormcasterSto72 stormlordCD65 stormlordFP203 stormsingerFr70 stormtalonRW131 streetfighterCAd79 strifeleaderFP204 sublime chordCAr60 Suel arcanamachCAr63 Sun Soul monkCSW88 sunmasterLE25 survivorSS89 swanmayBE76 swift scionUA168 swift wingDM50 sword dancerFP205 sword of righteousnessBE77 sybilSS90 tactical soldierMH22 tainted scholarHH113 tainted sorcererUA191 tainted warriorUA193 talon of TiamatDr134 Talontar blightlordUna34 tattooed monkCW82 techsmithFP206 Telflammar shadowlordUna36 tempestCAd81 temple raider of OlidammaraCD67 Tenebrous apostateTM63 thaumaturgistDMG196 Thayan gladiatorCR63 Thayan knightCW85 Thayan knightLD64 Thayan slaverUna37 thief of lifeFE84 thief-acrobatCAd83 thrall of DemogorgonBV67 thrall of Graz'ztBV68 thrall of JuiblexBV70 thrall of OrcusBV71 thrallherdXPH153 thunder guideEH64 tomb wardenLM57 topaz guardianLoM203 totem ragerMoI153 trapsmithDu53 Triadic knightCoV123 troubadour of starsBE78 true necromancerLM51 twisted lordShGPG13 ultimate magusCM77 umbral discipleMoI158 unbound scrollDra127 uncanny tricksterCS67 unholy ravager of TiamatDr97 Union SentinelEL35 unseen seerCM81 urban savantCi100 urban soulRD141 ur-priestBV72 ur-priestCD70 Vadalis beastkeeperDra130 vassal of BahamutBE80 vengeance knightCR67 vermin keeperUnd44 vermin lordBV73 vigilant sentinel of AerenalMoE85 vigilanteCAd85 virtuosoCAd89 visionary seekerPlH53 void discipleCD72 walker in the waste Sa 89 war chanter CW 87 war hulk MH 22 war mind XPH 155 war weaver HB 112 war wizard of Cormyr Mag 40 warchief MH 24 warforged juggernaut ECS 83 warpriest CD 74 warrior of darkness BV 75 warrior skald Rac 186 warshaper CW 89 warsling sniper Rac 188 wavekeeper Sto 76 waverider SS 93 waveservant FP 209 wayfarer guide CAr 65 wearer of purple DrF 67 wearer of purple FP 210 weretouched master ECS 85 whisperknife RW 135 wild mage CAr 68 wild plains outrider CAd 92 wild scout SM 117 wild soul CM 84 wildrunner RW 139 windwalker FP 212 windwright captain EH 70 winterhaunt of Iborighu Fr 72 witch slayer TM 67 witchborn binder MoI 162 Wizard of High Sorcery DCS 71 wonderworker BE 82 wyrm wizard DM 55 Yathchol webrider Und 46 yathrinshee PG 187 yuan-ti cultist SS 97 zerth cenobite CP 43 Zhentarim skymage LD 102 Zhentarim spy PG 77 -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
IngleseItalianoManualePagina faith scionUA166 Fang of SsethSK162 fatemakerPlH50 fatespinnerCAr37 fiend of blasphemyFF200 fiend of corruptionFF202 fiend of possessionFF204 fiendbinderTM220 fiend-bloodedHH102 Fist of Dal QuorSoS119 fist of RazielBE62 fist of the forestCC80 Fist of ZuokenXPH144 flayerspawn psychicCP30 fleshwarperLoM189 Fochlucan lyristCAd47 forest masterFP193 forest reeveCC82 fortune's friendCS38 frenzied berserkerCW34 frost mageFr58 frostragerFr60 gatecrasherMP26 gatekeeper mystagoguePE88 geomancerCD41 geometerCAr39 ghost-faced killerCAd51 giant-killerSM109 glorious servitorLE13 gnome artificerMag23 gnome giant-slayerCW36 goldeyeFP194 goliath liberatorRS112 gray guardCS40 Gray Hand enforcerCSW77 Great Rift deep defenderShS24 Great Rift skyguardRac183 Great Sea corsairShS26 Green Star adeptCAr41 guardian paramountEL30 guild thiefFRCS45 guild wizard of WaterdeepMag26 halfling outriderCW38 Halruaan elderShS27 Halruaan magehoundShS29 hammer of MoradinPG56 hand of the AdamaShS31 hand of the winged mastersDM43 Harper agentPG58 Harper mageMag28 Harper paragonPG181 Harper priestMag29 harper scoutFRCS46 hathranFRCS47 hathranPG59 havoc mageMH20 HaztaratainSoS122 heartwarderFP196 heir of SiberysECS80 hellbreakerFCII86 hellfire warlockFCII89 hellreaverFCII92 hidecarved dragonDr94 hierophantDMG188 hierophantFRCS48 high elemental binderPE104 high proselytizerEL31 highland stalkerCAd54 hin fistShS32 HoardstealerDr130 holt wardenCC84 holy liberatorCD45 holy scourgeCM64 hordebreakerSM110 horizon walkerDMG189 horned harbingerFP197 hospitalerCD48 hulking hurlerCW40 hunter of the deadCW42 iInitiate of the draconic mysteriesDr131 illithid body tamerUnd35 illithid savantSS77 illithid slayerXPH146 illumine soulCP33 Imaskari vengeance takerUnd37 impure princeMoE73 incandescent championMoI115 incantatrixMag31 incantatrixPG61 incarnum bladeMoI121 initiate of Pistis SophiaBE64 Initiate of the Sevenfold VeilCAr44 inquisitorDCS80 inquisitor of the Drowning GoddessUnd39 insidious corruptorDrU83 invisible bladeCW44 iron mindRS114 ironsoul forgemasterMoI126 jade phoenix mageToB113 jaunterEDP172 Jordain vizierShS33 justice of weald and woeCR48 justiciarCW47 justiciar of TaiiaDD205 justiciar of TyrPG63 Keeper of the Cerulean SignLoM194 kensaiCW49 kinslayerDrU87 Knight of the Blue MoonCSW81 knight of the ChaliceCW53 Knight of the CrownDCS56 Knight of the Flying HuntCV106 Knight of the Iron GlacierFr62 Knight of the LilyDCS63 knight of the pearlSto52 knight of the ravenRav200 Knight of the RoseDCS59 knight of the sacred sealTM54 Knight of the SkullDCS65 Knight of the SwordDCS58 Knight of the ThornDCS66 Knight of the WeaveCV111 knight phantomFN41 knight protectorCW55 knight-errant of SilverymoonSM112 landforged walkerSX123 legacy championWL19 legendary captainSto56 legendary dreadnoughtEL33 legendary leaderHB107 legendary tacticianDCS81 leviathan hunterSto61 lifedrinkerBV63 LightbringerRav204 lion of TalisidBE65 lord of tidesSa70 loredelverRD117 loremasterDMG191 luckstealerRW118 Luiren marchwardenShS35 lurking terrorLM54 lyric thaumaturgeCM67 maesterCAd56 mage of the Arcane OrderCAr48 mage-killerMag32 magelordLE17 magical tricksterCS45 maiden of painPG182 malconvokerCS48 Maquar crusaderShS38 martyred champion of IlmaterPG184 master alchemistMag34 master inquisitiveECS82 master of fliesSS80 master of many formsCAd58 master of masksCS52 master of nineToB119 master of radianceLM44 master of shadowTM121 master of shroudsLM46 master of the unseen handCW60 master of the YuirwoodUna24 master of vipersSK163 master specialistCM70 master throwerCW58 master transmogrifistCAr51 master vampireLM55 Medani prophetDra110 menacing bruteRD123 merchant princePF71 metamindXPH147 mindbenderCAr54 mindspyCW62 monk of the long deathPG65 Moonsea skysentinelCV117 moonspeakerRE143 Moonstar agentCSW84 morninglord of LathanderPG66 mortal hunterBV64 mountebankCS57 mystic theurgeDMG192 mystic wandererMag35 mythic exemplarCC86 naga overlordSK165 Nar demonbinderUna25 nature's warriorCW63 necrocarnateMoI132 Nentyar hunterUna28 Night Mask deathbringerCR53 nightcloakFP198 nightmare spinnerCM74 nightsong enforcerCAd60 nightsong infiltratorCAd62 noctumancerTM125 nosomatic chirurgeonDra114 occult slayerCW66 ocular adeptFP200 Olin GisirLE21 ollamCAd66 orc scoutSM114 orc warlordRac184 ordained championCC90 Order of the Bow initiateCW68 outcast championRD126 pact-bound adeptDM46 pale masterLM47 paragnostic apostleCC94 paragnostic initiateCC96 peerless archerSM115 peregrine runnerRS116 perfect wightEL34 pious templarCD50 planar championMP28 planar shepherdFE105 planeshifterMP30 platinum knightDr133 prestige bardUA69 prestige paladinUA70 prestige rangerUA71 primal scholarSX127 prime Underdark guideUnd40 primevalFr65 prophet of ErathaoiBE66 psibond agentCS60 psion uncarnateXPH148 purifier of the Hallowed DoctrineHH108 Purple Dragon knightCW70 Purple Dragon knightFRCS49 Purple Dragon knightPG68 pyrokineticistXPH151 -
dnd 3e Materiale Ufficiale Pubblicato
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Richter Seller in Dungeons & Dragons
IngleseItalianoManualePagina abolisherLoM182 aburant championCM50 acolyte of the egoTM204 acolyte of the skinCAr19 agent retrieverEL24 Aglarondan griffonriderUna18 alchemist savantMoE53 alienistCAr21 anarchic initiateCP17 ancient masterSK159 anima mageTM50 animal lordCAd22 anointed knightBE49 apostle of peaceBE51 arachneFP182 arachnomancerDrU65 arcachnomancerUnd28 arcane archerDMG176 arcane devoteeFRCS40 arcane devoteePG48 arcane hierophantRW108 arcane tricksterDMG177 archmageDMG178 archmageFRCS41 ardent dilettantePlH55 argent fistFE70 argent savantCAr24 ashworm dragoonSa66 assassinDMG180 astral dancerPlH63 atavistRE133 auspicianFP184 avenging executionerCS24 battle scionUA164 battle tricksterCS28 battleragerRac178 battlesmithRS97 bear warriorCW16 beast heart adeptDu48 beastmasterCAd26 beholder mageLoM42 beholder mageMon21 beloved of ValarianBE53 bereftTM208 berserkDD201 Black Blood cultistCR44 black blood hunterPG177 black dogDra95 black flame zealotCD21 Black Flame zealotUna21 blackguardDMG181 blade bravoRS99 blade of OrienDra99 bladesingerCW17 bladesingerRac179 blighterCD23 blood magusCAr26 bloodclaw masterToB96 bloodhoundCAd28 bloodscaled furyDr86 bloodstorm bladeToB100 bonded summonerMH16 bone knightFN117 breachgnomeRac181 brimstone speakerTM212 cabinet tricksterRE139 cancer mageBV52 Cannith wand adeptSh162 cataclysm mageEH58 cavalierCW19 cavelordUnd30 cavestalkerDrU68 celebrant of SharessPG178 celestial mysticBE55 cerebremancerXPH141 chameleonRD111 champion of Corellon LarethianRW113 champion of GwynharwyfBE56 chaoticianPlH61 child of nightTM117 church inquisitorCD26 cipher adeptPlH58 Citadel eliteSh163 cloaked dancerCS31 cloud anchoriteFr52 cognition thiefPG174 coiled cabalistSK161 combat medicHB99 combat trapsmithCS34 consecrated harrierCD28 contemplativeCD30 corrupt avengerHH88 cosmic descryerEL26 court heraldPF108 cragtop archerRS101 crimson scourgeCi92 Crinti shadow marauderShS23 cryokineticistFr54 cultist of the Shattered PeakLE10 Cyran avengerFN86 Cyre scoutDra101 daggerspell mageCAd31 daggerspell shaperCAd36 dark hunterCW20 Dark LanternFN68 dark scholarShG11 DarkmaskLD33 darkrunnerLoM186 darkwood stalkerCW23 dawncallerRS103 deadgrimMoE57 death delverHH93 death's chosenLM41 deep divinerUnd32 deepstone sentinelToB105 deepwardenRS105 defender of SealtielBE58 defiantPlH44 demonbinderDrU72 demonologistBV54 demonwreckerEDP168 Deneith wardenDra105 dervishCW25 diabolistBV56 diamond dragonDM30 dirgesingerLM43 disciple of AshardalonDr87 disciple of AsmodeusBV57 disciple of BaalzebulBV58 disciple of DispaterBV60 disciple of MammonBV60 disciple of MephistophelesBV62 disciple of the eyeRDr75 disciple of the wordTM216 disciple of ThrymFr56 dispassionate watcher of ChronepsisDr89 divine agentMP24 divine championFRCS42 divine championPG49 divine crusaderCD33 divine discipleFRCS43 divine disciplePG51 divine emissaryEL27 divine oracleCD34 divine pranksterRS107 divine seekerFRCS44 divine seekerPG52 doomguideFP186 doomlordPlH47 dracolexiRDr79 dracolyteDr122 dragon ascendantDr90 dragon descendantDM34 dragon devoteeRDr84 dragon discipleDMG183 dragon lordDM38 dragon prophetMoE63 dragon riderDCS77 dragon samuraiMH18 dragonheart mageRDr88 dragonkithDr123 dragonmark heirECS73 dragonriderDr124 dragonslayerDr125 dragonsong lyristDr127 dragonstalkerDr128 dread commandoHB103 dread fang of LolthDrU76 dread pirateCAd39 dread witchHH98 dreadmasterFP188 drow judicatorUnd33 drunken masterCW27 duelistDMG185 dungeon delverCAd42 Duraak'ashDra107 durthanUna22 dwarven defenderDMG186 dweomerkeeperFP189 earth dreamerRS110 ebon saintCP22 Ebonmar infiltratorCi79 ectopic adeptCP26 effigy masterCAr30 Eldeen rangerECS74 eldritch discipleCM53 eldritch knightDMG187 eldritch theurgeCM57 elemental archonFP190 elemental masterDr92 elemental savantCAr32 elemental scion of ZilargoMoE68 elemental warriorPlH65 elocaterXPH142 elven high mageRac182 emancipated spawnSS75 emissary of BarachielBE59 enlightened fistCAr34 enlightened spiritCM60 entropomancerCD36 ephemeral exemplarLM53 epic arcane archerEL17 epic assassinEL18 epic blackguardEL19 epic dwarven defenderEL20 epic infiltratorEL28 epic loremasterEL20 epic psionEL22 epic psychic warriorEL23 epic shadowdancerEL21 escalation mageFE52 eternal bladeToB109 evangelistCD39 Evereskan tomb guardianPG53 exalted arcanistBE61 exemplarCAd44 exorcist of the Silver FlameECS77 exotic weapon masterCW30 extreme explorerECS79 eye of GruumshCW31 eye of Horus-RePG54 eye of LolthDrU80 -
magia Applicazione e gestione della Metamagia
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di kellendros in D&D 3e regole
sì, ma se la durata di uno spell è 24 ore, e lo si estende diventa 48... ora se io applico prima persistent e poi extend tecnicamente diventa 48... -
[3.5] Native and extraplanar outsider
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di Andre Duval in D&D 3e regole
Però sotto il suggeriemtno di morken sono andato a leggere con attenzione la dicitura di extraplanar di Monster manual che dice che la creatura guadagna o perde il extraplanar subtype viaggiando nei piani... infatti la creatura dark è extraplanar ovunque tranne che nel piano del shadow dove lo perde. Native invece indica tutta un'altra cosa legata ESCLUSIVAMENTE al primo materiale! risolto il dubbio, se non fosse che nel manuale dei mostri ci siano 3 righe che dicono che nei piani di transizione (astrale, etereo, ombre) non si guardagna/perde il subtype... però a questa regola posso fare una eccezione e continuare con la regola sopra esposta!! -
ovviamente no, perché essendo due bonus armatura non si sommano, ma esiste solo il maggiore (luminous armor). tieni presente che al 4° livello esiste una versione migliorata di luminous armor che aumenta il bonus di armatura a +8 (mantenendo il malus di -4 ai tiri per colpire avversari!)
magia Applicazione e gestione della Metamagia
Andre Duval ha risposto alla discussione di kellendros in D&D 3e regole
il mio dubbio sta proprio lì... esteso dice il doppio della durata (non parla di durata base!) su peristent spell dice che la durata è estesa a 24 ore. quindi non vedo sovrapposizione... il fatto è mi chiedo se esiste una regola che dice che c'è un ordine di applicazione dei talenti di metamagia... mi pare di ricordare da qche parte ci fosse scritto che potevano essere applicati in modo differente a scelta del giocatore... faccio un esempio analogo: palla di fuoco da 10d6 potenziata e massimizzata. fa 90 punti di danno (ignoriamo save e altre cose), ovvero 60 (max di 10d6) x 1,5 (potenziato). Però se io facessi prima potenziata (10d6 x 1,5) e poi massimizzato diventerebbe 60 (il massimo di 10d6 è sempre e cmq 60...) dubbio che continua...